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I'll Turn Your Ideas Into Music!

Shining Silhouette

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On 10/1/2022 at 9:58 PM, NerdyAarakocra said:

A devil (Ashdlaron) has been struggling against his dark side for a long time. However, with the fate of the world at stake, Kaladin-level depression, and a complicated set of unlikely events, he has given in. This is devastating to the entire party, but most of all to our companion, who will do anything - including sacrificing her soul - to get Ash back.

For "The Price of A Soul" I explored the challenges of restraint and the feelings of guilt that ensue after mistakes. You can hear the moment that Ash gives in early in the piece and how dissonent the music gets- suddenly he's lost hope. From the upper octaves, you can hear the pleas of his companions begging him to come back. Eventually, our companion decides she must sacrifice herself to save the world. She does so before Ash's eyes, and after watching this selfless act, Ash is left alone with nothing but his thoughts. He feels immense guilt for his actions, for he has caused the death of his friend. He sobs and commits to never giving in again, but nothing will help the emptiness that's inside of him.

On 9/28/2022 at 2:35 PM, Nathrangking said:

Here is one that is derived from a stalled project of mine. I'm curious what you do with it. A king consumed by his own narcissism leads his kingdom to destruction. He survives but must battle his horrific supernatural birthright, which may have poisoned his mind to become a better man and a legend.

"A King Corrupted" is a study of how one can become obsessed with something to the point that they can focus on nothing else. I accelerated the tempo as the king progressed in his narcissism and tried to show how it destroyed him. After he dooms his kingdom, he realizes how he's failed, but he doesn't have time to focus on that, for he must battle his horrific birthright and come to terms with his legacy and humanity.

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I'm giving you another prompt based on music that I like. Neither of these are piano pieces, so I'm curious to see what you come up with.

First song: Herald of the Change from the Dune (2021) soundtrack. You can listen to the whole song and take inspiration from all of it, but I'm mostly interested in the woodwind part at the very beginning.

Second song: A Life Sent On from Xenoblade Chronicles 3. This song is played in world, and is used in a ceremony in which fallen soldiers are "sent off", their souls ferried away into what awaits after. It's mainly a flute piece.

Instead of having you aim for a specific feel, I want you to listen to these songs and play something more along your own interpretation of them. (Also because I can't think of a good prompt that fits both these songs.)

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Instead of having you aim for a specific feel, I want you to listen to these songs and play something more along your own interpretation of them. (Also because I can't think of a good prompt that fits both these songs.)

So like an arrangement/medley of the songs?

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38 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

So like an arrangement/medley of the songs?


Really, rather than giving you a prompt, I wanted to let you come up with your own based on those songs, then incorporate parts of those songs into the piece.

Unless you'd rather have me you a more detailed prompt?

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5 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

For "The Price of A Soul" I explored the challenges of restraint and the feelings of guilt that ensue after mistakes. You can hear the moment that Ash gives in early in the piece and how dissonent the music gets- suddenly he's lost hope. From the upper octaves, you can hear the pleas of his companions begging him to come back. Eventually, our companion decides she must sacrifice herself to save the world. She does so before Ash's eyes, and after watching this selfless act, Ash is left alone with nothing but his thoughts. He feels immense guilt for his actions, for he has caused the death of his friend. He sobs and commits to never giving in again, but nothing will help the emptiness that's inside of him.

Thank you so much!

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I have a prompt, in the form of a poem that I wrote!


Grief seeks to overwhelm 

My mind betrays it’s own

I am in another realm

I should have known

That I was at the helm

They have been thrown

Away from this realm

And now she is alone

The voices condemn

And she bemoans

She trusted in them

For now she owns

This lowly realm

The unknowns

Seek to disown

O, how she has grown

To stand alone

And to claim her throne


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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  • 2 weeks later...

What about a piece that captures a scene like this?

You’re sitting on a rocky cliff high above the ocean, feet dangling over the drop, enjoying the gentle breeze and occasional calls of birds. As the sun rises, the world comes alive in a brilliant burst of light and life.

Edited by rosharian_cat
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A small, stolen moment, when the world takes a breath and holds it.

The tiniest sliver of light, illuminating a mirror.

