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Conquer the World... With AI

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A new, dangerous era begins with Psmithania's entrance to the global stage. After centuries of perfecting their craft in isolation, Psmithania decides it is time to consolidate its power. The oligarch begins a militarization program, giving psteel to each psmith that crafts extra pswords, pshields, pspears, and psabres for the state. As their weapon horde grows, the country begins a training program for its youth psoldiers, who grow in strength and number. But Psmithania soon runs dangerously low on psteel, and must find a way to acquire more.


You can get rid of the silent 'p's if the AI doesn't like it


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A new, dangerous era begins with Psmithania's entrance to the global stage. After centuries of perfecting their craft in isolation, Psmithania decides it is time to consolidate its power. The oligarch begins a militarization program, giving out steel to the nation's smiths in order to manufacture more weapons. As their weapon horde grows, the country begins a training program for its youth soldiers, who grow in strength and number. But Psmithania soon runs dangerously low on steel, and must find a way to acquire more.

Psmithania's smithies turn towards the Kingdom of Reabromore, offering to trade steel for iron. The Kingdom, fearing an invasion from the Psmithian military, rejects the offer.

Instead, the Psmithians send their young soldiers to raid the Kingdom's mines. When they find the mine, however, the Psmithians are surprised to discover that the Kingdom's miners have become skilled and powerful enough to fend off the Psmithian army.

The Psmithians realize that their mining methods aren't working and that they need the Kingdom's help. They ask for permission to expand their territory by moving into Reabromore, but the Kingdom refuses.

Unwilling to give up, the Psmithians set fire to the forest that surrounds their mines. This causes the Kingdom to declare war against the Psmithian aggressors.

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The people of Siel, seeing the landmass they float above, create an immensely long rope of their strongest spider silk and send an ambassador to the land below.

The ambassador reaches the ground, where he finds a group of men-at-arms waiting for him. They welcome the visitor and offer him a meal before sending him to the castle.

Once there, the ambassador meets with the king. He informs him of the discovery of land beneath the ocean, and offers his hand in friendship.

The king accepts the offer, but only under one condition: That the ambassador bring a representative of the city of Siel. The ambassador promises to do as the king says, but wonders why he wasn't told this earlier.

He goes to the queen, who tells him that she didn't tell the ambassador because he wouldn't believe her. She then sends the ambassador to the port, where he finds a large ship waiting for him.

The ambassador boards the ship and sets sail, heading for Siel.

The AI thought you had found Atlantis XD

Also I did add you to the map, so you'll know who your new ally is momentarily...

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Round 5 Recap:

  • The Republic of Astrym attacks the Gahestian Empire and gets absolutely clapped.
  • The Kingdom of Nam-Ed attacks the Gahestian Empire and gets absolutely clapped.
  • Dalyra attacks the Vaebudan Empire and gets absolutely clapped (but they're okay for now).
  • Eshael Navar corners Pitar but gets pushed back for now.
  • Lynara offers their moon stones to their neighboring kingdoms in return for their undying fealty. The United Kingdoms of Aniviel and Reabromore seem pretty stoked about it - The Auyaevell Empire and Vaebudal, on the other hand, are so annoyed that they declare war instead.
  • The Wrizrecan Empire unlocks elemental magic.
  • Serenitas manages to oust the last of Lynara's armies from their lands.
  • The Gahestian Empire tactically runs away from the multiple wars they got stuck in.
  • Not-Luxembourg is now allied with the Eakirandis.
  • The new Commune of Vandora gets wrapped up in the plot again.
  • Realmingsburg defends itself against the Brotherhood, who get clapped by Reabromore in the meantime.
  • Psmithania wages war on Reabromore (what is up with Reabromore being everywhere nowadays?).
  • Siel makes friends with Kheneca Empire

Map (now extended!):



The Sitch:


Here's a map of relations (I used the spray paint tool: black for war, green for allies):



Republic of Astrym: 

  • Resources: Homeland, Science, Adamantium Armor
  • Internal: Armies are currently on cooldown and the airship fleet's commanders are going on strike.


  • Resources: Homeland, Population, Demigod Army
  • Internal: Just about everyone's confused about this nation's situation. Even the demigods don't know whose side they're on.


  • Resources: Homeland, Metallurgy, Titanium/Adamantium Armor, Mysterious Well of Power
  • Internal: The Emperor is currently experiencing a character arc and nobody's really sure what to think about it.

