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Conquer the World... With AI

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8 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Lynara: ...Nothing



it's not my fault! it's the stupid queen's fault.

The widowed women and fatherless children mourn. They send out a general plea for assistance, as the Serenites will not give them any food.

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Having been completely decimated by the Serenite armies, the remaining Lynaran people cry out for help. The goddess of fate, Aelu, hears their cries and sends her strongest champion to aid them: a warrior named Aladdin.

Aladdin arrives at the battlefield, where he helps the survivors to escape through a portal. Once outside the portal, he battles and defeats the demon general, Grendan, who had come to Earth seeking revenge on Aladdin for killing his father.

After defeating him, the hero returns to Aelu, who informs him that she will cast a spell to keep his spirit alive forever if he saves the Lynaran people.

Aelu tells Aladdin about the prophecy that foretells that the Lynaran race will become extinct within six months. She also reveals that she knows how to stop the extinction, but only Aladdin can help her.

Aladdin agrees to help, but asks if there's anything else he could do to repay her.

She tells him that he should seek out the Blue Stone of Life and give it to the king of the Lynaras.

With the help of the Lynarans, Aladdin defeats Grendan once again and saves the Lynarans. He then travels to the city of Nafra, where he finds that the king of Lynara is none other than his childhood friend, Raul.

Aladdin gives the Blue Stone of Life to the king, and thanks the Lynarans for trusting in him.

He promises to return someday to save their kind from extinction.

@Shallan StormblessedI'm pretty sure you're alive again, though I haven't the faintest idea as to where you are.

The Wrizrecan Empire captures one of the hiveminds, and secretly torture it to extracts its eldritch knowledge.

Upon learning that the Wrizrecan Empire is planning on using this information to create a weapon, the Elders of the Hivemind warn the others.

The Wrizrecan Empire replies that it's not going to use the knowledge for weapons, but rather to open a portal to another world.

The Elders reply that this is nothing new; they already opened portals to several other worlds before.

The Wrizrecan Empire refuses to listen, however, and continues to plan with the eldritch knowledge extracted from its prisoner.

The Elders try to reason with the Wrizrecan Empire, but the Empire ignores them and proceeds with its plans.

@The Wandering Wizardyou're apparently looking into interdimensional travel, which the Hivemind don't seem all to happy about.

@Sequenceit is now your turn.

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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Mostly unrelated worldbuilding:

The pantheon of Eshael Navar is simple in comparison to some, with only five deities. The first and most powerful of which is called Esh, who governs the sea, and to a lesser extent the creatures that live in it and the rivers that flow to it. Esh has a lesser brother named Garud, who governs death. It was Garud who cursed certain waters to spite Esh, causing them to become land. He then twisted and changed the underwater creatures that Esh had made, forming them into creatures of the land, and cursing them with death, so that when their time came about, they would join him as eternal servants. To combat Garud, Esh made Maes, who he charged with fighting his brother. When Garud was pushed back into the void, Maes was left bored, so he (with the permission of Esh) made humans, who he put a desire for conflict and strife upon. The humans spread swiftly and widely, few ever venturing into the sea. Most worshipped Maes, their creator, but some heard the whispers of Garud and his undead servants, and chose to worship him. Only one people worshipped Esh, they were sailors, and could speak to the fish, who told them of Esh's might. The people, who called themselves the Eshael at that time, tried to spread the truth to the land dwellers, but were met with adversity and aggression. Eventually, the a coalition of Garud and Maes worshippers alike attacked the Eshael. In desperation, the Eshael pled with Esh to help them. He grew in anger when he realized the extent to which the other nations blasphemy went, but those lands were cursed by Garud, and as such he could not attack them with his full might, but the worship that the Eshael payed him had lessen the curse on the lands on which they lived, so Esh split the land in two, spreading the land of the Eshael away from that of the others. It was then that the Eshael added to their name. The Eshael Navar, the island people of Esh.

Advance action:

The Maesar of Eshael Navar, advised by the High Council recognized the weakness of their land based army, so he orders the inner island scoured to find magical resources to aid in Eshael Navar's invasion of Pitar. 

Edited by The Unknown Novel
Eshael Navar is an island.
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6 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Having been completely decimated by the Serenite armies, the remaining Lynaran people cry out for help. The goddess of fate, Aelu, hears their cries and sends her strongest champion to aid them: a warrior named Aladdin.

Aladdin arrives at the battlefield, where he helps the survivors to escape through a portal. Once outside the portal, he battles and defeats the demon general, Grendan, who had come to Earth seeking revenge on Aladdin for killing his father.

Was his father Jafar(I mean, he's not really dead, but yeah) Also, does Lynara get a magic lamp?

8 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

The Council of Six is overwhelmed by the dwarves' size

I thought dwarves were small.

