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Era 6 & 7 Character Thread


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Name: Tsyan Stainal

Appearance: Older than a young man, but not quite middle age. Greasy black hair. Has an acrobat’s build, lean but strong, with many small nicks and scars peppered across his body, and a few on his face. Practically dressed to blend in with the crowd. Constantly watching things.

Guild (or intended guild): Ex-Ghostblood

Personality: Irritable, aloof, not quite on the same wavelength as everyone else. Capable of kindness. The type of person to anonymously donate to your charity, then change his mind and realise the website doesn’t do refunds :P. Deep inside, angry and confused.

Concept: Killer who’s running out of steam with nowhere to go. Foil to Clotho.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short Term: When the Ghostbloods became the Mirrorshades, he was out of a job. Looking for fulfilling employment, whatever that means.

Long Term: Find some purpose in life. Be happy. He has no real long term goal. He’s terrified of the uncertainty of his future. He’s terrified of dying and being forgotten. He’ll work towards anything that will fix that.


Major: Acrobatic Lurcher Prodigy: Tsyan is a Twinborn, and has Allomantic Iron. Trained from a young age, he is extremely adept at acrobatic feats such as dodging, and scaling buildings, and most of all, using his Lurcher abilities without accidentally killing himself.

Normal: Copper Feruchemy. Of all things, Tsyan chooses to remember political systems, social theories, economic manifestos and other assorted random junk. A small, unorganised subset of stored memories relate to lessons learned in assassination.

Skilled fighter: Tsyan's use of his Allomancy in combat leads to a highly aggressive, unorthodox fighting style, particularly when paired with short ranged weapons like knives or daggers. His fighting style relies more on agility and catching his opponent off-guard than it does on pure skill.

Minor: Pretty sharp memory, even without Copper. Strong-willed (although this is reducing). Pretty good aesthetic taste relating to colours. In another life, maybe he would’ve been an interior decorator.

Flaws: Most interesting flaw first: His main use of Copper is to forget memories. Tsyan stores unwanted memories in copperminds, attaches notes to them, and either discards them or stores them in a cupboard. This is a long-time habit, and by doing this he has forgotten much of his past, his relationships and random periods of time throughout his life. He believes some memories are better left forgotten.

Rage: for as long as he remembers, he has always felt a simmering anger inside of him. Anger at other people, anger at the world. He doesn’t know why. He suspects it’s something to do with something he’s chosen to forget.

Combat: Although unorthodox, still able to be countered by manipulating his speed and getting him to harm himself.

Confusion: As stated before, Tsyan doesn’t know what his purpose is or if anything he’s done in his life as been worth it (not to say regrets though… he regrets none of the assassinations).

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Parents, relationships, friends… all stored in copperminds that Tsyan has chosen not to open. He knows he has a few ex-Ghostbloods connections, but not many. Tsyan was never the type of guy to make many friends… from what he remembers.

He murdered Clotho’s (Koloss17’s character) family. It didn’t start out personal. The Ghostbloods were simply hired by an enemy of the father, and he carried out the job. Out of the family, the war veteran brother was the one who was the hardest, but Tsyan got him too. Did he have to kill the whole family? Strictly speaking… no. But a job given to Tsyan is a job well done.

Home Planet: Alleycity

Current Residence: Run-down apartment in AlleyCity. 

Backstory: Because of his abuse of Copper Feruchemy, his memories have been deliberately shattered and scattered, lacking any real connective tissue or continuity. He remembers bits of his childhood in AlleyCity, his training with the Ghostbloods, and all of his assassinations. He remembers taking mission after mission. Did he have a lover at some point? That woman, is she - no, she couldn’t be. Sister? No, someone else. PlasmaCore? Yes, something happened there. What? Not sure. Because of this, Tsyan doesn’t know what memories came from the Forgery, and what were original. The two realities may as well have been one and the same for him. More recently, he does remember growing a little older, the Ghostbloods getting a change of management and becoming the Mirrorshades, and no longer being employed for his services.


Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): He still has some copperminds of old memories. He is afraid to open them.

