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Conquer the World... With AI

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On 9/23/2022 at 1:31 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

After being saved from extinction by the warrior called Aladdin, the Lynaran people experiment with the Blue Stone of Life that he granted them, hoping to discover the full extent of its power. They soon realize that it is linked to the Moon, and that they must find the Moon Stone in order to fully unlock its potential.

The Lynarans hunt for the Moon Stones, but are unable to locate the Moon Stones. Instead, they decide to build a new city, one far away from the forest where they were previously located. In the process, the Lynarans discover the Moon Stone, and become aware of its power.

The Lynarans try to use the Moon Stones to summon a powerful god, but fail. Instead, the gods manifest in front of them and kill several of their people. The gods then leave, and the Lynarans decide that they should never use the Moon Stones again.

The Wrizrecan empire suggests an alliance to the Zunotis through a marriage, offering his firstborn daughter to the Prince of Zunotis. The Princess is horrified at the idea of marrying someone she doesn't know, but agrees anyway.

Upon arriving at their destination, the princess meets the Prince, who is handsome, charming, and very much like the other men she has met, except for one thing: he is actually an alien! He explains that he comes from another planet and that he was sent to Earth to seek out the best warriors. After seeing the Princess fight, the Prince decides that she would make a great wife for himself.

The Princess is furious that the Prince is going to take her away from her family, but she remembers that she agreed to marry him. She uses the opportunity to escape back home, but is captured by the Zunotis soldiers.

She manages to convince the Prince to save her, because she believes that he will be able to defeat the Zunotis if he goes alone. The prince agrees, and returns to the capital city with her in tow. Upon his arrival, he defeats the army stationed there, but the Zunotis King orders the princess to be put to death.

The Prince is so enraged that he reveals his true identity as an alien, and the King attempts to have him killed. Fortunately, the Princess intercedes on his behalf, and the Prince becomes king instead. He creates a new government system that includes a cabinet made up of various aliens, and gives the throne to the Princess.

@Sequencewe're on to you


Sorry for always taking so long! Feel free to skip me quickly in the future.

In response to the rebellion in the outer villages, the King funds a project led by the royal scientists and engineers that focuses on developing many new, more humane, and more efficient instruments of war, including defensive and offense assets.

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3 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

There are 5 survivors of the Commune of Vandora. These 5 decide to take any empty plot of land and rebuild the Commune. They find an empty plot and begin a peaceful life of farming.


That's just asking for trouble...or it could be good, the A.I. is going to involve magic or monsters somehow.


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In response to the rebellion in the outer villages, the King of Serenitas funds a project led by the royal scientists and engineers that focuses on developing many new, more humane, and more efficient instruments of war, including defensive and offense assets. Over the course of a year, the kingdom develops a wide variety of different weapons, but most of these prototypes are never used in combat.

However, the King is convinced that the kingdom needs to develop a way to defend itself from the deadly creatures that infest the forests outside of town. The King's advisors suggest building a wall around the city, but the King dismisses this idea. He is convinced that the creatures would just dig under the walls, or simply fly over them. Instead, the King calls upon the aid of the royal scientists and engineers, and they come up with a plan to create a series of towers that rise high above the forest. Each tower would be filled with traps, and would be manned by knights who could kill the monsters from afar.

The King approves of the plan, but orders the towers to be built on the outskirts of the city. He wants to keep the citizens safe, but he does not want to build the towers in the center of town. As the towers are being constructed, several of the workers become infected with the plague.

The King is horrified, but he understands that this was always a possibility when dealing with dangerous creatures. He calls the royal doctors, and they attempt to cure the plague victims. Unfortunately, the disease spreads throughout the entire city, and hundreds die within days. The remaining citizens are forced to live in fear of catching the plague themselves.

The King calls upon the royal scientists, and tells them to find a way to end the plague once and for all. The scientists explain that this is impossible, but the King refuses to accept this answer. He forces the scientists to work day and night to find a solution. Finally, after months of research, the scientists discover that they can create a serum that can cure the plague. However, this serum can only be created in the laboratory.

The king realizes that the scientists must travel to the lab to create the serum. The scientists agree to do so, but the King insists that his own personal guard accompany them. The scientists are reluctant to send their guards along, but the King insists that they allow him to accompany them. The scientists reluctantly agree, and soon they are traveling through the woods in search of the lab.

