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7 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

Do any of you have siblings that intentionally try to creep out your friends? Potato does that, and some of my friends are scared of her now.

No, but I have a sibling that only stopped barking at my friends 2 years ago. So that was interesting

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On 11/13/2022 at 8:06 PM, The Halcyon Girl said:

Ok so…

My bro hates chicken.

 And eggs.


My youngest brother calls smoothies "smoo-vil-ees", and the other day he told me that my body was made of flesh. He's three. I don't know whether to be proud of his big vocabulary or be alarmed that he knows what the word flesh means. This is the kid that refuses to wear anything but a diaper and cries when his toys don't break the laws of physics the way he wants them to. He's also my only sibling so far that can have a conversation while throwing a tantrum. 

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8 hours ago, Ranryu said:

cries when his toys don't break the laws of physics the way he wants them to. He's also my only sibling so far that can have a conversation while throwing a tantrum. 

Lol, my brother does both of these things too. He seems convinced that real life should work like Minecraft, meaning that if he builds a tower a pulls out the bottom the rest will stay standing. He gets upset when it doesn't. He's also great at having conversations while tantruming, the second my mom tells him to stop gaming he throws a full-on tantrum, manages to have a conversation with my mom, and manages to keep playing the game. It's actually quite impressive.

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Hello fellow eldests!

I have a question. Has anyone noticed a correlation with birth order and loudness? Let me explain...

My wife is the youngest of four and I have noticed that she is...not subtle in situations where lower volumes are required, let's say. She whispers loudly (but is getting better) and generally moves around without being fully aware of how loud she is. I also have an 11 year old nephew (the youngest of three) who comes over and sounds like a heard of elephants clomping down the hall.

My hypothesis is that, as the youngests, they were not required to learn quiet behaviours while their baby siblings were trying to nap.

I am interested if anyone else has experienced this within their family or friend groups.

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12 hours ago, Arkangel said:

Hello fellow eldests!

I have a question. Has anyone noticed a correlation with birth order and loudness? Let me explain...

My wife is the youngest of four and I have noticed that she is...not subtle in situations where lower volumes are required, let's say. She whispers loudly (but is getting better) and generally moves around without being fully aware of how loud she is. I also have an 11 year old nephew (the youngest of three) who comes over and sounds like a heard of elephants clomping down the hall.

My hypothesis is that, as the youngests, they were not required to learn quiet behaviours while their baby siblings were trying to nap.

I am interested if anyone else has experienced this within their family or friend groups.

Hmm, interesting. Now that you mention it I can think of multiple people I know like this, for example my cousins. The youngest is by far the loudest and a couple of my friends younger siblings are also … not quiet. However In my family I am the eldest child, and definitely the loudest, my parents often describe my levels of volume as ‘inordinately deafening’. But perhaps it is just me :) 

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13 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Hmm, interesting. Now that you mention it I can think of multiple people I know like this, for example my cousins. The youngest is by far the loudest and a couple of my friends younger siblings are also … not quiet. However In my family I am the eldest child, and definitely the loudest, my parents often describe my levels of volume as ‘inordinately deafening’. But perhaps it is just me :) 

There's always bound to be those who buck the trend!

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My little brother is often speaking very loud, closer to shouting than actually speaking. We often tell him to lower his voice but in a minute he's back at very loud.

On the other hand, I am sometimes told to raise my voice for other people to hear me. Especially when we were all wearing masks. 

So yeah, another datapoint for you Arkangel

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5 hours ago, Just a Silvereye said:

My little brother is often speaking very loud, closer to shouting than actually speaking. We often tell him to lower his voice but in a minute he's back at very loud.

On the other hand, I am sometimes told to raise my voice for other people to hear me. Especially when we were all wearing masks. 

So yeah, another datapoint for you Arkangel

Thank you!

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I find it my pleasure to announce my tyrannical takeover in preparation for Ookla season. You, my dear fellow oldest children, are special. Congratulations. You have a slightly higher chance of survival through this season.


Edited by Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff
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1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Guess what Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff! I'm the oldest of five! Does that mean my already slightly favorable odds of survival go up even more?

Yes, because I happen to favor you who oldest.

Though I am slightly resentful, for I only have four siblings.

However, I shall not let such a tiny fact obscure my vision.

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3 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

...Oldest of five means I have four siblings... I don't need another brother.

Ah yes. Temporary lapse of reason. Forgive me and never speak of this to anyone.

1 hour ago, Ookla the Unknowing said:

Four sisters, two brothers here. I don't really mind too much.

Hmm. You will have to be dealt with.

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On 11/17/2022 at 1:49 PM, Arkangel said:

Hello fellow eldests!

I have a question. Has anyone noticed a correlation with birth order and loudness? Let me explain...

My wife is the youngest of four and I have noticed that she is...not subtle in situations where lower volumes are required, let's say. She whispers loudly (but is getting better) and generally moves around without being fully aware of how loud she is. I also have an 11 year old nephew (the youngest of three) who comes over and sounds like a heard of elephants clomping down the hall.

My hypothesis is that, as the youngests, they were not required to learn quiet behaviours while their baby siblings were trying to nap.

I am interested if anyone else has experienced this within their family or friend groups.

My youngest brother (my youngest sib is still a baby) is actually told to speak up a lot. I think birth order theories on personality have been debunked anyway, so there's probably no correlation with how loud you are either. 

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On 11/17/2022 at 0:49 PM, Arkangel said:

Hello fellow eldests!

I have a question. Has anyone noticed a correlation with birth order and loudness? Let me explain...

My wife is the youngest of four and I have noticed that she is...not subtle in situations where lower volumes are required, let's say. She whispers loudly (but is getting better) and generally moves around without being fully aware of how loud she is. I also have an 11 year old nephew (the youngest of three) who comes over and sounds like a heard of elephants clomping down the hall.

My hypothesis is that, as the youngests, they were not required to learn quiet behaviours while their baby siblings were trying to nap.

I am interested if anyone else has experienced this within their family or friend groups.

My youngest brother is the type who you don't realize he's there until you hear the crash of a painting falling off the wall. My second youngest brother, however... He only has two volumes. Asleep and yelling. 

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On 11/25/2022 at 11:09 AM, Ookla the Obstinate said:

My youngest brother is the type who you don't realize he's there until you hear the crash of a painting falling off the wall. My second youngest brother, however... He only has two volumes. Asleep and yelling. 

That's interesting. My 10 year old brother is probably the loudest and my baby sister comes close in second from her crying, but she sleeps a lot because she's a baby anyway. 

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On 11/17/2022 at 11:49 AM, Arkangel said:

Hello fellow eldests!

I have a question. Has anyone noticed a correlation with birth order and loudness? Let me explain...

My wife is the youngest of four and I have noticed that she is...not subtle in situations where lower volumes are required, let's say. She whispers loudly (but is getting better) and generally moves around without being fully aware of how loud she is. I also have an 11 year old nephew (the youngest of three) who comes over and sounds like a heard of elephants clomping down the hall.

My hypothesis is that, as the youngests, they were not required to learn quiet behaviours while their baby siblings were trying to nap.

I am interested if anyone else has experienced this within their family or friend groups.

My youngest bro and youngest sis are practically joined at the hip. They’re always playing together and it does sometimes get loud. But I’m my family, the younger the kid is, the louder their voice is on average.

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

My youngest bro and youngest sis are practically joined at the hip. They’re always playing together and it does sometimes get loud. But I’m my family, the younger the kid is, the louder their voice is on average.

I'm the oldest and I think I'm the quietest. (That doesn't mean I'm quiet, though. My siblings are just loud.) 

Either me or the youngest.

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