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Conquer the World... With AI

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2 hours ago, Tani said:

My country is called Siel and it floats in the sky. Its primary resource is spider silk and it exports clothes finer and stronger than the best silks. Domesticated giant spiders are kept for their silk, and wild ones still inhabit the wildernesses of Siel. Is there anything else you need to know?



All Fadran needs to know is the country's name and it's starting resource, as all extra worldbuilding made it not work quite as planned.

@Shining Silhouette, you still want to join, make a country with a name, primary resource, it's location and some extra worldbuilding, just for fun as it won't get put into the A.I.

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

@Shining Silhouette, you still want to join, make a country with a name, primary resource, it's location and some extra worldbuilding, just for fun as it won't get put into the A.I.



My country is called Psmithania (with a silent P). It's a psmithing country, and its psmiths are the finest in the world, making the most exquisite pswords and pshields. It also has excellent psoldiers. Its primary resource is iron/psteel, and it's ruled by an oligarchy of the current top 10 psmiths in the country.

(More to come later)


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@Matrim's Dice

In a fury, the Dalryan army gears up with their Titanium Admantite Armor and charges the Vaebudan empire, determined to conquer the nation by force. Despite their overwhelming advantage, the Dalryans are unable to defeat the Vaebuddians. In fact, the Dalryans suffer severe losses due to the Vaebuddian's superior strategy. Eventually, the Vaebuddians take complete control over Dalry, forcing the Emperor to surrender and cede the land to the Vaebuddians.

The Emperor is outraged, and vows to retake the land. He refuses to submit to the Vaebuddians, instead ordering his army to march deeper into the empire. His army, however, suffers heavy casualties. Its numbers dwindle until only a handful of soldiers remain. One night, the Emperor decides to leave his troops and escape from the empire. He flees to a nearby village and hides there for days.

One day, a messenger arrives at the village. The Emperor learns that the Dalryans have been defeated by the Vaebuddians. The Emperor realizes that the Vaebuddians are planning to invade Dalry. He immediately returns to the emperor's palace and prepares for battle.

After a long and fierce fight, the Emperor and his remaining forces manage to defeat the Vaebuddian army. The Emperor triumphantly marches back to Dalry, where he is greeted by the locals. The Emperor leads the citizens of Dalry to build a new empire.

You didn't win; but you haven't lost either.

@The Unknown Novel

Eshael Navar, using its newfound arsenal of weapons, presses the attack on Pitar, determined to conquer Pitar once and for all. The massive invasion force causes devastation across the countryside, including the destruction of many towns and villages. The Pitarian army, led by King Apis, manages to keep the Eshaelian army at bay, but is slowly worn down. The king, however, is killed during the battle.

The Pitarian army retreats to the mountains, deciding to make camp there. The Eshaelian army soon follows. The Pitanian military finds itself trapped between the mountain range and the sea, which is heavily fortified by the Pitarians. The Pitanians, having no other choice, decide to use their remaining artillery to destroy the walls surrounding the city.

The bombardment of the wall begins, and the Pitanian army suffers heavy losses. At last, the Pitanian army manages to breach the walls, setting the stage for a final battle.

The Battle of Pitar lasts for three days. The Eshaelian army pushes forward, attacking the Pitanians from multiple directions. However, the Pitanian army remains steadfast in its defense. As the battle drags on, the Eshaelian army's morale wavers. The Eshaelian army suffers heavy casualties as the fighting continues. Finally, the Eshaelian army breaks and flees. The Pitanian army takes full control of Pitar.

The Eshaelians are devastated by the defeat, but they have lost too much blood to abandon the war.

You still have the advantage, but Pitar has evaded defeat for now

@Shallan Stormblessed

The Lynaran queen offers the Moon Stones, along with instructions on how to use them, to any lands who will agree to submit to the great Lynara. Many kingdoms recognize her offer, and pledge their allegiance to the Queen. Some, however, refuse to accept the stones. These kingdoms, led by the Republic of Astrym, launch an offensive against the Lynaras.

The AI then proceeded to start the war, which I vetoed because Lynara and Astrym are about as far apart as it gets. I'm gonna be a lot tighter on borders and distance in the future.

(Also I'll make it decide on which kingdoms swore allegiance later)

(@The Bookwyrm, I figured I should ping you here)

@The Wandering Wizard

The Wrizrecan empire utilizes their eldritch knowledge gained from the Hive Mind soldier and experiments more with them on the Wrizecan-Ouphamenial border. They discover that when the Hive Mind soldiers are exposed to the Hive Mind soldier's blood, they gain the ability to manipulate the elements.

Wrezracan decides to combine the Hive Mind's powers with those of the Elementals. By combining the Hive Mind's elemental abilities with the Elementals' innate magic, the Wrizricans create a new breed of soldiers: the Wrezrecan Elemental Soldiers.

The Elementals are trained to use the Hive Mind's powers, while the Wrezrecan soldiers learn to control the element of fire. When combined, the Elementals and the Elementals' magic can be used to channel and manipulate heat, creating a devastating weapon.

