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Conquer the World... With AI

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2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

They forced the emperor to be their king.

Here's what happened, in my completely objective opinion:
The Wrizrecan empire attacked the Ouphamenial tribunal, aiding one side in a civil war that was going on. The soldiers of the two nations gained respect for each other, but the Wrizrecan emperor realized he was losing too many troops and retreated, abandoning the Ouphamenial that he'd previously been aiding. Against all odds, these Ouphamenial won the war, then conquers Wrizrecan, forcing the emperor to surrender and step down as ruler. In order to prevent strife, however, they set him up as a puppet king over all their lands.

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13 hours ago, Nameless said:

Here's what happened, in my completely objective opinion:
The Wrizrecan empire attacked the Ouphamenial tribunal, aiding one side in a civil war that was going on. The soldiers of the two nations gained respect for each other, but the Wrizrecan emperor realized he was losing too many troops and retreated, abandoning the Ouphamenial that he'd previously been aiding. Against all odds, these Ouphamenial won the war, then conquers Wrizrecan, forcing the emperor to surrender and step down as ruler. In order to prevent strife, however, they set him up as a puppet king over all their lands.

Ah yes, that definitely clears things up. Not being sarcastic by the way. Thanks!

Edited by Sequence
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3 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:



@Channelknight Fadran

The High Priest of Serenitas goes to meet with the ruler of Nam-Ed to negotiate peace as the construction of the fort around Serenitas is halted, suggesting that the King drafts more civilians for the army in case things go wrong.


Not sure what else to do since we've got a fort built around our entire country :/


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The High Priest of Serenitas goes to meet with the ruler of Nam-Ed to negotiate peace as the construction of the fort around Serenitas is halted, suggesting that the King drafts more civilians for the army in case things go wrong.

When the High Priest meets with the king, they agree on a cease fire between Serenitias and Nam-Ed, and promise to leave the other kingdom alone.

The priest tells the king to finish building the walls, and then asks him to draft more men and women to serve in the army so that he may return home without any further trouble.

The king agrees to the terms and begins drafting civilians into his army. As he does, he notices that there are a lot of young children among the recruits.

Unsure of why the king had drafted them, the priest inquires about the matter. The king explains that the reason behind it was because he wanted to keep the population of the capital low and therefore didn't want to worry about the safety of his citizens.

He also explained that he intended to build a wall around the capital, and that while he would do everything possible to protect the people from harm, it wouldn't be safe for everyone to live within the fortress walls.

The priest was perplexed, asking the king to explain what he meant.

The king replied that he couldn't tell the priest any more than that.

Despite their streak of consistently making enemies with anyone and everyone they ever interacted with, the Gahestian Empire offered a treaty to the Kingdom of Not-Luxembourg.

The king of Luxembourg, who had been secretly working with the Kingdom of Nam-Ed to undermine the Gahestians' power and get revenge on them for the assassination of his father, refused their offer.

This caused the Gahestians to march on the capital city of Luxebourg and kill the king.

His wife, Queen Elizavetta, took control of the throne and declared war on the Gahestian Empire.

Using the supplies the Gahestians had brought with them, she built up her own army of mercenaries.

She then used this new army to invade the capital of the Gahestian Empire and drive out their army.

Later, after being faced with the fact that the empire had lost a large portion of their troops, the Gahestians and their queen agreed to sign a treaty.

The queen promised the king of Luxebourg that she would never again attack Luxembourg. However, the king knew that this was simply a lie; he could always count on the Gahestians to betray him.

Honestly... what was I expecting to happen?

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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10 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:




The High Priest of Serenitas goes to meet with the ruler of Nam-Ed to negotiate peace as the construction of the fort around Serenitas is halted, suggesting that the King drafts more civilians for the army in case things go wrong.

When the High Priest meets with the king, they agree on a cease fire between Serenitias and Nam-Ed, and promise to leave the other kingdom alone.

