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Conquer the World... With AI

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Sorry about the wait. School. Also I think the AI likes me.

The current queen of Lynara accuses the Kingdom of Dalyra of insulting her weight and is very offend(she's... an odd person). She offers a choice: surrender and receive the biggest, most powerful pockets of magic and become purple(the ultimate goal)-- or refuse. And die.

Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
I changed my mind.
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The current queen of Lynara accuses the Kingdom of Light of insulting her weight and is very offend. She offers a choice: surrender and receive the most powerful pockets of magic and become purple(the ultimate goal)-- or refuse. And die.

The kingdom of Light refuses the offer and sends its army to invade Lynara. The battle lasts for three days, but the kingdom of Light is victorious.

The queen of Lynara is imprisoned, and the kingdom of Light becomes one of the strongest nations in the world.

You have been conquered by an NPC! Fortunately, you still have control of Serenitas.




Next up is Wandering Wizard...

The Wrizrecan Empire raids the Kingdom of Zunotis, attempting to take their builders and scientists captive. However, the kingdom has taken steps to protect itself from raiders, building a series of towers that serve as defensive fortresses.

These towers are built to be impregnable. They're made of stone and metal, reinforced with magic, and can only be passed through by those who possess the proper key.

In the process of defending himself from the Wrizrecan Empire, the king of Zunotis accidentally releases a magical entity known as a "hive mind" into the world. This hive mind quickly spreads throughout the world, killing thousands before it is defeated.

The Wrizrecan Empire spends the next few decades trying to capture the remaining hive minds, but without success.

You have not succeeded in conquering Zunotis, but it would seem that you're on good terms with them up until you manage to defeat the hive mind together.

Next up is @Sequence

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18 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Next up is @Sequence


Oh man, what even can I do? 

The remaining Serenite Resistance gathers anybody they can find in the outer farming villages of Serenitas who is willing to fight, arming and training them as best they can. With the aid of these new recruits and the assisting soldiers from the Gehestian Empire, they launch a massive attack on the capital of Serenitas, their Lynaran-controlled homeland, attempting to regain control of their once-peaceful nation.


Anything that doesn't work I'd be happy to change!


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Noooo... but then I'll have nothing!

For my next turn:

The king of Lynara drafts a formal apology for invading Serenitas, citing their chaotic government system as a cause for the aggression. They call for aid with invading acquiring other NPC kingdoms, and apologize intensely. 

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23 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

For my next turn:

The king of Lynara drafts a formal apology for invading Serenitas, citing their chaotic government system as a cause for the aggression. They call for aid with invading acquiring other NPC kingdoms, and apologize intensely. 


I don't think that the AI knows what an NPC is...


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1 hour ago, Sequence said:

The remaining Serenite Resistance gathers anybody they can find in the outer farming villages of Serenitas who is willing to fight, arming and training them as best they can. With the aid of these new recruits and the assisting soldiers from the Gehestian Empire, they launch a massive attack on the capital of Serenitas, their Lynaran-controlled homeland, attempting to regain control of their once-peaceful nation.

The remaining Serenite Resistance gathers anybody they can find in the outer farming villages of Serenitas who is willing to fight, arming and training them as best they can. With the aid of the Gahestian Empire's sizeable armies, they launch an attack on the once-peaceful mainland of Serenitas to reclaim their capital from the Lynarans.

After several brutal battles, the Gahestians have pushed the Lynarans back to the city of Kaldor, where they continue to fight.

The Gahestians, however, begin to grow tired of the fighting. They've been at it for months now, and they're no closer to recapturing Serenitas than they were when they began.
Many of the soldiers express their desire to quit the war, but the general of the Gahestians convinces them otherwise. He explains that if they give up hope, the Lynarans will surely win. And so, the soldiers soldier on.

It would appear that the AI doesn't want to conclude the war yet. Looks like we'll have to find out what happens on my turn...

Now whose turn is it...


...Oh! It's mine.

In order to empower their Serenite allies, the Gahestian mages arm them with enchanted weaponry. These weapons are designed specifically for use by the weak-willed.

Once armed, the Serenites begin to cut down the Lynarans like wheat in a field. The Gahestians watch in horror as the slaughter continues.

Eventually, the Gahestians decide that enough is enough. They call out to the Serenite resistance, and together they crush the Lynarans.

The surviving Gahestians promise to help the Serenites rebuild their nation.


