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Mid-Range Game 60: Overexposure


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12 minutes ago, The Unknown Novel said:

Hi. PMs are a big no-no for me, any chance of failure is too much. 

@Archer,  will PM blocked kills show as attacked but survived, or what?

There's two types of actions, primary and secondary. 

Your options for a secondary action:

-Coin search

-Elim kill

Your options for a primary action:

-Coin search 

-Use your role

The PM rule only affects primary actions. Primary actions can only affect primary actions. So the elim kill can't be roleblocked, scanned, or blocked by the PM rule. 

By the way, if you are blocked because you got unlucky with the PM rule, it'd be indistinguishable from someone using their role to block you in terms of the information that'd be sent out in GM PMs. A Watchful observing you would see that no one targeted you though. 

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4 hours ago, Conquestor said:

As for the coins... That will be an interesting sub game. I'm curious about whether it'll be highly desired and useful, or just something extra and fun. 

The ability to send 25 PM messages per cycle will be useful, and winning tied votes is especially relevant since the elims don't win at parity. Definitely worth putting in a secondary action every cycle for.

Why does a fast food chain co-own a police training facility? Even if they just supplied the monetary investment, what was Fried & Dyed hoping to gain? Earring knew she had to investigate carefully. Anyone who drew the police's attention could be 'discovered' to have committed just about any crime. Judge Kav Itee never should have ruled Snapshot evidence as admissible. Ever since that case, Snapshot cops had been free to violate any civil right or liberty to produce completely unverifiable evidence to ruin the lives of New Clipperton's people. Luckily, whatever Epic or technology powered the Snapshot couldn't be replicated (or was prohibitively expensive, judging from the sharp increase in police revenue even accounting for the spike in arrests) but this was little comfort for New Clipperton. As an investigative journalist, Earring has the duty to discover and report as many details as possible to help the city's inhabitants take action to protect themselves.

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1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Ooh that gets me thinking.

I like this idea a lot, think it'll be really useful for later game confvils

An elim who's sent 50 PMs can still kill because it's a secondary action, so I don't think it will help clearing. Getting your vote cancelled for the rest of the game is worse for elims, but is still costly for a villager and not necessarily provable.

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9 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

An elim who's sent 50 PMs can still kill because it's a secondary action, so I don't think it will help clearing. Getting your vote cancelled for the rest of the game is worse for elims, but is still costly for a villager and not necessarily provable.

Oh missed that in the rules

Should've known it wouldn't be this easy :P 

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17 hours ago, The Unknown Novel said:

Hi. PMs are a big no-no for me, any chance of failure is too much. 

@Archer,  will PM blocked kills show as attacked but survived, or what?

Surely, a small chance for primary role block is worth the risk of a few PMs (especially in "inactive role" cycles")? I assume this mechanic is balanced by the fact that roles can be even/odd and the only other primary action available is a coin search, which is a jackpot anyway. 

This might also hint at what (even/odd/unfiltered) type of role someone has, possibly?

Though, I guess, if you really value your role that much, who am I to say otherwise? :ph34r: Is white text still a thing? I'm just kidding here, guys. Don't kill me for this. >.< 

20 hours ago, dannnnnnex said:

MAT. haha! sword vote! it’s back! 

look at this, he’s so suspicious. needing a “rules refresher”, utterly ridiculous. anyway i probably won’t be super active for a while, gotta reread the rules to make sure i remember everything. 

I know this is basically a poke vote with context, but I guess I'm inherently uncomfortable with this sort of vote. I would agree with Mat here really, the vote seems kinda forced and with little scope of it being removed after any reply (because of said context). Of course, someone also mentioned that danex has done this before/does this often, so it's not terribly suspicious. But still. It just makes me somewhat uncomfortable. 

I don't intend to counter vote though. At least, not yet. :rolleyes:

20 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

From what I understand, it's a poke vote with teeth, meant to observe a reaction from said player and others.

A poke vote without teeth does seem somewhat useless though? I mean to say, shouldn't a poke vote have teeth by default? </semantics>

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Shining seems village to me primarily for their recent set of posts and I still lean more v on dannnex than e. And still want to check his old games. I don’t like TUN being so against PMs but the fact that he immediately said it himself I think is a point in his favor.

I was going to complain about everyone who hasn’t shown up but I guess almost everyone in the game has technically posted so ever mind? Feels slow though. I’ll do my part to fix that :P.

Dunno who I would vote right now if I did and I gotta get this post out so I won’t :D.

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Hi hi hi good to be here kinda forgot about this for a bit sorry Ive been trying to not automatically read weird or blatantly anti village behavior as evil indicative but hoestly Danex but on the bright side Im not instantly reading Conquestor as evil for no reason hm pretty quiet honestly I want to vtoe Danex for the blantnatly antivillage mentality and suhc but it doesnt really read evil it just reads I do what I want philosophy but none of the other vote candidates have any merit and if I vote outside itd just tie and Id probably end up on Danex at the end to break a tie so Ill just put it on Danex for now and come back when more people say things that seem significant partially out of protest against poke votes partially because I just cant look at that reasoning and think the person doing that is mtoivated to help the village

Ill respond if someone PMs me but I probably wont PM everyone in a game where a major mechanic is getting action blocked if you PM too much and I might not be able to get on tomorrow cause schoool exists so yeah well see what happens

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Shining, cause I have no better nor worse place to rest my vote. And your vote seems a little strange.


Jimmie pulled out his laptop and started typing away about the state the parks in New clipperton were in. The furry little devil had decided to nap in his hair, claws diging into his hair. Jimmie winced as the cat shifted on his head and he tried to focus on a general plan for the beautification of the parks that he could sell to the public. That cat is making this more difficult than it needs to be. I really should have given it to my friend when it was a kitten. Nah, I never could have, I love cats too much. 