The priest tells the king to finish building the walls, and then asks him to draft more men and women to serve in the army so that he may return home without any further trouble.

The king agrees to the terms and begins drafting civilians into his army. As he does, he notices that there are a lot of young children among the recruits.

Unsure of why the king had drafted them, the priest inquires about the matter. The king explains that the reason behind it was because he wanted to keep the population of the capital low and therefore didn't want to worry about the safety of his citizens.

He also explained that he intended to build a wall around the capital, and that while he would do everything possible to protect the people from harm, it wouldn't be safe for everyone to live within the fortress walls.

The priest was perplexed, asking the king to explain what he meant.

The king replied that he couldn't tell the priest any more than that.




... I'm getting rid of this King on my next turn :blink:. We'll probably go Soviet and turn into a crazy war nation and start researching modern warfare principles and technology.


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The new Commune decides to try yet again to further their own technological discoveries, opting to go for firm hard metals instead of magic.

After months of research, the people of the Commune discover that there's a way to create metallic materials using certain chemicals.

However, these methods require certain chemicals and ingredients which aren't available in the area around the Commune, and so they must travel to the border region between the Kingdom of Reabromore and the Kingdom of Nam-Ed.

There, they find a town called Haven that is home to many merchants who sell rare goods, including an ingredient that can be used to make the necessary chemicals.

The people of the Commune buy all of this stuff, and begin experimenting to see if they can use the ingredients to create hard metals.

While they have some success, they don't yet know how to produce enough of the metal for weapons or anything else.

So, they decide to call upon the aid of the Kingdom of Not-Luxembourg.

However, they soon realize that the Kingdom of Luxembourg has no interest in assisting them, and that they're just using them to further their own agenda.

In response, they send an envoy to the Kingdom of Nam-Ed, explaining their situation and asking for help.

But when the envoy arrives, he learns that the Kingdom of Nam-Ed wants nothing to do with them either. They've already made allies with Reabromore, and don't intend to make any more enemies, especially not with the powerful Kingdom of Luxebourg.

To make matters worse, the people of Reabromore have recently begun to fear the idea of the Commune continuing its technological advancements. They believe that if the Commune can develop technologically, then the Kingdom of Luxebourg might do so too.

Furthermore, the people of Reabromore are also concerned that if the Commune were to become stronger, then they may eventually turn against them and join forces with the Kingdom of Luxebourg.

Hence, the people of the Commune are left with very few options.

They decide to call upon the aid of the Kingdom of Nam-Ed once more. After all, the kingdom did agree to assist them last time.

You have gotten a new resource: fancy alchemy metal! Only you can't use it yet.

Oh and also @Nameless is allied with Reabromore now apparently.

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Having escaped from the clutches of the Brotherhood, Realmingsburg uses this peaceful period to research new technologies, with the end goal of finding a way to defend itself from the increasingly aggressive World.

First, they start by researching ways to manufacture iron and steel. This proves difficult; while there are plenty of stones found near the city that contain traces of iron, the only way to make it into usable material is through a highly advanced process involving alchemy and transmutation.

Realmingsburg knows that the technology exists to make iron, but they lack the resources needed to make it happen.

They do, however, have a large stockpile of bronze. The problem is that this metal isn't nearly as strong as iron.

The people of Realmingsburg decide to test the hypothesis that they could combine copper and tin in order to create an alloy that is both stronger and cheaper to produce than bronze.

They discover that this does indeed work, leading them to successfully produce iron. However, they still need to find a way to make the iron harder without losing its malleability.

This leads them to discover that they can add carbon to iron in order to make it harder, but at the same time, weaken the metal's resistance to corrosion.

Once they manage to do this, they discover that they can create a type of iron that is much stronger than normal, allowing them to build guns and other metal weapons with ease.

They also learn about a process known as smelting, which allows them to turn ore directly into usable ingots.