...Dunno what Lynara is gonna do now though.




Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

The remaining Serenite Resistance gathers anybody they can find in the outer farming villages of Serenitas who is willing to fight, arming and training them as best they can. With the aid of the Gahestian Empire's sizeable armies, they launch an attack on the once-peaceful mainland of Serenitas to reclaim their capital from the Lynarans.

After several brutal battles, the Gahestians have pushed the Lynarans back to the city of Kaldor, where they continue to fight.

The Gahestians, however, begin to grow tired of the fighting. They've been at it for months now, and they're no closer to recapturing Serenitas than they were when they began.
Many of the soldiers express their desire to quit the war, but the general of the Gahestians convinces them otherwise. He explains that if they give up hope, the Lynarans will surely win. And so, the soldiers soldier on.

It would appear that the AI doesn't want to conclude the war yet. Looks like we'll have to find out what happens on my turn...

Now whose turn is it...


...Oh! It's mine.

In order to empower their Serenite allies, the Gahestian mages arm them with enchanted weaponry. These weapons are designed specifically for use by the weak-willed.

Once armed, the Serenites begin to cut down the Lynarans like wheat in a field. The Gahestians watch in horror as the slaughter continues.

Eventually, the Gahestians decide that enough is enough. They call out to the Serenite resistance, and together they crush the Lynarans.

The surviving Gahestians promise to help the Serenites rebuild their nation.


...Dunno what Lynara is gonna do now though.




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Furious with the Eakirandi Empire, Not-Luxembourg doubles research into what they hope will one day be a great superweapon. They also begin producing more and more units for their army.

Their military continues to expand, eventually becoming the largest in the world. However, they keep their plans hidden from the public and continue to work under the radar.
Not-Luxembourg also begins manufacturing new types of monsters and releasing them into the wild.

Though they're not as dangerous as the previous batch, these monsters still prove quite deadly. With each passing month, Not-Luxembourg's military grows larger and stronger.

@Enter a username, you can apparently manufacture literal monsters.

Next up is @CalanoCorvus

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The surviving members of the Southern Clan of the Commune of Vandora manage to cross the sea to the Kingdom Of Nam-Ed, where they petition for asylum on the basis that their country has been destroyed.

The King of Nam-Ed grants them refuge, but he warns them that they are not welcome. If they cause trouble, they will be forced to leave.

The Southern Clan of the Commune of Vandora immediately starts working to undermine the kingdom. They manufacture small arms and explosives, and send them to the kingdom's enemies.

The kingdom responds by sending troops to round up the Southern Clan of the Commune of Vandora. The Southern Clan rebels, forcing the kingdom to deploy even more troops.

The kingdom's generals are desperate to end the conflict, but they don't know how. Then, one day, an unknown bandit raids the kingdom's border, capturing hundreds of soldiers.

When they interrogate him, he reveals that the Southern Clan of the Commune of Vandora is behind all the attacks. The kingdom's officers are shocked, but they decide to make an example of the bandits.

They execute every single one of them.

The Southern Clan of the Commune of Vandora flees the kingdom, vowing revenge upon the people who murdered their kin.


Vandora: Can we stay here?

Nam-Ed: Yeah, but don't be causing us any trouble.

Vandora: *Immediately begins trying to take down the monarchy*

@NerdyAarakocra'tis your turn now!

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As the surrounding world increasingly devolves into chaos, Realmingsberg shores up its defenses. With the help of its allies, it makes upgrades to its skyships and begins implementing the infrastructure needed to make them commonplace.

With the help of the Gahestians, Realmingsberg develops a method of using skyship technology to create a giant floating castle, called a Skycastle. The first version is far too large to move, but the engineers are able to shrink it down in time for the Second Era.

The Skycastle becomes the center of the realm, and it's used to transport goods across the continent. It also serves as a base of operations for the Realmingsberg army and the Gahestians, giving them easy access to the rest of the continent.

You have invented Laputa: Castle in the Sky (the best movie!).

And I'm your ally now apparently? Even though I'm nowhere near you? We'll figure that all out later.


That wraps up Round 2. Came and went a lot quicker than last time. I'll get the summary up as soon as I can, and then we can move on to the next round!

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

As the surrounding world increasingly devolves into chaos, Realmingsberg shores up its defenses. With the help of its allies, it makes upgrades to its skyships and begins implementing the infrastructure needed to make them commonplace.