May a mod please gaze upon mine character and grant your blessing? :D 




Edited by I think I am here.
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Name: Clotho

Appearance: Mid-40s looking Scadrian, with not well kept blonde hair and not well kept noblewoman’s clothes. Looks like she used to be a noblewoman in a previous life, but certainly doesn’t look like one now. She lacks proper mannerisms for dealing with people, and often seems quite unsure of herself. Her mannerism do change day to day, which is indicative of something…off with her.

Guild (or intended guild): None

Personality: Very unsure of herself, a tad mentally foggy, and sometimes just stares at nothing. Despite her appearances though, she is quite capable. Exactly what she is capable of is quite fluid, but it often suits her needs. Isn’t particularly good at interacting with others, as she has been quite secluded during her life by choice. Seems clueless, but knows a surprising amount.

Concept: A gold savant that has, due to her savantism, lost most of her past memories. The hope is that she will slowly piece together who she was, through the help of her numerous alternate selves, which change daily.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Her most immediate motivation is to find out who she was. Once she has learned that, however, she will go off on a quest to find and perhaps avenge, her murdered family. The end character arc, however, is to have her grow past her secluded nature, and actually become someone in her own right, past her alternate selves. 


Major: Is technically able to do nearly anything, as her gold shadows can give her knowledge and skills. Main drawback is that she can’t choose the skills, and the shadows themselves have amnesia from savantism. The abilities also have to be within reason, as the alternate selves have to be a realistic branch of her history.
Normal: If given the opportunity, can take incredibly meticulous notes.

Minor: rich and clever


Has a fractured memory, knowing very little about themselves. They know that they were noble, and they know the names of their family, with a bit about their personality. However, they don’t know their age, history, what they are doing in Alleycity, or the fact that their family was murdered.


 Very insecure, with too much reliance on her other selves. Feels quite insecure, and doesn’t know how to easily communicate to other people, as she had lived a life of seclusion.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Hasn’t ever really had friends, with the only closeness to non-family members being her alternate lives. She had two parents, and three older, much more accomplished siblings. Were killed by Tsyan when the father became too aware of the goings on of a particular group of people.

Clotho will not be able to communicate with their past selves, but can act like they would act and intrinsically know what they are like, so she saw them as close to friends at one point in her life. 

Home Planet: Second Era Scadrian Nobility.
Current Residence: Alleycity, in a mansion in the Scadrian noble district. 
Backstory: I have an unhealthy amount of backstory for this character. Clotho of course doesn’t remember much of it, but here is what I currently have down. The exact details will be discovered through RP.




Clotho, born to a rich Elendel family, was the youngest of four. Her eldest sister was 12 years older than her, with her two brothers 9 and 6 years older than her respectively. All three were quite accomplished, and she had big shoes to fill. Her parents were kind to her, with her mother being the gentler one, and her father expecting much of her.


Realizes Augur:

Age: 8


At age 8, expectations started being piled on. Private tutors came to teach Clotho all manners of things, and free time was limited. She rarely saw her siblings, with her sister always enveloped in politics, her eldest brother off in the Elendel military, and her youngest brother pursuing his own studies. One day, however, her father decided to test her for metals. It was an uncomfortable experience for her, but she learned that she was an augur. Even as a child, she was quite astute, and after the initial shock of the experience of an augur, she caught a glimpse of her father’s disappointment on his face. He had expected something useful, and he got nothing.


Begin experimenting:

Age: 12


At age 12, she began tampering with her abilities. She was always expected to be doing something productive, but she could choose what. She was soon to be off to university, but until then, she experimented. In a fit of rebellion, she began to turn to her alternate selves for answers. She would prove to her father that her gold was not a useless talent. At first she was disoriented, but she quickly got the hang of it. Determined, she learned. She took notes on what realities she could conjure, and began to note the differences. Clotho eventually grew to deeply know her strengths and weaknesses, and began planning for the future.


Go to university:

Age: 16

Upon entering an Elendel university, the same that her siblings went to, she was caught off guard by the atmosphere. She had expected a group of like-minded, studious individuals. What she found instead were groups of rich fools that partied and slacked off. There were a few that didn’t mingle, but they were not going to want to socialize with Clotho either. Everyone there was equally entitled, in their own way. 


Clotho sought her studies to seek refuge, studying the history of the Final Empire and all that was lost. She didn’t need company; she had herself, and her alternate selves. She couldn’t communicate with them, but she knew what they would do in her stead, which was much like having friends, she assumed. Occasionally, she interacted with others, either with her professors or with the staff. Never with students, however. She completed everything diligently and on time, spending most of her time pursuing her personal interests. Little did she know, her gold would soon get the better of her.



