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Sorry for double posting. 

I did some trc art!!!! I was doodling and decided to draw a little picture for each of the gangsey. (Excluding Henry because I couldn't think of anything other than a bee and that was already taken) 

Also I used so many references for everything because I cannot draw unless I'm looking directly at what I'm trying to draw :lol: so don't think I just drew all of this out of my head

Also now my brain is convinced that I've posted this here before, so apologies if I have. 


Edit: I can't put it in a spoiler box sorry

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6 hours ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

IT'S SO CUTE! My fav is gansy's :D Noah's is so sad tho D:

For henry, u could draw a madonna t-shirt lol

Yes as I was posting this I thought I'd the Madonna t shirt! :lol: Noah's is intentionally sad bc I thought that he didn't get the plotline he deserved and he is generally a very sad character. Sad to read, not sad as a personality. Gansey's was so much fun to draw! Blue's is the most random. I really don't know why I picked that lol. 

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Apologies for double posting! I seem to be saying this a lot on this thread

I was watching the full-length The Grinch movie and I have decided that Ronan is the Grinch. :lol: There's one part in the movie where a short lady is trying to reach a jar on the top shelf in a grocery store. The Grinch walks up and takes the jar down, looks at it, and then puts it back on the top shelf. He walks away and then starts laughing to himself. 

IS THIS NOT SOMETHING THAT RONAN WOULD DO?!?!?!?! This is hilarious to me. 

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100% LMAOOO. Sometimes i think "yeah i kin Ronan" and then i remember he'd totally do something like that and i totally wouldn't and im like "yeah nope"

(Also, since it's just you, me, elf, and occasionally calano, i don't think anyone minds that much lol.)

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THERE IS ANOTHER!!!!!! There have been literally only 4 people who have ever replied to this and now there are five :D 

19 hours ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

100% LMAOOO. Sometimes i think "yeah i kin Ronan" and then i remember he'd totally do something like that and i totally wouldn't and im like "yeah nope"

Yes I feel the same way! I go back and forth between "Wow Ronan is so sweet and I love him!" and "Wow Ronan can be a hilariously spectacular jerk lol"

19 hours ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

(Also, since it's just you, me, elf, and occasionally calano, i don't think anyone minds that much lol.)

Yeah I'd feel more bad about it if it wasn't just us :lol: 

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18 hours ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

just realized this existed :P

it's been a while, but i do love this series



I think everyone on this thread loves the series just a little too much

Jk you could never love anything by maggie steifvater too much.

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Facts. She is amazing. 


Fun fact, I was looking at stormlight incorrect quotes , and one of the quotes was originally from this series. It made me unreasonably happy 

Edit: I am bored so I have a collection of some of my favorite Raven cycle incorrect quotes from the meme folder on my phone. I'm on my phone so I can't make them small or put them in a spoiler box for some reason sorry. 







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Second to last one and first ones are very canon

On 11/28/2022 at 10:49 AM, Ookla the Theoretical said:

Fun fact, I was looking at stormlight incorrect quotes , and one of the quotes was originally from this series. It made me unreasonably happy

Which quote was it?

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Here's a call down the hawk era adam design for a comic im gonna make:



Next up is ronan :D (i'm gonna make a comic of the part where they meet up at Harvard but don't recognize each other. it originally was gonna be an animation storyboard but it didn't turn out that way and also i can't animate lol)

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My top five stuff to save in a fire:

1. My pupper

2. My signed and personalized copy of Greywaren

3. My signed and personalized copy of The Raven King

4. My signed and personalized copy of Call Down The Hawk

5. My little sister

Bonus: My Raven's Prophesy Tarot cards (designed by Maggie Steifvater)  and their signed and personalized reading guide

Oh also i gave my Call Down The Hawk adam a messenger bag instead of a backpack like he had before cause i thought it fit him better:



Idk why the picture is always so blurry ;-; ;-; ;-;

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my top five stuff would be 

my six of crows books 

this book i thrifted thats from the 1950s 

my makeup products 

my clothes

my heeled boots

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I would grab a back and shove as many books into it as possible. Six of Crows, Raven cycle, anything else I love. This is probably cheating but *shrug*

Then my very special stuffed bear that I think I might die without. 