Finally, they discover that they can use the crucible method to create steel.

These methods allow them to increase production, enabling them to expand their arsenal and train more soldiers.

You have a new resource: friggin cannons.

I'll start allowing people to research primitive gunpowder tech in lieu of this.

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21 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Having escaped from the clutches of the Brotherhood, Realmingsburg uses this peaceful period to research new technologies, with the end goal of finding a way to defend itself from the increasingly aggressive World.

First, they start by researching ways to manufacture iron and steel. This proves difficult; while there are plenty of stones found near the city that contain traces of iron, the only way to make it into usable material is through a highly advanced process involving alchemy and transmutation.

Realmingsburg knows that the technology exists to make iron, but they lack the resources needed to make it happen.

They do, however, have a large stockpile of bronze. The problem is that this metal isn't nearly as strong as iron.

The people of Realmingsburg decide to test the hypothesis that they could combine copper and tin in order to create an alloy that is both stronger and cheaper to produce than bronze.

They discover that this does indeed work, leading them to successfully produce iron. However, they still need to find a way to make the iron harder without losing its malleability.

This leads them to discover that they can add carbon to iron in order to make it harder, but at the same time, weaken the metal's resistance to corrosion.

Once they manage to do this, they discover that they can create a type of iron that is much stronger than normal, allowing them to build guns and other metal weapons with ease.

They also learn about a process known as smelting, which allows them to turn ore directly into usable ingots.

Finally, they discover that they can use the crucible method to create steel.

These methods allow them to increase production, enabling them to expand their arsenal and train more soldiers.

You have a new resource: friggin cannons.

I'll start allowing people to research primitive gunpowder tech in lieu of this.

I checked the things that the AI said.

The stuff about steel was accurate, and the AI talking about my lack of iron when I'm on the Skycastle makes sense. Did the AI just do something realistic? :ph34r:

Also, I have mass-produced cannons now! This won't make a difference because the AI ignores tactical advantages could be useful!

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:


It said that you could combine copper and tin to create an alloy that's stronger than bronze.

When you combine copper and tin


you get bronze

Something was accurate. Not everything. One thing.

And that's unheard of.

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Dang I thought psmithing was my thing :P

After their failure to acquire psteel from Reabromore, Psmithania's oligarchy decides to use their final psteel pstores in order to research cutting-edge mining technology, hoping to discover another colossal horde of psteel. They call back their army and order every able-bodied citizen to aid in the mining process, setting up mining stations across the face of the nation. 

Edited by Shining Silhouette
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2 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

After their failure to acquire psteel from Reabromore, Psmithania's oligarchy decides to use their final psteel pstores in order to research cutting-edge mining technology, hoping to discover another colossal horde of psteel. They call back their army and order every able-bodied pcitizen to aid in the mining process, setting up mining pstations across the face of the nation. 


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After their failure to acquire psteel from Reabromore, Psmithania's oligarchy decides to use their final psteel pstores in order to research cutting-edge mining technology, hoping to discover another colossal horde of psteel. They call back their army and order every able-bodied citizen to aid in the mining process, setting up mining stations across the face of the nation.

However, after years of effort, they have failed to find any more psteel. In fact, the only thing they've managed to find over the past decade is psilocite, which doesn't even conduct electricity.

As a result, they cut down on their military spending and divert more money towards research.

Meanwhile, the population grows restless: the wealth that they had been promised when they joined the psteel alliance is nowhere to be seen. Many of them feel cheated and abandoned.

Since there is currently no hope for new supplies of psteel, the oligarchy must now rely entirely on their own efforts and resources.

With this in mind, they decide to focus all of their energy on developing new technologies, in hopes of becoming self-sufficient.

Their first priority is to develop better mining techniques, as well as more efficient ways of transporting the ore they mine.

Next, they will attempt to create more advanced weaponry using the raw materials they have available.

Re: Psilocite

The AI friggin figured it out XD

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