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Conquer the World... With AI

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8 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

My turn?

ok :shrug:


The clans of Ilsador and Valorma get into a border dispute, and the High Clan of Lunoma begins to make slow research into better material for weapons.

There, hope that works.



Meanwhile, the tribes of Ilsador and Valorma get into a border dispute on their island: the Commune of Vandora. The High Clan of Lunoma, meanwhile, attempts to research a better material for weapons, but accidentally creates an insane stone beast which destroys the Commune of Vandora.


I tried to stop it. The AI refused.

Your island is now a wasteland, and there's a massive stone beast roaming around it.


On 9/16/2022 at 4:43 PM, NerdyAarakocra said:

HY 0001

Alarmed by the chaos on the mainland, Realmingsberg decides to remain peaceful, using its skyships in case of attack. The Inventors Triumvirate, believing that safety can be found in numbers, offers an alliance to the Republic of Astrym.

Alarmed by the chaos on the mainland, Realmingsberg decide that, believing that safety can be found in numbers, offers an alliance to the Republic of Astrym.
The Republic of Astyrm accepts, but asks them to keep their distance from the mainland. They want to maintain their independence.

You are now allied with @The Bookwyrm, whose turn will be next after we wrap up this first round.

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8 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



Meanwhile, the tribes of Ilsador and Valorma get into a border dispute on their island: the Commune of Vandora. The High Clan of Lunoma, meanwhile, attempts to research a better material for weapons, but accidentally creates an insane stone beast which destroys the Commune of Vandora.


Alarmed by the chaos on the mainland, Realmingsberg decides to, believing that safety can be found in numbers, offer an alliance to the Republic of Astrym.
The Republic of Astyrm accepts, but asks them to keep their distance from the mainland. They want to maintain their independence.

You are now allied with @The Bookwyrm, whose turn will be next after we wrap up this first round.



Me: ¨I want an alliance!¨ Ai: ¨Ok.¨

Corvus: ¨I want to do weapons research!¨ Ai: ¨NO.¨


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Round 1 Recap:

  • The Republic of Astrym develops Adamantium Armor.
  • Nam-Ed attempts to seal a deal with Serenitas. Both of their ambassadors end up dead.
  • Dalrya creates an alloy with Titanium and Adamantium to use as amor.
  • Eshael Navar buffs their navy, but lacks the funding to send them on any voyages.
  • Lynara invades Serenitas and beats the ever-living snot outta them.
  • The Wrizrecan Emperor becomes a waterbender.
  • Some remaining Serenite soldiers try to take their capitol back from the Lynara, who proceeds to once again beat the ever-living snot outta them.
  • The Gahestian Empire feels really bad for the Serenites and somehow ends up sending their army to assist what little resistance remained.
  • Not-Luxembourg gets nothing done.
  • The Commune of Vandora accidentally summons a massive stone monster and gets the ever-living snot kicked outta them.
  • Realmingsburg manages to secure an alliance with the Republic of Astrym on the condition that their armies stay off their land.


Year 0001:

  • The Republic of Astrym begins researching new resources
  • The Kingdom of Dalyra begins researching new resources
  • Eshael Navar pushes for funding towards a greater navy


  • Eshael Navar secures funding for a greater navy and begins construction
  • The Republic of Astrym discovers Adamantium and researches applications
  • The Kingdom of Nam-Ed sends an ambassador to Serenitas. In a tragic series of somewhat unbelievable events, both of their envoys end up assassinated.


  • The Republic of Astrym begins manufacturing adamantium armor
  • The Kingdom of Dalyra successfully creates an alloy for titanium and adamantium
  • Eshael Navar completes their new fleet, but can't afford to send them out yet
  • On a whim, Lynara invades Serenitas. Somehow, they succeed.
  • Serenitas fights back from within, but fails to recapture their country capitol. What little forces remain retreat to the east.


  • The Gahestian Empire sends soldiers to assist the Serenites, but can't get inside the city. They end up joining the Serenite resistance.
  • The Kingdom of Dalyra invents an incredibly versatile armor type using their new alloy.
  • The Wrizrecan Emperor becomes a waterbender.
  • The Commune of Vandora accidentally summons a primordial stone beast and ends up getting their mainland destroyed.


