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Conquer the World... With AI

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The Dalryans study the mysterious well of power under their mountains again, in hopes of discovering a power that can aid them in battle. But nothing comes of their research.

Disappointed, the Dalryans turn to their magic to find a solution. They discover that when they combine certain elements, a powerful spell is created.

They take this spell and use it on the soldiers of their army. It changes their appearance, causing them to transform into lizard-like creatures.

The Dalryans use these creatures in battle, hoping they'll help them defeat their enemies. The elves, however, fear that the Dalryans are being controlled by evil spirits, and attack them.

The Dalryans soon realize that their creation isn't working as intended. Their troops become more violent and aggressive, attacking the elves instead of defending themselves.

The Dalryans try to figure out what went wrong, but they don't know how the spell was created in the first place. They decide to destroy the creature they made, but before they can, the elves attack the fortress.

The Dalryan commander realizes that destroying their creations hasn't done anything to stop the elves from attacking them. He tries to flee, but the elves surround him and slaughter his men.

The Dalryan commander escapes and returns to his people, explaining what happened. After hearing his story, the Dalryans agree to abandon their experiments with magic.

Sounds like a cautionary tale you might hear your grandmother tell you despite your parents' protests.

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2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:



Well, godzilla is slightly (just slightly) overpowered, so I wanted to check with our malevolent overlord, Fadran, before bringing the matter to our benevolent overlord, the AI. Also I already premoved:


14 hours ago, The Unknown Novel said:

Eshael Navar's High Council utilizes its many animal and monster controlling artifacts to communicate with and controll the sea creatures, as well as sea monsters like the kraken and sea serpents. Eshael Navar makes them attack all Pitarian ships that leave the island in an attempt to strangle trade and cut Pitar off from vital resources. 


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Eshael Navar's High Council utilizes its many animal and monster-controlling artifacts to communicate with the many monsters of the sea, hoping to control them to attack the Pitarese and strangle their trade.

The council places the most powerful of these artifacts in the hands of Eshael's greatest generals. They hope that if they give these generals enough power, they can convince the monsters to attack their enemies.

But when the generals go to see the beasts, they are horrified by what they see. The creatures are far stronger than they expected. They kill the generals and seize the artifacts, using them to make their own spells.

These new commanders quickly gain power over the sea. They begin attacking the Pitarese, killing their sailors and seizing their ships.

The Pitarese, furious, attack the High Council. Their mages attempt to overwhelm the council with their magic, but they're no match for the monsters.

The council retreats, trying to find another way to get rid of the monsters.

You intentionally awoke another primal evil.

I dunno what you expected.

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Eshael Navar's High Council utilizes its many animal and monster-controlling artifacts to communicate with the many monsters of the sea, hoping to control them to attack the Pitarese and strangle their trade.

The council places the most powerful of these artifacts in the hands of Eshael's greatest generals. They hope that if they give these generals enough power, they can convince the monsters to attack their enemies.

But when the generals go to see the beasts, they are horrified by what they see. The creatures are far stronger than they expected. They kill the generals and seize the artifacts, using them to make their own spells.

These new commanders quickly gain power over the sea. They begin attacking the Pitarese, killing their sailors and seizing their ships.

The Pitarese, furious, attack the High Council. Their mages attempt to overwhelm the council with their magic, but they're no match for the monsters.

The council retreats, trying to find another way to get rid of the monsters.

You intentionally awoke another primal evil.

I dunno what you expected.


Do I now have another enemy called eldritch sea monsters?

Also, I have so not learned my lesson: godzilla?

Other people, endless ice age with ice boats, or no?


Edited by The Unknown Novel
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20 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

-Ezrah, Mechanic. Ezrah represents the God of Fire, and is responsible for all things technical. He oversees the production of machines of every kind - anything mechanical, including water works, steam engines, and clocks.

-Kerianna, Architect. Kerianna represents the Goddess of Growth, Nature, and Ideas. She oversees the construction of buildings, public art, and architecture. She is also responsible for all religious structures.

-Thorn, Farmer. Thorn represents the God of Creation and Destruction, and is the overseer of agriculture, farming, and livestock. He is also responsible for the management of the guilds, which handle everything from mining to woodworking and ship building.



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On 10/3/2022 at 7:08 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

While his armies prepare for further conquest, Sell, the emperor of Nam-ed, travels to Serenitas to create a treaty.

Sell speaks with the priest of Serenitas, but the man won't meet with him. Instead, he sends a message that he will be arriving in three days' time.

After speaking with the priest, Sell returns home to learn that his generals have been plotting against him. To prevent them from taking action against him, he banishes them all, including the ones who helped him conquer Nodem.

Now alone, Sell creates a new plan of conquest. He destroys the Airship docks, causing the entire Airship fleet to abandon its bases. Then he orders the construction of fortifications around Serenitas, allowing him to keep the city under siege.

When Sell sees that the citizens of Serenitas are starving and freezing, he decides to negotiate peace. But the priest refuses to speak to him until he agrees to stop the construction of Fort Serenitas.

Sell doesn't like this idea, but he knows it'll mean peace. He reluctantly agrees and allows the priest to come to him.


Wait Nam-Ed is trying to take over Serenitas now? How did I not know this? Nameless made the prompt to form a treaty and now they're building a fort around the entire country :(. ALSO ALSO, Serenitas is a coastal farming country near the equator according to my initial country prompt, so why are we starving and freezing all of the sudden? @Channelknight Fadran help ;-;-;-;


Edited by Sequence
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The king of Lynara writes a decree that he is now the permanent ruler. (it was bound to happen sometime) He sends spies into the Auyaevell Empire and the Republi of Vaebudal. He also sets the scientists of Lynara to work on any new important weapons/technology.

