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Calano's Inspirational Song Analyses


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Welcome!!! This is where I will post current and future Song Analyses, (abbreviated to SA's) and accept suggestions from others.

First up, posting (and spoilering) the 2 I've already created and posted in 2 SU's.

Song Analysis #1: Six, Sleeping At Last


I'd like to share with you all some full song lyrics that resonate deeply with my soul.

The song in question is titled Six, and is by the amazing artist Sleeping At Last.


I had the most vivid dream
My feet had left the ground
I was floating to heaven
But I could only look down

My mind was heavy
Running ragged with worst case scenarios
Emergency exits and the distance below
I woke up so worried that the angels let go

Oh, God, I'm so tired
Of being afraid

What would it feel like
To put this baggage down?
If I'm being honest
I'm not sure I'd know how

I want to take shelter, but I'm ready, ready to fight
Somewhere in the middle, I feel a little paralysed
Maybe I'm stronger
Than I realize

I want to believe
No, I choose to believe
That I was made to become
A sanctuary

Fear won't go away
But I can keep it at bay
These invisible walls
Just might keep us safe

With a vigilant heart
I'll push into the dark
And I'll learn to breathe deep
And make peace with the stars

Is it courage or faith
To show up every day?
To trust that there will be light
Always waiting behind
Even the darkest of nights

No matter what
Somehow we'll be okay
Don't be afraid


I will now proceed with an in depth analysis of all these lyrics.

"I had the most vivid dream/My feet had left the ground
I was floating to heaven/But I could only look down"

In dreaming that I had perhaps died or something similar, I would have discovered I would not have been able to let go of my earthly tethers. I would (and still do) constantly worry about everyone I care about.

"My mind was heavy/Running ragged with worst case scenarios
Emergency exits and the distance below/I woke up so worried that the angels let go"

I overthink everything, literally everything. It's honestly a problem, and as such, I need to constantly be reassured. It's a miracle I haven't scared away half of my friends.

"Oh, God, I'm so tired/Of being afraid"

Nothing else to say other than I'm legitimately so tired, of all the worrying, the constant nagging in the back of my mind.

"What would it feel like/To put this baggage down?
If I'm being honest/I'm not sure I'd know how"

Metaphorical baggage, guys. I have so much weight on my shoulders, and I can't figure out how to put it down. There is no easy way for me to do it. I haven't figured it out.

"I want to take shelter, but I'm ready, ready to fight/Somewhere in the middle, I feel a little paralysed
Maybe I'm stronger/Than I realize"

I'm always being told I'm stronger than I realize, and it paralyzes me. It shocks me to my bones, and I don't know how to believe it.

"I want to believe/No, I choose to believe
That I was made to become/A sanctuary"

Screw the fear. I am a sanctuary for all of my friends, and then some. Even if it absolutely ruins me mentally, I make sure everyone around me is smiling.

"Fear won't go away/But I can keep it at bay
These invisible walls/Just might keep us safe"

Somehow I make sure the walls around my heart and mind's core components stay safe and well stocked against the fear and anxiety and worry. Sometimes it breaks through, though, resulting in an anxiety attack.

"With a vigilant heart/I'll push into the dark
And I'll learn to breathe deep/And make peace with the stars"

With every anxiety attack, I find new ways to get through it. I find people I need to be around to preserve my mental health. One such person is my girlfriend, DoomslugLuna, who helped me through my anxiety attack last night by taking my hand and silently directing me to take deep breaths. For that, I thank her.

"Is it courage or faith/To show up every day?
To trust that there will be light/Always waiting behind/Even the darkest of nights"

I make it through every day with this in mind. Is it courage? Is it faith? Will there ever be the same amount of light there was before? Has it permanently dimmed? Can I recover? I am still unsure to the answers to these questions. But I am working on it.

"No matter what/Somehow we'll be okay/Don't be afraid"

No matter what, somehow I'll be ok. I don't need to be afraid.

And yet, I find myself afraid, I find myself wondering if it will actually be okay.

But I want to believe. And I choose to believe.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you all can learn to see the light. It's beautiful.

Song Analysis #2: Bird Song, Juniper Vale


Welcome! This is going to be a recurring thing, I think, and I might make it a thread somewhere. I dunno.