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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All right. Sorry about the wait.

Astrym Calendar 1054

Holy Year 0005

Research as continued into the applications of a new metal known as Adamantium. Technological progress has been made with this metal, and we shall continue researching it.

Fearing invasion from other kingdoms, we have also begun a military program using our magic and technology to ensure that our kingdom is protected from outside threats.

An alliance has been made with the kingdom of Realmingsburg. We have decided to send an emissary to help create a more secure alliance, and to negotiate further terms, so both of us can benefit.

We have heard that a mishap with the usage of magic on the island known as Vandora. We are sending a team of specialists to see if we can do anything to solve the problem, and provide a relief effort for the people who live there.

The Republic of Astrym continues to research their Adamantium technology, and has begun training a stronger military armed with magic and Adamantium. They send an emissary to Realmingsburg to secure their alliance. 

Hearing of the troubles in the Commune of Vandora, Astrym sends a team of specialists armed with magic and Adamantium to try to help with the problem and provide a relief effort to the people there.


I realize that this is more like four actions instead of one, but the two main ones are training a military and sending specialists to Vandora. The main one to plug into the AI is sending the specialists to Vandora. If you only put one action in, do that one.

We're coming to help, @CalanoCorvus, whether you like it or not.


Edited by The Bookwyrm
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Hearing of the troubles in the Commune of Vandora, Astrym sends a team of specialists armed with magic and Adamantium in an attempt to help the island.

The first group of wizards fails miserably due to a combination of bad planning, incompetence, and an unfortunate series of events that led to the death of nearly half of them.

A second group succeeds in transporting them to the island, where they set up camp and begin the process of digging a tunnel under the sea. Unfortunately for them, the underwater caverns are home to an ancient race of giant octopuses known as the Orchids of the Deep. These creatures attack the wizards' encampment, killing all but three of them.

One of the survivors manages to steal one of the magical items that the Orchids had been using to defend themselves. Using the item, they are able to create a powerful shield of light, protecting them from the attacks of the Orchids.

They then use the item to teleport back to the surface. When they arrive, they find their comrades slain and the rest of the camp destroyed. They spend the next several days searching for survivors, until they finally locate one of the surviving wizards still alive.

However, upon seeing the body of another wizard, they realize what has happened to their companions. They quickly set out to rescue him, only to discover that he is already dead.
In order to prevent the Orchid from coming after them again, they decide to transport him back to the surface. However, once they do so, the Orchids attack them, and the surviving wizard is killed. After some deliberation, they decide to leave his body at the bottom of the ocean.

After retrieving the Orchid's artifacts, the wizards use them to construct a massive magical barrier around the island. It takes them ten years to complete, but when they're done, the Orchids have nowhere left to go.




...I don't think it worked.

@Nameless! Your turn.

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The kingdom of Nam-Ed dispatches an army of 37,000 troops to the neighboring kingdom of Reabromore, intent on capturing it as a buffer between themselves and the aggressive Lynara. Their main target is the capital.

Unfortunately for them, the citizens of Reabromore manage to retreat into the large labyrinth beneath their capital. The Nam-Ed army spends months searching for the entrance to the maze, but never finds it, while the people of Reabromor flee deep underground.

When the Nam-Ed army finally gives up their search, they decide to build a large fortress over the entrance to the labyrinth. Unfortunately for them, this leads to the entrance being flooded with water, sealing the whole thing off.

The Nam-Ed army remains trapped in the labyrinth, and eventually starve to death.


Your entire army is perished!

@Matrim's Dice, it is now your turn

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Now I’m really scared xD This AI doesn’t take too kindly to… anything

But here we go

In an effort to sew malicious chaos, the Dalryan council of Six dressed an assassin in a uniform of the Gropan Dynasty and sent him to kill the monarch of Ipethagena, discreetly framing the dynasty for the attack.

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In an effort to sew malicious chaos, the Dalryan council of Six dressed an assassin in a uniform of the Gropan Dynasty and sent him to kill the monarch of Ipethagena, discreetly framing the dynasty for the attack.

The assassination goes as planned, and the king of Ipethagena is murdered during a state dinner. Two days later, however, the assassins return to the palace, claiming that the king was not killed by the empire but rather by a dastardly plot within his own court.