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Ahh sorry! Here now.

Having reclaimed their homeland, Serenitas begins to work to restore the damage done by the occupying Lynarans, seeking help from other nations and using their available resources. They strengthen their army and create more fortified defenses, preparing for the event of another invasion.


Keeping it simple, since I had no ideas and felt kind of rushed XD.


Edited by Sequence
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Having reclaimed their homeland, Serenitas begins to work to restore the damage done by the occupying Lynarans, seeking help from other nations and using their available resources.

However, a group of Lynarans led by the former governor of the Larken Duchy, Raul, rebel against the new government, declaring themselves to be the true rulers of Serenitas.

Raul's rebellion spreads quickly throughout the land, and soon the majority of the country is under his control.

As the rebellion grows, the Serenitie government orders all military units to rally around the capital, leaving it defenseless.

Meanwhile, Raul's forces begin to raid outlying towns and villages.

Fearing for the safety of their families, the remaining citizens flee into exile.

It would seem that your guys' war is far from over.

The Gahestian Empire, hurt by the treacherous once-allies Republic of Astrym, seeks to wage war against the traitors. They ask Realmingsburg for assistance in this war.

Realmingsburg agrees to help, but requests the Gahestians to pay tribute to them for helping them in their time of need.

The Gahestians agree to this arrangement, but soon realize that the Realmingsburg Empire is actually using them as a tool to maintain power.

After the Gahestians and their allies win the war, Realmingsburg demands that they continue paying tribute to them.

However, the Gahestians refuse to comply, because they never asked for or received any protection. As a result, the Gahestians declare war on the Realmingsburg Empire.

...So I don't think my petition worked.

@Enter a usernameyour turn now.

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2 minutes ago, Enter a username said:

Not-Luxembourg manufactures thousands of monsters, and releases them in the Eakirandi Empire’s biggest cities with instructions to cause as much chaos as possible.

The Eakiris are quick to respond, sending an army of thousands of troops to destroy Not-Luxembourg's facilities. However, the soldiers suffer heavy casualties during the battle against the monsters, and Not-Luxembourg is able to mass produce even more creatures.

Eventually, the Eakiris manage to recapture their own towns and cities, but at a huge cost.

They decide to send a trade delegation to Not-Luxembourg, hoping for peace negotiations.

When the delegation reaches Not-Luxembourg, however, they find that the city has been completely destroyed. The entire population was wiped out in a single night due to the beasts the city manufactured.

The surviving Not-Luxembourgers believe that the Eakiris attacked the city to capture their technology.

Some of the survivors, including a young girl, flee into the woods to hide from the invading Eakiris.


@CalanoCorvusyour turn!

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Goodness... it took me about seventeen tries to get the AI to not send you off on a side quest.

The surviving members of the Commune of Vandora--rage-filled after their defeat--recuperate in the wilderness, licking their wounds.

One day, a mysterious man appears and offers the Commune a chance to regain their lost glory.

He tells them that he intends to conquer the entire continent, and that they can either join him or die.

The Commune, who had always despised each other, unite to fight against the stranger.

During the battle, the stranger reveals himself to be a member of the mysterious organization known as the Brotherhood.

While the Brotherhood is a secret society, it does have a leader: the Mastermind.

He sends his minions to attack the Commune from behind. The members of the Commune are quickly overwhelmed, and most of them are killed.


@NerdyAarakocrait is your turn now.

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44 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

The surviving members of the Commune of Vandora--rage-filled after their defeat--recuperate in the wilderness, licking their wounds.

One day, a mysterious man appears and offers the Commune a chance to regain their lost glory.

He tells them that he intends to conquer the entire continent, and that they can either join him or die.

The Commune, who had always despised each other, unite to fight against the stranger.

During the battle, the stranger reveals himself to be a member of the mysterious organization known as the Brotherhood.

While the Brotherhood is a secret society, it does have a leader: the Mastermind.

He sends his minions to attack the Commune from behind. The members of the Commune are quickly overwhelmed, and most of them are killed.


@NerdyAarakocrait is your turn now.

Alight! My time to shine.

Fair warning: the worldbuilding is about to have problems.

Seeking an explanation for why its allies have betrayed it, Realmingsberg discovers that the Brotherhood is behind much of the chaos that has struck The World. They begin to take action against the Mastermind.



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Seeking an explanation for why its allies have betrayed it, Realmingsberg begins taking action against the Mastermind, believing that the Brotherhood is behind all the chaos in this world.

The Brotherhood, however, has agents everywhere, and is prepared to defend itself.

The masterminding mastermind uses the situation to his advantage, launching a surprise attack on Realmingsberg while its attention is elsewhere.

The masterminder takes the city by force, and declares himself ruler of the nation.

It would appear that your plan did not succeed.

Another round done! I'll get the summary up soon.

