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Conquer the World... With AI

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And...sorry about another wait.

Astrym Calendar: 1060 AA

World Calendar: 0011 HY

In the process of developing our own airships, we were engaged in a brief war with the former allies of our own ally, Realmingsburg. We have created a capable air force now, and while we plan to use it for research purposes in the future, our current primary action should be to assist Realmingsburg in their own war against the Gahestian Empire.

Realmingsburg is also struggling in a conflict against the Brotherhood. We are sending them a relief effort to help their struggling people.

Using their army of Adamantium equipped mages and their air force of specialized airships, the Republic of Astrym has decided to join their ally Realmingsburg in their war against the Gahestian Empire. They send many troops and airships to assist in an assault on the Empire's northern border.

Astrym also sends supplies to help those in Realmingsburg who are in need of assistance.

I have joined you in your war, @NerdyAarakocra! We shall prove victorious!

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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Using their army of Adamantium equipped mages and their air force of specialized airships, the Republic of Astrym has decided to join their ally Realmingsburg in their war against the Gahestian Empire. They send many troops and airships to assist in an assault on the Empire's northern border.

The Imperial Army is nowhere near ready for such a massive attack, and is forced to pull back to defend its home territory.

Unfortunately for the Republic, the Empire is not without defenses of its own.

A squad of elite Gaddos, using their superior numbers and fearsome magic, easily repel the Republic's invasion.

The Republic retreats and suffers a crushing defeat.

After the battle, the Empire decides to use their newfound strength to reclaim what was once theirs; the city of Astrym.

That's what you get for randomly attacking the friendly wizard empire.

Emperor Sel orders the construction of a new capital city. It is to have enchanted walls and gates so as to be impregnable. At the height of the city, Sell orders that a temple be built to the gods, the greatest temple ever made by human hands, at whose altars a fifth of all plunder of war shall be sacrificed to them as thanks. In the central square of the temple, the Emperor builds a statue of himself, the first emperor of the empire. He is to be enthroned there, forever.

The city will also be the site of the Emperor's coronation, which is to take place before the completion of the city. This is done to prevent the citizens from revolting if they should feel that the Emperor is not worthy of being their ruler.

As Sel's birthday approaches, the work on the temple comes to a halt. The Emperor grows impatient and angry, and begins to suspect that someone is conspiring against him.

His suspicions are confirmed when the priestesses of the temple begin to disappear one by one.

Sel is enraged, and orders that the culprit be found and punished.

Meanwhile, the Grand Vizier discovers the plot. He tries to warn Sel, but the Emperor refuses to listen.

Finally, the Grand Vizier has no choice but to act. Using false documents and forged seals, he impersonates the Emperor himself and carries out the Emperor's orders.

He summons a group of assassins to kill the Emperor and all those in his court. The assassination attempt fails miserably, however, as the Emperor is never alone, and always surrounded by guards.

The Grand Vizier continues to try to assassinate the Emperor. For two months he plots his next move, until finally he sees a way to get rid of the Emperor permanently.

He forms a conspiracy with the Grand Magus, a powerful sorcerer who lives in the north.

Together, they plan to turn the Imperial forces against the Empire and make it collapse.


@Matrim's Diceyour turn!

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The Dalyran Council of Six approach the leader of the Republic of Vaebudal, through a pair of messengers, and offer to join forces in light of the growing conflict elsewhere. In return, they offer to allow the Vaebudan scientists access to the well of power beneath the Dalryan mountains.

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The Dalyran Council of Six approach the leader of the Republic of Vaebudal through a pair of messengers, offering to join forces in light of the growing conflict elsewhere. In return, they offer to allow the Vaebudan scientists access to the well of power beneath the Dalryan mountains.

The Vaebudan representative rejects the offer, saying that the Dalyrans are too weak to help them.

When the council of six refuse to budge, the Vaebudan representative calls upon his allies to aid him in getting his way.

The Dalyrans are invaded by an army of lizardmen, led by the Dherg.

The lizardmen, who have recently discovered the secrets of the Well of Power, want to use it to become immortal.

The Dherg attack the Dalyran army from the rear, while a horde of goblins attacks the front.

The invaders are victorious, and the Dalyrans are defeated.

The Vaebudan leader's daughter is taken prisoner, and she pleads with her father to seek a peaceful solution.

However, the king believes that the victory is his due, and insists that the Dalyran ambassador be executed.

With the Dalyran soldiers dead, the lizardmen and goblins feast on the bodies of their enemies.

I guess Vaebudal is a republic of lizardfolk and goblins?

