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THE RAVEN CYCLE! I personally think it's the best series in the world and love it with my whole heart. The premise, the magic, the characters (oml i love the characters so much), not to mention the excellent prose. Discuss anything you want about it here, including Dreamer Trilogy, and welcome to the raven club! 

(Thanks so very much to @Elf for introducing me to the series.)

To start off the discussion, lets do favorite characters! Asking me to pick my favorite is like asking me to pick a favorite child. As in i would pick Ronan and then feel a little guilty about it. There's not a huge reason, mostly just that his angry punk gay farmer energy makes me happy lol.

edit from like way later: i am now a die-hard adam parrish person, he is by far my favorite. this has been a psa :]


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Yay!!! I am fifty pages from the end of The Raven King and will finish it within the hour hopefully! I LOVE THESE BOOKS. My favorite character is probably Ronan. I don't really know why, I just love the depth and complexity of his personality. My second favorite is probably Adam, followed closely by Blue. But I love all of them! It's so hard to choose. Gansey is my heart and Noah is just the sweetest ever.

On 8/21/2022 at 0:11 PM, Szeth's Facepalm said:

(Thanks so very much to @Elf for introducing me to the series.

Asking me to pick my favorite is like asking me to pick a favorite child.

Absolutely yes to both of these. 

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4 hours ago, Elf said:


My favourite character is Adam. I kinda relate to him a lot and look up to him 

But second favourite is definitely GANSEY BOYYYYY

I definitely ask myself "what would Adam Parrish do" when i have to make a hard decision lol. 

Here's some fanart i made that might just be my favorite thing i've ever drawn:




(Please don't comment on the lack of appendages. You may comment on gansy's very goofy appearance though, idk what happened there lol)


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I love it :D. I will have to read that novella, but I'll do it after I finish Call Down the Hawk and Mister Impossible. Ronan is currently just the best. What's your guys' favorite plot point?

Edited by Morningtide
It autocorrected Ronan to Roman
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Well, the novella takes place between The Raven King and Call Down the Hawk, but i guess that works.

(Spoilers below for all of TRC)


I just think it's really funny that a ton of the plot twist are just "Ronan dreamt it." Where did Chainsaw come from? What's up with Matthew? Why does Cabeswater exist? And then it's just that Ronan dreamt it lmao

How far are you into Call Down the Hawk? Have you gotten to the sad part at Harvard yet?

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Yes :( I think. I mean there has been one very sad part at Harvard so I assume so. 


I just got to the part where Parsifal dies and Ronan goes to help Hennessy learn to dream using "trees" :D

So I'm most of the way through

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Nobody's posted, so don't kill me for double posting please!!!!

I finished Mister Impossible! I'm... Not sure how I feel. Ronan is making some very questionable decisions that I'm not sure I agree with. ALSO HE HUNG UP ON ADAM!!! :angry:

I had more to say but I forgot, so I might edit this post later.

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Stuff i wrote before you replied:

I just finished Mister Impossible for the first time and oh my almighty how am i going to make it to october

I love maggie steifvater with all my heart but this is the first time i've gotten the full effect of one of her cliffhangers and i don't know how to bear it







also there's lesbians now lol <3 <3 <3


Also it's soooo funny that Bryde is yet another "Ronan dreamt" it plot twist. Somehow Maggie keeps doing them and they keep being completely unexpected lmao

How could maggie leave us like this ;-; this is the first time i've been truly and intensly anticipating a book release. Like, i was exited for Trials of Apollo, hyped for Cytonic, am currently having fun waiting for Lost Metal, but i am legitimately agitated waiting for Greywaren ;-;

Here's my take on the Mister Impossible cover (no spoilers):



In response to morningtide:

Funny that we had similar ronan concerns lol

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Yes!!! I love your cover btw. Done o professionally, I might like your design better. I CAN'T WAIT TILL OCTOBER AHHHHHHHHH. Her climaxes are kind of like being hit in the head with a book and given a concussion. So many things :(:blink::D

Yes about bryde!! How does she do it?!? Lol. 

I wonder if Greywaren will


Take place entirely in a dream? Since Ronan's asleep? Or maybe the plot will take a very Maggie turn and the ley line will be solved in the first few chapters and then the story will do a different conflict. 

*Shrug and extremely anticipatory squeals*

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50 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

I love your cover btw. Done o professionally, I might like your design better.

THANKS SO MUCH!!! That’s a huge huge compliment :D

50 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

I wonder if Greywaren will

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Take place entirely in a dream? Since Ronan's asleep? Or maybe the plot will take a very Maggie turn and the ley line will be solved in the first few chapters and then the story will do a different conflict. 


Woahhhh i didn't really even think about him being asleep. Yeah.... that could be very interesting.

I have a feeling that


The ley line problem being solved very quickly won't happen, because i think Jordan's sweetmetal is going to be pretty important. But obviously i could be surprised.

Btw, i've considered reading the Shiver series because of how much i liked TRC. The description turned me off a little as it doesn't seem like my kind of book, but i love Maggie's writing style and have a feeling the plot would surprise me if i read it. What are your feelings on it?

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I just finished Shiver and I haven't read the other books yet, but I thought it was good. It has a very different feel than the Raven Cycle, but the prose is still the same and it's amazing. I don't normally like paranormal romance books AT ALL, but this one was done really well. I'm going to read the rest of the series. I thought that it was just better than usual. 

You're probably right in your spoilered assumption. I just know that Maggie really likes taking her plots in ways that we don't think! :lol:

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I haven't read the call down the hawk books yet 

Should I? 

Somehow i keep meaning to read it but other books just keep taking priority on my TBR

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13 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Sorry to double post, but i took a "which character are you" quiz and @Elf look what i got *skull emoji*

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Here's the quiz (it's pretty fun): 


Ahhhh i love joseph

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