As they journey, the King finds himself overwhelmed by the beauty of the forest. He remembers how much he loves nature, and how he wishes that the kingdom could preserve it. Before long, they arrive at the lab, where the scientists begin to work. The King is shocked to see that the lab has been destroyed, and that there is nothing left inside of it.

He asks the scientists why they've destroyed their own lab, and one of them explains that they needed to destroy it because it contained a terrible evil. The King is enraged, and demands to know what they are talking about. One of the scientists informs him that a few weeks earlier, a group of trolls had come to the lab seeking treatment for an illness. The King is furious, and demands to know why the trolls were allowed into the lab.

The scientist assures him that the trolls had presented themselves to the guards as guests, and that they even showed them papers proving their right to enter the lab. This is obviously a lie, the King knows, but he decides to let the matter go. However, the King decides that if the trolls came to the lab, then other creatures must also be able to gain entry. He orders the scientists to rebuild the lab so that it is more secure.

The scientists refuse to comply, and the King becomes angry. He orders his soldiers to escort the scientists back to the city. The scientists plead with him to reconsider, but the King ignores them. Soon, dozens of soldiers are surrounding the scientists, and they're heading toward the city. The scientists realize that they cannot stop the soldiers without killing them all, and they are forced to give up.

The King orders the scientists to return home, and he promises that they will receive a reward for their service. Meanwhile, the soldiers continue their march towards the city. The scientists watch helplessly as the soldiers approach the city gates and begin to storm into town.

The King watches the soldiers march past, and he thinks to himself that the city is now completely defenseless. He looks out over the city and sees a large crowd gathered below him. The people are terrified, and they're begging him to help them. The King feels both horror and pride. Horror because he realizes that he caused this tragedy by allowing the trolls to enter the lab. Pride, because he knows that the city will survive, and that his name will be remembered forever.

(Yours is really long)

@Enter a username


After the monster fiasco, Not-Luxembourg beings reconstruction efforts. After the initial shock wears off, the humans start to devise new ways to prevent another monster attack. They quickly realize that they need to build a wall around the city, but the King refuses to do so. Instead, he calls upon the royal engineers, and he instructs them to make the walls taller and stronger than ever before.

Within several months, the scientists have completed their task. The walls are now longer and sturdier, and the King orders that they be filled with traps and explosives. He gives the order to fire the first barrage of fireworks, and he holds his breath until the first explosion goes off. Everything works perfectly, and the walls have never been safer. However, the King still refuses to build any kind of moat around the city.

Not-Luxembourg begins to enjoy a period of peace, and the citizens celebrate their victory. However, in time, the citizens grow complacent. They feel confident enough that they no longer worry about monsters attacking the city. In fact, some of the citizens even believe that the attacks were staged by the government in an effort to scare the citizens into giving up their freedoms.

The King is horrified at these rumors, and he orders the scientists to create a monster detector. The scientists work tirelessly for many years, but they still fail to produce a working model. Finally, when they realize that they won't be able to finish the detector in time, they decide to build a giant cannon instead. The cannon is incredibly powerful, and it can destroy almost anything. It takes a team of ten men to operate the device, so the King has them trained extensively.

One day, the King wakes up and discovers that the city has been attacked by a monster. His soldiers are either dead or unconscious, and the entire city is in chaos. The King panics, and he immediately places the cannon on alert. He doesn't care that the cannon will take hours to load, he simply wants it to protect him at all costs. With the cannon loaded and ready, the King orders it to fire.

The cannon fires its massive blast, and it tears through the monster's body like a knife cutting through butter. The monster falls to the ground, and it dies instantly. However, there is one problem: the monster was not actually a monster. It was just a man who dressed up as a monster. The King is horrified, and he realizes that he may have shot a civilian.

The King orders his soldiers to search the area and find the monster impersonator. A few days later, they finally locate the impostor. The soldiers demand that the man surrender, but he refuses to do so. He knows that he's done nothing wrong, and he refuses to be punished for the crimes of someone else. The King is furious, and he orders his soldiers to arrest the man.

The soldiers march the man to the city square, and the people gather to watch the execution. The king is eager to see what happens next, so he stands proudly beside his soldiers. Before the execution begins, however, the king receives a message from the capital. The messenger informs him that his son is ill and needs immediate medical attention. The king is shocked, and he rushes home to attend to his son.