@The Unknown Novelyour turn!

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Oh storms.

Wait...I have some lore that could fit into this.

I haven't told anyone this, but I wanted Astrym to be made up of the descendants from people who had arrived from another planet using magic. So maybe the island that Astrym is located on once belonged to the Gahestian Empire? Could we insert that into the lore of The World?


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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:



Oooo, this fits pretty well into the mythos of Eshael Navar. 

@Channelknight Fadran

On 9/20/2022 at 9:50 PM, The Unknown Novel said:

The Maesar of Eshael Navar, advised by the High Council recognizes the weakness of their land based army, so he orders the inner island scoured to find magical resources to aid in Eshael Navar's invasion of Pitar. 


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The Maesar of Eshael Navar, advised by the High Council recognized the weakness of their land-based army, so he orders the inner island scoured to find magical resources to aid in Eshael Navar's invasion of Pitar.

All the knowledge of the Magi of Eshael Navar is focused on the creation of the greatest magics. The most powerful of these are the magical weapons and artifacts created by Eshael Navar's blacksmiths. These weapons and artifacts are called the Magelord's Weapons.


And then the AI spent five years detailing out EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM

They can be found here:


The Magelord's Swords are the greatest of all the weapons made by Eshael Navar. They can only be wielded by the Magelords. Each weapon has a unique ability that cannot be duplicated by any other weapon.

The Magelord's Blade, also known as the Sword of the Magelord, is a sword unlike any other. It allows its wielder to see into the future. If the wielder does something terrible, the blade will show the results of it. The wielder must then choose between acting on this knowledge or ignoring it.

The Magelord's Axe is a great axe that grants its user great strength. Its wielder may swing the axe with ease, even if it weighs more than a hundred men. However, using the weapon for too long can cause irreversible damage to the wielder's body.

The Magelord's Shield is a shield that protects its wielder from all types of damage. The wielder of this weapon will not suffer physical harm during battle. The only exception is fire. The wielder is protected from fire only up to a certain point. After that, the wielder will begin to burn.

The Magelord's Staff is a staff that allows its wielder to conjure powerful magic. With this staff, the wielder can create an infinite amount of mana, and store it within the staff itself. This allows the wielder to use powerful spells such as lightning and ice without having to worry about running out of mana.

The Magelord's Helm is a helmet that gives its wearer the ability to see through walls and barriers. The wielder will be able to see through any type of barrier, including magical ones.

The Magelord's Crown is a crown that allows its wearer to command beasts. Once the wearer puts this crown on, he or she will be able to control creatures of various kinds. The wielder can then direct these creatures to do whatever they wish.

The Magelord's Ring is a ring that allows its wearer to absorb energy from other people. The rings allows the user to steal vitality, allowing the wearer to become stronger as time passes.

The Magelord's Cloak is a cloak that absorbs heat from a person nearby, and makes the wearer hotter. This cloak serves two purposes: it keeps the wearer warm when it is cold outside, and it makes the wearer more attractive to others.

The Magelord's Cloak of Shadows is a cloak that gives its wearer the ability to move through shadows. It helps the wearer avoid being seen by the enemy, but it also means that the wearer can sneak past enemies without detection.

The Magelord's Boots of Speed are boots that allow their wearer to run quickly across any surface. The boots give the wearer greater speed and agility, making the wearer almost impossible to stop.

The Magelord's Ring of Fire Control is a ring that lets its wearer control fire. The wielder will be able to make small fires or large ones.

The Magelord's Ring of Ice Control is a ring that lets its wearer control ice. The wielder will be able to form ice shields or giant icicles.

The Magelord's Ring of Water Control is a ring that lets its wearer control water. The wielder will be able to freeze or flood the area around him or her.

The Magelord's Crown of Command is a crown that gives its wearer the ability to command animals and monsters. The wearer will be able to make monsters attack his or her enemies, and even command the animal to help him or her.

The Magelord's Ring of Animal Control is a ring that gives its wearer the ability to command animals. The wearer will be able to make the animal obey his or her commands. However, the wielder should be careful about how much power he or she gives the beast. If the wielder tries to use too many powers at once, the animal will explode.

The Magelord's Ring of Monster Control is a ring that gives its wearer the ability to control monsters. The wielder will be able to command multiple monsters, which he or she can then send to attack his or her enemies.


You have acquired a small arsenal of magical weapons and armor!

@Shallan Stormblessedgo for it!

