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I'll Turn Your Ideas Into Music!

Shining Silhouette

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On 8/25/2022 at 0:28 PM, Lotus Blossom said:
You are sitting on the bench by the park where you and your best friend always meet up, staring at the sunrise in the early morning over the river and you and your best friend sit there, with your arms around each other, knowing that your best friend is moving to a new country later that day and this will be your last morning together. Silent tears run down your faces and you say nothing as you hear the birds chirping and watch the stunning sunrise together. You just want time to stop so you can be with your best friend forever.

I had to think a little about "If only…" before I recorded. It's emotional, but it's different emotion than others I've tried to record on this thread. I tried to make it about the memories- the friends remembering the little moments they shared over the years they spent together, the places they went to, and it's all tied the the melancholiness that that'll never happen again. It's intense, but I think this is beautiful. Thank you for the prompt, Lotus.

On 8/25/2022 at 5:10 PM, The Bookwyrm said:

"A future explorer and storyteller looks into the stars and wonders of the worlds, secrets, mysteries, and stories that they hold."

For "Mysteries of the Universe" I tried to make it more about exploration, adventure, and ambition. A lot of the prompts have been more sentimental (hey, I'm not complaining, I'm a sentimental guy as well) but I wanted to make this one different. I thought about the epic scale of the universe, how small we are, but then I also played into the story of the future explorer and their passion for space and the world and considered their ambition and how much they wanted to be a part of this incredible adventure. Thanks for the prompt, Wyrm!

On 8/24/2022 at 10:05 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Here's a new one, laying in the sun with your cat/dog/rabbit/other pet.

"Sunshine and Bunny Rabbits" was serene and peaceful. Just you and your pet bunny rabbit lounging in the sun, enjoying life together. It's simple, it's repetitive, but it's relaxing and calm. Occasionally you reach over and stroke your pet, but mostly you're living in the moment, happy and pensive. Thank you for the prompt, Wiz!

Edited by Shining Silhouette
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It's... quiet.
You're inside, cheeks and hands pressed to the glass of a window. You can feel them start to burn with the coldness of the surface, of which rain is hitting. In fact, it's pouring, and the sky is covered with big rolling masses of dark clouds. The only sounds are the soft pattering of the water on the grass, thunder, and your breath, which fogs up the aperture. There's a tiny, almost minuscule hole in the clouds, where a beam of light shines through on an overarching willow. It's bathed in bright light, and when you see it, you almost can't believe the rest of the world is covered and drowning in a torrential downpour. A tiny haven where life grows- reaches up, as if trying to touch the sun shining on it. It casts a shadow.
The shadow is made of the light.

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On 8/29/2022 at 4:03 PM, SymphonianBookworm said:

It's... quiet.
You're inside, cheeks and hands pressed to the glass of a window. You can feel them start to burn with the coldness of the surface, of which rain is hitting. In fact, it's pouring, and the sky is covered with big rolling masses of dark clouds. The only sounds are the soft pattering of the water on the grass, thunder, and your breath, which fogs up the aperture. There's a tiny, almost minuscule hole in the clouds, where a beam of light shines through on an overarching willow. It's bathed in bright light, and when you see it, you almost can't believe the rest of the world is covered and drowning in a torrential downpour. A tiny haven where life grows- reaches up, as if trying to touch the sun shining on it. It casts a shadow.
The shadow is made of the light.

"Raindrops" is one of my favorites (I've been saying that a lot, but the prompts you give me have helped me make some of my best work). If you listen to this recording, you can hear the pattering of raindrops in the scene, see the foggy windows, smell the scent of storms. I leaned into the idea of a lonely rainy day, so it's melancholy and reflective, but I think there's some hope in there as well. Thanks for the prompt, Symph!

On 8/26/2022 at 5:39 PM, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Kaladin watches Tien die.

I've tried recording this one several times over the past week, but I've really struggled. I want it to be perfect, to convey all of the heavy emotion that Sanderson wrote, but I'm not getting the results I want. I'm going to keep trying, but this one is tricky. Even so, thanks for the prompt, Pencil Taxi!


Sorry about the delay, I've had a busy week, but I should be more free going forward, so feel free to give me more prompts!

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So...I know you might be busy...But I'm going to give you a challenge.

But I want you to make a short song that combines the ideas and feelings from:

On the Nature of Daylight, by Max Richter,

Day One from Interstellar, by Hanz Zimmer,

and a song called Where We Used to Be from a video game called Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

You may have to do some background listening on some of these songs.

I want this song to convey the sadness of a people leaving a doomed world behind, a people that have set out for a new home. I want it to express sorrow that they've lost a world, but hope that the next one will be even better.

If you're still working on the Tien one, or are too busy for other reasons, don't worry about it. You can get to this on your own time.

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19 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

So...I know you might be busy...But I'm going to give you a challenge.

But I want you to make a short song that combines the ideas and feelings from:

On the Nature of Daylight, by Max Richter,

Day One from Interstellar, by Hanz Zimmer,

and a song called Where We Used to Be from a video game called Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

You may have to do some background listening on some of these songs.