With the help of the Gahestians, Realmingsberg develops a method of using skyship technology to create a giant floating castle, called a Skycastle. The first version is far too large to move, but the engineers are able to shrink it down in time for the Second Era.

The Skycastle becomes the center of the realm, and it's used to transport goods across the continent. It also serves as a base of operations for the Realmingsberg army and the Gahestians, giving them easy access to the rest of the continent.

You have invented Laputa: Castle in the Sky (the best movie!).

And I'm your ally now apparently? Even though I'm nowhere near you? We'll figure that all out later.


...Ok! That turned out nicely!

Agree to disagree on the movie front, though. Castle in the Sky was... not my fave.


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Your opinions are incorrect and your soul is now forfeit.

Round 2 Recap:

  • The Republic of Astrym sends help to the Commune of Vandora and accidentally summons a second primordial evil.
  • Nam-Ed invades Reabrimore and gets absolutely clapped.
  • Dalrya attempts to assassinate the monarch of Ipethagena and pin the blame on the Gropans. Unfortunately for them, the Gropans assassinate the monarch first and pin it on Dalrya instead.
  • Eshael Navar raises taxes which somehow results in them going to war with another Pitar.
  • Lynara sends some accusations at the Kingdom of Light, which results in them getting invaded and conquered.
  • The Wrizrecan Empire attacks Zunotis, who accidentally creates a third primordial evil. The war's been put on rain check until they sort that out.
  • With their combined power, the Serenite resistance and the Gahestian army manage to recapture the capital from the Lynarans. 
  • Not-Luxembourg begins manufacturing monsters for some reason.
  • The Vandoran survivors seek asylum from Nam-Ed, who grants them a place to stay on the one condition that they don't try to undermine the government. Vandora immediately begins undermining the government. It doesn't work.
  • Realmingsburg creates a flying castle with the help of the Gahestians. It's unclear as to how I got there in the first place, but whatever.


List of Acquisitions:


Republic of Astrym: Homeland, Science, Adamantium Armor

Nam-Ed: Homeland, Population

Dalrya: Homeland, Metallurgy, Titanium/Adamantium Armor

Eshael Navar: Homeland, Sea control, Super-Navy

Lynara: ...Nothing

Wrizrecan Empire: Homeland, Warriors, Waterbending

Serenitas: Homeland, Mercantilism

Gahestian Empire: Homeland, Mages

Not-Luxembourg: Homeland, Monster Factory

Commune of Vandora: ...Nothing

Realmingsburg: Homeland, Technology, Sky Castle


Current Relations:

  • Eshael Navar is at war with Pitar
  • The Gahestian Empire is allied with Serenitas
  • Realmingsburg is allied with the Republic of Astrym
  • The Wrizrecan Empire and Zunotis are putting their war on hold for the time being
  • Realmingsburg is allied with the Gahestian Empire


  • The Republic of Astrym sends a team of mages to assist the Commune of Vandora.
  • The Kingdom of Nam-Ed sends an army to invade the Kingdom of Reabromore.
  • Dalyra attempts to spice things up by assassinating the King of Ipethagena and pinning it on the Gropan Dynasty.
  • The Gropan Dynasty gets their first and pins the blame on Dalrya in the most ultimate uno reverse card move the world has ever seen.
  • Eshael Navar attempts to raise taxes in order to get their brand-new fleet out of the harbor.
  • The Wrizrecan Empire invades Zunotis.


  • The Astrym mages' first expedition fails remarkably.
  • Lynara quests out for more land and provokes the Kingdom of Light. They get conquered in about a week, now only controlling Serenitas.
  • With the help of the Gahestian Empire, Serenitas takes back their capitol.
  • In an attempt to fight back against the Wrizrecans, Zunotis summons an ancient monster race called the Hive Mind. They put the war on hold until that gets sorted out.
  • Eshael Navar passes the tax laws, but accidentally provokes the southern kingdom of Pitar due to the increased import prices.


  • Pitar declares war on Eshael Navar and beings to attack.
  • The next wave of Astrym mages accidentally awaken an ancient race of monsters called Orchids. The Commune of Vandora is, as it seems, screwed.
  • The surviving Vandorans take refuge in the Kingdom of Nam-Ed. They squander their hospitality and end up starting a rebellion, which is immediately quelled.
  • The Astrym mages begin creating a magical barrier around the island of Vandora to contain the Orchids. They project it will be completed in about ten years.


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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