Becomes Savant:

Age: 19

As the university years continued, Clotho’s talent in gold grew, but her other studies faltered. She was now able to call onto shadows at any age of her life, yet she could not choose which shadows she calls back. Her shadows think with her, and she can easily process three people’s worth of thoughts and reactions. She has had many recurring shadows, something few thought possible. Clotho assumed few had burned gold for as long as she had. With three people’s worth of knowledge, she assumed that her studies would be a breeze, but she soon began to struggle.


Clotho was forgetting things. Simple things, like what teachers she had the year before. Then it became more serious. She began forgetting she was enrolled in classes; she even forgot her eldest brother’s name. She knew he was in the military, and that she hadn’t seen him since….when did she last see him? 


Drops out of college:

Age: 20


Her condition eventually got worse. So bad, in fact, that she had to drop out of the university a year before she earned her degree. She had completed most of the courses required, and with her noble heritage, she managed to still get the diploma. Clotho was grateful, but feared for her future.


Moves to separate estate:

Age: 22


As time went on, her condition got to the point that her family gave up on her. They had no faith that she could have a career, and she certainly couldn’t get a spouse. She was moved to a separate estate, a smaller and more remote area of Elendel, where she didn’t put shame to her family. She wasn’t even mad at them, not really. She understood, in a way. She had forgotten her parent’s names multiple times, and had forgotten that she has even went to university, once. 


Yet with everything going wrong, she still had her selves.



Seclusion grows:

Age: 26


Four years had passed, and her condition had worsened still. She had created journals upon journals, detailing information about her past, and about her life. She had forgotten most of it, now. But with the help of the journals, she still knew most of it. She had been a promising graduate, to her noble house, until everything went wrong. She knew, deep down, that it was her obsession with her abilities that was causing it. But she couldn’t let them go. Her alternate lives gave her comfort, and let her continue on. They gave her advice, in their own way, and let her remember more than she could without them, even if their pasts weren’t exactly hers. She needed them.



Tragedy Strikes Family:

Age: 28


At a noble’s ball, Clotho’s family was murdered, along with a few other influential nobility. At the time, Clotho was off in her manor, oblivious of it all.


A letter was sent about the event, but Clotho forgot it existed. 6 months later, Clotho read the letter. Her family was dead, and she inherited their various riches. Distraught and heartbroken, Clotho sought vengeance. She called upon various people that were connected with her house, and took over her dormant house. With the help of outside contacts and her alternative selves, she got closer and closer to the truth. Her father had gotten too deep with a rival organization, and had gotten himself and his family killed because of it. Clotho had a suspicion she wasn’t supposed to be alive either, but whoever had done this seems to have moved on. 



Begin journey to Alleyverse:

Age: 29


After heavy research, as well as furious record keeping, Clotho made a breakthrough. The killer, whoever they were, had moved to Alleycity, wherever that was. Through careful questioning, she found a way to get there.


She left on her own, with nearly the entirety of her wealth with her, to the Cognitive Realm. Her house had practically fallen, and her absence would not be noticed. There was still much she did not know, and much that she couldn’t remember, but cataloguing her experiences and memories in her journals would help with both. 


The next step was to travel to Alleycity.




Disaster Strikes:

Age: 30


After close to a year of traveling, and expenses paid, she had nearly arrived at the Alleyverse. A few months out from her destination, her guide struck, stealing some of her journals and damaging others. Years of her life, along with most of her notes about the case, were taken from her in an instant.



Arrives at Alleyverse:

Age: 31


She carried on, with the loss affecting her greatly. Eventually, she forgot exactly why she was traveling, but she knew that she needed to reach the Alleyverse. Eventually, she did. 


Upon arrival, she sought a place to live, and an area to get knowledge about herself. As she was traveling, she had learned how to use her selves to gain ability that she didn’t have, but now she used her abilities to learn more about herself, and what she used to be. She wanted to learn why she was here, and who she was. 


She kept more journals, and tried to decipher what remained of her notes. She was meticulous in her note taking, but everything added on to what she had took before. While missing initial chunks, she could only decipher so much. Her newer journals made sure to restate what had already been said, in case some pages were lost. She learned some, but very little. 


