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Conquer the World... With AI

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In reaction to the recent conquest of the Eakirandi, the Dalryans extend an arm of peace to the nation of Nam-Ed, hoping to avoid war.

The king of Nam-Ed accepts the invitation, but secretly plots against Dalryan leadership. His goal is to unify the entire continent under his rule.

He creates a powerful army, and plans to invade the Gehestian Empire. However, the leader of the Gehestians is aware of Nam-Ed's ambitions.

The king of Nam-Ed recruits mercenaries from various nations around the world to form his army.

The Gehestian emperor is well versed in strategy, and sends his armies to stop Nam-Ed's advance.

The mercenaries have been trained by the best warriors in the world, and are more than capable of defeating the Gehestian forces.

However, they are still outnumbered, and the Gehestian army manages to hold them at bay.

As the battle rages on, the king of Nam-Ed realizes that he cannot win.

He orders his army to retreat, but the Gehestian forces continue their pursuit.

After losing almost half of his army, the king of Nam-Ed flees back towards his capital.

The Gehestian emperor sees this as an opportunity, and launches his own attack.

Nam-Ed's forces are quickly routed, and the Gehestian emperor takes control of the city.

The king of Nam-Ed flees into the woods, and is captured by the Gehestian forces.

The Gehestian emperor then forces him to sign a contract saying that he will never interfere with Gehestian expansionism again.

The king of Nam-Ed agrees, and is taken to the outskirts of his capital.

There, he is executed by being impaled through the chest.

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At the order of the High Council of Eshael Navar, the country presses forward into the uninhabited lands, laying claim to the vast continent and searching for new sources of magic.

They send out explorers to map and explore the land.

Several years pass, and the council finds a large deposit of magical power deep within the forest.

They send a team of mages to investigate the area.

The team discovers an ancient shrine, which contains a large concentration of mana.

The team digs deeper, and eventually discovers a small cave.

Inside the cave is a single crystal; it appears to be undisturbed since ancient times.

After some research, the mages discover that it is a mana crystal.

The crystal has been sealed inside the cave, and is emitting an incredible amount of mana.

The High Council decides to activate the crystal, using it as a source of magical energy to fuel their exploration efforts.

The crystal is activated, and the massive amount of mana floods the nearby forest.

The forest is transformed into a giant flower field.

The flowers are so abundant, they can even be seen from space.

The mana crystals are sent to Eshael to be studied further.

A few weeks later, an official from Eshael arrives in the city of Abhay to deliver a message from the High Council.

The message states that the village of Abhay will soon become part of Eshael. They offer Abhayan citizens the choice to relocate.

The villagers refuse, stating that they are proud to live in the village where the mana crystal was discovered.

The High Council threatens to destroy the village if the villagers don't leave voluntarily.

The villagers agree, and decide to stay in their hometown.


The Eshaelan army marches through the forests, heading towards the village of Abhay.

The Eshaelans are well equipped, and have a sizeable force at their disposal.

However, they do not know about the existence of the mana crystal until the last minute.

The Eshaelan commander makes a tactical error, and fails to take into account that there may be something hidden in the forest.

After a long day of marching through the dense forest, the Eshaelan army reaches the edge of the village.

Suddenly, a gigantic wall of flowers erupts from the ground.

The Eshaelans are stunned by the sight, but manage to hold their position.

The Eshaelan soldiers are armed with the latest equipment and weapons, including a type of enchanted shield that absorbs mana.

The Eshaelan soldiers are able to withstand the onslaught for several minutes.

Eventually, the Eshaelan commander notices that their mana supply is running low. He orders his men to withdraw.

The Eshaelan commander is wounded during the retreat, and dies before reaching safety.


The village of Abhay has been completely destroyed. The entire population has been wiped out, save for one elderly man.

I'm going to say that you get the new mana crystal and that this weird village arc is... negligible.

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The king of Lynara extends an arm of peace and invites a trade system with Psmithania. The king of Psmithania accepts, and opens up his nation to foreign merchants.

In exchange, the king of Lynara receives gold and supplies to help his country rebuild after the war.

Soon, Lynara and Psmithania establish a prosperous trading relationship.

I can't believe that worked.

The Wrizrecan Empire focuses on combining their magic with technology to give them an edge over their enemies.

Their scientists and engineers develop several different types of weapons and defenses.

One such weapon is a giant cannon.

The cannon is capable of firing huge balls of fire.

The ball of fire is the size of a house.