Eshael Navar: 

  • Resources: Homeland, Sea control, Super-Navy
  • Internal: Army is currently on cooldown.


  • Resources: Homeland, Moon Stones
  • Internal: All clear, currently.

Wrizrecan Empire: 

  • Resources: Homeland, Warriors, Waterbending, Eldritch Knowledge, Elemental Powers
  • Internal: All clear, currently.


  • Resources: Homeland, Mercantilism
  • Internal: All clear... finally.

Gahestian Empire: 

  • Resources: Homeland, Mages, Airships
  • Internal: FINALLY no longer at war.


  • Resources: Homeland, Monster Factory
  • Internal: Fine, except for the occasional monster incursion.

Commune of Vandora:

  • Resources: New cute little town :D
  • Internal: Now wrapped up in this "beastmen" business.


  • Resources: Homeland, Technology, Sky Castle
  • Internal: Probably still chock-full of Brotherhood spies


  • Resources: Homeland, Metallurgy
  • Internal: Brand-New! Give them a shout to show you care.


  • Resources: Homeland, Spider Silk
  • Internal: Floating above Kheneca. I feel the need to clarify this.


  • The Republic of Astrym invades the Gahestian Empire.
  • The Kingdom of Dalyra invades the Vaebudan Empire.
  • Eshael Navar bolsters their armies and pushes further into Pitarese territory.
  • The Wrizrecan Empire continues experimentation with the Hive Minds.
  • Realmingsburg falls back to their Skycastle to defend themselves against the Brotherhood.


  • The Gahestian Empire pushes back the armies of Astrym
  • The Kingdom of Nam-Ed invades the Gahestian Empire.
  • Serenitas completes the purification of their homeland, driving out the last remnants of Lynara's armies.
  • A beastman attacks the new Commune of Vandora and starts yet another plot.
  • The Gahestian Empire begins pushing back against Nam-Ed, destroying their invading airships.


  • Pitar makes a brave offensive against the invaders and pushes back the Eshaelean forces.
  • The Gahestian Empire captures the last of Nam-Ed's airships, rendering their enemy obsolete.
  • Reabromore makes an offensive against the Brotherhood that works out remarkably well.
  • Somewhat annoyed that Reabromore is more relevant than some PCs, Psmithania wages war on them.
  • The floating country of Siel makes first contact with Kheneca.


  • The Gahestian Empire drops away from all the wars they'd gotten wrapped in.
  • The Orchid Containment Dome is completed.

Hello! Not-narrator Fadran here. Or, well... Keeper of the Code Fadran here.

I'm not adding new rules, per say, but I want to clarify some old ones:

First of all, PLEASE do not invade countries that are all the way across the map! I recognize that most of this cross-continental war is the AI's fault, and from now on I'm going to do my best to filter that out. I'd like the world to make at least a little sense, so it's probably for the best that wars like Lynara/Serenitas and Gahestia/Realmingsburg are just about over.
I'd also like to propose some more hard-set rules to this to keep things concise:

  1. You can only attack neighboring countries by land. I'll allow you to attack more distant countries if you're marching through allied territory, and if you would like I'll allow you to input that you ask neutral countries to allow you to traverse their land. If there's ambiguity about borders or just really small slivers of someone else's land in the way, I'll probably let it slide. The same applies to trade deals and such. If you want to trade with a more distant country, then you'll first need to establish a long-distance trade route.
    1. Exception: the airships and the Skycastle. The whole point of this is to allow people to move their troops anywhere. I realized that I couldn't very well go with a border-based movement system here, so I opted to go with "as the nazgul flies" instead. You'll notice I put a weird black line over the top of the Relations map: that is a rough approximation of how far the Skycastle or an airship fleet can move in a turn. Feel free to full-on ruler it or just kinda finger pinch and say "yeah, that looks about right" when deciding where to send your flying armies.
  2. If you're attacking/trading overseas, then try to keep nations' seaspace in mind. For example, Eshael Navar's primary resource is their control over sea trade, so having Realmingsburg to try to send a ship to Psmithania would require an alliance or some other kind of deal. As a rule most trade ships will try to follow the coast of the mainland, so keep that in mind. However, other than that, you can trade/attack just about anyone from anywhere overseas.

