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I'll Turn Your Ideas Into Music!

Shining Silhouette

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So I'm a pianist that specializes in improv, and I've had a lot of fun turning people's prompts into music lately! I took a couple prompts on a SU, and I enjoyed myself so much that I decided to make a thread. So feel free to ask away! You can give me descriptions, story ideas, emotions, images, passages from a novel, honestly, pretty much anything you want, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Here's one I did for @Elf, entitled "Footsteps", the prompt being: "A person walks through a seedy area at midnight, hearing footsteps behind them; footsteps get closer and closer and the person tries to run and eventually the footsteps reach the person AND the person takes out their knife and stabs whoever was making those footsteps"

And here's another one I did for @Morningtide, "The End of a Book" with the prompt "that moment when you are so thrilled because you finished the most amazing book and then your realize that YOU FINISHED IT. And you feel so peaceful, but your heart hurts, but you are so, so happy. " (my mic was a little funky with the lower notes on this one).

Edit: I thought that since I've gotten so many prompts I'd make a list of some of the best ones so people can hear some of the highlights from this thread!

A couple favorites:

"Torn" - "You just find out that your loved one is dead, the one who helped you get over your parents deaths and your siblings deaths. You learn this after waking up, captured by your enemies and a piece of you feels torn and ripped out and it's never gonna come back. You cry and cry and cry, and start to wish for death. Yet you hold on because the one you loved would want you to live and so, you're trapped in the world of the living, separated from your only true love and stuck in a cycle of depression and guilt that you didn't do everything you could to save them." 

"The Storm!" - "The wild, destructive joy of a huge thunderstorm that rolls in after a hot sunny day." 

"The Attack" - "You and four others are holding at bay a large attacking force long enough for the rest of the rebels to escape. Some of your friends are lost, presumed dead, yet you fight on, knowing that if you fail the resistance and hope of your race WILL FALL!"

"Raindrops" - "It's... quiet. You're inside, cheeks and hands pressed to the glass of a window. You can feel them start to burn with the coldness of the surface, of which rain is hitting. In fact, it's pouring, and the sky is covered with big rolling masses of dark clouds. The only sounds are the soft pattering of the water on the grass, thunder, and your breath, which fogs up the aperture. There's a tiny, almost minuscule hole in the clouds, where a beam of light shines through on an overarching willow. It's bathed in bright light, and when you see it, you almost can't believe the rest of the world is covered and drowning in a torrential downpour. A tiny haven where life grows- reaches up, as if trying to touch the sun shining on it. It casts a shadow.
The shadow is made of the light."

"Starlight" - "You and your loved one just professed your love as the sun is setting and the stars are rising."


Edited by Shining Silhouette
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yoooooo mans is skilled.

ok ok ok here we go i haves a prompt for you to try later.

"the one you love is depressed, so you're doing everything within your power to make them feel loved and wanted and you make sure they know they aren't alone."

yes im a hopeless romantic deal with it *dab*

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On 8/19/2022 at 4:08 PM, CalanoCorvus said:

"the one you love is depressed, so you're doing everything within your power to make them feel loved and wanted and you make sure they know they aren't alone."

Calano, here's my take on your prompt, "Always"! I thought a lot about this one before I recorded, and I decided that I wanted to represent stability somehow and the idea that you're always going to be there for them, so I picked a simple motif to repeat throughout the piece. It's always there, despite all the chaos, despite all the changing notes, despite the uncertainty; it's one thing you know you can rely on. I hope you like it!

And everyone else, I'll get to your prompts soon!

Edited by Shining Silhouette
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9 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Calano, here's my take on your prompt! I thought a lot about this one before I recorded, and I decided that I wanted to represent stability somehow and the idea that you're always going to be there for them, so I picked a simple motif to repeat throughout the piece. It's always there, despite all the chaos, despite all the changing notes, despite the uncertainty; it's one thing you know you can rely on. I hope you like it!

