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Rabbit‘s Creations (You Can Still Choose)

Rabbit Unmade

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Okay I drew a map, but for some reason I can‘t paste the picture in here without it deleting.

There are mountains separating Leian from Naiel, Dreamlife River runs through the middle of Leian, Doom‘s Brink is a peninsula and it the closest point in Leian to Naiel. (Naiel’s to the north.) There’s a giant forest on the eastern side and mountains on the southeast side. There‘s a manmade island (Serene Island) in a bay next to the capital city, Ethereal City, and Tranquil Island is a pretty large island that is mostly forested. None of the people in Leian have gone to the trouble to map Naiel.

Anything else anyone wants to know?

EDIT: And if any more experienced sharders could help me with my pasting problem it would be great.

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On 10/2/2022 at 10:53 AM, NerdyAarakocra said:

At this point, I think that you should start writing.




Before the world began there was music.  

Not a soft blending of melodies, nor a single note ringing out through the emptiness, but thousands of chords, songs, and harmonies, each its own.  Never aligning. Always separate. 

Until Ahaden-Fei, Day of Unity. 


Does everyone want me to keep writing this? This first thing is going to be more of a legend, and then I'll write something else. Unless you don't like it and want me to stop.

@The Halcyon Girl

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Of Ahaden–Fei and Lili

Before the world began there was music. 

Not a soft blending of melodies, nor a single note ringing out through the emptiness, but thousands of chords, songs, and harmonies, each its own.  Never aligning. Always separate.

Until Ahaden-Fei, Day of Unity.

It was not a sudden change, it was slow. But as time had no meaning before the world began, we will call it a day. 

At first, two songs intertwined, making something new. Something beautiful. Then another. And another. Until the music became six separate songs, six songs made up of many other harmonies. Each was given a name, and each conveyed a different sense of emotion. Each took on a form, using the power the song gave them.

These were called the Ethereal. 

The Ethereal sang, not keeping their songs separate, but bringing them together. Creating water, waves, earth, animals, dryads, and humans. The world.

It was named Leian, meaning Music, but it was dark and filled with sorrow.

“I wish to share my music with these.” Sang Lili, Ethereal of sunny days, laughter, and goodness. “They are filled with emptiness.”

So, Lili was the first to give her music to the world. She gave the people the language of music. Her songs were bright, like the sun and brought warmth to them. “I will call these Lights,” She said, “For they bring light to the world.”

However, the humans began to overuse the language if music, using the Lights for things Lili had never intended. And so, she took away the ability to understand the music from them. But the humans passed on the songs they could remember to their children, even though they could no longer understand the words.

It‘s crem, but hey, I got it done. It’s a legend style, so I’ll write something more bookish sounding later. Any questions/comments?

Here‘s a picture of a dryad. Cremcremcrem. (Arm‘s wrong. So. Wrong)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, I haven‘t posted on here in a long(ish) time, so here I go.

This first one is outlined in pen but the rest is watercolor. (Eyes are marker) The second one is Lyn. It’s okay, but I was paying attention to something else while I did it and I didn’t try super hard.

One more thing. You‘ll probably see a lot more drawings than writing on here. Why? Because I am super self-conscious about my writing. Idk why, but I am. Maybe because I’ve been wanting to write for a lot longer than I’ve been wanting to draw, so it’s a more sensitive area. So I will write, if you ask me to, but I will mostly post drawings if no one asks for anything specific.



Edited by Rabbit Unmade
Adding pictures is sure weird on here!
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Okay! I have returned! Here‘s the Girl Who Looked Up! Last night I was trying to teach my little sister how to draw and somehow my demonstration ended up as this. Not surprising, eh?

It‘s colored pencil, and yes, I know the scarf isn‘t long enough. (It‘s red, right? I thought it might be green, so someone please put my mind at ease.)

Also, I‘m gonna change the name of this thread. You guys aren‘t choosing anything. I‘m just posting little random thingies.


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