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The king of Lynara writes a decree that he is now the permanent ruler, then sends spies into the Auyaevell Empire and the Republi of Vaebudal.

Lynara has long wanted to expand her borders, and she believes conquering these lands would make her one of the largest kingdoms in Ylisse(?).

She also wants to end the war between the two nations, believing that by gaining allies she can win the war much faster.

Her agents, however, are unable to determine whether the rulers of these countries really support the Auyaevell or not.

After months of waiting, the king of Lynara realizes that neither country is willing to declare war on her. She sends a message to the leaders, telling them that she will send an army to each nation once winter ends.

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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10 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

After months of waiting, the king of Lynara realizes that neither country is willing to declare war on her. She sends a message to the leaders, telling them that she will send an army to each nation once winter ends.


...I thought they already declared war on me?


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The Wrizrecan empire sends their elemental soldiers to lay waste to the kingdom just south of them: the Ouphamenial Tribunal.

The Ouphamenial Tribunal fights back, sending their own armies to fight the invaders. The Elementalists of both sides soon realize that they have more in common than they thought.

As the two forces continue their fighting, the Wrizrecan leadership finds themselves faced with a dilemma. If they leave the Ouphamenial Tribunal to fend for itself, its people will be slaughtered. On the other hand, if they aid the tribunal, they risk seeing their own soldiers killed.

In order to avoid having to make such a difficult decision, the Wrizrecan emperor orders his soldiers to retreat and allow the tribunal to fend for themselves.

The tribunal defeats the enemy army and takes them prisoner. They take the soldiers back to the Ouphamenial Tribunal, where they are later executed.

The tribunal becomes enraged at the death of their brothers and sisters. In retaliation, they launch a massive assault against the Wrizrecan empire.

The Wrizrecan emperor, fearing he has lost his country to its neighbors, surrenders and asks for a truce.

The Wrizrecan emperor gives the tribunal everything they want, including their freedom. But the tribunal refuses to accept this offer, saying that they will only settle with the empire if they are allowed to conquer all of Wrizrea.

The Wrizrecan emperor agrees, and the tribunal conquers the entire kingdom.

They force the Wrizrecan emperor to become their king and rule over the entire land, and they rename it Wrizrea.

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

The Wrizrecan empire sends their elemental soldiers to lay waste to the kingdom just south of them: the Ouphamenial Tribunal.

The Ouphamenial Tribunal fights back, sending their own armies to fight the invaders. The Elementalists of both sides soon realize that they have more in common than they thought.

As the two forces continue their fighting, the Wrizrecan leadership finds themselves faced with a dilemma. If they leave the Ouphamenial Tribunal to fend for itself, its people will be slaughtered. On the other hand, if they aid the tribunal, they risk seeing their own soldiers killed.

In order to avoid having to make such a difficult decision, the Wrizrecan emperor orders his soldiers to retreat and allow the tribunal to fend for themselves.

The tribunal defeats the enemy army and takes them prisoner. They take the soldiers back to the Ouphamenial Tribunal, where they are later executed.

The tribunal becomes enraged at the death of their brothers and sisters. In retaliation, they launch a massive assault against the Wrizrecan empire.

The Wrizrecan emperor, fearing he has lost his country to its neighbors, surrenders and asks for a truce.

The Wrizrecan emperor gives the tribunal everything they want, including their freedom. But the tribunal refuses to accept this offer, saying that they will only settle with the empire if they are allowed to conquer all of Wrizrea.

The Wrizrecan emperor agrees, and the tribunal conquers the entire kingdom.

They force the Wrizrecan emperor to become their king and rule over the entire land, and they rename it Wrizrea.

So I am conquered by the Ouphamenial Tribunal, but they force me to be their king?????? I guess they worship elemental power :P.

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

The Wrizrecan empire sends their elemental soldiers to lay waste to the kingdom just south of them: the Ouphamenial Tribunal.

The Ouphamenial Tribunal fights back, sending their own armies to fight the invaders. The Elementalists of both sides soon realize that they have more in common than they thought.

As the two forces continue their fighting, the Wrizrecan leadership finds themselves faced with a dilemma. If they leave the Ouphamenial Tribunal to fend for itself, its people will be slaughtered. On the other hand, if they aid the tribunal, they risk seeing their own soldiers killed.

In order to avoid having to make such a difficult decision, the Wrizrecan emperor orders his soldiers to retreat and allow the tribunal to fend for themselves.

The tribunal defeats the enemy army and takes them prisoner. They take the soldiers back to the Ouphamenial Tribunal, where they are later executed.

The tribunal becomes enraged at the death of their brothers and sisters. In retaliation, they launch a massive assault against the Wrizrecan empire.

The Wrizrecan emperor, fearing he has lost his country to its neighbors, surrenders and asks for a truce.

The Wrizrecan emperor gives the tribunal everything they want, including their freedom. But the tribunal refuses to accept this offer, saying that they will only settle with the empire if they are allowed to conquer all of Wrizrea.

The Wrizrecan emperor agrees, and the tribunal conquers the entire kingdom.

They force the Wrizrecan emperor to become their king and rule over the entire land, and they rename it Wrizrea.





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