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Spoilers for chapter 25




Ok ok not really spoilers but. Ya know.

Edit (spoilers for chapter 30):







Edited by Szeth's Facepalm
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Sorry to double post but.

I just finished it

I cried so hard i almost threw up

It was literally perfect


All literature has been ruined for me

(@ Morningtide- don't wanna actually tag u- i'll respond to ur post after u or elf makes a post cause it won't let me quote you in edits and triple posting is unheard of)

Edited by Szeth's Facepalm
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Yes you do!!

8 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Sorry to double post but.

I just finished it

I cried so hard i almost threw up

It was literally perfect


All literature has been ruined for me

(@ Morningtide- don't wanna actually tag u- i'll respond to ur post after u or elf makes a post cause it won't let me quote you in edits and triple posting is unheard of)

It's so good isn't it!!!!!!

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Ok i will add more reactions to Greywaren soon but TODAY IS THE DAY I MEET MAGGIE!!!! The website says she will sign greywaren plus two books from home, and i'm thinking how hilarious it would be to bring, like, harry potter and the order of the Phoenix and ask her to sign that.

I really wanna do it but my mom said it'd be rude

But it would be so funny

I'm definitely getting The Raven King signed, and if i don't get the HP signed (it would be so funny, think about it, i could be like "this is my signed copy of Harry Potter+the order of the Phoenix!" And people will be like "woah you got JKs signature?!" And i'd be like, "uh, no, who's that??" And then i open it and it says "maggie" and they'll be like "wtf") i can't decide between Blue Lilly Lilly Blue and The Raven Boys.

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She just did a talk, notable moments:

1. She said that originally gansy was gonna be an old man, and he and Mallory were gonna be the same character

2. She called Adam an "emotionally constipated lizard" and said that when dream theives was published people would show up at her house to ask her to kill off Adam

3. Apparently Hennessey was tied with Ronan for oldest character!

She was so funny, that was awesome

I haven't gotten the books signed yet. I'll say whether getting the HP book signed works or not lmao

Edit: sheeee does not sign books she hasn't written. ;-;

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19 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

She just did a talk, notable moments:

1. She said that originally gansy was gonna be an old man, and he and Mallory were gonna be the same character

2. She called Adam an "emotionally constipated lizard" and said that when dream theives was published people would show up at her house to ask her to kill off Adam

3. Apparently Hennessey was tied with Ronan for oldest character!

She was so funny, that was awesome

I haven't gotten the books signed yet. I'll say whether getting the HP book signed works or not lmao

Edit: sheeee does not sign books she hasn't written. ;-;

1. This is hilarious and I love imagining this. No wonder Gansey just acts like an old guy all the time :lol:

2. This is even more hilarious, especially because Adam has always been one of my favorites

3. That's cool!

That's too bad! I wish she did :P

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When i learn how to animate (AND IT IS A WHEN) i'm gonna make a ton of ronan animations to Little Dark Age (by MGMT). There’s just so much ronan packed into the lyrics. I'm storyboarding an animation of the dream theives scene where gansy and ronan fight a night terror. It's gonna be to the part of the lyrics that says "if you get out if bed and find me standing all alone, open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age." i'll post when it's finished :D (or just when i like it, idk if it'll get finished)

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That's awesome! I will proceed to listen to this song now. 

On a similar note, I was listening to In My Blood by the score and it's so Ronan. The first line is literally "I'm a dreamer but it's getting hard to take it." 

I'll look forward to that animation

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Ok soooo i drew the story board... last night... it took me, like, 2 hours..... and then i read (well, listened to) the actual scene and....... it's completely different ;-;

But here's it anyway (the part with quote marks is gonna have the latin that he says in it as soon as i get my copy of dream thieves back from my cousin. If i bother filling it in.)



it's messy cause it's just a storyboard, and also i can barely draw anything other than humans so the hands and the night horror thingy is bad. And i don't like how gansy looks in the last panel w/ him. Also it is completely different than the actual scene. Also i have no idea why i drew the night terror like that. Ahhhhhhhhhhh the more i look at it the more i hate it ;-; 

I'm probably just going to make a comic of the scene cause it's one of my favorites and i want to illustrate it but it's kind of too long to fit meaningfully into ten seconds (which i have realized as i re-read it lol).

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that's suuper cool 

I am honestly so glad that you both liked this series so much, especially you Facepalm cause i can see how much you love it. There's something special about the feeling of introducing someone to their fav book :D

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Minor spoilers ahead just so yk.


Ummm no dark magic really. It has like tarot card readings and some scrying but no like devil worshippy stuff. And as for inappropriate, it swears more than your average book (at least the ones that I read) but I wouldn't call it inappropriate at all. There really isn't any kissing even. If your mom is the type to consider a gay relationship inappropriate there is some of that I guess. There's mentions of suicide but not super directly and there's a few scenes of mildly descriptive abuse. That's trigger warnings I suppose but it's more sad than inappropriate. 

Facepalm you can tell me if I missed anything

On another note, I have apparently picked up Declan's habit of typing with one thumb and one pointer finger. It's really very nice :lol:

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Don't look calano. This is spoilers 


Isn't there a scene where nevee gets posessed by some super creepy thing? And the whole scene with cabeswater where Adam is like "I'll be your hands and eyes" could be counted as some dark magic thing. Also there's like the scene in the bathroom isn't it where Adam's eyes are moving of their own accord or something? Sorry it's been a year, i don't really remember. 

This is all tiny things, but could be counted as such yk 

As for the swearing part all I'll say is 



But honestly I'd say oldy voldy's  horcruxes are more dark magic than anything in these books  

That scene where bathilda bagshot gets posessed by Nagani still gives me the shivers

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looking anwyays i dont care

see thats the kind of magic i can get behind, it's pretty fun.

so yeah the only issue is the swearing but i dont even care about that so...

i started a cool book (sorry ill be done with it quick) then it's TRC, and then it's The Fault In Our Stars!

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5 hours ago, Elf said:



Don't look calano. This is spoilers 

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Isn't there a scene where nevee gets posessed by some super creepy thing? And the whole scene with cabeswater where Adam is like "I'll be hands and eyes" could be counted as some dark magic thing. Also there's like the scene in the bathroom isn't is where Adam is like his eyes are moving of theri own accord or something? Sorry it's been a year, i don't really remember. 

This is all tiny things, but could be counted as such yk 

As for the swearing part all I'll say is 



But honestly I'd say oldy voldy's  horcruxes are more dark magic than anything in these books  

That scene where bathilda bagshot gets posessed by Nagani still gives me the shivers

mmm yes I forgot about those things. 

That's probably true. I mean splitting your soul through murder and sticking your soul in random objects that try to hurt/kill people who own them is shockingly dark for a children's book. 

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It's not that bad imo, but yeah the swearing. And the rituals i guess. But like. Just don't do that lol.

Sorry if i'm flippant, my dad just barely filtered the stuff he read us when we were little and my parents never cared about the stuff i read so i'm kind of desensitized? But honestly, if you're 13-14+ and know what you're comfortable with, trc should be fine.

Also doomie don't read anything by john green it's a waste of time

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26 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

looking anwyays i dont care

see thats the kind of magic i can get behind, it's pretty fun.

so yeah the only issue is the swearing but i dont even care about that so...

i started a cool book (sorry ill be done with it quick) then it's TRC, and then it's The Fault In Our Stars!

What's the name of the book?

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