Over the years, she lost pages, and lost notes. Fire burned some, water damaged others. She didn’t create backups, as she had sparingly little time and no one to help her. She kept her journals close, and learned what she could, as the world outside faded into irrelevance.


The forgery:

Age: 35


One day, something happened. Her selves acted erratic, and her memories merged further than they ever did. She lost sight of what she was doing, and details about the world around her didn’t line up. She lost trust in herself, and lost trust in her entries. She was confused, and so, so lonely. She knew something needed to change. She couldn’t do this on her own. She needed help.


Present Day:

Age: 36


As the world healed, her abilities healed. She began trusting her entries, but discarded what she took during the Forgery, as none of it could be trusted. She still kept them around, somewhere. She just didn’t use them. She knew things about herself, like that she had a family, and that she was born of nobility. She knew when she was born, but she didn’t know how old she was, as the Alleyverse exists outside the Cosmere’s time. She knew she came here for a reason, but she didn’t quite know why. She suspects someone died, and that she was here for justice, but she didn’t know who died, or why she cared. 


She realized her memories flowed easier when she was not secluded, and she intended to use that. She needed help, but she also needed a reputation to get that help. The only reputation she had thus far acquired was as a spinster that never left her mansion. She needed that to change, and she needed her selves to help her.



Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Again, she has lost everything. Most importantly for now, she has lost her memory. Eventually, she will try to learn and bring justice to whoever killed her family (once she finds out that her family is dead) and potentially get to the bottom of why they were killed (of which I do not yet entirely know).
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): Past the unhealthy amount of backstory, none!

This character is….a lot, but I also think that she’s going to be quite fun to RP. I had quite the trouble figuring out merits for her, but I doubt that she is particularly powerful.

Edited by Koloss17
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On 4/8/2023 at 2:55 AM, I think I am here. said:
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Name: Tsyan Stainal

Appearance: Older than a young man, but not quite middle age. Greasy black hair. Has an acrobat’s build, lean but strong, with many small nicks and scars peppered across his body, and a few on his face. Practically dressed to blend in with the crowd. Constantly watching things.

Guild (or intended guild): Ex-Ghostblood

Personality: Irritable, aloof, not quite on the same wavelength as everyone else. Capable of kindness. The type of person to anonymously donate to your charity, then change his mind and realise the website doesn’t do refunds :P. Deep inside, angry and confused.

Concept: Killer who’s running out of steam with nowhere to go. Foil to Clotho.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short Term: When the Ghostbloods became the Mirrorshades, he was out of a job. Looking for fulfilling employment, whatever that means.

Long Term: Find some purpose in life. Be happy. He has no real long term goal. He’s terrified of the uncertainty of his future. He’s terrified of dying and being forgotten. He’ll work towards anything that will fix that.


Major: Acrobatic Lurcher Prodigy: Tsyan is a Twinborn, and has Allomantic Iron. Trained from a young age, he is extremely adept at acrobatic feats such as dodging, scaling buildings, and most of all, using his Lurcher ability for combat without accidentally killing himself. Leads to a highly aggressive, unorthodox fighting style.

Normal: Copper Feruchemy. Of all things, Tsyan chooses to remember political systems, social theories, economic manifestos and other assorted random junk. A small, unorganised subset of stored memories relate to lessons learned in assassination.

Minor: Pretty sharp memory, even without Copper. Strong-willed (although this is reducing). Pretty good aesthetic taste relating to colours. In another life, maybe he would’ve been an interior decorator.

Flaws: Most interesting flaw first: His main use of Copper is to forget memories. Tsyan stores unwanted memories in copperminds, attaches notes to them, and either discards them or stores them in a cupboard. This is a long-time habit, and by doing this he has forgotten much of his past, his relationships and random periods of time throughout his life. He believes some memories are better left forgotten.

Rage: for as long as he remembers, he has always felt a simmering anger inside of him. Anger at other people, anger at the world. He doesn’t know why. He suspects it’s something to do with something he’s chosen to forget.

Combat: Although unorthodox, still able to be countered by manipulating his speed and getting him to harm himself.

Confusion: As stated before, Tsyan doesn’t know what his purpose is or if anything he’s done in his life as been worth it (not to say regrets though… he regrets none of the assassinations).

