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Szeth's Facepalm

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On 12/19/2022 at 4:40 PM, Justice_Magician said:

I love the art style! they're really pretty :D

Tysm!!!! And just fyi your member title is excellent and i fully agree.

Here's Sarene! i drew her a while ago, and i was gonna add her in a fencing suit in the but it didn't turn out the best cause i was a half a sleep when i tried to draw it lol.




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23 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Please draw more art. And a lot more of it and dump it all here because I love it all.


W&W characters, Melanie from The Magnus Archives, and Adolin and Renarin coming soon!!

(also probably Ranette and Jaxy because i will take every teeny tiny bit of Cosmere gayness that i can get.)

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On 08/01/2023 at 2:28 AM, Szeth's Facepalm said:

(also probably Ranette and Jaxy because i will take every teeny tiny bit of Cosmere gayness that i can get.)



Facepalm, would you be so kind as to enlighten me to the location of these two characters? I do not believe I have come across them in my Cosmerish ramblings. Many thankyous.

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12 minutes ago, Shadowed said:



Facepalm, would you be so kind as to enlighten me to the location of these two characters? I do not believe I have come across them in my Cosmerish ramblings. Many thankyous.

Lost Metal!!

(little spoilers for TLM but good gay ones and you probably won't mind reading them)


There's a chapter where they are talking to Wayne in a restaurant and then Rannette's epilogue is them getting back from their honeymoon :3)


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Ah, that explains it (I’m restraining myself to only getting TLM when it comes out in paperback so I can have a satisfying set of mistborn books without any pesky hardcovers to break the pattern, so I will have to wait for that particular relationship sadly)

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Here's Melanie King from The Magnus Archives! (yes. her hands are missing. i did not want to draw them. i just didn't.)



She was gonna be flipping you off since that's the only conceivable thing she would be doing while smiling that big, but A. hands are the devil and B. I'm always paranoid my family is gonna go through my sketchbook, and the gay pins are bad enough so i hold off on the riskier stuff.



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On 1/9/2023 at 10:36 PM, Morningtide said:

Very good! I think you're improving! They just keep getting better :D  I do the same thing with my writing. Nothing even remotely bloody or any kissing lol.

Awwww thanks so much!! And yeah, i don't censor my writing so i hide it all in a google doc titled "[Facepalm]'s journal, DO NOT FRICKING ENTER" and the first page is just a long thing about how all trust would be lost if they read it lol. does the trick! i think! i hope...

Anyway, here are W&W characters, but just the heads lol. Steris, Marasi, Wax, Wayne, MeLaan, and Ranette!



I'm happy with the girls, but i kinda wish i hadn't changed my Wayne design... and also Wax just didn't turn out ;-;

I love how the girls turned out though :D

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1 hour ago, Morningtide said:

They look great! The Steris one is suuuper good! The issue with my parents is seeing a thing labeled DO NOT ENTER would make them want to enter more :lol:

HAH! Normally same for my parents, especially if it's online (thy do not belive in online provacy at all). But they're pretty good about journals, so i thought that would be safe. But i'm still paranoid they're gonna read it. 


my main thing i'm writing right now is about this queer girl who is doing her best to overcome her deeply ingrained religion-inspired internal homophobia and also she is in a kind of cult where they are raising her to be some vessel of god but she got a crush on her new neighbor's gf which is messing up their plans but then stuff escalates cause it turns out the neighbor (not his gf) is a psycho, and he tries to kill her but she kills him in self defense which completely messes up the cult's plans there's this whole thing with the cult where they try to "fix" her so she can still fulfill their plan but it doesn't work. and then in the end she sort of gets adopted by a new god, willingly this time. each of the chapters is named after one of the commandments (she "breaks" one in each chapter) and yeahhhhh i just don't think my parents would go for that lol. by which i mean if they found it i'd probably be banned from everything forever. i almost just wrote it in a journal instead of a doc. but the title better do the trick ;-;

(no the girl in the story isn't me or anything i swear, it's based a bit on my experience with religion and being queer but i don't feel like i'm in a cult or anything. i like my church community even if i don't go for the religious stuff <3)


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On 1/12/2023 at 1:36 PM, Morningtide said:

That sounds like a really cool book actually! But yeah I can see why your parents would absolutely hate that :lol: mine would too!

Thx!! If i ever finish it, it will be a novella, or maybe even a just a long short story, cause, ya know, it'll only have 10 chapters, i already have a book i'm working on. But i'm glad the plot is intriguing.

I'm drawing Adolin and Renarin, and i was gonna wait till i had finished Renarin to post but Adolin looks so cool and i wanna show him off lol. First there's the penvil drawing, then the ink, and then the colored in one:



Heheheheheh i love him so much

Best character ever

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That's incredible!! Your art is awesome

On 1/13/2023 at 11:50 AM, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Thx!! If i ever finish it, it will be a novella, or maybe even a just a long short story, cause, ya know, it'll only have 10 chapters, i already have a book i'm working on. But i'm glad the plot is intriguing

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That would make a really good short story. 

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Here's the year's progress!!


January 2022 (Kaladin)



approximately six months ago (didn't have a date)



annnnd Adolin from last week! (yeahh...... i cut Renarin.... i just couldn't get him to look right ;-; you always have to draw the shorter person first or it ends up looking weird.)




Edit: here is the random word for the knights radiant commission: antidisestablishmentarianism. 

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