Then my phone because contacts and people


... My family

And that is quite a good Adam. I like the messenger bag a lot. 

Also I want these tarot cards now lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/10/2022 at 5:59 PM, Morningtide said:

Also I want these tarot cards now lol

They're soo pretty. I don't do readings often; I can't take tarot entirely seriously, so even if there was some truth to them, I'm probably not the right person to divine it. but i like just shuffling and going through the motions of a reading without a particular question since the cards are all so gorgeous and their meanings are all so cool, and sometimes i like to make a story plot from the path that the cards take. I got the manual signed when i got the other books signed, and if i ever get to meet Steifvater again (oh god i hope i do) i'm going to try to get her to sign my favorite cards :D

Also, Morningtide, do you remember which chapter of Greywaren was the one about Adam and was structured like an essay? It was top three chapters for me (coincidentally all three of which include Adam- jk completely not a coincidence) and i have skimmed the entire book two whole times and i cannot seem to find it anywhere! i'm honestly wondering if it was A. a dream i had (likely as i often confuse dreams with reality, though normally they are not as strongly ingrained into my memory as this) or B. only in the audiobook (which seems rather unlikely), and i am very confused. Would you happen to remember if it exists or not?

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11 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

They're soo pretty. I don't do readings often; I can't take tarot entirely seriously, so even if there was some truth to them, I'm probably not the right person to divine it. but i like just shuffling and going through the motions of a reading without a particular question since the cards are all so gorgeous and their meanings are all so cool, and sometimes i like to make a story plot from the path that the cards take. I got the manual signed when i got the other books signed, and if i ever get to meet Steifvater again (oh god i hope i do) i'm going to try to get her to sign my favorite cards :D

Also, Morningtide, do you remember which chapter of Greywaren was the one about Adam and was structured like an essay? It was top three chapters for me (coincidentally all three of which include Adam- jk completely not a coincidence) and i have skimmed the entire book two whole times and i cannot seem to find it anywhere! i'm honestly wondering if it was A. a dream i had (likely as i often confuse dreams with reality, though normally they are not as strongly ingrained into my memory as this) or B. only in the audiobook (which seems rather unlikely), and i am very confused. Would you happen to remember if it exists or not?




That's sounds great! Tarot cards are so much fun. I can't take them entirely seriously either, but they're fun anyway. 

I know what you're talking about and it does exist. I love that chapter to death! It showcases everything that makes Steifvater amazing. It's only the first part of a chapter I think and it's somewhere near the beginning maybe? I don't know. I'll go skim through the book and update this post if I find it. :P

Do you guys have a specific quote or scene from TRC or TDT that just broke your hearts? I have a few. 

Spoilers kinda for all the books but I was a bit vague. Only the last has DT spoilers


When Adam is taking about how he learned to hide alone instead of with his mom


When Gansey and Blue go on the night drive


The Nial and Mor flashback about Ronan and the forest (yk what I'm talking about if you've read it) 


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4 hours ago, Morningtide said:

I know what you're talking about and it does exist. I love that chapter to death! It showcases everything that makes Steifvater amazing. It's only the first part of a chapter I think and it's somewhere near the beginning maybe? I don't know. I'll go skim through the book and update this post if I find it. :P

Hahah i found it!! Chapter 19 (so it turns out that two of my favorite chapters are the same... curious)

4 hours ago, Morningtide said:

Do you guys have a specific quote or scene from TRC or TDT that just broke your hearts? I have a few. 

The first one you said :(:( when


adam's mom tries to convince him it's his fault, that always gets me :( :( :(

there's probably more, i'll add them when they come to me.

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