The imposter is taken to the gallows, and he is given a final chance to repent for his crime. He starts to apologize, but he gets interrupted by the crowd. The people yell at him and accuse him of being a coward. The impostor yells back at the crowd, and he threatens to kill them all if they don't shut up.

Soon, the impostor is brought to the gallows, and he prepares for his death. Then, suddenly, the impostor disappears. The crowd is confused, and they stare up at the sky. Finally, one of the soldiers spots the impostor hiding behind one of the trees. The man runs towards the tree and jumps onto the branches. The soldiers chase after the impostor, and they shoot arrows at him.

However, the impostor is far more skilled than the soldiers realized. He uses the branches to swing from tree to tree, and he dodges every arrow fired his way. The soldiers are surprised at how agile the man is, and they start to wonder whether he really is a monster. One of the soldiers pulls out a spear and aims it at the impostor.

Just then, the impostor leaps off the branch and hits the soldier in the head. The man falls to the ground, and the impostor lands on top of the soldier's chest. The impostor grabs the spear and throws it at the other soldiers. All the soldiers scream in horror, and they drop their weapons and flee the scene.

The impostor turns toward the crowd, and he laughs. He points at the soldiers and declares that the soldiers were actually cowards who ran away rather than face him head-on. The crowds laugh along with the impostor, and he continues to mock the soldiers' cowardice. When the impostor is finished laughing, he returns the spear to his belt and walks away.

The impostor is never captured, and the story of his escape spreads throughout the kingdom. The citizens believe that the impostor was a great hero, and they honor him for his bravery. Some of the citizens even set up a shrine to the impostor in the city square.

In time, the impostor becomes a legend among the people. The citizens insist that he will return to save them from any future dangers. They believe that the impostor is a god, and they worship him like a deity. The impostor is never seen again, but his legend lives on throughout history.

(Yours is also really long)



There are five survivors of the Commune of Vandora. These five decide to take any empty plot of land and rebuild the Commune. They find an empty plot and begin a peaceful life of farming. Eventually, they start to notice strange creatures coming into their territory. The locals call these creatures "Kreeks", because they resemble the small flying animals from Earth. The Kreeks eat the crops, and they hurt the farmers.

The farmers ask the government to send help, but the government denies them. The Commune of Vandora is too far away, and the soldiers can't get there quickly enough. Instead, the government sends a few men to educate the Kreeks in self-governance. The farmers think this is ridiculous, and they refuse to pay the tax. The government takes away their land, and they leave the Commune.

The five remaining farmers start to farm the land themselves. They put up fences around the farmland, and they build homes for their families. The farmers grow wheat, corn, and vegetables on the land. Over time, the farms become prosperous, and the community thrives.

One day, the farmers receive a visitor. The visitor is a man named John Doe. He comes to the village, and he asks the farmers to join his community. The farmers are suspicious, and they refuse to do so. However, Mr. Doe convinces them to listen to him. Mr. Doe explains that he wants to create a new society that is based on equality and fairness. The farmers agree to meet with him again, and they discuss the plan.

Mr. Doe then goes to the Commune of Vandora and tells the villagers about the new society. The villagers are skeptical, but they trust Mr. Doe and agree to join his community. The farmers drive away the Kreeks, and they claim the land as their own.

After a while, the commuites merge together. The farmers and the villagers live side by side, and they work together to build a new society. The farmers and the villagers share their knowledge, and they learn from each other. They teach each other how to farm, and they encourage each other to succeed.




Having planned for the Brotherhood's occupation of the capitol, Realmingsburg brings the Skycastle, its allies, and its entire skyship armada in a surprise move to take back the Gearhall and fight back against the Mastermind.

The Empire of Realmingsburg has fallen to the forces of the Mastermind. The capital of Realmingsburg lies in ruins, and the Mastermind's army controls most of the continent. The few loyalists left behind have retreated to the safety of the Skycastle. Even though the Skycastle is huge, it lacks modern weapons and equipment. It is too big to attack with ease, and the fortress's defenses are well-guarded.

As long as the Mastermind remains in control of the Gearhall, the war will be lost. The only hope for victory is to take back the gearhall from the Mastermind's forces and destroy his fleet before he can use the Gears to further expand his empire. To do this, the Skycastle needs to be prepared to defend itself for a long battle.