I want this song to convey the sadness of a people leaving a doomed world behind, a people that have set out for a new home. I want it to express sorrow that they've lost a world, but hope that the next one will be even better.

If you're still working on the Tien one, or are too busy for other reasons, don't worry about it. You can get to this on your own time.

Ooh, I'm really intrigued! I know the first two songs, but I'll have to listen to the last one. This seems interesting! I'll definitely take this prompt, and I'll try to get back to you within a week if I'm not too busy.

44 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

You're welcome. Also, I apologize.



Thank you! :D

Don't worry, Pencil Taxi, I haven't forgotten about your prompt. I'm going to keep trying...though it might take a little while for me to get the tone/scene/storyline figured out. I'll keep you posted! 

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On 9/5/2022 at 3:24 PM, The Bookwyrm said:

I want this song to convey the sadness of a people leaving a doomed world behind, a people that have set out for a new home. I want it to express sorrow that they've lost a world, but hope that the next one will be even better.

I decided to listen to those recordings this afternoon, and I was so inspired that I decided to record "A Song of Solace"  This is far and away the longest one I've recorded so far at almost seven minutes (I think the longest until now was just over five). This was also the first time that I've been really asked to pull ideas/tone from existing pieces of music, but I had a lot of fun! I took the chord progressions from On the Nature of Daylight, used the first basic melody from Day One as my main motif, and used little emblems/chords from Where We Used to Be to give it some more senses of hope towards the end. This is really melancholy, and I was near tears as I was recording this. It's a true work of minimalism, with repetition of themes and chordal patterns, but I think it shows some emotional growth over the piece. Thank you for the prompt, Bookwyrm!

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21 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

I decided to listen to those recordings this afternoon, and I was so inspired that I decided to record this one. This is far and away the longest one I've recorded so far at almost seven minutes (I think the longest until now was just over five). This was also the first time that I've been really asked to pull ideas/tone from existing pieces of music, but I had a lot of fun! I took the chord progressions from On the Nature of Daylight, used the first basic melody from Day One as my main motif, and used little emblems/chords from Where We Used to Be to give it some more senses of hope towards the end. This is really melancholy, and I was near tears as I was recording this. It's a true work of minimalism, with repetition of themes and chordal patterns, but I think it shows some emotional growth over the piece. Thank you for the prompt, Bookwyrm!

That was beautiful.

I could hear how you put each song into it, and it clearly fit what I had in mind.

Thank you so much, Silhouette!

(I'll probably throw a few other songs at you later to see what you come up with...)

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"Someone you love has died, and you don't know how you can move on."

That hits close to home. 

Here's a happier theme, maybe.

You and four others are holding at bay a large attacking force long enough for the rest of the rebels to escape. Some of your friends are lost, presumed dead, yet you fight on, knowing that if you fail the resistance and hope of your race WILL FALL!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/6/2022 at 11:45 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

You and four others are holding at bay a large attacking force long enough for the rest of the rebels to escape. Some of your friends are lost, presumed dead, yet you fight on, knowing that if you fail the resistance and hope of your race WILL FALL!

I thought that "The Attack" was epic! Super cool! I really tried to play into the large attacking force and the themes of heroics and loyalty and loss and death and all the craziness that happens in battle. Really really fun to play. Thanks for the prompt!

On 9/6/2022 at 10:04 AM, CalanoCorvus said:

"Someone you love has died, and you don't know how you can move on."

"Why" kind of broke my heart. The juxtaposition between this one and Wizard's is kind of crazy, but it really adds meaning. This was a teary one for me. I began with the repetitive notes of loss, how empty reality feels, and then it gradually grows into anger. The anger tears its way through the soul, though, and soon there is only emptiness. But after a long time contemplating and remembering memories, everything takes on a different light. I interpret it as ending with the narrator sobbing in sadness and acceptance.

Sorry for the delay! School has crept up on me and all the stuff that some along with it. If I don't respond within a couple weeks feel free to bug me about it in the future.

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12 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

This one broke my heart. The juxtaposition between this one and Wizard's is kind of crazy, but it really adds meaning. This was a teary one for me. I began with the repetitive notes of loss, how empty reality feels, and then it gradually grows into anger. The anger tears its way through the soul, though, and soon there is only emptiness. But after a long time contemplating and remembering memories, everything takes on a different light. I interpret it as ending with the narrator sobbing in sadness and acceptance.


so pretyyyyyyyyyy :<<<<<

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On 9/22/2022 at 9:14 PM, Nathrangking said:

Something lighter is in order I think. You and your significant other are looking out over a boisterous scene filled with singing and dancing as you celebrate ancient bonds and new ones.

I hope you like "Fiesta"! I think it's lots of fun! I went for a lively outdoor party with dancing and crazy music and the like, but it eventually switches to a quiet escape alone with your significant other, and then accelerates to the exciting end of the night, celebrating the happy occasion and looking forward to the future!