Anyways, time to analyze Bird Song by Juniper Vale, and explain why it resonates with me and how it can be a positive thing or whatever.


Sometimes I wish I was a nightingale
I'd make my lullaby a fairytale
Sometimes I feel like I'm a mockingbird
Mimicking the songs that I've already heard

I want to dance on the horizon line
But there is something I am caged behind
I have a heart made for take flight
But I'm low, so low

Listen to the sound of my heart beat slow
Yeah, my heart's like yours, my heart's like yours
Listen to the sound, oh it feels like home
When our hearts beat slow together
Listen to the sound of my heart beat slow
Yeah, my heart's like yours, my heart's like yours
Listen to the sound, oh it feels like home
When our hearts beat slow together

I want to join in with the meadowlarks
Chase after the song of where the wild things are
The symphony's awakening my sparrow heart
I know, I'll go

Ohh, I'm still waiting
Ohh, Be still, take wing

Listen to the sound of my heart beat slow
Yeah, my heart's like yours, my heart's like yours
Listen to the sound, oh it feels like home
When our hearts beat slow together
Listen to the sound of my heart beat slow
Yeah, my heart's like yours, my heart's like yours
Listen to the sound, oh it feels like home
When our hearts beat slow together

The symphony's awakening my sparrow heart
When our hearts beat slow together


"Sometimes I wish I was a nightingale/I'd make my lullaby a fairytale
Sometimes I feel like I'm a mockingbird/Mimicking the songs that I've already heard"

The simplicity of being a bird, the simplicity of creativity and being able to create your own 'fairytale,' so to speak, is alluring to me and I imagine to most people. But, most of us mimic others, giving the illusion of creativity, as if we are but mockingbirds.

"I want to dance on the horizon line/But there is something I am caged behind
I have a heart made for take flight/But I'm low, so low"

We all feel like we want to fly, to be independent, to be our own person. But, 'there is something I am caged behind.' That is to say, life pulls us down, gives us responsibilites and expectations, when all we want is to be free.

"Listen to the sound of my heart beat slow/Yeah, my heart's like yours, my heart's like yours
Listen to the sound, oh it feels like home/When our hearts beat slow together
Listen to the sound of my heart beat slow/Yeah, my heart's like yours, my heart's like yours
Listen to the sound, oh it feels like home/When our hearts beat slow together"

Find someone. Find someone that slows your heart rate, that makes your responsibilites and expectations float away. And be free. Feel the beat of the earth, the Rhythm of Freedom (ha see what I did there).

"I want to join in with the meadowlarks/Chase after the song of where the wild things are
The symphony's awakening my sparrow heart/I know, I'll go"

So, you've found freedom. Correction, you've found an opportunity at freedom. Chase after it! Go after it! Fly after it! Let your responsibilites and expectations float away, as you soar into the open endless skies of Freedom!

"Ohh, I'm still waiting/Ohh, Be still, take wing"

And you will take to the skies, you're just waiting for the right opportunity, with the right person, at the right time.

"Listen to the sound of my heart beat slow/Yeah, my heart's like yours, my heart's like yours
Listen to the sound, oh it feels like home/When our hearts beat slow together
Listen to the sound of my heart beat slow/Yeah, my heart's like yours, my heart's like yours
Listen to the sound, oh it feels like home/When our hearts beat slow together"

You did it. You found a person. You found the person. You found freedom, you're flying, you're free, the rush of it all thrumming in your veins! That's the message. Strive for freedom and peace!

"The symphony's awakening my sparrow heart/When our hearts beat slow together"

The symphony of freedom and peace elates beyond comparison. And you and your person, or just you and the heart of the freedom, beat slow together.

Find the freedom.

Find your freedom.

Chase it, fly after it.