The Skycastle gathers all its allies, including its allies from the Alliance of Free Cities and its allies from the League of Independent Nations. The alliance plans to launch a large-scale invasion of the Gearhall to liberate it from the Mastermind's control and destroy his fleet.

The Skycastle launches its massive fleet of skyships, and the alliance attacks the Gearhall. The Skycastle's allies use their combined might to overwhelm the enemy force. The Mastermind's fleet is destroyed, and the alliance reclaims the Gearhall.

With the Gearhall under siege by its enemies, the Mastermind decides to strike back. His army storms the Skycastle, and the alliance is forced to retreat. The Skycastle's allies use every weapon at their disposal to hold back the Mastermind's forces. The Mastermind's armies are pushed back, and the alliance manages to push through to the Skycastle's inner sanctum.

However, the alliance finds itself at a major disadvantage. With the Mastermind's army surrounding them, the alliance cannot advance any further towards the Skycastle's central command center. If they don't break out soon, they will lose the war.

Luckily, the alliance receives reinforcements from the League of Independent Nations. The League's troops arrive in their skyships, and they rush to the Skycastle to help their allies. Together, the alliance pushes back the Mastermind's army and breaks free. Now united, the alliance continues to push forward.

The Mastermind's generals order their soldiers to retreat, but they disobey the orders. Instead of retreating, they charge ahead, and they bring down their entire army on the alliance. The alliance loses almost half of their forces, and the alliance falls into chaos.

The Skycastle's allies fail to save the Skycastle from the Mastermind's forces. Their army is broken, and their morale is shattered. The alliance realizes that they need more resources if they want to continue the fight. Unfortunately, the alliance does not have enough ships or soldiers to retake the Gearhall.

The alliance's leaders decide to call off the war. They realize that there is no way to win the war, and they are ready to surrender. The alliance retreats to the Skycastle, and they surrender to the Mastermind. The Mastermind takes over the Skycastle, and the alliance is defeated.

The alliance and the League of Independent Nations fall to the Mastermind's might, and the Empire of Realmingsburg collapses. Its allies flee to other countries, and the League of Independent Nations is forced to abandon its dream of an independent world.

(Yours is also also really long)

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6 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


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In response to the rebellion in the outer villages, the King of Serenitas funds a project led by the royal scientists and engineers that focuses on developing many new, more humane, and more efficient instruments of war, including defensive and offense assets. Over the course of a year, the kingdom develops a wide variety of different weapons, but most of these prototypes are never used in combat.

However, the King is convinced that the kingdom needs to develop a way to defend itself from the deadly creatures that infest the forests outside of town. The King's advisors suggest building a wall around the city, but the King dismisses this idea. He is convinced that the creatures would just dig under the walls, or simply fly over them. Instead, the King calls upon the aid of the royal scientists and engineers, and they come up with a plan to create a series of towers that rise high above the forest. Each tower would be filled with traps, and would be manned by knights who could kill the monsters from afar.

The King approves of the plan, but orders the towers to be built on the outskirts of the city. He wants to keep the citizens safe, but he does not want to build the towers in the center of town. As the towers are being constructed, several of the workers become infected with the plague.

The King is horrified, but he understands that this was always a possibility when dealing with dangerous creatures. He calls the royal doctors, and they attempt to cure the plague victims. Unfortunately, the disease spreads throughout the entire city, and hundreds die within days. The remaining citizens are forced to live in fear of catching the plague themselves.

The King calls upon the royal scientists, and tells them to find a way to end the plague once and for all. The scientists explain that this is impossible, but the King refuses to accept this answer. He forces the scientists to work day and night to find a solution. Finally, after months of research, the scientists discover that they can create a serum that can cure the plague. However, this serum can only be created in the laboratory.

The king realizes that the scientists must travel to the lab to create the serum. The scientists agree to do so, but the King insists that his own personal guard accompany them. The scientists are reluctant to send their guards along, but the King insists that they allow him to accompany them. The scientists reluctantly agree, and soon they are traveling through the woods in search of the lab.

As they journey, the King finds himself overwhelmed by the beauty of the forest. He remembers how much he loves nature, and how he wishes that the kingdom could preserve it. Before long, they arrive at the lab, where the scientists begin to work. The King is shocked to see that the lab has been destroyed, and that there is nothing left inside of it.

He asks the scientists why they've destroyed their own lab, and one of them explains that they needed to destroy it because it contained a terrible evil. The King is enraged, and demands to know what they are talking about. One of the scientists informs him that a few weeks earlier, a group of trolls had come to the lab seeking treatment for an illness. The King is furious, and demands to know why the trolls were allowed into the lab.