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Round 3 Recap:

  • The Republic of Astrym attacks the Gahestian Empire, nabbing all their airships in the process.
  • Nam-Ed summons a fourth primordial evil: the Demigods. They use them to absolutely clap Vandora.
  • Dalrya discovers an ancient well of power, which they use to add to the worldbuilding.
  • Eshael Navar begins making headway into the Pitarese mainland.
  • The few remaining Lynarans call upon the gods for aid. They send a warrior called Aladdin, who goes on a seemingly irrelevant quest that somehow saves the Lynarans from extinction.
  • The Wrizrecan empire interrogates a Hive Mind soldier, using its eldritch knowledge to attempt to open a portal to another world.
  • Serenitas begins reconstruction of their homeland, but Lynara is far from done with them. The war continues.
  • The Gahestian Empire seeks aid from Realmingsburg against the traitorous Republic of Astrym, but wind up waging war on Realmingsburg after a convoluted series of events.
  • Not-Luxembourg sends out its monster army to the Earkirandi Empire, but end up getting wrecked by one of their own out-of-control monsters.
  • The Commune of Vandora discovers yet another secret evil known as the Brotherhood. Everyone simultaneously decides that this is super plot-relevant.
  • Realmingsburg takes action against the Brotherhood, but wind up getting clapped.





List of Acquisitions:


Republic of Astrym: Homeland, Science, Adamantium Armor, Airships

Nam-Ed: Homeland, Population, Demigod Army

Dalrya: Homeland, Metallurgy, Titanium/Adamantium Armor, Mysterious Well of Power

Eshael Navar: Homeland, Sea control, Super-Navy

Lynara: Portion of Serenitas, Aladdin

Wrizrecan Empire: Homeland, Warriors, Waterbending, Eldritch Knowledge

Serenitas: Homeland, Mercantilism

Gahestian Empire: Homeland, Mages

Not-Luxembourg: Homeland, Monster Factory

Commune of Vandora: ...Nothing

Realmingsburg: Homeland, Technology, Sky Castle


Current Relations:

  • Eshael Navar is at war with Pitar
  • The Gahestian Empire is at war with Realmingsburg
  • Realmingsburg is allied with the Republic of Astrym
  • The Wrizrecan Empire and Zunotis are still putting their war on hold for the time being
  • Nam-Ed and Vandora continue beating each other into a pulp
  • Not-Luxembourg is at war with the Earkirandi Empire
  • Realmingsburg is out to slay the Brotherhood (note: they aren't winning).


  • The Republic of Astrym begins construction of their own Airship fleet.
  • Nam-Ed petitions the gods for a boon, receiving an army of demigod warriors.
  • Dalyra begins exploring the deep and extensive caves sprawling beneath their mountains.
  • The Wrizrecan Empire begins interrogation of the captured Hive Minds.
  • Serenitas begins reconstructing their homeland.
  • Eshael Navar sends their fleet to attack Pitar.


  • Not-Luxembourg invades the Earikandi Empire with their manufactured monsters.
  • Lynara fights back against Serenitas' restoration efforts.
  • Dalyra discovers an ancient well of power beneath their mountains.
  • Nam-Ed uses their brand-new demigod army to fight back against the Vandoran resistance.
  • The Wrizrecan Empire is contacted by the Hive Mind in order to stop them from using their eldritch knowledge to open a portal to another world.
  • The Republic of Astrym opts to enlarge their airship fleet by capturing the Gahestian Empire's airships.


  • Dalrya continues exploration through the caves, stumbling upon a vast dwarven kingdom.
  • The Eshaelan fleet and crew manage to capture part of the Pitaran islands.
  • The Earikandi Empire push back against Not-Luxembourg, fighting towards the country's capitol only to find it in shambles, destroyed from within by the very monsters it manufactured.
  • The Republic of Astrym successfully takes all of the Gahestian Empire's airships.
  • The Gahestian Empire seeks aid from Realmingsburg to fight back against Astrym, but are betrayed and declare war on them instead.
  • The Commune of Vandora accidentally finds a secret organization known as the Brotherhood.


  • Realmingsburg declares war on the Brotherhood, but are almost immediately destroyed by the organization's display of power.
  • @The Bookwyrm, keep us going!
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Here's my preaction.

Although he'd like nothing more than to unleash the power of the Demigods on the rest of his people's enemies, emperor Sell knows that with the current state of his armies the destruction of his capital, the people of Nam-Ed need stability, not more conquest. So he orders the construction of a new capital city, to be the grandest city in all the lands, with walls and gates enchanted by the greatest mages of Astrym so as to be impregnable. At the height of the city, Sell orders that a temple be built to the gods, the greatest temple ever made by human hands, at whose altars a fifth of all plunder of war shall be sacrificed to them as thanks.

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