The cannon is placed on a ship, and used to bombard enemy ships.

The Wrizrecan navy begins to expand its influence, and soon, the empire controls most of the ocean.

The Wrizrecan Empire now faces two problems: their lack of water resources, and their inability to defend against naval attacks.

The government orders the construction of a series of underwater tunnels that connect all of the major oceans.

The tunnels are filled with magic, allowing the empire to use them as a defense shield.

The Wrizrecan Empire expands its control across the seas, and many other nations fall under its dominion.

You now have two new resources: beeg gun and control of the northern ocean.

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Taking immediate advantage of Serenitas-controlled Siwuuila, the Queen orders troops to march to the now-adjacent Sociana and Adoral-Can in yet another unprovoked invasion.

Under the command of General Huke, the army of Serenita descends upon the Socian capital of Xaipo, resulting in a swift victory over the Socian forces.

The Queen then proceeds to conquer Adoral-Can, successfully defeating its army in battle.

On the way back to Siwuuila, the army is ambushed by a large group of mercenaries hired by the city of Lalaia.

The mercenary leader is known as The Demon King, and he managed to defeat the entire Wrizrecan army single-handedly.

Huke is killed in the ambush, and the queen is captured.

The Demon King takes the queen to his base in the mountains, along with a small escort.

As soon as the Queen is brought to the camp, she manages to escape her captors and make her way into the woods.

She is found by a group of Elves who lead her deep into the forest.

There, the elves reveal themselves as agents working for the Queen.

They explain that they must hide the queen, since the Demon King has sworn to kill anyone who gets too close to her.

The Elves take the Queen to a remote village where she is given shelter.

The Demon King decides to attack the village, killing any members of the village who dare to come near him.

He continues his assault on the town until he discovers that the Queen is hiding inside one of the houses.

At this point, he stops attacking the village, and returns to Siwuuila.

The Queen remains in the village, and she eventually makes contact with the people there.

A few months later, a band of Wrizrecan soldiers enters the village in search of the Demon King. They capture the Queen, and bring her back to the Demon King's castle.

The Demon King immediately orders her execution.

The Queen, however, manages to use her abilities to convince the Demon King to spare her life. She then convinces him to grant her an audience.

During their meeting, she explains to the Demon King that the Eshaelan Empire is behind the wars between Psmithania and Lynara.

She also tells him about the Kingdom of Siwuuila, and how it will help unite the Eshaelan Empire.

The Demon King agrees to help the Queen, and promises to send troops to aid in her quest.

Dang. Power turn. Two countries and an alliance.

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4 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Taking immediate advantage of Serenitas-controlled Siwuuila, the Queen orders troops to march to the now-adjacent Sociana and Adoral-Can in yet another unprovoked invasion.

Under the command of General Huke, the army of Serenita descends upon the Socian capital of Xaipo, resulting in a swift victory over the Socian forces.

The Queen then proceeds to conquer Adoral-Can, successfully defeating its army in battle.

On the way back to Siwuuila, the army is ambushed by a large group of mercenaries hired by the city of Lalaia.

The mercenary leader is known as The Demon King, and he managed to defeat the entire Wrizrecan army single-handedly.

Huke is killed in the ambush, and the queen is captured.

The Demon King takes the queen to his base in the mountains, along with a small escort.

As soon as the Queen is brought to the camp, she manages to escape her captors and make her way into the woods.

She is found by a group of Elves who lead her deep into the forest.

There, the elves reveal themselves as agents working for the Queen.

They explain that they must hide the queen, since the Demon King has sworn to kill anyone who gets too close to her.

The Elves take the Queen to a remote village where she is given shelter.

The Demon King decides to attack the village, killing any members of the village who dare to come near him.

He continues his assault on the town until he discovers that the Queen is hiding inside one of the houses.

At this point, he stops attacking the village, and returns to Siwuuila.

The Queen remains in the village, and she eventually makes contact with the people there.

A few months later, a band of Wrizrecan soldiers enters the village in search of the Demon King. They capture the Queen, and bring her back to the Demon King's castle.

The Demon King immediately orders her execution.

The Queen, however, manages to use her abilities to convince the Demon King to spare her life. She then convinces him to grant her an audience.

During their meeting, she explains to the Demon King that the Eshaelan Empire is behind the wars between Psmithania and Lynara.

She also tells him about the Kingdom of Siwuuila, and how it will help unite the Eshaelan Empire.

The Demon King agrees to help the Queen, and promises to send troops to aid in her quest.

