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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Kerbal Space Program.

Come here @Ancient Sequence so we can continue our discussion :D

Aha. Sorry Bookwyrm XD. Anyways, orbits. So far locking onto the yellow thing (can't remember if it's retrograde or prograde) sends me up in an orbital looking path, then sends me straight into the ground. Any tips?

EDIT: I got it!



Don't pay attention to the horrible ellipticity :P


EDIT 2: Followed the yellow thing, made a near perfect orbit, capsule completed about 15 orbits and could have done more, then I brought it into a controlled decent and the crew made it home safely!


EDIT 3 (LMAO): Successfully landed on Minmus with my rocket that was originally designed for the Mun. First attempt too!


Edit 4 (eeeeee): Managed to get the minmus lander alllll the way back to Kerbin only to find out that I had installed drogue chutes instead of full-sized chutes ._. My best pilot died as the capsule slammed into the water at about 130 mps.

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imagine slamming into a heavenly body at 130 m/s.

i did it at 240 m/s HA!

also hey good job with orbit!

the prograde/retrogade markers are green tho..... and retrgorade has the lines on the inside soooo.

but yes good job! 15 orbits pog! I have a Kerbal on one of my ComSats, at some point I'll bring him back, but he'll be up there a while XD.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

imagine slamming into a heavenly body at 130 m/s.

i did it at 240 m/s HA!

also hey good job with orbit!

the prograde/retrogade markers are green tho..... and retrgorade has the lines on the inside soooo.

but yes good job! 15 orbits pog! I have a Kerbal on one of my ComSats, at some point I'll bring him back, but he'll be up there a while XD.

For me Prograde and Retrograde markers are yellow :/ Done more since then. Brought back two of my Minmus rockets, sent a high-range relay into orbit, plus a telescope both of my own design. Cool stuffs all around. Comsat's stock, right? What's it's function? Classification?

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11 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

yes please

So, for starters, you might have to start making your own rockets XD. This method requires a LOT of fuel to spare, as there needs to be room for mid-flight revisions and adjustments. Basically, if your rocket is going at the correct speed (should be going anywhere from 800 to 900 m/s just as you're entering the upper atmosphere), locking onto the prograde will make your orbit larger, but it will also make it very elliptical. So, you lock onto the prograde to expand the orbit, and then lock onto radial-in or radial-out to make it more circular and centered around Kerbin. However, that will make the orbit smaller overall, so you will need to switch back and forth from prograde and radial-in/out (you might also have to time warp to the widest part of your orbit to get it to the correct size if you're at a low altitude). So as long as you have a dedicated maneuvering module, or... somehow managed to pack all this fuel into a single stage, it shouldn't be too difficult. I personally have two stages. A mammoth engine connected to one full sized fuel tank, along with two of those twin-boars on either side with correctly sized fuel tanks on those. When that detaches, the next stage is a rhino engine connected to a half sized fuel tank, which has the payload fairing and the probe mounted on top, which as a small detachable liquid fuel maneuvering module. I suppose you could use a monopropellant module or... maybe even one of those xenon juno engines. Idk. More thrust with more fuel and less weight is the way to go. I also highly recommend the Kerbodyne HECS2 probe core. Light, built in comms for stable LKO and HKO, carries plenty of electric charge (but still might need an external battery for when it's in the planet's shadow). Alright students, for homework I'll need you all to achieve stable orbit with the Prograde/Radial method. This does NOT have to be a scientific probe! That is for Wednesday. Class dismissed! 

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Mr. Sequence?

I have two things. One, I can't launch till Friday evening, for technical reasons. And also, radial is the blue circles, right?

Other than that, once friday comes I can launch and hopefully achieve a much more even and stable orbit. Most of my current orbits have a high apoapsis (of about 200k), but a low periapsis (about 80-85k), so this info will definitely come in handy.

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7 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Ms. Sequence?

I have two things. One, I can't launch till Friday evening, for technical reasons. And also, radial is the blue circles, right?

Other than that, once friday comes I can launch and hopefully achieve a much more even and stable orbit. Most of my current orbits have a high apoapsis (of about 200k), but a low periapsis (about 80-85k), so this info will definitely come in handy.

Yes, the radials are the blue circles which can be locked onto by enabling RCS and SAS above the gyroscope. Also, if you'd rather have your orbits passing over the poles, you can use the pink triangles (normal/anti-normal) in space of the blue radials. I do accept late work with no point penalty, so there's no need to worry! And yeah this method should help you with having even orbits. Good luck!