And everyone else, I'll get to your prompts soon!

stop because why is this soo gooooodo im straight up on the edge of tears. bruhhha aaghhhhhhh.

ugh its so cute ugh ugh im going to add lyrics if thats fine with you i hope it's ok i'm totally adding lyrics and then like idfk, but silhouette, you have a gift, this is beautiful and I can hear the words pouring from the song already.

this is actively gorgeouus.

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On 8/22/2022 at 8:45 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

You are walking into a forest and stumble upon a hidden glade, full of beauty and wonder.

Wiz, I liked "Through the Trees" a lot! I leaned heavily into the sense of wonder and exploration, trying to recreate childlike amazement. My interpretation of this (other interpretations are always welcome!) was a child seeing the beauty of nature for the first time at the beginning, pushing their way through brush and trees and branches, laughing and having a good time, then suddenly finding themselves in this beautiful natural oasis that's filled with birds and butterflies and astonishing views. They're awestruck and amazed, and spend some time reveling in the beauty, then eventually make their way back, eager to tell others of their adventure.

Feel free to share your own thoughts on this!

Edited by Shining Silhouette
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6 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Wiz, I liked this one a lot! I leaned heavily into the sense of wonder and exploration, trying to recreate childlike amazement. My interpretation of this (other interpretations are always welcome!) was a child seeing the beauty of nature for the first time at the beginning, pushing their way through brush and trees and branches, laughing and having a good time, then suddenly finding themselves in this beautiful natural oasis that's filled with birds and butterflies and astonishing views. They're awestruck and amazed, and spend some time reveling in the beauty, then eventually make their way back, eager to tell others of their adventure.

Feel free to share your own thoughts on this!

I'll get back to you after school.

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5 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Wiz, I liked this one a lot! I leaned heavily into the sense of wonder and exploration, trying to recreate childlike amazement. My interpretation of this (other interpretations are always welcome!) was a child seeing the beauty of nature for the first time at the beginning, pushing their way through brush and trees and branches, laughing and having a good time, then suddenly finding themselves in this beautiful natural oasis that's filled with birds and butterflies and astonishing views. They're awestruck and amazed, and spend some time reveling in the beauty, then eventually make their way back, eager to tell others of their adventure.

Feel free to share your own thoughts on this!

That was amazing! You do truely have a natural gift for the piano and improvisation. 

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Ooooooooh i have an idea 

Ok so i recently read the last book in the poppy wars which is the burning god and one of the themes was loving people you hate 

Basically like how sometimes we end up loving people who we know are going to destroy us and we let them destroy us because while they might be ripping through us, we are still hopelessly loyal to them; in love with them

And this quote, OH THIS QUOTE MY HEART 

Ruin me, ruin us, and I'll let you. 

ok maybe perhaps you might find a way to turn this into a music piece? I'm sure whatever you do will be awesome, sorry i couldnt explain it better 

I'd you decided to take this promot ofc, after all the choice is up to you

Edited by Elf
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On 8/22/2022 at 1:31 PM, Nathrangking said:

You and your loved one just professed your love as the sun is setting and the stars are rising.

"Starlight" warmed my heart. This is definitely one of my favorites that I've done for this thread. I tried to express how sensitive the moment was, how the world feels so small, like it's just you and them for a moment. As I was playing, I was thinking the words "Look to the stars, my love. They're almost as beautiful as you," and tried to put the idea into my music. I added the flowing colors of the sunset, the gentle stars, the way their eyes look to you... it really inspired me. Thank you for the beautiful prompt.

On 8/23/2022 at 2:47 AM, Elf said:

Basically like how sometimes we end up loving people who we know are going to destroy us and we let them destroy us because while they might be ripping through us, we are still hopelessly loyal to them; in love with them

I thought the last one was one of my favorites, and now I find myself saying the same about "Through the Pain"! It was a bit personal for me, and I think I expressed that through this prompt. I thought of the way love can be beautiful, fragile, wonderful, and then I infused that with the sometimes toxicity that ensues in relationships. I think that through the music, I explored how magical love can be, that though it causes pain, it creates magnificent moments that we'll remember for the rest of our lives. Though we might see them through the lense of melancholiness and hurt, it was beautiful while it lasted.