Now that those are out of the way, I will proceed with the third one, on a suggestion from @The Wandering Wizard

Song Analysis #3: (It's Gonna Be) Okay, The Piano Guys


Doubt is a broken record that plays inside my head
I try to turn it down, but I can't quite drown it out
I'm tortured everyday, these never ending worries, pulling on my sleeves

So many times now I was supposed to tap out
All the walls would fall down around me
All anybody would tell me, is all that bad news how it's gonna fall through
But no matter what they say or what they say,
It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)
It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)

No matter what you've been through here you are
No matter if you think you're falling apart
It's gonna be, okay

And there is a battle raging in your heart but you must win
It comes for all of us, saying we are not enough
So fight for your life the worlds gonna try
To sell you some lies

So many times now I was supposed to tap out
All the walls would fall down around me
All anybody would tell me, is all that bad news how it's gonna fall through
But no matter what they say or what they say,
It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)
It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)

No matter what you've been through here you are
No matter if you think you're falling apart
It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)
It's gonna be, okay

It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)
It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)

No matter what you've been through here you are
No matter if you think you're falling apart

It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)
It's gonna be, okay

Woah, woah, woah (it's gonna be, gonna be)
Woah, woah, woah (it's gonna be, okay)
Woah, woah, woah (it's gonna be, gonna be)
Woah, woah, woah (it's gonna be, okay)

"Doubt is a broken record that plays inside my head/I try to turn it down, but I can't quite drown it out
I'm tortured everyday, these never ending worries, pulling on my sleeves"

Similar to my first analysis of Six, this is a similar message. The mind is plagued by voices, by never ending anxieties and worries that pull you down and make you wonder why life is so important.

"So many times now I was supposed to tap out/All the walls would fall down around me
All anybody would tell me, is all that bad news how it's gonna fall through/But no matter what they say or what they say,
It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)/It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)"

Even though the whole world is telling you it won't get better, everything would collapse around you, you have to power through. Believe with your whole being that it's gonna be okay.

"No matter what you've been through here you are/No matter if you think you're falling apart/It's gonna be, okay"

Again, no matter what, you can recover. You can surface. You can be your own person and believe it will be okay.

"And there is a battle raging in your heart but you must win/It comes for all of us, saying we are not enough
So fight for your life the worlds gonna try/To sell you some lies"

The battle in your heart is Society V. Self. Society- the world- feeds you countless lies, saying you aren't enough. Your mind does the same thing. It's crushing and suffocating.

Power through. You can do it.

"So many times now I was supposed to tap out/All the walls would fall down around me
All anybody would tell me, is all that bad news how it's gonna fall through/But no matter what they say or what they say,
It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)/It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)"

You can doubt yourself. That's fine. You're human, it's a human thing to be self concious and anxious. But! Don't let it control you. Wrangle it into shape and make it positive. Use that as a way to perhaps improve faults you might see. It's gonna be okay :)

"No matter what you've been through here you are/No matter if you think you're falling apart
It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)/It's gonna be, okay"

You've been through so much. You're going through so much. You will go through so, so much. But it'll be okay. You'll get back up, and stand, and fight.

"It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)/It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)

No matter what you've been through here you are/No matter if you think you're falling apart

It's gonna be, gonna be, okay (a a a ay)/It's gonna be, okay

Woah, woah, woah (it's gonna be, gonna be)/Woah, woah, woah (it's gonna be, okay)
Woah, woah, woah (it's gonna be, gonna be)/Woah, woah, woah (it's gonna be, okay)"

And finally, the finale of the song, the chorus, over and over, repeated, to burn into your mind that It's Gonna Be Okay. The melody is flying, and so is your hope. You can stand- no, you will stand! You will fight! You will survive.

And it's gonna be okay.


Thanks for reading these. I'll post more of my own songs, but please, suggest other songs for me to do! I'll try to get to them all, but this is one of the more tiring things I find myself doing. But it's fun, I swear :D 

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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Suggestions you say???????? How about Divided Sky by Phish? Easily one of the best songs ever created, but the review will have to be on the sound more than the Lyrics. If you decide to do this one, I’ll give you the specific link, since they’ve played DS many times.

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2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I was the one that suggested it, Corvus. All good song analyses' and I can't wait to see more of them.

Oh gods! I'm sorry!

1 hour ago, Landing Sequence said:

Suggestions you say???????? How about Divided Sky by Phish? Easily one of the best songs ever created, but the review will have to be on the sound more than the Lyrics. If you decide to do this one, I’ll give you the specific link, since they’ve played DS many times.

Listening to the first version that popped up on Spotify as I type this... hmm.... I can try and fit it in. It won't be very long though, but I'll try my best.

Song Analysis #4: Love Myself, Andy Grammer (I'm not double posting here. That is solely reserved for my vignettes page :D.)