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Parents, relationships, friends… all stored in copperminds that Tsyan has chosen not to open. He knows he has a few ex-Ghostbloods connections, but not many. Tsyan was never the type of guy to make many friends… from what he remembers.

He murdered Clotho’s (Koloss17’s character) family. It didn’t start out personal. The Ghostbloods were simply hired by an enemy of the father, and he carried out the job. Out of the family, the war veteran brother was the one who was the hardest, but Tsyan got him too. Did he have to kill the whole family? Strictly speaking… no. But a job given to Tsyan is a job well done.

Home Planet: Alleycity

Current Residence: Run-down apartment in AlleyCity. 

Backstory: Because of his abuse of Copper Feruchemy, his memories have been deliberately shattered and scattered, lacking any real connective tissue or continuity. He remembers bits of his childhood in AlleyCity, his training with the Ghostbloods, and all of his assassinations. He remembers taking mission after mission. Did he have a lover at some point? That woman, is she - no, she couldn’t be. Sister? No, someone else. PlasmaCore? Yes, something happened there. What? Not sure. Because of this, Tsyan doesn’t know what memories came from the Forgery, and what were original. The two realities may as well have been one and the same for him. More recently, he does remember growing a little older, the Ghostbloods getting a change of management and becoming the Mirrorshades, and no longer being employed for his services.


Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): He still has some copperminds of old memories. He is afraid to open them.

May a mod please gaze upon mine character and grant your blessing? :D 




Happy to take Acrobatic Lurcher as a Major merit, would probably separate out the combat aspect to a normal one though (Eg. Unarmed fighting expert, marksman, fencer, etc.)

But you do have a normal merit to spare so happy to approve with that caveat.

On 4/9/2023 at 7:39 AM, Koloss17 said:


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Name: Clotho

Appearance: Mid-40s looking Scadrian, with not well kept blonde hair and not well kept noblewoman’s clothes. Looks like she used to be a noblewoman in a previous life, but certainly doesn’t look like one now. She lacks proper mannerisms for dealing with people, and often seems quite unsure of herself. Her mannerism do change day to day, which is indicative of something…off with her.

Guild (or intended guild): None

Personality: Very unsure of herself, a tad mentally foggy, and sometimes just stares at nothing. Despite her appearances though, she is quite capable. Exactly what she is capable of is quite fluid, but it often suits her needs. Isn’t particularly good at interacting with others, as she has been quite secluded during her life by choice. Seems clueless, but knows a surprising amount.

Concept: A gold savant that has, due to her savantism, lost most of her past memories. The hope is that she will slowly piece together who she was, through the help of her numerous alternate selves, which change daily.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): Her most immediate motivation is to find out who she was. Once she has learned that, however, she will go off on a quest to find and perhaps avenge, her murdered family. The end character arc, however, is to have her grow past her secluded nature, and actually become someone in her own right, past her alternate selves. 


Major: Is technically able to do nearly anything, as her gold shadows can give her knowledge and skills. Main drawback is that she can’t choose the skills, and the shadows themselves have amnesia from savantism. The abilities also have to be within reason, as the alternate selves have to be a realistic branch of her history.
Normal: If given the opportunity, can take incredibly meticulous notes.

Minor: rich and clever


Has a fractured memory, knowing very little about themselves. They know that they were noble, and they know the names of their family, with a bit about their personality. However, they don’t know their age, history, what they are doing in Alleycity, or the fact that their family was murdered.


 Very insecure, with too much reliance on her other selves. Feels quite insecure, and doesn’t know how to easily communicate to other people, as she had lived a life of seclusion.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Hasn’t ever really had friends, with the only closeness to non-family members being her alternate lives. She had two parents, and three older, much more accomplished siblings. Were killed by Tsyan when the father became too aware of the goings on of a particular group of people.

Clotho will not be able to communicate with their past selves, but can act like they would act and intrinsically know what they are like, so she saw them as close to friends at one point in her life. 

Home Planet: Second Era Scadrian Nobility.
Current Residence: Alleycity, in a mansion in the Scadrian noble district. 
Backstory: I have an unhealthy amount of backstory for this character. Clotho of course doesn’t remember much of it, but here is what I currently have down. The exact details will be discovered through RP.