On 8/20/2022 at 9:59 AM, That1Cellist said:

"You are alone, lonely, forgotten, but you are looking at the stars."

 I had trouble making "Forgotten" unique after the last two emotional love songs, but I decided to give it more of a sad vibe, really leaning into the forsaken/forgotten feeling. The beginning is exposition, they are sitting outside alone, crying to themself, but then they realize how beautiful the world is. They experience a moment of peace and relief, but then they remember they're forgotten and retreat back into themself. This one is tragic.

On 8/19/2022 at 7:45 PM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Darth Vader lament about order 66, rock style.

"Darth Vader King of Rock" also stumped me for a while, but eventually I decided to take away two things from this prompt: "Darth Vader" and "rock style". I took the march theme and improvised a funky rhythm over this. I thought it was cool, though looking back, I didn't play my best on this one. Improv is hard sometimes, guys! But I think it turned out very interesting. Please don't sue me Disney I void all rights to this one


Everyone, feel free, as always, to give feedback! I like hearing what I can do to better capture the spirit of your prompts and I look forward to doing more soon!

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4 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

This one warmed my heart. This is definitely one of my favorites that I've done for this thread. I tried to express how sensitive the moment was, how the world feels so small, like it's just you and them for a moment. As I was playing, I was thinking the words "Look to the stars, my love. They're almost as beautiful as you," and tried to put the idea into my music. I added the flowing colors of the sunset, the gentle stars, the way their eyes look to you... it really inspired me. Thank you for the beautiful prompt.

I thought the last one was one of my favorites, and now I find myself saying the same about this one! It was a bit personal for me, and I think I expressed that through this prompt. I thought of the way love can be beautiful, fragile, wonderful, and then I infused that with the sometimes toxicity that ensues in relationships. I think that through the music, I explored how magical love can be, that though it causes pain, it creates magnificent moments that we'll remember for the rest of our lives. Though we might see them through the lense of melancholiness and hurt, it was beautiful while it lasted.

 I had trouble making this one unique after the last two emotional love songs, but I decided to give it more of a sad vibe, really leaning into the forsaken/forgotten feeling. The beginning is exposition, they are sitting outside alone, crying to themself, but then they realize how beautiful the world is. They experience a moment of peace and relief, but then they remember they're forgotten and retreat back into themself. This one is tragic.

This one also stumped me for a while, but eventually I decided to take away two things from this prompt: "Darth Vader" and "rock style". I took the march theme and improvised a funky rhythm over this. I thought it was cool, though looking back, I didn't play my best on this one. Improv is hard sometimes, guys! But I think it turned out very interesting. Please don't sue me Disney I void all rights to this one


Everyone, feel free, as always, to give feedback! I like hearing what I can do to better capture the spirit of your prompts and I look forward to doing more soon!

Wow, these are really beautiful!

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4 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

I thought the last one was one of my favorites, and now I find myself saying the same about this one! It was a bit personal for me, and I think I expressed that through this prompt. I thought of the way love can be beautiful, fragile, wonderful, and then I infused that with the sometimes toxicity that ensues in relationships. I think that through the music, I explored how magical love can be, that though it causes pain, it creates magnificent moments that we'll remember for the rest of our lives. Though we might see them through the lense of melancholiness and hurt, it was beautiful while it lasted.

omg this was sooooo good and i think you perfectly captured the spirit of what i was going for! Im definetly gonna listen to this when i re-read the poppy war

and oh your piece just perfectly matches this quote  

“Take what you want. I’ll hate you for it. But I’ll love you forever. I can’t help but love you. Ruin me, ruin us, and I’ll let you.” - the burning god. r.f. kuang

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12 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

This one warmed my heart. This is definitely one of my favorites that I've done for this thread. I tried to express how sensitive the moment was, how the world feels so small, like it's just you and them for a moment. As I was playing, I was thinking the words "Look to the stars, my love. They're almost as beautiful as you," and tried to put the idea into my music. I added the flowing colors of the sunset, the gentle stars, the way their eyes look to you... it really inspired me. Thank you for the beautiful prompt.