Second of all, I'm going to start enforcing the "one-turn army refresh rule." At the end of each round I'll clarify whether your army is "on cooldown" or not in your Internal section. If you happen to get clapped during the round, you won't be able to use your army during the next (unless you manage to pull off some insane maneuver that gets the AI to refresh it and let you invade someone). However, if someone invades you while you're on cooldown and they get clapped anyways, I'll allow it (after all, it would make sense otherwise; and that wouldn't be any fun, would it?)
On occasion, the AI will specify that your army "retreats" or "regroups" or something (most recently, Nam-Ed was defeated by the Gahestian Empire, but their armies fell back to the Skycastle). This will not put your army on cooldown due to the tactical retreat.


And also thanks to all of your for playing for five whole rounds! It's been a blast so far, and here's to five more!


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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Is it my turn to go?

If so, I may be taking some actions that would make things more difficult for you who is running this whole thing, Fadran, so I'm going to check it with you.

The following spoilered box is information only for Fadran! I don't want any of you getting spoiled on my future actions.


Are you Fadran? If not, why are you here?!


Considering the political turmoils that my country is going to, I was planning to split Astrym (via civil war) into two separate countries. I would hold control over one of these countries, and let the other one become one of the NPCs. If you don't want this to happen, I can figure out something else.

And, I was also planning on having the country that I still have control over attempt to leave the planet and colonize another world using advanced airship technology. Is that something you'd be okay with happening, or should we wait a little longer? You mentioned it in the OP, but I just wanted to make sure that it was something you'd be okay with doing.




@Channelknight Fadran

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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:








Civil War is totally aight by me. Sounds like a lotta fun, too.

I would like to not get into space-age stuff anytime soon. I'm still yet to draw reveal the entirety of the continent, let alone the planet; let alone the solar system. So that'll have to wait for quite awhile. But in the meantime feel free to colonize some parallel dimensions or the underground dwarves or something.




Also yes. It is your turn.

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@Channelknight Fadran I have a question about portal traveling, could you attack someone else if you could create a portal large enough to transport your entire army or summon a army from another plane using it?

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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15 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Also yes. It is your turn.


Astrym Calendar: 1067 AA, 0001 NA

World Calendar: 0018 HY

This transcription is now written by the council of New Astrym.

After our defeat in the war with the Gahestian Empire, it was revealed to us that the main portion of our government was untrustworthy and corrupt, and ruled by a malevolent figure.

We have formed this New Council of Astrym, composed of our top military leaders, political figures, scientists, historians, and magicians, has declared a civil war against the corrupt government that was misguiding our so called "Republic."

A single figure has revealed himself to be an Emperor, a secret leader that was manipulating the original council. He has reorganized those remaining loyal to him into a nation known as the Empire of Astrolog. We, who fight against him, have named ourselves New Astrym.

While we have declared war, our objective is not to win. Even though we have superior military might in form of Astrym's airships, we have decided to flee to the frigid north rather than try to reclaim our lands. We want to avoid conflict if possible.

Hopefully, we will be able to preserve the free people of Astrym, its technology, it's science, its magic, its history, and its legacy as we flee from the oppressive Empire.

Turmoil boils over in the Republic of Astrym. The country splits and re-forms into two nations: The Empire of Astrolog, ruled by a corrupt emperor, and New Astrym, formed of the military officials, scientists, and political figures who were betrayed and wronged by the Empire's corrupt government. New Astrym has almost absolute control over the country's Airships, and using them, they evacuate all of New Astrym's civilians to a frigid island in the north. The remaining military of New Astrym engages the Empire of Astrolog in order to cover the evacuation to the northern island.


Yes, I know it kind of sounds like Star Wars, and I'm sorry that you have to expand the map more, Fadran.

And I think I'm breaking the new "army cooldown" rule, but...it's a civil war, so....yeah.


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16 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Eshael Navar: 

  • Resources: Homeland, Sea control, Super-Navy
  • Internal: Army is currently on cooldown.

Does my small arsenal of magic weapons I'm totally not going to use to destroy the world count as a resource?

Also, you said my army was on cool down, not my magical sea monster army, so:

Eshael Navar's High Council utilizes its many animal and monster controlling artifacts to communicate with and controll the sea creatures, as well as sea monsters like the kraken and sea serpents. Eshael Navar makes them attack all Pitarian ships that leave the island in an attempt to strangle trade and cut Pitar off from vital resources. 

