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16 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Welcome to the shard! Hope you are having a good day :D

Who's your favorite cosmere character?


It's very hard to pick a favorite character. I find them all to be very well written. Leras was particularly interesting in Secret History, I guess. I still probably have enjoyed some other characters more. So I guess my answer is I have no answer. I'm a pretty indecisive guy. I would ask you the same question, but it is probably a character I've never heard of yet.

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24 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Hello There!

Welcome to the shard!

Do you have a favorite magic system?

I only know five at the moment: the 3 Metallic Arts, Awakening, and a bit of Surgebinding. I think Feruchemy is my favorite (as you might guess from my username), although Allomancy is a close second. I just believe Allomancy would very quickly make people corrupt, like the nobility in Era 1. Feruchemy is a lot fairer and also has more diversity when it comes to attributes, plus bigger implications like what we see in Bands of Mourning.

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33 minutes ago, AspiringArchivist said:

Hello, I am a new person. I have read Mistborn Era 1 and 2, about half of Warbreaker, and the first few chapters of Way of Kings. I'm really enjoying the Cosmere so far! So, yeah. Hope you all are having a good day.

Welcome to our community! Lovely to see you, and I hope you enjoy your time here!

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On 9/27/2022 at 5:50 PM, NerdyAarakocra said:

Hello and welcome to the shard! So far, what character from Way of Kings do you most like?

Woah, I'm late to this one, huh? Right now I only really know Kaladin, Szeth, and Shallan. I think I prefer Kaladin just because his character is more interesting to me, although they are all cool.

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Hello and welcome, fellow archivist! (The other half of my name comes from something from Stormlight Archives.) 

I usually make standard warnings - be wary of random cookies, they might be spiked; don't double post, you can quote multiple people in one post if you click on a plys somewhere or just click quote on more than one reply while writing yours. Also, the Shard is a place where everybody is very nice and polite (from what I've seen so far), but madness lurks around the corners. I see you didn't reach Words of Radiance yet, so don't be too confused if people talk about being sticks. You'll get to it eventually.

12 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Yes. It’s interesting how little I’ve heard about it around here…

There is a subforum for discussing it, I believe. You have a point; I personally read some (maybe even most) of it, though I didn't finish yet, nor do I have any idea at which point I will.

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On 10/9/2022 at 0:34 AM, Trutharchivist said:

Hello and welcome, fellow archivist! (The other half of my name comes from something from Stormlight Archives.) 

I usually make standard warnings - be wary of random cookies, they might be spiked; don't double post, you can quote multiple people in one post if you click on a plys somewhere or just click quote on more than one reply while writing yours. Also, the Shard is a place where everybody is very nice and polite (from what I've seen so far), but madness lurks around the corners. I see you didn't reach Words of Radiance yet, so don't be too confused if people talk about being sticks. You'll get to it eventually.

Ah, yes. I've already had an experience with spiked cookies. Thanks for the welcome!

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