Dang. Power turn. Two countries and an alliance.


Man, putting this new Queen in office was the best decision I've ever made!


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34 minutes ago, Sequence said:

Man, putting this new Queen in office was the best decision I've ever made!


Just you wait...














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Aarakocra said they were scared


not scared enough


Now ruler of the mighty Kingdom of Nam-Ed and the Eakirandi Empire, the Gahestian Empire turns its efforts towards stablizing their new regions. They attempt to establish a feudal system of lords from their new lands, giving them partial autonomy in return of total annexation into the Gahestian Empire.

To reinforce their claims over territories, they send out their best military commanders to subjugate nearby nations.

While their armies begin to expand, their economy grows stagnant. This creates a feeling of discontent among their subjects.

This discontent leads to a civil war.

The civil war is quickly put down by the Gahestian Empire, but not before more than half of the Gahestians were killed.

The Gahestian Empire now finds itself in turmoil, and some of its leaders have begun to turn on each other.

In order to stabilize the situation, the Gahestian Empire announces its intent to expand its borders, and conquer even greater swathes of land.

Once again, the Gahestian Empire faces rebellion, and this time, the rebels are led by the former king.

King Sharnak dies after being poisoned by his brother, the current emperor.

His son, Prince Kestel, ascends to the throne.

Kestel is a ruthless dictator, and he uses the Gahestian Empire's army to crush any dissenters within the kingdom.

After consolidating his power, he declares himself Emperor, and begins to reorganize the Gahestian Empire.

The new Emperor plans to use the Gahestian army as a tool to conquer neighboring kingdoms, thereby expanding the Gahestian Empire's territory.

With the aid of the army, he conquers Yhaunn and its surrounding territories.

The Emperor then moves on to conquer the city of Xaipo.

The King of Xaipo, who was unaware of the threat, is captured by the Gahestian Army.

The Emperor then marches toward the capital of Sociana and Adoral-Can.

Both cities are easily conquered, and the Emperor's forces march north towards Lalaia.

Lalaia, which is ruled by a bandit chieftain named Ralio, is easy prey for the Gahestian army.

Ralio is captured, and the Emperor then moves on to conquer Adoral-Can.

The city is swiftly taken, and its inhabitants are massacred.

The Emperor then sends his armies south towards Vastai.

However, his campaign is halted when he is confronted by a large group of mercenaries hired by the city.

The mercenary leader is known as The Demon King, and he managed to defeat the entire Wrizrecan army single-handedly.

The Demon King is able to repel the armies of the Gahestian Empire several times during his campaign against them, but his forces prove unable to break through the defences.

The Demon King then meets the Emperor, and both men agree to meet at the ancient ruins of Tumuron to discuss the issues plaguing their respective countries.

The two leaders meet, and the Gahestian Emperor reveals how he intends to use his army to expand the Gahestian Empire's territory.

The Demon King, on the other hand, explains how he plans to invade Psmithania and Lynara using his mercenaries.

The two leaders come to an agreement.

They decide to form an alliance, and they promise to work together to prevent either country from being overrun by the other.


believe it or not I had to cut this one short so that I wouldn't conquer Lynara and Psmithania as well as Adoral-Can, Sociania, and whatever those other kingdoms were.


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Oh also...

Not-Luxembourg, furious with the Nam-Ed invasion of their ally, releases tens of thousands of monsters in the Nam-Ed capital.

The monsters cause widespread destruction, and many of the Nam-Ed citizens are killed.

The Nam-Ed army attempts to retaliate, but their enemies are too powerful.

The Nam-Ed Army retreats back to the safety of their fortresses.

The Nam-Ed Emperor then calls upon the assistance of the Gahestian Empire.

The Gahestian Empire sends several thousand soldiers to the aid of the Nam-Ed Empire, but they soon find themselves under attack by the monster horde.

The invading monsters are more numerous than expected, and they quickly overwhelm the Gahestian Empire's forces.

The Gahestian Empire is defeated, and the Emperor flees back to his capital.

The Nam-Ed Empire, now without an ally, is faced with a looming threat.

The Nam-Ed Emperor decides to join forces with the Demon King, and they enter into a pact.

The Demon King agrees to invade Psmithania and Lynara in exchange for the location of the royal family of Lalaia.

He also asks if the Emperor would be willing to allow him to build a castle near the Gahestian capital.

The Emperor reluctantly agrees to the request, and the Demon King prepares to launch his invasion.

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