There was something so very soothing and beautiful about this peace. The softness of the music sets the scene nicely in my mind's eye. 

Edited by Nathrangking
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10 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

This one warmed my heart. This is definitely one of my favorites that I've done for this thread. I tried to express how sensitive the moment was, how the world feels so small, like it's just you and them for a moment. As I was playing, I was thinking the words "Look to the stars, my love. They're almost as beautiful as you," and tried to put the idea into my music. I added the flowing colors of the sunset, the gentle stars, the way their eyes look to you... it really inspired me. Thank you for the beautiful prompt.

I thought the last one was one of my favorites, and now I find myself saying the same about this one! It was a bit personal for me, and I think I expressed that through this prompt. I thought of the way love can be beautiful, fragile, wonderful, and then I infused that with the sometimes toxicity that ensues in relationships. I think that through the music, I explored how magical love can be, that though it causes pain, it creates magnificent moments that we'll remember for the rest of our lives. Though we might see them through the lense of melancholiness and hurt, it was beautiful while it lasted.

 I had trouble making this one unique after the last two emotional love songs, but I decided to give it more of a sad vibe, really leaning into the forsaken/forgotten feeling. The beginning is exposition, they are sitting outside alone, crying to themself, but then they realize how beautiful the world is. They experience a moment of peace and relief, but then they remember they're forgotten and retreat back into themself. This one is tragic.

This one also stumped me for a while, but eventually I decided to take away two things from this prompt: "Darth Vader" and "rock style". I took the march theme and improvised a funky rhythm over this. I thought it was cool, though looking back, I didn't play my best on this one. Improv is hard sometimes, guys! But I think it turned out very interesting. Please don't sue me Disney I void all rights to this one


Everyone, feel free, as always, to give feedback! I like hearing what I can do to better capture the spirit of your prompts and I look forward to doing more soon!

Thank you a lot. I started freaking out this morning, so I did what any sane person would do and checked the 17th Shard. Thankfully, these were here. You have officially saved me from a mental breakdown.

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Thank you all so much for the kind words- they really made me smile! I'm glad I'm getting by with these prompts ^_^

I'm planning on recording Wiz's prompt later today if things work out- and I'd be happy to record another prompt for anyone who wants one while I'm at it. So keep 'em coming! :D



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13 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

This one also stumped me for a while, but eventually I decided to take away two things from this prompt: "Darth Vader" and "rock style". I took the march theme and improvised a funky rhythm over this. I thought it was cool, though looking back, I didn't play my best on this one. Improv is hard sometimes, guys! But I think it turned out very interesting. Please don't sue me Disney I void all rights to this one

this one was awesome! I love it a lot.

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Okay this might be a little long but:
You are sitting on the bench by the park where you and your best friend always meet up, staring at the sunrise in the early morning over the river and you and your best friend sit there, with your arms around each other, knowing that your best friend is moving to a new country later that day and this will be your last morning together. Silent tears run down your faces and you say nothing as you hear the birds chirping and watch the stunning sunrise together. You just want time to stop so you can be with your best friend forever.
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So....I know a lot of the prompts you've gotten have to do with stars, but...

"A future explorer and storyteller looks into the stars and wonders of the worlds, secrets, mysteries, and stories that they hold."

I'm a huge astronomy nerd.

(If you really wanted to, you could think of me as that future storyteller, though I don't know if that'd change the piece at all.)

And Silhouette, you have a storming incredible talent. These sound amazing!

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