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Summary of weapons:

Future sword

Heavy axe

Almost fireproof shield

Infinite magic staff

See through wall helmet

Animal control one

Vampire ring

Bard Cloak that heats you up

Invisibility Cloak

Flash boots

Three rings for elven kings under the sky:

Fire ring

Ice ring that is also water

Water ring that is also ice

Animal control number two and monster control number one

Animal control three that explodes animals

Monster control two

Edit: Only three control animals, two control monsters though. Speaking to fish and controlling leviathan here we come. Also, I can see the future, so beware.


Edited by The Unknown Novel
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After being saved from extinction by the warrior called Aladdin, the Lynaran people experiment with the Blue Stone of Life that he granted them, hoping to discover the full extent of its power. They soon realize that it is linked to the Moon, and that they must find the Moon Stone in order to fully unlock its potential.

The Lynarans hunt for the Moon Stones, but are unable to locate the Moon Stones. Instead, they decide to build a new city, one far away from the forest where they were previously located. In the process, the Lynarans discover the Moon Stone, and become aware of its power.

The Lynarans try to use the Moon Stones to summon a powerful god, but fail. Instead, the gods manifest in front of them and kill several of their people. The gods then leave, and the Lynarans decide that they should never use the Moon Stones again.


That one took several tries, as the AI kept trying to completely change your country's history and stuff.

The Wrizrecan empire suggests an alliance to the Zunotis through a marriage, offering his firstborn daughter to the Prince of Zunotis. The Princess is horrified at the idea of marrying someone she doesn't know, but agrees anyway.

Upon arriving at their destination, the princess meets the Prince, who is handsome, charming, and very much like the other men she has met, except for one thing: he is actually an alien! He explains that he comes from another planet and that he was sent to Earth to seek out the best warriors. After seeing the Princess fight, the Prince decides that she would make a great wife for himself.

The Princess is furious that the Prince is going to take her away from her family, but she remembers that she agreed to marry him. She uses the opportunity to escape back home, but is captured by the Zunotis soldiers.

She manages to convince the Prince to save her, because she believes that he will be able to defeat the Zunotis if he goes alone. The prince agrees, and returns to the capital city with her in tow. Upon his arrival, he defeats the army stationed there, but the Zunotis King orders the princess to be put to death.

The Prince is so enraged that he reveals his true identity as an alien, and the King attempts to have him killed. Fortunately, the Princess intercedes on his behalf, and the Prince becomes king instead. He creates a new government system that includes a cabinet made up of various aliens, and gives the throne to the Princess.


...Can someone explain to me what just happened there?

@Sequencewe're on to you

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3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

...Can someone explain to me what just happened there?



I took over the Zunotis kingdom by crazy diplomacy, as it was the zunotis government that took the princess prisoner, and then the princess was made their ruler, with a cabinet of aliens to help her...The A.I. is going crazy.


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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I'm just gonna skip things ahead. Future Sequence, feel free to post your action whenever and I'll take care of it!

Now at war with two countries, the Gahestian Empire seeks out allies. It sends envoys to the western Kingdom of Reabromore, offering great magical boons in exchange for their military might. The Kingdom of Reabromore is greatly impressed by the offer, and accepts.

A few years pass, and the Gahestians begin to create a new magic item. This time, they ask the Kingdom of Reabromore for help. The Kingdom agrees, and sends a group of its best wizards to assist in the creation. The wizards are given the task of creating a new magical staff, using the rarest materials available. These include the bones of dragons, the teeth of giants, and the wings of birds of prey.

The Gahestians believe that the new weapon will make them invincible, and that no army in the world will be able to stand against it. Unfortunately for the Gahestians, the wizards of Reabromore create a different sort of weapon: the Staff of Dragon Bones.

This staff is so powerful that it can turn any enemy into stone, making them completely immobile. The Gahestians are terrified of this new weapon, and decide to destroy it immediately. They send their armies to attack the Kingdom of Reabromore, hoping to crush the country before the wizards of Reabromore can undo the damage done to their own land.

Unfortunately for the Gahestians, the wizards of Reabromore also have access to the power of the Dragon Bones Staff. The wizards attack the Gahestians, and turn them all to stone. The Gahestians, powerless and immobile, are eventually defeated. The surviving members of the army return home, while the wizards of Reabromore continue to work on their new weapon.

In proper AI fashion, my proposal for an alliance quickly turned to getting the snot kicked outta me.

@Enter a usernameyour turn.

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My pre-action:

Having planned for the Brotherhood's occupation of the capitol, Realmingsburg brings the Skycastle, its allies, and its entire skyship armada in a surprise move to take back the Gearhall and defeat the Mastermind.

Edited by NerdyAarakocra
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