As a result, the emperor dismisses the entire court from the royal chambers and orders them to find whoever is responsible for the assassination of the king.
This does nothing to calm the populace, who demand to know how such a crime could happen under their very noses.

When the empress finally returns from her trip to the country, she is met by a mob of angry citizens, demanding answers. She immediately summons all of the members of the court, including the assassins. When they refuse to speak, she demands that they be killed.

To everyone's surprise, the assassins reveal themselves to be Dalrans.

They explain that they were hired by the Council of Six to plant evidence of the king's murder in order to implicate the Gropans. In an attempt to cover up their own involvement, they sent the assassin to kill the king, then framed the Gropans for the deed.

However, as soon as they discovered that the king had been killed by an agent of the Gropans, they realized that they had been betrayed.

In order to cover their tracks, they decided to frame the Gropans for the assassination, hoping that the other nations would accept their version of events.

Unfortunately for them, nobody believed them.

The Dalrans were executed for their crimes, and the Gropans went on to conquer Ipethagena two years later.



You sent an assassins disguised as a Gropan to kill the Ipethaganan king... but apparently there was also an emperor? And...


The assassins weren't the ones who killed the king... apparently the Gropans did actually kill him. And managed to pin it on the assassins.

And it worked.

And now Ipethagena has been conquered by the Gropan Dynasty.

Someone post real quick. Unknown Novel already gave me their prompt.

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2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


You sent an assassins disguised as a Gropan to kill the Ipethaganan king... but apparently there was also an emperor? And...


The assassins weren't the ones who killed the king... apparently the Gropans did actually kill him. And managed to pin it on the assassins.

And it worked.

And now Ipethagena has been conquered by the Gropan Dynasty.


Gropans are dangerous, apparently


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In order to obtain the funds to field their navy, Eshael Navar's Maesar orders taxes raised. In protest, King Velich of Pitar decides to tax the ships of the Eshael Navy. As a result, the navy is forced to stop patrolling the waters surrounding Pitar.

Over the next few weeks, however, the price of food and goods rises dramatically. The people of Pitar blame the rising prices on the Eshael Navy, which they believe to be hoarding supplies.

However, the navy denies this, maintaining that the increase is due to the increased cost of trade. Soon, the relationship between the two countries begins to deteriorate, and Pitar declares war against Eshael.

A fleet of twenty thousand ships sails from Pitar to the Eshaelian coastline.


Looks like I'll be expanding the map soon. 

@The Unknown Novel, you are now at war with a country that isn't on the map yet!

Next up is @Shallan Stormblessed

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42 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

You are trapped with the stone beast and the orchids of the deep. I don't think the A.I. likes you much. 


The AI also trapped Nameless's entire army in a labyrinth and starved them to death, and then allowed Lynara to completely eradicate my people. I don't think the AI likes anyone much :blink:. Except you I guess, since you got water-bending for no reason :P.


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6 minutes ago, Sequence said:

The AI also trapped Nameless's entire army in a labyrinth and starved them to death, and then allowed Lynara to completely eradicate my people. I don't think the AI likes anyone much :blink:. Except you I guess, since you got water-bending for no reason :P.


I asked for a boon, expected a bane, got a boon. RNG occasionally likes me, until I start rolling twos and threes. 


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34 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

In order to obtain the funds to field their navy, Eshael Navar's Maesar orders taxes raised. In protest, King Velich of Pitar decides to tax the ships of the Eshael Navy. As a result, the navy is forced to stop patrolling the waters surrounding Pitar.

Over the next few weeks, however, the price of food and goods rises dramatically. The people of Pitar blame the rising prices on the Eshael Navy, which they believe to be hoarding supplies.

However, the navy denies this, maintaining that the increase is due to the increased cost of trade. Soon, the relationship between the two countries begins to deteriorate, and Pitar declares war against Eshael.

A fleet of twenty thousand ships sails from Pitar to the Eshaelian coastline.

@The Unknown Novel, you are now at war with a country that isn't on the map yet!

Next up is @Shallan Stormblessed


Oh dear. Not sure the AI knows the difference between taxes and tariffs, but oh well.


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