The scientist assures him that the trolls had presented themselves to the guards as guests, and that they even showed them papers proving their right to enter the lab. This is obviously a lie, the King knows, but he decides to let the matter go. However, the King decides that if the trolls came to the lab, then other creatures must also be able to gain entry. He orders the scientists to rebuild the lab so that it is more secure.

The scientists refuse to comply, and the King becomes angry. He orders his soldiers to escort the scientists back to the city. The scientists plead with him to reconsider, but the King ignores them. Soon, dozens of soldiers are surrounding the scientists, and they're heading toward the city. The scientists realize that they cannot stop the soldiers without killing them all, and they are forced to give up.

The King orders the scientists to return home, and he promises that they will receive a reward for their service. Meanwhile, the soldiers continue their march towards the city. The scientists watch helplessly as the soldiers approach the city gates and begin to storm into town.

The King watches the soldiers march past, and he thinks to himself that the city is now completely defenseless. He looks out over the city and sees a large crowd gathered below him. The people are terrified, and they're begging him to help them. The King feels both horror and pride. Horror because he realizes that he caused this tragedy by allowing the trolls to enter the lab. Pride, because he knows that the city will survive, and that his name will be remembered forever.

(Yours is really long)



... Damn. I just wanted some guns or very advanced technology, and instead I found out that my scientists are traitors, my King is a bit crazy (just a bit) and my forests are full of monsters ;-; XD


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Round 4 Recap:

  • The Republic of Astrym attacks the Gahestian Empire and gets clapped.
  • Whatever's going on in Nam-Ed... not much of what happened made sense.
  • Dalyra attempts to form an alliance with Vaebudal, but end up going to war with them and getting clapped.
  • Eshael Navar creates a whole inventory of magical weapons.
  • Lynara seeks out magical stones that're compatible with the gift the gods gave them, but end up summoning a mad titan and getting clapped.
  • The Wrizrecan Empire sends the king's daughter to marry them into an alliance with Zunotis. It works; somehow.
  • Serenitas begins researching new weapons and end up beefing up their wall. Then they get attacked by a plague and get clapped.
  • The Gahestian Empire secures an alliance with Reabromore, which immediately goes sour and winds up getting them clapped.
  • Not-Luxembourg manages to rebuild, but gets attacked by a monster/not-monster/not-not-monster, who gets un-executed and becomes a local hero.
  • Five people remain of the Commune of Vandora. They start a happy farm with some friendly villagers :)
  • Realmingsburg attacks the Brotherhood and gets clapped.








  • Realmingsburg invades the Gahestian Empire with their skyships.
  • Emperor Sel declares the construction of a new capitol city.
  • Dalyra seeks out an alliance with the Republic of Vaebudal.
  • Eshael Navar begins forging an arsenal of magical weaponry.
  • Not-Luxembourg manages to reconstruct their fallen kingdom and enjoys a brief era of peace.


  • Lynara begins searching for Moon Stones.
  • The Wrizrecan Empire attempts to ally with Zunotis, and together their children rule the Kingdom.
  • Realmingsburg completely claps the Gahestians.
  • The Gahestian Empire seeks an alliance with the Kingdom of Reabromore, which goes sour and sparks yet another war.
  • The Vandoran survivors start a new, humble lifestyle.


  • Serenitas is struck with a plague that sparks several uprisings throughout the kingdom.
  • A monster impostor somehow becomes Not-Luxembourg's local folk hero.
  • A man named John Doe helps the Vandoran survivors get back on their feet.
  • Realmingsburg attempts to take back its capitol city from the Brotherhood, which fails miserably.
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13 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


After the monster fiasco, Not-Luxembourg beings reconstruction efforts. After the initial shock wears off, the humans start to devise new ways to prevent another monster attack. They quickly realize that they need to build a wall around the city, but the King refuses to do so. Instead, he calls upon the royal engineers, and he instructs them to make the walls taller and stronger than ever before.

Within several months, the scientists have completed their task. The walls are now longer and sturdier, and the King orders that they be filled with traps and explosives. He gives the order to fire the first barrage of fireworks, and he holds his breath until the first explosion goes off. Everything works perfectly, and the walls have never been safer. However, the King still refuses to build any kind of moat around the city.