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Clotho, born to a rich Elendel family, was the youngest of four. Her eldest sister was 12 years older than her, with her two brothers 9 and 6 years older than her respectively. All three were quite accomplished, and she had big shoes to fill. Her parents were kind to her, with her mother being the gentler one, and her father expecting much of her.


Realizes Augur:

Age: 8


At age 8, expectations started being piled on. Private tutors came to teach Clotho all manners of things, and free time was limited. She rarely saw her siblings, with her sister always enveloped in politics, her eldest brother off in the Elendel military, and her youngest brother pursuing his own studies. One day, however, her father decided to test her for metals. It was an uncomfortable experience for her, but she learned that she was an augur. Even as a child, she was quite astute, and after the initial shock of the experience of an augur, she caught a glimpse of her father’s disappointment on his face. He had expected something useful, and he got nothing.


Begin experimenting:

Age: 12


At age 12, she began tampering with her abilities. She was always expected to be doing something productive, but she could choose what. She was soon to be off to university, but until then, she experimented. In a fit of rebellion, she began to turn to her alternate selves for answers. She would prove to her father that her gold was not a useless talent. At first she was disoriented, but she quickly got the hang of it. Determined, she learned. She took notes on what realities she could conjure, and began to note the differences. Clotho eventually grew to deeply know her strengths and weaknesses, and began planning for the future.


Go to university:

Age: 16

Upon entering an Elendel university, the same that her siblings went to, she was caught off guard by the atmosphere. She had expected a group of like-minded, studious individuals. What she found instead were groups of rich fools that partied and slacked off. There were a few that didn’t mingle, but they were not going to want to socialize with Clotho either. Everyone there was equally entitled, in their own way. 


Clotho sought her studies to seek refuge, studying the history of the Final Empire and all that was lost. She didn’t need company; she had herself, and her alternate selves. She couldn’t communicate with them, but she knew what they would do in her stead, which was much like having friends, she assumed. Occasionally, she interacted with others, either with her professors or with the staff. Never with students, however. She completed everything diligently and on time, spending most of her time pursuing her personal interests. Little did she know, her gold would soon get the better of her.



Becomes Savant:

Age: 19

As the university years continued, Clotho’s talent in gold grew, but her other studies faltered. She was now able to call onto shadows at any age of her life, yet she could not choose which shadows she calls back. Her shadows think with her, and she can easily process three people’s worth of thoughts and reactions. She has had many recurring shadows, something few thought possible. Clotho assumed few had burned gold for as long as she had. With three people’s worth of knowledge, she assumed that her studies would be a breeze, but she soon began to struggle.


Clotho was forgetting things. Simple things, like what teachers she had the year before. Then it became more serious. She began forgetting she was enrolled in classes; she even forgot her eldest brother’s name. She knew he was in the military, and that she hadn’t seen him since….when did she last see him? 


Drops out of college:

Age: 20


Her condition eventually got worse. So bad, in fact, that she had to drop out of the university a year before she earned her degree. She had completed most of the courses required, and with her noble heritage, she managed to still get the diploma. Clotho was grateful, but feared for her future.


Moves to separate estate:

Age: 22


As time went on, her condition got to the point that her family gave up on her. They had no faith that she could have a career, and she certainly couldn’t get a spouse. She was moved to a separate estate, a smaller and more remote area of Elendel, where she didn’t put shame to her family. She wasn’t even mad at them, not really. She understood, in a way. She had forgotten her parent’s names multiple times, and had forgotten that she has even went to university, once. 


Yet with everything going wrong, she still had her selves.



Seclusion grows:

Age: 26


Four years had passed, and her condition had worsened still. She had created journals upon journals, detailing information about her past, and about her life. She had forgotten most of it, now. But with the help of the journals, she still knew most of it. She had been a promising graduate, to her noble house, until everything went wrong. She knew, deep down, that it was her obsession with her abilities that was causing it. But she couldn’t let them go. Her alternate lives gave her comfort, and let her continue on. They gave her advice, in their own way, and let her remember more than she could without them, even if their pasts weren’t exactly hers. She needed them.



Tragedy Strikes Family:

Age: 28


At a noble’s ball, Clotho’s family was murdered, along with a few other influential nobility. At the time, Clotho was off in her manor, oblivious of it all.