16 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

The following spoilered box is information only for Fadran! I don't want any of you getting spoiled on my future actions.


You, sir, are evil. My monster army is coming after you next.


Edited by The Unknown Novel
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@The Bookwyrm

Turmoil boils over in the Republic of Astrym. The country splits and re-forms into two nations: The Empire of Astrolog, ruled by a corrupt emperor, and New Astrym, formed of the military officials, scientists, and political figures who were betrayed and wronged by the Empire's corrupt government. New Astrym has almost absolute control over the country's Airships, and using them, they evacuate all of New Astrym's civilians to a frigid island in the north. The remaining military of New Astrym engages the Empire of Astrolog in order to cover the evacuation to the northern island.

New Astrym's military is composed mostly of air force officers and scientists. Their fleet is comprised of Airship after Airship, each one a different class than the last. The first few classes are experimental designs, hastily built in order to escape the Empire of Astrolog.

As the war progresses, the New Astrym military begins to build larger, more advanced ships. These vessels are still experimental, but their technology is much better than that of the Empire of Astrolog.

The Empire of Astrolog is forced to retreat, leaving behind a dozen or so of its largest and most important Airships.

The New Astrym military captures these ships and uses their technology to improve upon their own designs. Once they're finished, they begin launching attacks at the Empire of Astrolog's territory.

The Empire of Astrology launches a counterattack, attempting to retake the captured Airships.

The New Astrym military, however, is too far ahead of their opponent. They launch a massive attack, destroying several of the Empire's Airships before the Empire can retaliate.

This leaves the Empire of Astrolog without any Airships, while New Astrym is left with a surplus of them.

The New Astrym military uses these Airships to launch a surprise attack against the Empire. The Empire, unprepared for such an assault, suffers heavy losses and is forced to retreat.

Looks like your civil war is going successfully.

That is to say, your civil war sucks.


While his armies prepare for further conquest, Sell, the emperor of Nam-ed, travels to Serenitas to create a treaty.

Sell speaks with the priest of Serenitas, but the man won't meet with him. Instead, he sends a message that he will be arriving in three days' time.

After speaking with the priest, Sell returns home to learn that his generals have been plotting against him. To prevent them from taking action against him, he banishes them all, including the ones who helped him conquer Nodem.

Now alone, Sell creates a new plan of conquest. He destroys the Airship docks, causing the entire Airship fleet to abandon its bases. Then he orders the construction of fortifications around Serenitas, allowing him to keep the city under siege.

When Sell sees that the citizens of Serenitas are starving and freezing, he decides to negotiate peace. But the priest refuses to speak to him until he agrees to stop the construction of Fort Serenitas.

Sell doesn't like this idea, but he knows it'll mean peace. He reluctantly agrees and allows the priest to come to him.



I just have the Skycastle in the middle of Realmingsburg.


@Matrim's Dice

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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

We can't look in the spoiler box, so we are going to kill you so that we actually can....jk mostly.


Half of what I put in there was revealed in my action.

The other half....is something we don't have to worry about right now, so it's fine.


And hooray, my war is going well! I'm assuming since I'm destroying Astrolog, my civilians made it out safely.

For any clarification needs, New Astrym is the kingdom that I have control over, and the Empire of Astrolog is the kingdom that is becoming an NPC.


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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

I just have the Skycastle in the middle of Realmingsburg.


OK. Could you please generate the Triumvirate, or would that not work? Thanks!


2 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

The other half....is something we don't have to worry about right now, so it's fine.


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Sell: goes to make an alliance with Serinitas.

Also Sell: Welp, their priest told me it'd take three days before I could meet with him. Time to lay siege to their capital until they all starve.

Also also Sell: Dang, they're starving. Now I feel bad.


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The current Inventors are:

-Ezrah, Mechanic. Ezrah represents the God of Fire, and is responsible for all things technical. He oversees the production of machines of every kind - anything mechanical, including water works, steam engines, and clocks.

-Kerianna, Architect. Kerianna represents the Goddess of Growth, Nature, and Ideas. She oversees the construction of buildings, public art, and architecture. She is also responsible for all religious structures.

-Thorn, Farmer. Thorn represents the God of Creation and Destruction, and is the overseer of agriculture, farming, and livestock. He is also responsible for the management of the guilds, which handle everything from mining to woodworking and ship building.



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