Not-Luxembourg begins to enjoy a period of peace, and the citizens celebrate their victory. However, in time, the citizens grow complacent. They feel confident enough that they no longer worry about monsters attacking the city. In fact, some of the citizens even believe that the attacks were staged by the government in an effort to scare the citizens into giving up their freedoms.

The King is horrified at these rumors, and he orders the scientists to create a monster detector. The scientists work tirelessly for many years, but they still fail to produce a working model. Finally, when they realize that they won't be able to finish the detector in time, they decide to build a giant cannon instead. The cannon is incredibly powerful, and it can destroy almost anything. It takes a team of ten men to operate the device, so the King has them trained extensively.

One day, the King wakes up and discovers that the city has been attacked by a monster. His soldiers are either dead or unconscious, and the entire city is in chaos. The King panics, and he immediately places the cannon on alert. He doesn't care that the cannon will take hours to load, he simply wants it to protect him at all costs. With the cannon loaded and ready, the King orders it to fire.

The cannon fires its massive blast, and it tears through the monster's body like a knife cutting through butter. The monster falls to the ground, and it dies instantly. However, there is one problem: the monster was not actually a monster. It was just a man who dressed up as a monster. The King is horrified, and he realizes that he may have shot a civilian.

The King orders his soldiers to search the area and find the monster impersonator. A few days later, they finally locate the impostor. The soldiers demand that the man surrender, but he refuses to do so. He knows that he's done nothing wrong, and he refuses to be punished for the crimes of someone else. The King is furious, and he orders his soldiers to arrest the man.

The soldiers march the man to the city square, and the people gather to watch the execution. The king is eager to see what happens next, so he stands proudly beside his soldiers. Before the execution begins, however, the king receives a message from the capital. The messenger informs him that his son is ill and needs immediate medical attention. The king is shocked, and he rushes home to attend to his son.

The imposter is taken to the gallows, and he is given a final chance to repent for his crime. He starts to apologize, but he gets interrupted by the crowd. The people yell at him and accuse him of being a coward. The impostor yells back at the crowd, and he threatens to kill them all if they don't shut up.

Soon, the impostor is brought to the gallows, and he prepares for his death. Then, suddenly, the impostor disappears. The crowd is confused, and they stare up at the sky. Finally, one of the soldiers spots the impostor hiding behind one of the trees. The man runs towards the tree and jumps onto the branches. The soldiers chase after the impostor, and they shoot arrows at him.

However, the impostor is far more skilled than the soldiers realized. He uses the branches to swing from tree to tree, and he dodges every arrow fired his way. The soldiers are surprised at how agile the man is, and they start to wonder whether he really is a monster. One of the soldiers pulls out a spear and aims it at the impostor.

Just then, the impostor leaps off the branch and hits the soldier in the head. The man falls to the ground, and the impostor lands on top of the soldier's chest. The impostor grabs the spear and throws it at the other soldiers. All the soldiers scream in horror, and they drop their weapons and flee the scene.

The impostor turns toward the crowd, and he laughs. He points at the soldiers and declares that the soldiers were actually cowards who ran away rather than face him head-on. The crowds laugh along with the impostor, and he continues to mock the soldiers' cowardice. When the impostor is finished laughing, he returns the spear to his belt and walks away.

The impostor is never captured, and the story of his escape spreads throughout the kingdom. The citizens believe that the impostor was a great hero, and they honor him for his bravery. Some of the citizens even set up a shrine to the impostor in the city square.

In time, the impostor becomes a legend among the people. The citizens insist that he will return to save them from any future dangers. They believe that the impostor is a god, and they worship him like a deity. The impostor is never seen again, but his legend lives on throughout history.


Something tells me the AI has no idea what it’s doing.


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Astrym Calendar: 1063 Years After Arrival

World Calendar: 0014 Holy Year

As we attempted to launch an offensive against the Gahestian Empire to support Realmingsburg, we suffered a powerful defeat that none of us expected. In order to prepare for a possible retaliation, we have called back our armies and fortified our island. Many of our civilians have been evacuated into airships that hover safely above the Island of Astrym. We will wait out the next few years as we wait to see what occurs next.

We are also conducting research on something that could change the entire world, but it is still in it's early stages, and we cannot reveal anything yet.

