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Conquer the World... With AI

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Tani's been away for awhile. They texted me their action.

The ruler of Siel, deciding that they need a better way of getting between the sky island and the lands below, commands that the engineers and explorers work together to discover what causes their nation to float and see if they can build some sort of skyship.

Because of their location, they already have a massive advantage over the other nations. It's unlikely that anyone else has discovered the secret of flight, so they should be able to get away with testing out their theories before others catch on.

The people of Siel begin experimenting with various ideas, trying to figure out how to make things fly.

One engineer tries to construct a set of wings that would connect to the body and allow the wearer to fly, but he fails miserably.

Another makes a small flying device that is powered by a chemical reaction. Unfortunately, this contraption explodes.

A third engineer builds a glider made of wood. He tests it in the air and succeeds, but he dies while doing so.

His son quickly takes over and continues his experiments. After several failures, he creates a working model that requires no outside power source.

He names it the flyer, and soon enough, the majority of Siel's population is flocking around him to try it out.

While the flyers prove popular among the people, they haven't actually solved the problem of transporting goods and people. A few enterprising individuals realize that if they could build a skyship, they would be able to bypass the need for the flyers altogether.

As a result, Siel's engineers team up with some explorers to find a solution.

You have a new resource: Flyers!

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Round 6 Recap:

  • The Republic of Astrym successfully starts a civil war
  • Nam-Ed forms a treaty with Serenitas... not
  • The Dalyans create lizard warriors that wind up getting them clapped (to the surprise of absolutely no one)
  • Eshael Navar summons another eldritch evil to destroy the pitarese, which goes terribly (to the surprise of absolutely no one)
  • Lynara somehow wiggles out of the war with the Auyaevells and Vaebudal
  • The Wrizrecan Empire invades the Ouphamenial Tribunal, gets clapped, but gets to keep their kingdom anyways somehow (I think we ruled that he's a puppet king at this point)
  • The King of Serenitas starts drafting kids into the army as a literal population control method, which the High Priest doesn't really appreciate
  • The Gahestian Empire tries and fails to form a treaty with Not-Luxembourg (to the surprise of absolutely no one)
  • The Commune of Vandora discovers a fancy new magic metal but can't figure out how to use it yet
  • Realmingsburg successfully pushes the timeline into the gunpowder era, creating the first-ever cannons
  • Psmithania gets nothing done (but we learned that the AI can figure out their stupid P thing)
  • Siel creates fun commercial gliders for people (yay!)




The Sitch:





(The new pink lines indicate where a kingdom controls but hasn't conquered another)

Republic of Astrym:

  • Resources: Homeland(ish), Science, Adamantium Armor
  • Internal: In a civil war


  • Resources: Homeland, Population, Demigod Army
  • Definitely not in a treaty with Serenitas


  • Resources: Homeland, Metallurgy, Titanium/Adamantium Armor, Mysterious Well of Power
  • Internal: Just got clapped by their own lizards (army on cooldown)

Eshael Navar: 

  • Resources: Homeland, Sea control, Super-Navy, Ancient Relics
  • Internal: Just summoned several eldritch evils


  • Resources: Homeland, Moon Stones
  • Internal: All clear, currently.

Wrizrecan Empire: 

  • Resources: "Homeland", Warriors, Waterbending, Eldritch Knowledge, Elemental Powers
  • Internal: Currently a puppet of the Ouphameniel Tribunal's


  • Resources: Homeland, Mercantilism
  • Internal: All clear (kinda)

Gahestian Empire: 

  • Resources: Homeland, Mages, Airships
  • Internal: All clear, technically.


  • Resources: Homeland, Monster Factory
  • Internal: Fine, except for the occasional monster incursion.

Commune of Vandora:

  • Resources: New cute little town :D, Fancy Magic Metal
  • Internal: Can't seem to form a treaty with anyone


  • Resources: Homeland, Technology, Sky Castle, Cannons
  • Internal: Probably still chock-full of Brotherhood spies


  • Resources: Homeland, Metallurgy
  • Internal: All clear, currently.


  • Resources: Homeland, Spider Silk, Flyers
  • Internal: All clear, currently.


  • The Commune of Vandora discovers a new metal
  • Turmoil starts to break out in the Republic of Astrym
  • The Dalyrans begin to research military applications for their ancient well of power


  • Nam-Ed tries and fails to form a treaty with Serenitas
  • The Gahestian Empire tries and fails to form a treaty with Not-Luxembourg
  • The Commune of Vandora tries and fails to form a treaty with literally anyone


  • Eshael Navar summons ancient horrors of the deep, which goes horribly
  • The Astrolog Empire breaks away from the Republic of Astrym
  • The Dalryans create brand-new lizard warriors
  • Lynara accidentally stops being at war with the Auyaevell Empire and the Republic of Vaebudal


  • The Wrizrecan Empire wages war on the Ouphamenial Tribunal
  • Siel creates fun little gliders for everybody :D
  • The new Dalryan lizardmen wind up getting Dalyra defeated
  • Serenitas decides there are one too many people in their kingdom and start sending children to war


  • The Ouphamenial Tribunal defeats the Wrizrecans and places their emperor as a puppet king at its head
  • Realmingsburg invents the cannon
Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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My pre-action:

Realizing the ocean towards the mainland would be controlled by dangerous sea monsters now, the Eshael Navar decide to sail further out to sea, for a new continent foreseen by one of the Magelords using his Magelords sword, which allows him to see the future.