A small glass bottle, carefully preserving all that it holds.

A minuscule blanket, not enough cover for a chilling storm.

A forgotten toy, left under a bed to collect dust until it's gone.

A foggy morning, where a soft, golden glow illuminates dew on damp grass.

An endless storm, forever unyielding and yet letting all in.

The lightest of touches on the ebony keys of life.

A glance, with lips curving up and shining eyes.


Do whatever you wish with these. I just wanted to write a sentence or two describing something that makes me feel as if it is... the time you lie in bed, thinking, as the world weighs on your eyelids.
I think that should be another sentence in the mix.


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2 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

So sorry for the delay @The Wandering Wizard and @rosharian_cat! I'm in the midst of college applications so this went to the wayside :P.


Take your time and get into the college, hopefully you get into the one you want to and I also get into the one I want to. Best of luck


And my cat has returned.

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10 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

So sorry for the delay @The Wandering Wizard and @rosharian_cat! I'm in the midst of college applications so this went to the wayside :P.

Oh, don’t worry about it! And good luck with college applications; remember to take deep breaths and take care of yourself, even if the process is stressful. Especially if it’s stressful.

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If I may (and your music sounds fantastic!) I have a prompt:

Someone is exploring another dimension, a strange and different world, and they are slowly coming closer and closer towards something alien and eldritch, the world, itself already alien, seeming to become more and more bizarre as though they were pressing against the edge of some strange creature's dreams ....

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I have a prompt, they’re kind of lyrics I guess:

We’re walking together but

you can’t see me

You only see the girl beside me

and I get why

she’s the pretty one,

and I’m just the other one,

the other one

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/27/2022 at 0:46 PM, MysticalShadows said:

I have a prompt, they’re kind of lyrics I guess:

We’re walking together but

you can’t see me

You only see the girl beside me

and I get why

she’s the pretty one,

and I’m just the other one,

the other one

"The Other One" is a piece about self-worth and wondering what 'beauty' is. While I played, I thought about how subjective it really is despite the world seeing it as objective. I questioned my views and experiences and I drew upon the times I felt inadequate and I think this one turned out nicely.

On 10/27/2022 at 0:01 PM, Ixthos said:

Someone is exploring another dimension, a strange and different world, and they are slowly coming closer and closer towards something alien and eldritch, the world, itself already alien, seeming to become more and more bizarre as though they were pressing against the edge of some strange creature's dreams ....

"Strange and Wonderful" is a fit name for this one, I think. This is definitely one of my new favorites. I explored the idea that though 'different' is strange, life is something deeply beautiful even if it's Alien and unfamiliar. I kind of came up with a story idea while improvising this one... the idea of experience life through some strange creature's dream is fascinating to me (a little of Ender's Game, anyone?). Anyway, hope you enjoy!

On 10/25/2022 at 8:29 PM, SymphonianBookworm said:

A small, stolen moment, when the world takes a breath and holds it.

The tiniest sliver of light, illuminating a mirror.

A small glass bottle, carefully preserving all that it holds.

A minuscule blanket, not enough cover for a chilling storm.

A forgotten toy, left under a bed to collect dust until it's gone.

A foggy morning, where a soft, golden glow illuminates dew on damp grass.

An endless storm, forever unyielding and yet letting all in.

The lightest of touches on the ebony keys of life.

A glance, with lips curving up and shining eyes.

It's that moment. When you're lying awake in bed trying to fall asleep, but all you can think about is "The Weight of the World" on your shoulders. The world isn't all bad, but it is a lot to think about—and those thoughts keep coming! Isn't it interesting to think about?

On 10/19/2022 at 9:41 PM, rosharian_cat said:

You’re sitting on a rocky cliff high above the ocean, feet dangling over the drop, enjoying the gentle breeze and occasional calls of birds. As the sun rises, the world comes alive in a brilliant burst of light and life.

Isn't the world a beautiful place? In "Brilliant Bursts of Light" I tried to capture that wonder and sheer awe of a sunrise as the Earth wakes once more. "Breathtaking" is a word I thought about often while playing. I hope you like it!

On 10/6/2022 at 9:15 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

I have a prompt, in the form of a poem that I wrote!