However, not everyone is happy with the creation of these soldiers; the Hive Mind soldier has awakened. This time, the creature is a force to be reckoned with. It possesses incredible power, and it is quickly able to get past the Wrizrecan security systems.

As the Wrizrecan Empire continues to expand, the Hive Mind soldier grows increasingly restless. The creature wants nothing more than revenge. The soldiers of the Empire begin to fear the day the creature will finally emerge.

You have acquired a new resource: elemental magic!

Hi! I'm back. Glad to be back in this chaos :P

@Sequencewhen you're ready.

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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14 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

@Sequencewhen you're ready.

After the failure in weapons development, the King decides that he will settle for quantity over quality as he orders the army's numbers to be tripled with a civilian draft in preparation to invade Lynaran occupied Serenitas in the south.


Sorry, kind of a run-on sentence. Didn't want to make it seem too long for the AI.


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19 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

The Lynaran queen offers the Moon Stones, along with instructions on how to use them, to any lands who will agree to submit to the great Lynara. Many kingdoms recognize her offer, and pledge their allegiance to the Queen. Some, however, refuse to accept the stones. These kingdoms, led by the Republic of Astrym, launch an offensive against the Lynaras.

The AI then proceeded to start the war, which I vetoed because Lynara and Astrym are about as far apart as it gets. I'm gonna be a lot tighter on borders and distance in the future.

(Also I'll make it decide on which kingdoms swore allegiance later)

(@The Bookwyrm, I figured I should ping you here)


I'll make it fit. Considering the political unrest Astrym is going through, I'm thinking of splitting it in two, with one half becoming an NPC and the other half staying under my control. I'll have the NPC country be the one leading the assault against Lynara, though I don't know why they'd feel the need to do that...


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After the failure in weapons development, the Serenitan King decides that he will settle for quantity over quality as he orders the army's numbers to be tripled with a civilian draft in preparation to invade Lynaran-occupied Serenitas in the south.

The new recruits are put through rigorous training before being sent out to war. Meanwhile, the Serenitans continue to work on their new weapon, the Horadrim Crossbow.

By the end of the year, the Serenitans have completed their crossbows. The crossbows are made of wood, but contain an advanced mechanism that allows the crossbow to be fired automatically. The new weapon proves effective in the field.

The Serenitans launch their attack on the Lynaras, leading to a fierce battle. The battle rages on throughout the winter.


The Serenitans continue their march against the Lynaras, pushing towards the capital city of Lyrabar. The war is going poorly, and the Lynaras have little hope of victory.

The Serenitans launch an all-out assault on the Lynaras, hoping to finally capture the city. They quickly overrun the Lynaras' defenses and enter the city.

The Serenitans lay waste to the city, sending thousands to their deaths. The Serenitans proceed to take the city by force, killing anyone who stands in their way.

...I think you won.

Meanwhile, the Gahestian Empire is locked into about five seperate wars. In response, the emperor brings together the remaining mages and scientists to buff the city walls and defenses, hoping to stumble upon some breakthrough to superpower the empire.

After two years, the Gahestians still haven't found anything. They continue their research, but they still come up empty handed.

The Emperor calls for a meeting, stating that if the research isn't fruitful within six months, then they'll give up. Most of the scientists, including the Emperor himself, are shocked by this decision.

The Gahestians continue to research for another year, but nothing comes out of it. At the meeting, the Emperor announces that his empire will be withdrawing from the war front in order to focus on military matters at home.

As the Empire withdraws from the war fronts, the citizens of the empire grow concerned. The Gahestians had been the strongest nation in the world for centuries. What will happen to them now?

Many of the citizens petition the Emperor to reconsider, but he refuses. He states that the time has come to move on from fighting wars and begin building a new society.


@Enter a username

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What's your ruling on the Pitanians vs Pitarians, since the AI seems to think they are two separate things.

My thought is that the Pitarians were having a civil war while the Eshael attacked them, which the Pitanians won, taking Pitar City?, which the Eshael then attacked but were rebuffed, allowing the Pitanians to retake Pitar proper (but not the island that you have me mostly controlling on the map)

@Channelknight Fadran

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14 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

After the failure in weapons development, the Serenitan King decides that he will settle for quantity over quality as he orders the army's numbers to be tripled with a civilian draft in preparation to invade Lynaran-occupied Serenitas in the south.



The new recruits are put through rigorous training before being sent out to war. Meanwhile, the Serenitans continue to work on their new weapon, the Horadrim Crossbow.

By the end of the year, the Serenitans have completed their crossbows. The crossbows are made of wood, but contain an advanced mechanism that allows the crossbow to be fired automatically. The new weapon proves effective in the field.

The Serenitans launch their attack on the Lynaras, leading to a fierce battle. The battle rages on throughout the winter.