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Astrym Calendar: 1070 AA

World Calendar: 0021 HY

Council of New Astrym

Our war against Astrolog is going well.

However, we do not wish to risk the lives of the civilians of New Astrym. Even as we near victory in the conflict, Astrolog shows signs that it may have something planned. We cannot risk our culture, even if it means giving up our homeland.

So, we are staging an evacuation. Using our airships, of which we have complete control over, we are going to evacuate the civilians to a frozen island north of Realmingsburg. We will wait and bide our time there before continuing the war against Astrolog.

Fearing the safety of its citizens, New Astrym evacuates its entire kingdom from its homeland. Using their superior airships, they quickly and efficiently move all the civilians, then all of their military, off of their home island, leaving Astrolog to conquer it. They move to a frozen island in the north. Because they have taken all of Astrolog's airships, the leaders of New Astyrm know they will be safe; Astrolog cannot chase them. Once the evacuation is complete, Astrym ends the war with Astrolog and begins exploring the frozen island that is their new home, hoping to create a secure and safe place for them to live and continue their research.

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Using their superior airships, New Astrym evacuates its entire kingdom off of their home island, leaving it for the Empire of Astrolog to conquer. They evacuate north, exploring a new frigid island that they would now call their home.

As they start settling in, the rulers of New Astrym realize that they are not just facing an enemy that they can fight and defeat, but a foe that they cannot even comprehend.

In order to help their people adapt, they send out an expeditionary force consisting of the most advanced members of their society. This group of elite warriors is lead by their king, who was once the leader of one of New Astrym's exploratory expeditions.

The mission is simple: explore the new land and discover any useful resources that might be lying dormant on the continent.

The emperor orders his fleet to provide support to the expeditionary force, but he is concerned about their ability to survive the harsh conditions of the new land. The climate is harsher than anything they've ever experienced before, so they don't know what to expect.

For this reason, the emperor orders that each member of the expedition carry a personal supply of fresh water, as well as a large amount of food.

He also forbids them from taking any extra supplies or equipment, as the weight will slow them down. In addition to their gear, they are allowed to bring along one companion.

The ruler of New Astrym chooses to accompany his troops himself, but he insists on bringing a second person with him in case something happens to him.

The expedition heads west, traveling towards the unknown continent.

It would appear that the map is going to be expanding quite rapidly.


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Content with the situation in Serinitas, the kingdom of Name-Ed invades their neighbor to the east, Quonshi. With the Demigods on their side, they are certain of their victory.

Quonshi is a much smaller country, and they have little chance at survival against such overwhelming odds. However, they were never expecting to face a powerful army like this.

The Demigods quickly crush Quonshi's armies, killing every last soldier.

As the victorious Name-Ed forces advance upon Quonshi, they encounter a strange new species of creature: a tall, thin man with a beard.

They are uncertain of what this new creature is, but they are quick to wipe it from existence.

You conquered Quonshi! And then committed genocide!

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The Dalryans send their fair princess to the kingdom of Siwuulla, in hopes to forge a marriage alliance.

Siwuulla is a wealthy, powerful kingdom that is known to trade with other countries. By marrying their princess, the Dalryans hope to gain access to Siwualla's vast commercial network.

The Siwuullan king agrees, but he wants to make sure that the young woman is attractive enough for his daughter.

Luckily, the girl in question is a beautiful fairy-like being who is renowned for her beauty.

The two royal families are happy with the deal, and the wedding is arranged.

However, when the princess arrives in Siwuolla, she's met by a handsome stranger. She immediately falls in love with him, and they run off together.

The Siwuullan king is furious, and he sends out an army to capture the couple, but they escape.

After several failed attempts to recapture their runaway bride, the Siwuullan king orders his soldiers to simply abandon all pursuit.

He is determined to let the two lovers live happily ever after.






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On 10/16/2022 at 5:05 PM, The Unknown Novel said:

Realizing the ocean towards the mainland would be controlled by dangerous sea monsters now, the Eshael Navar decide to sail further out to sea, for a new continent foreseen by one of the Magelords using his Magelords sword, which allows him to see the future.


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42 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

...And after all my whole "My kingdom is a fair republic with an equal government!" the AI is like "You have a king now."

...I'll make it fit somehow...


It's fine! "Kings" can totally be elected. Or figureheads.

Edited by Tani
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Realizing the ocean towards the mainland would be controlled by dangerous sea monsters now, the Eshael Navar decide to sail further out to sea, for a new continent foreseen by one of the Magelords using his Magelords sword, which allows him to see the future. The journey proves difficult, but eventually they make it to the distant land of Kavara, where they begin to settle.

At the same time, a small group of explorers arrive on the continent, hoping to find a way back home. They discover that there is no direct route, and they must explore the land first, before deciding how to return.

Seems pretty straightforward. There's lots of map expansion to come soon!

@Shallan Stormblessed, it's your turn.

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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The Lynaran king invites the Kingdom of Reabromore and the Kingdom of Aniviel to declare a purple holiday on a certain day to encourage unity between the allies. To celebrate, you go into the other kingdoms and MAKE FRIENDS.

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