  Reveal hidden contents

Grief seeks to overwhelm 

My mind betrays it’s own

I am in another realm

I should have known

That I was at the helm

They have been thrown

Away from this realm

And now she is alone

The voices condemn

And she bemoans

She trusted in them

For now she owns

This lowly realm

The unknowns

Seek to disown

O, how she has grown

To stand alone

And to claim her throne


I changed the feel of "The Throne" to contrast more with the other recordings, but wow I love this one. It's powerful and dominant and sad and melancholy and many emotions at once and I had a lot of fun playing this one.


Wooo 1000th post yay! Sorry about the long delay—feel free to ping me if I ever take this long again. And keep the prompts coming! :D


Edited by Shining Silhouette
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Arg! This is so good! I love your music, bro! SUCH. GOOD. VIBES :D

I've got a bit of a prompt, I guess.


Softly sway,

The trees sigh, birds

Sing their song, and soon

I find myself singing along.

But a flurry of anger

Breaks the peace, and pain

All returns to me, lonely

Beneath the ghostly trees.

I weep.


A bit of a sombre one, but y'know, that's life! :P 

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On 11/21/2022 at 4:10 AM, Shining Silhouette said:

"Strange and Wonderful" is a fit name for this one, I think. This is definitely one of my new favorites. I explored the idea that though 'different' is strange, life is something deeply beautiful even if it's Alien and unfamiliar. I kind of came up with a story idea while improvising this one... the idea of experience life through some strange creature's dream is fascinating to me (a little of Ender's Game, anyone?). Anyway, hope you enjoy!

I did! And thank you, that was amazing! :D

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All of this music is super good! It's very calming and I love it!

And I have a prompt. You've been broken and beaten down so much that you aren't sure how much more of life you can take. Amid all your sorrow and pain, someone comes and leads you toward a bright light. When you reach the light it washes over you and heals you completely, something you never imagined possible.  

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I just realized that I wasn’t following this thread! So I’ll say thank you now. Brilliant Bursts of Light is so beautiful, and it honestly captured what I was imagining perfectly, even when I had only a few ideas of what it might sound like. It really is breathtaking. You have real talent, and I hope you can see that. Thank you so much!

Edited by Ookla the Fluffy
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Thank you everyone for the kind words! And ooh, so many prompts! :D

Just got back from vacation today and I expect I'll be able to finish all of these in the next week. @Ookla the Perpetual, just realized I never did your prompt—so sorry! I'll record that with the others.

Also I love how both @Ookla the Floofy and @Ookla the Fluffy have posted here :lol:


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On 10/5/2022 at 1:44 PM, Ookla the Debonair said:

"A King Corrupted" is a study of how one can become obsessed with something to the point that they can focus on nothing else. I accelerated the tempo as the king progressed in his narcissism and tried to show how it destroyed him. After he dooms his kingdom, he realizes how he's failed, but he doesn't have time to focus on that, for he must battle his horrific birthright and come to terms with his legacy and humanity.

I'm a little behind on listening to these cool impromptu music thingies. A King Corrupted is definitely one of my favorites so far. Man. I don't have many ideas for prompts. Maybe for the season you could try something like going from fall to winter. Like a transfer from the leaves falling to the snow falling and covering the ground. Your songs are really cool though.

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17 minutes ago, Gregorio said:

I'm a little behind on listening to these cool impromptu music thingies. A King Corrupted is definitely one of my favorites so far. Man. I don't have many ideas for prompts. Maybe for the season you could try something like going from fall to winter. Like a transfer from the leaves falling to the snow falling and covering the ground. Your songs are really cool though.

Thank you! It makes me happy to hear that people are enjoying these.

Were there any elements that you really liked from A King Corrupted? I can do your prompt and add in whatever you liked if you wanted.

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20 minutes ago, Ookla the Debonair said:

Were there any elements that you really liked from A King Corrupted? I can do your prompt and add in whatever you liked if you wanted.

Not necessarily. It just seemed really well done and stood out to me. The transition from the beginning to the end was quite different, though it stayed close enough to be noticeable as the same song. I liked the perky bit at the start slowing down to match what the tone should be. Just go wherever you want with my prompt if you want. I came up with it in like two seconds when I looked out the window, so. :P

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