A letter was sent about the event, but Clotho forgot it existed. 6 months later, Clotho read the letter. Her family was dead, and she inherited their various riches. Distraught and heartbroken, Clotho sought vengeance. She called upon various people that were connected with her house, and took over her dormant house. With the help of outside contacts and her alternative selves, she got closer and closer to the truth. Her father had gotten too deep with a rival organization, and had gotten himself and his family killed because of it. Clotho had a suspicion she wasn’t supposed to be alive either, but whoever had done this seems to have moved on. 



Begin journey to Alleyverse:

Age: 29


After heavy research, as well as furious record keeping, Clotho made a breakthrough. The killer, whoever they were, had moved to Alleycity, wherever that was. Through careful questioning, she found a way to get there.


She left on her own, with nearly the entirety of her wealth with her, to the Cognitive Realm. Her house had practically fallen, and her absence would not be noticed. There was still much she did not know, and much that she couldn’t remember, but cataloguing her experiences and memories in her journals would help with both. 


The next step was to travel to Alleycity.




Disaster Strikes:

Age: 30


After close to a year of traveling, and expenses paid, she had nearly arrived at the Alleyverse. A few months out from her destination, her guide struck, stealing some of her journals and damaging others. Years of her life, along with most of her notes about the case, were taken from her in an instant.



Arrives at Alleyverse:

Age: 31


She carried on, with the loss affecting her greatly. Eventually, she forgot exactly why she was traveling, but she knew that she needed to reach the Alleyverse. Eventually, she did. 


Upon arrival, she sought a place to live, and an area to get knowledge about herself. As she was traveling, she had learned how to use her selves to gain ability that she didn’t have, but now she used her abilities to learn more about herself, and what she used to be. She wanted to learn why she was here, and who she was. 


She kept more journals, and tried to decipher what remained of her notes. She was meticulous in her note taking, but everything added on to what she had took before. While missing initial chunks, she could only decipher so much. Her newer journals made sure to restate what had already been said, in case some pages were lost. She learned some, but very little. 


Over the years, she lost pages, and lost notes. Fire burned some, water damaged others. She didn’t create backups, as she had sparingly little time and no one to help her. She kept her journals close, and learned what she could, as the world outside faded into irrelevance.


The forgery:

Age: 35


One day, something happened. Her selves acted erratic, and her memories merged further than they ever did. She lost sight of what she was doing, and details about the world around her didn’t line up. She lost trust in herself, and lost trust in her entries. She was confused, and so, so lonely. She knew something needed to change. She couldn’t do this on her own. She needed help.


Present Day:

Age: 36


As the world healed, her abilities healed. She began trusting her entries, but discarded what she took during the Forgery, as none of it could be trusted. She still kept them around, somewhere. She just didn’t use them. She knew things about herself, like that she had a family, and that she was born of nobility. She knew when she was born, but she didn’t know how old she was, as the Alleyverse exists outside the Cosmere’s time. She knew she came here for a reason, but she didn’t quite know why. She suspects someone died, and that she was here for justice, but she didn’t know who died, or why she cared. 


She realized her memories flowed easier when she was not secluded, and she intended to use that. She needed help, but she also needed a reputation to get that help. The only reputation she had thus far acquired was as a spinster that never left her mansion. She needed that to change, and she needed her selves to help her.



Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Again, she has lost everything. Most importantly for now, she has lost her memory. Eventually, she will try to learn and bring justice to whoever killed her family (once she finds out that her family is dead) and potentially get to the bottom of why they were killed (of which I do not yet entirely know).
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): Past the unhealthy amount of backstory, none!

This character is….a lot, but I also think that she’s going to be quite fun to RP. I had quite the trouble figuring out merits for her, but I doubt that she is particularly powerful.

Only question for this one is what is her House name?

But mechanically and backstory wise looks good, approved!

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2 hours ago, Voidus said:

Happy to take Acrobatic Lurcher as a Major merit, would probably separate out the combat aspect to a normal one though (Eg. Unarmed fighting expert, marksman, fencer, etc.)

But you do have a normal merit to spare so happy to approve with that caveat.

Only question for this one is what is her House name?

But mechanically and backstory wise looks good, approved!

Thanks Voidus :D All edited.

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4 hours ago, Voidus said:

Only question for this one is what is her House name?

