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[SA5 Prologue] Gavilar Catharsis

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As the title says, this is for pure catharsis. As Ladylameness and Grey said in the SA5 Prologue episode, it felt soooooo good to see just how dumb Gavilar was. And so in honor of Navani, I thought I'd try to point out and meme on every mistake/misconception Gavilar made in the prologue. And I will admit now that I will be blatantly not giving Gavilar the benefit of the doubt even considering the purposeful misdirects the Stormfather has given him. What goes around, comes around, Gavilar ole boy. In your case, it was a flying, mildly psychotic ninja assassin. 

The only thing I'm not going to point out are the awful, many different guesses of the Oath. I think the Stormfather handled that better than I could have. 



He seized a sinuous, curved Blade. Belonging to the Herald Jezrien. Gavilar ripped it from the stone and swung it, enjoying the sound of it cutting the wind.
He tossed the Herald’s blade aside, letting it clang against the stone—which made the Stormfather hiss in annoyance.

Don't worry, buddy. That blade's about to come back at you like a boomerang. 



He needed to be seen as pious, and worthy, until he achieved his prize. The Stormfather’s opinion of him might be relevant to the transformation.

It was when I read this line that I knew Brandon was about to do Gavilar. I thought there was going to be some ambiguity on if Gavilar was a truly bad person or if he was just wearing thin from pressure and stress. Spoiler alert, I was wrong.



“I feel I know them each so well,” he said, holding the Blade in front of him, then turning it to its edge. “My colleagues. Yet I could not pick them out of a crowd.”

This isn't really a dig but it's just hilarious that he literally said this. Said it on a night when at least 4 were in the palace that night and he had a meeting with 2. This is doubly hilarious because it's basically Brandon winking at us. 



He suspected, though, he would replace Talenelat, the one who had not left his Blade before striking into the world, then dying. After all, it seemed his actions—being out of line with the others—were most in danger of breaking the Oathpact.

After the Taln lucid scene with Ash in OB, reading this made me have to take a deep breath. It's technically logical thinking given the context Gavilar currently has but it still made irrationally livid at a fictional character. Brandon did a reeeally good job hammering home Gavilars ignorance in this prologue. I think this is one of the better examples of that given the fandoms general opinion of Taln. 



“Oh,” Gavilar said. “And Brother? Follow the Codes tonight. There is something strange upon the winds.”

The codes. Which said not to drink when battle might be imminent. Just a nudge to remind Dalinar that it was a feast night, and that there was plenty of wine on hand. Dalinar was out the door a moment later, his lumbering, pliable brain likely thinking only of two things.

First, what he’d done to Evi.

Second, how to find something strong enough to make him forget about the first.

I think I speak for everyone now, given this prologue, thank god Dalinar was drunk. 



He has potential you do not see, that one.

“Dalinar? Of course he does. If I can keep him pointed the right direction, he will burn down entire nations.” Gavilar just had to keep him plied with alcohol the other times, so that he didn’t burn down this nation.

He could be more than you think.

“Dalinar is a big, dumb, blunt instrument you apply to problems until they break,” Gavilar said. “Best to keep him occupied otherwise—so he doesn’t get ideas and start seeing you as a problem.” Gavilar shivered, remembering a time on a battlefield, watching his brother approach. Soaked in blood. Eyes seeming to glow red with a hunger for the throne, the life Gavilar had...

I would pay all the money in the world for the tinfoil theory of Gavilar still being around somehow to literally see one thing. The moment Gavilar finds out what Dalinar has done in the past 3 books.



The Lord of Scars himself, a figure in an enveloping hooded cloak. Storms. How did he do things like that? He couldn’t be an ordinary man.

You have no idea, brother. Literally. 



“Yes, we’ll return the Voidbringers to this land,” Gavilar said. “But when we do, we will have a new way to fight them.”

“Or a new way to control them,” Amaram whispered.

Talking a small detour to poke at Amaram. 



The conversation with the parshwoman went excellently, with him setting her in motion to help him manipulate her people. 

Oof, Gavilar. Oof. 



That is true. I do not speak in human ways. But still, once you are a...Herald, you will need to leave everything you know. You will be given up to torture between Returns. Why is it this doesn’t bother you?

Gavilar shrugged. “I will just give in.”


“Give in,” Gavilar said, heaving himself out of his seat. “Why stay in that other place, to be tortured and potentially lose my mind? I give up each time and return immediately.”

The Heralds stay in Damnation to keep the Voidbringers away. To prevent them from overrunning the world. To lock them and seal them away. They—

“They are the ten fools for that,” Gavilar explained, pouring himself a drink from the carafe near his balcony. “If I cannot die, I will be the greatest king this world has ever known. Why lock my knowledge and leadership away on another world?”

I think I've discovered Gavilars root issue that all others stem from. Dude needs to learn to read a room. 



“My masters are the Parshendi,” the assassin said.

Gavilar blinked, focusing on him again as the man’s Blade formed. “The Parshendi? That makes no sense.”

A fitting epitaph, if there ever was one. 


Edited by Kered
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