The Serenitans continue their march against the Lynaras, pushing towards the capital city of Lyrabar. The war is going poorly, and the Lynaras have little hope of victory.

The Serenitans launch an all-out assault on the Lynaras, hoping to finally capture the city. They quickly overrun the Lynaras' defenses and enter the city.

The Serenitans lay waste to the city, sending thousands to their deaths. The Serenitans proceed to take the city by force, killing anyone who stands in their way.


...I think you won.

1. Yay the weapons research worked!


3. Yay we have our homeland back!

4. Ha get wrecked Lynara that's what you get for attacking us unprovoked! >:D

5. ... We're supposed to be a peaceful nation ;-;

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15 hours ago, Sequence said:

After the failure in weapons development, the King decides that he will settle for quantity over quality as he orders the army's numbers to be tripled with a civilian draft in preparation to invade Lynaran occupied Serenitas in the south



I thought you already reclaimed Serenitas. Am I insane?

Also @Sequence, for #4, it was a random decision that my one-time king made! That king is long gone. So...

you're just killing innocents! 



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2 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

I thought you already reclaimed Serenitas. Am I insane?

Also @Sequence, for #4, it was a random decision that my one-time king made! That king is long gone. So...

you're just killing innocents! 



You guys has a tiny piece down south, which we stole back... after absolutely destroying your entire population... sorry! 


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My pre-action:

After suffering crushing defeat at the hands of the Brotherhood, the remnants of Realmingsburg retreat to the Skycastle and take flight. In their place, they leave sleeper agents to gather information and, when the time is right, destroy the Brotherhood from the inside.

Edited by NerdyAarakocra
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@Enter a username

Not-Luxembourg accepts the Eakirandi’s offer for peace negotiations. With the Kingdom now at the mercy of the Queen of the Moon, the Eakirandi agree to the terms of surrender.

The treaty includes amnesty for anyone who joined the resistance. Those who did so will be treated as civilians rather than traitors. The Eakirandi will also be allowed to keep their independence.

In exchange, the Eakirandi must recognize the Queen of the Moon as the ruler of the Moons and the Eakirandi will have to pay tribute to her.

The Queen of the Moon agrees to stop attacking Luxembourg, but she warns that the peace is temporary. She may resume hostilities whenever she pleases.

...I think it worked.


@CalanoCorvuskeep it going!

(Oh yeah also while I was at it, @Shallan Stormblessed...)

Lynara is adjacent to the Kingdom of Reabromore, the Auyaevell Empire, Republi of Vaebudal, and the United Kingdoms of Aniviel. Each of them were offered Moon Stones in exchange for fealty. Only some of them agreed, including the Kingdom of Reabromore, which gave its token to the Queen of the Moon.

The Auyaevell Empire and Republi of Vaebudal refused to accept the Moon Stones and instead declared war on the Queen of the Moon.

It worked decently enough. Reabromore and the United Kingdoms are now your sworn allies, while the other two are doing their healthy hearty best to kick the snot out of you!

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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The New Vandoran Commune lives a peaceful life in farming. They slowly begin research into metalworking, in an attempt to bolster their defensive forces.

One day, the commune is attacked by the Beastmen. They manage to drive off the Beastmen, but one of them manages to escape.

The beast is later captured and brought back to the city. It reveals itself to be a Wrizrecan. The Wrizrecan is terrified of the commune and begs for help. They offer to trade for protection, and the Wrizrecan agrees.

The Wrizrecan is taken to the commune, where they're kept for safety reasons. The people of the commune try to communicate with the creature, but all attempts fail.

The Wrizrecan can speak a language similar to their own, but it's difficult for them to understand the meaning behind what the humans say. The Wrizrecan asks if the humans would consider teaching them their language, but the humans refuse.

They soon learn why: The Wrizrecan is an intelligent monster that was enslaved by the Beastmen. They were forced to fight for the Beastmen and kill innocents. After being freed, the Wrizrecan decides to live a peaceful life away from the Beastmen.

Well that was unexpected


After suffering crushing defeat at the hands of the Brotherhood, the remnants of Realmingsburg retreat to the Skycastle and take flight. In their place, they leave sleeper agents to gather information and, when the time is right, prepare to destroy the Brotherhood from the inside.

The sleeping agents are mostly former members of the Brotherhood, who escaped during the Battle of the Bridge. They've since learned that the Brotherhood is planning something big, so they decide to infiltrate the organization.

One of the agents manages to successfully infiltrate the Brotherhood headquarters and find out what the Brotherhood plans to do next.

The agent is too late to stop the Brotherhood, though. The Brotherhood already has an army ready to invade the Kingdom of Reabromore.

Fortunately, the agent does manage to relay the information to the Kingdom before the invasion begins. The Kingdom of Reabromore mobilizes its forces to defend itself from the Brotherhood.

The Kingdom of Reabromore manages to repel the Brotherhood's invasion, but it takes heavy casualties doing so.

How nice of you!

I'll get to wrapping up this round tomorrow morning, probably.

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