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The terrible pain of leaving a friend of thousands of years to the hands of the enemy to take the rest of the inhabitants of the world to safety, and then the desperate hope when you realize you’re returning to the place you left them after a looooong time

(not super poetic but oh well)

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On 9/25/2022 at 2:31 PM, Ranryu said:

The wild, destructive joy of a huge thunderstorm that rolls in after a hot sunny day. 

Here's "The Storm!" I started out with rain falling from the sky and gradually crescendoed into a loud, but joyful thunderstorm. I tried to highlight how sometimes nature is chaotic, but it's beautiful, and there's nothing like the smell of rain on a hot summer day.

On 9/25/2022 at 3:21 PM, TheHalcyonGirl said:

The terrible pain of leaving a friend of thousands of years to the hands of the enemy to take the rest of the inhabitants of the world to safety, and then the desperate hope when you realize you’re returning to the place you left them after a looooong time

(not super poetic but oh well)

Here's "The Lost Planet", a piece that begins with the sadness of loss. I pictured the opening as the character watching her friend's planet go by from the window of a departing rocket, and then the years that pass afterwards that begin to be filled with ideas of a desperate mission. The ending is slightly ambiguous, but I like it! Feel free to draw your own conclusions on what happened.

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4 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Here's "The Storm!" I started out with rain falling from the sky and gradually crescendoed into a loud, but joyful thunderstorm. I tried to highlight how sometimes nature is chaotic, but it's beautiful, and there's nothing like the smell of rain on a hot summer day.

Breathtaking! Thank you.

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I have just finished catching up and these are all amazing Ette!

I'm afraid I have a new prompt for you and it's not going to be a happy one. Get it done when you can. You just find out that your loved one is dead, the one who helped you get over your parents deaths and your siblings deaths. You learn this after waking up, captured by your enemies and a piece of you feels torn and ripped out and it's never gonna come back. You cry and cry and cry, and start to wish for death. Yet you hold on because the one you loved would want you to live and so, you're trapped in the world of the living, separated from your only true love and stuck in a cycle of depression and guilt that you didn't do everything you could to save them.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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On 9/26/2022 at 9:05 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

I'm afraid I have a new prompt for you and it's not going to be a happy one. Get it done when you can. You just find out that your loved one is dead, the one who helped you get over your parents deaths and your siblings deaths. You learn this after waking up, captured by your enemies and a piece of you feels torn and ripped out and it's never gonna come back. You cry and cry and cry, and start to wish for death. Yet you hold on because the one you loved would want you to live and so, you're trapped in the world of the living, separated from your only true love and stuck in a cycle of depression and guilt that you didn't do everything you could to save them.

I started "Torn" with denial. You can hear it spiraling into despair and anger. You remember that this isn't what your loved one would want from you, and you sob. Nothing in the world seems right anymore. Color's lost the spark it once had, and each memory that enters your mind reminds you of the pain, but you remember the good parts too. The beautiful memories of your time together are mixed with the running motif of grief. And then... you realize you don't remember everything you wish you did. You want the world to fade away, to wither away into darkness. But after wallowing in the dark you hear their voice calling out to you, begging you to keep going. But then it fades away, and you're alone. 

I loved this one, Wiz. Thank you, and thank you to all for the prompts. It helps me understand my emotions, actually. There's been many a moment over the making of this thread that I've had to stop because the emotions are too powerful. I appreciate it, truly.

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8 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

I started "Torn" with denial. You can hear it spiraling into despair and anger. You remember that this isn't what your loved one would want from you, and you sob. Nothing in the world seems right anymore. Color's lost the spark it once had, and each memory that enters your mind reminds you of the pain, but you remember the good parts too. The beautiful memories of your time together are mixed with the running motif of grief. And then... you realize you don't remember everything you wish you did. You want the world to fade away, to wither away into darkness. But after wallowing in the dark you hear their voice calling out to you, begging you to keep going. But then it fades away, and you're alone. 

I loved this one, Wiz. Thank you, and thank you to all for the prompts. It helps me understand my emotions, actually. There's been many a moment over the making of this thread that I've had to stop because the emotions are too powerful. I appreciate it, truly.

I felt the raw emotion and power, thank you. This is going to help me write better.

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Here is one that is derived from a stalled project of mine. I'm curious what you do with it. A king consumed by his own narcissism leads his kingdom to destruction. He survives but must battle his horrific supernatural birthright, which may have poisoned his mind to become a better man and a legend.

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Hi! Many compliments that convey how impressed I am without sounding generic and/or forum pleasantries, because this is EPIC.

Awkward intro aside, I have a prompt. Full disclosure: this is from a D&D campaign. Prompt:

A devil (Ashdlaron) has been struggling against his dark side for a long time. However, with the fate of the world at stake, Kaladin-level depression, and a complicated set of unlikely events, he has given in. This is devastating to the entire party, but most of all to our companion, who will do anything - including sacrificing her soul - to get Ash back.

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