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Hey! Sorry, I uh forgot about this, which is so unlike me... 

I would say that the last couple of posts have been rather interesting. The way I see it, Shining could be defending Danex or Wizard could be defending JNV or Mat could be Defending Shining or JNV. There's also the decent chance that no one's defending anyone, but that is the most boring option, so Mat, because there are more odds of you defending someone. I don't really see this vote sticking to the end of the cycle. I promise to be on more tomorrow, especially around 1pm, so I can guarantee that I get something in. 

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6 minutes ago, Conquestor said:

Hey! Sorry, I uh forgot about this, which is so unlike me... 

I would say that the last couple of posts have been rather interesting. The way I see it, Shining could be defending Danex or Wizard could be defending JNV or Mat could be Defending Shining or JNV. There's also the decent chance that no one's defending anyone, but that is the most boring option, so Mat, because there are more odds of you defending someone. I don't really see this vote sticking to the end of the cycle. I promise to be on more tomorrow, especially around 1pm, so I can guarantee that I get something in. 

I am defending Shining, I’ll own up to that. I believe that Shining is village from what I’ve seen this turn, with a decent part of that read coming from his excitement from thinking up a (albeit flawed) village clearing plan. That reads genuine to me.

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I don't see e!Danex actually wanting Mat dead, since he gets exed early fairly frequently. An easy place to put a vote without having to explain reasoning possibly, but I don't remember e!Danex games.

Conq hits Mat hits Wizard hits Shining hits JNV hits Danex hits Mat. Surely there's something here. JNV defends Mat while Mat attacks the person who defended JNV. Lean Mat/JNV not e/e. Less strong on Mat/Conq not e/e. Mat and Shining are allied, JNV and Wizard are allied.

Since I'm not thinking e!Danex, the latter pair is more likely to have at least one elim, especially since Shining voting JNV is inefficient if the goal was to protect e!Danex. JNV voting Danex doesn't not make sense even if it's early but is more strategic if they're on a team with Mat or Tani, more likely Tani. Makes more sense to vote JNV than Wizard at least.

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5 minutes ago, dannnnnnex said:

one of these days i should remember that you can't make jokes C1 without having everyone just analyze it

because it's C1

and there's nothing else to analyze

Everything is suspect! Leave no stone unturned. Etc. The important thing about C1 is that the elims are going to want to establish themselves. C1 and C2 sets up how the elims are going to play for the rest of the game. At least, that's what I've seen. What we'll need to watch for is patterns. Of course, on C1 itself, there really is nothing to go on... :shrug:

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53 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

In the meta, how often do teammates frankly defend each other?

I was thinking along these lines too. What would "allied" mean here exactly?
From what I remember, D1 elims defending villagers were usually trying to gain trust (the meta might have changed since, idk). If that's the case here (and I'm not saying Mat is an elim for doing so, just that if they were an elim, then) Shining and Mat are more likely to not be on the "same team" (if that's your definition of allied here) (that's discounting the possibility of both being elims, ofc, but that seems a little too risky a strategy, imo).

I can't seem to make sense of the vote chain that's going on right now, mostly because I keep getting confused who's who and all. 

Looking at individual posts though, JNV's post followed by Shining's switch stand out to me a little, but I can't seem to decide how to read it. On one hand, JNV's post is a little random and echoey without adding any substance to the discussion, really, but that's not saying much in itself. It is C1, and there really isn't much to be said (or wasn't at the time anyway). The vote seems a little bandwagon-ey to me as well but doesn't read e!JNV for the same reason danex doesn't read elim - it's too random and "loud". 

That being said, Shining's switch seems somewhat abrupt. The first possibility I see is they're voting for JNV because of an elim read, which also makes sense given they had voted for danex before for what was essentially a weak but consequential vote (poke vote vs echo vote now) (there's probably other reasons for an elim read, ofc). But I'd like to hear from Shining themself what exactly their reasoning was.

I know I said JNV's post doesn't seem elim to me because of the random vote, but I'm flipping between analyses of his post - if I assume for a minute that JNV's vote wasn't random, then it is possible they voted to break the 4-way tie at the time between Mat, Devo, danex & Tani. Given the vote on Tani had been cast not long before JNV's (so a possible elim team wouldn't risk revealing themselves by breaking the tie yet) and that JNV themself voted for danex, that leaves mat and devo as the possible "rescue targets". 

If JNV does turn out to be elim, it'd be worth revisiting this, I guess. I don't entirely feel confident analysing if Mat or Devo give me an elim read or not this early into the game.

Final notes: 

JNV  mostly for more C2 information. I wasn't initially going to vote, but might as well. I might remove the vote before I go to sleep, based on what discussion happens in the next few hours. I won't be awake at rollover.

Someone please double check my vote tallies right before JNV's vote. It is possible I might have missed something. 

And I'm sorry if my post seems a little incoherent. Most of my thinking happened as I wrote it and my opinions might have changed from the start to the end. 

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1 hour ago, Mark IV said:

Someone please double check my vote tallies right before JNV's vote. It is possible I might have missed something. 


Nope, you didn't miss anything.

1 hour ago, Mark IV said:

And I'm sorry if my post seems a little incoherent. Most of my thinking happened as I wrote it and my opinions might have changed from the start to the end. 

That is often how I post, so it at least makes sense to me.

My brain is reading JNV evil, hasn't changed. Might as well switch, though I have only successfully read JNV once. But do I really want to, better than shining. JNV.

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