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Yes, I know how to lock on to Radial and Normal nodes. I already have a half polar orbit with one of my satellites, but again, the orbit is waaaay uneven.

I will be testing with smaller satellites on friday before attempting a larger satellite. Preferrably, 2 tests.

And, my apologies on the incorrect prefix.

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3 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Yes, I know how to lock on to Radial and Normal nodes. I already have a half polar orbit with one of my satellites, but again, the orbit is waaaay uneven.

I will be testing with smaller satellites on friday before attempting a larger satellite. Preferrably, 2 tests.

And, my apologies on the incorrect prefix.

Sounds good! I wish you luck!

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3 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Question: SRBs or LRBs?

K'know, that one is hard. I think on most of my rockets (Like my moon/minmus craft and my orbital launcher) I ditch Solid Fuel entirely, but it can be useful sometimes. My only problem is the sizes they have. For SRBs you either have to have a tiny rocket, a teeny tiny rocket, a small-ish rocket, or a game-breakingly massive rocket, which makes it difficult to fit sometimes. Whatever you think suits you best!

Basically you need LRB's either way, but SRB's are optional.

This might help you make your decision.

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Kerbal Launch Program Announcement:

Due to an absence of faculty in the Mission Control Center, launch of the next mission has been postponed until early Saturday Afternoon.

The rocket will be moved back to the VAB for last pre-launch checks and any required maintenance before being rolled to the pad early Saturday morning.

Weather reports say that ideal weather conditions are 80% GO.

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  • 2 weeks later...
16 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Kerbal Launch Program Announcement: @Sequence

Construction of Muner I has been completed, Muner I is en route to Mun as we speak.

Translunar injection burn in T- 4 minutes, 35 seconds.

Glad to hear it! I wish you luck on this journey. (Also if you didn't already know, you lock onto retrograde for an angled descent)

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On 9/26/2022 at 6:39 AM, CalanoCorvus said:

yes i know how to lock on to retrograde. i had to get off after posting this, but not before i achieved a stable munar orbit, which i'm STILL surprised about.

Tell me how it goes. My method of landing on the moon is very simple compared to yours lol. Maybe I should try orbits n' stuff. What I do is shoot a rocket directly at the moon, and I land on whatever spot happens to be lined up. Can have some issues, but it's simple, and most of the time it works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

K it went... decently. I've decided to ignore the moon for a bit. This time I built the KMG Space Telescope, and I'm gonna try and get a solar orbit.

update: KMG telescope in a succesful solar orbit, scanning for celestial bodies. that was easy :D

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14 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

K it went... decently. I've decided to ignore the moon for a bit. This time I built the KMG Space Telescope, and I'm gonna try and get a solar orbit.

update: KMG telescope in a succesful solar orbit, scanning for celestial bodies. that was easy :D

Nice work! Solar orbit is a nice one to go for, since that's what you align with once escaping Kerbin's orbit. I myself have a small science relay and a telescope out there as well. I'm almost certain I had a third, but I haven't seen it in forever so I'm pretty sure it collided with something :blink:. Keep me updated on the Mun shenanigans!

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telescopes easy af bruh lol. of course, i was worried on launch, because it kept wobbling.

but the KMG craft wobbling was nothing compared to when I built a rocket around the stock viewmatic survey sattelite. burns for that were horrific. so much wobbling

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On 10/7/2022 at 7:44 AM, CalanoCorvus said:

telescopes easy af bruh lol. of course, i was worried on launch, because it kept wobbling.

but the KMG craft wobbling was nothing compared to when I built a rocket around the stock viewmatic survey sattelite. burns for that were horrific. so much wobbling

big rockets do tend to wobble a bit. my pride and joy, the E Mk 35, wobbles a bit before launch., but it always turns out ok 

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  • 3 months later...

Many many... two months later...


I have repaired all my flawed methods. Moon and Minmus missions are now guaranteed to be safe and will not run out of fuel. Launch pad established on the surface of the moon. Vpered and Stroitel space stations are in orbit. GO-6S becomes the only craft to ferry people to and from space stations. The practice of maneuver nodes and mothership docking has been perfected. We have entered a new era. PPz-5 to launch to Duna soon.

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