I want to love myself without needing someone else
To say it, say it to me (say it, say it to me)
I want to love myself without needing someone's help
To show it, show it to me, mmh, ay

'Cause I can be mean in my mind
Beat myself up all the time with awful thoughts and
I can eat myself alive
I'm gonna try
It's gonna be an awkward talk, but

I love you, I don't say it enough
I love who you are, who you've become
Don't know why I cannot hear it
'Less it comes from someone else
But I'ma find a way to finally feel it

When I say it to myself
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
When I say it to myself
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

I want to be someone who's not swayed by opinions
Be me authentically without the apologies
And want my heart to soar without being insecure
And point out what's wrong with me 'cause sometimes subconsciously, yeah

I can be mean in my mind
Beat myself up all the time with awful thoughts and
I can eat myself alive
I'm gonna try
It's gonna be an awkward talk, but

I love you, I don't say it enough
I love who you are, who you've become
Don't know why I cannot hear it
'Less it comes from someone else
But I'ma find a way to finally feel it

When I say it to myself
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
When I say it to myself
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

I want to love myself without needing someone else
To say it, say it to me

I love you, I don't say it enough
I love who you are, who you've become
Don't know why I cannot hear it
'Less it comes from someone else
But I'ma find a way to finally feel it

When I say it to myself
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
When I say it to myself
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
When I say it to myself
Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
When I say it to myself

"I want to love myself without needing someone else/To say it, say it to me (say it, say it to me)
I want to love myself without needing someone's help/To show it, show it to me, mmh, ay"

The biggest issue we face is self love. We find it so so hard to love ourselves, and because of that, we rely on other people to love us so we can make it through our lives.

"'Cause I can be mean in my mind/Beat myself up all the time with awful thoughts and/I can eat myself alive
I'm gonna try/It's gonna be an awkward talk, but"

Building up the courage to tell yourself 'I love you' is hard. Trying to convince your own insecurities that they don't exist is one of the hardest things ever.

"I love you, I don't say it enough/I love who you are, who you've become
Don't know why I cannot hear it/'Less it comes from someone else/But I'ma find a way to finally feel it"

So you tell yourself 'I love you.' It's hard to hear, but you repeat it until you get the message you're telling yourself. And if you need to, get other people to tell you it, so you can believe them, and then yourself.

"When I say it to myself/Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
When I say it to myself/Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh"

It's a hard journey, but it feels so good when you tell yourself that you love yourself. The feeling of self acceptance is something you have craved for so long, and now that you have it, you feel like you can take on the world.

"I want to be someone who's not swayed by opinions/Be me authentically without the apologies
And want my heart to soar without being insecure/And point out what's wrong with me 'cause sometimes subconsciously, yeah"

Society strives harder than anything to conform you to it's standards, to make you insecure about the things that make you you. But you can try to be independent, and to be you, and you can do it beautifully.

"I can be mean in my mind/Beat myself up all the time with awful thoughts and/I can eat myself alive
I'm gonna try/It's gonna be an awkward talk, but"

Again, society makes you anxious about all the things you want to love about yourself, and makes you wonder if you're good enough for anyone.

"I love you, I don't say it enough/I love who you are, who you've become
Don't know why I cannot hear it/'Less it comes from someone else
But I'ma find a way to finally feel it"

Tell this to yourself. Drill it into your head as a mantra. Tell others this. Love yourself and love others. You're all amazing.

"When I say it to myself/Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
When I say it to myself/Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

I want to love myself without needing someone else/To say it, say it to me

I love you, I don't say it enough/I love who you are, who you've become
Don't know why I cannot hear it/'Less it comes from someone else
But I'ma find a way to finally feel it

When I say it to myself/Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
When I say it to myself/Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh/Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
When I say it to myself/Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
When I say it to myself"

Being able to love yourself without the support of someone else is hard. It always has been, it always is, and it will always be. So do it anyways. Tell the fear and insecurities to screw off, and tell yourself and everyone 'I love you.'

I love you.

I love you.

You love you.

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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3 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Listening to the first version that popped up on Spotify as I type this... hmm.... I can try and fit it in. It won't be very long though, but I'll try my best.

No! There’s a very, very specific version you need to hear.

Here’s the link:




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