Fearing retaliation from the Gahestian Empire, Astrym recalls its army and fortifies its homeland. They evacuate many civilians into airships that hover in the sky above their island, and wait to see how the other kingdoms react.

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Emperor Sell discovers the plot against him, realizing that the people of Name-Ed will always be divided unless they have an enemy to hate. So he assassinates the treasonous Grand Vizier and blames it on the Gahestian army. War is declared within days of this, and the mighty Demigods once more are unleashed on the enemies of Nam-Ed.

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Fearing retaliation from the Gahestian Empire, the Republic of Astrym recalls its army and fortifies its homeland. They evacuate many civilians into airships that hover in the sky above their island, and wait to see how the other kingdoms react. The Republic of Astrym sends a message to the other countries, begging for peace. However, the other kingdoms refuse to respond, and the war between the Republic of Astrym and the Gahestian Empire continues.

The Republic of Astrym, with its small navy, has little chance of winning a war against the larger Gahestian Empire. In order for the Republic of Astrym to survive, it needs to find a way to strike back at the empire and bring it down.

The Republic of Astrym's military comes up with an idea: They can set up a trap. A large number of warships would fly into the sky above the Gahestian Empire's airspace. The ships would then drop bombs on the city, causing as much damage as possible. The plan is simple yet effective. If it works, the Republic of Astrym could cripple the Gahestian Empire's economy and gain some ground.

Unfortunately, the Republic of Astrym's airship fleet is nowhere near as large as the Gahestian Empire's. The Republic of Astrym has only one squadron of bombers. Even if the fleet succeeds in bringing down the city, its planes alone won't be able to cause significant damage. The fleet will probably lose a lot of men in the process. Still, the fleet's officers believe that the plan is worth trying. If the fleet fails, they'll just retreat and try again later.

While the fleet is still in the planning stages, the Gahestian Empire discovers its plot. Its spies infiltrate the fleet's headquarters and overhear the plans. The empire's generals decide to act first. They send their own fleet of airships to attack the Republic of Astrym's main base. The fleet destroys most of the Republic's airships and captures the rest. The fleet also captures a number of naval vessels. It then uses its airships to bombard the Republic's capital, killing hundreds of citizens.

The Republic of Astrym now knows what happened to its fleet. The fleet's officers are furious. They blame the Republic's politicians for letting the Gahestian Empire know of their plan. They vow to never trust the nation's leaders ever again.

Emperor Sell discovers the plot against him, realizing that the people of Name-Ed will always be divided unless they have an enemy to hate. So he assassinates the treasonous Grand Vizier and blames it on the Gahestian army. War is declared within days of this, and the mighty Demigods once more are unleashed on the enemies of Nam-Ed.

The Gahestian Empire makes good progress against the Republic of Astrym. The Empire's air force strikes hard at the republic, destroying nearly all of its ships and crippling the country's infrastructure. The Demigods then march towards the Republic's capital. The Republic's navy fights back, but the Demigods' superior numbers overwhelm the Republic's ships.

The Republic of Astrym's army marches to meet the Demigod army head on. The two armies clash at the border of the Republic. The war lasts for a few months before the Gahestian Empire's army finally gains control of the region. The Republic of Astrym's navy quickly retreats. They realize that the war isn't going well. The Republic's soldiers retreat to the Skycastle, hoping to regroup and prepare for another assault.

The Demigods, however, do not pursue them. The Emperor believes that the Republic's soldiers will eventually return, and he orders his Demigods to leave the Republic's territory. After several weeks pass without further contact, the Empire declares victory. It tells the world that it is done with war and turns its attention to rebuilding the country.

3 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

The Gahestian army is at war with about five other countries, at this point.


And we are KILLING it


@Matrim's Diceyour turn.

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Just now, Shining Silhouette said:

After this round/game, I'm up for joining in!



You could probably join as I think Tani is joining as well

Here's my preaction. Nothing is going to go wrong at all

Nevermind the A.I. is going to mess this up horribly and I am going to laugh as my kingdom burns.

Yes I accept that I am Nero

The Wrizrecan empire utilizes their eldritch knowledge gained from the hive mind and experiements more with in on the Wrizecan-Ouphamenial border.

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My country is called Siel and it floats in the sky. Its primary resource is spider silk and it exports clothes finer and stronger than the best silks. Domesticated giant spiders are kept for their silk, and wild ones still inhabit the wildernesses of Siel. Is there anything else you need to know?


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