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Elf takes prompts!


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Hey i thought this might be a fun idea. You give me a prompt, either for an original story or a fanfiction of the following books, if you've read them as well. 

Six of Crows

If we were villains

The Secret History

The Poppy War

The Raven Cycle

you give me a prompt, tell if you want gore and things in it or not, the word count you want and give me a rating (eh, adult, ya, middle grade. Or even just stuff like - gore, bloody, fluffy) to stick to and I write it for you. If you don't give me a rating then i just stick to the safest way of writing. Wont put anything graphic. tho my texting skills are horrendous i promise im a half decent writer.  

(i did something like this before but got too busy. Im not that busy now tho!)

Edited by Elf
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Classic Time Travel Alternate Timeline story, but what changed was that a time traveler introduced a Song that changed society in sweeping and unexpected ways (instead of a butterfly being stepped on or whatever).  Your call which song would have that power...

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6 minutes ago, Elf said:

Ooooh that is interesting. I'll try to have it ready in a week. 

@Quantusplease give the rating and word count that you would like.

Good Rating?  Reasonable length?  It's up to you entirely, Im just curious what you'd do with the (admittedly vague) idea.

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Nah na nah i meant rating as in 

Middle grade, ya ,adult so ik how much gore or violence i can use

41 minutes ago, Quantus said:

Good Rating?  Reasonable length?  It's up to you entirely, Im just curious what you'd do with the (admittedly vague) idea.

And a plot line is already weaving in my head but it's like 1 am here so I'll work on it tommorow 

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry for double posting 


Two things - you didnt specify what time the traveler had to come from or where he had to arrive and you didnt specify if the song had to be one that exists in our world or not, so i took creative liberties with both those things. 

The prompt was kinda vauge so i think i ended up writing a story thats more vibes than plot, but nevertheless i hope its halfway decent and you like it

The Time Traveler.docx

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1 hour ago, Elf said:

sorry for double posting 


Two things - you didnt specify what time the traveler had to come from or where he had to arrive and you didnt specify if the song had to be one that exists in our world or not, so i took creative liberties with both those things. 

The prompt was kinda vauge so i think i ended up writing a story thats more vibes than plot, but nevertheless i hope its halfway decent and you like it

The Time Traveler.docx

Nice!  That did not end how I expected, but I like it.

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