But mechanically and backstory wise looks good, approved!

I couldn’t really find a list of house names for era 2, but perhaps I could make something up that sounds about right.

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On 3/19/2023 at 4:35 AM, Stormlightsong said:


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Name: Feynah
Appearance: Depends, but with a few exceptions: no scars, tattoos, or piercings. Overall body shape stays the same.
Guild (or intended guild): none
Personality: Can depend based on what role they are trying to play, With a few exceptions: a little paranoid, scared of commitment, and scared of any permanent changes to their body.
Concept: an F-atium disguise specialist with royal locks who is running from the Ghostbloods
Motivation (Short & long term goal): hide from the Ghostbloods (or anyone who want to use them) and start am new life.
Merits: minor: good with makeup, good at accents, and good at sewing. normal: atium Ferring and has royal locks. major: master of disguise
Flaws: their physiology (bone structure and skin tone) stays the same, so someone who knows them well could recognize them, they have to eat more to use their royal locks, and commitment problems.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): not many (see commitment problems)
Home Planet: Idris, Nalthis
Current Residence: a small apartment in New Hallandren that they change the name it's owned under every so often
Backstory: Feynah was raised as a royal Idrian. their father was a kind and gentle king and they learned how to how to control their royal locks at an early age. But, on their fifteenth birthday, Feynah's mother started testing them for feruchemical powers in secret. Because, unbeknownst to their father, Feynah's mother was a terris agent of the Ghostbloods. Her task was to acquire a child with both feruchemical powers and royal locks for the Ghostbloods. soon she discovered Feynah was a atium ferring, much to the surprise of Feynah's father as he saw his teenaged child transform into a full grown adult. gentle no longer, he demanded to know what was going on. in a panic, Feynah's mother killed Feynah's father. Having just witnessed the murder of their father, Feynah fled. Feynah's mother was unable to find them because they changed their appearance to blend in with everyday Idrians. Feynah kept hiding and perfecting the art of disguise. They learned from kandra, sleepless, and even lightweavers. They came to Alleycity to hide in the crowded city and hopefully start a new life. Though assigned female at birth, Feynah's gender and pronouns, like other parts of their identity, are more fluid and are influenced by their persona. They are technically in their mid twenties, but their preferred age is 13-14 because that was before everything went wrong. 


Just realized I missed this one when I checked the thread, so sorry and hope it hasn't deterred you. Character looks great! Happy to approve this one, would suggest possibly checking in on the collaboration thread for people who might be able to interact with them.

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Got bored, wanted to make a somewhat more available DA member or DA-adjacent-character. Kalten's probably going to be stuck in more DA-centric plots.



Name: Tauvin

Appearance: A Fused in the form of a malen singer, about 5' 10" with white backlit-red eyes and white and red skin. Tauvin wears no clothes, but has white red-veined carapace armor covering most of his body. His head is bare, except for long red hair tied into a braid.

Guild (or intended guild): Affiliated with Dark Alley, Department of Acquisitions, but also largely works in Alleycity

Personality: Likes to talk, and likes to negotiate even more. Tends to be cold but with emotional reactions if prodded. Thinks highly of himself. Will relish attacking Radiants above other targets when given options, but also doesn't attack others when not attacked or when without a specific target given to him. 

Concept: A Fused and scatterbrained retriever / ambusher for the DA.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): In the short term, wants to prove his use and effectiveness to the DA and potentially gain more power. In the long term, Tauvin would rather retire with some method of ensuring his continued existence, and just be a collector.

Merits: Major: Fused of the makay-im, or Deepest Ones. Tauvin can use the Surge of Cohesion to phase through objects nearly at will, and can use Voidlight or Alleylight to use Cohesion on other objects or to heal. Tauvin can also resurrect if killed, although doing so has repercussions (damages Tauvin's sanity, loses any objects on his person including his Shardblade, and requires the DA to think it's worthwhile to bring him back). Normal: Deadeye Shardblade and trained fighter. Minor: Skilled at appraisal, good memory, extra carapace armor.

Flaws: Tauvin is old and largely disConnected from Odium, and as such is losing his sanity. For the large part this manifests as a strong desire to hoard things, especially small things that are valuable, but could survive a short trip in his body until he can transport them somewhere else. This tends to be a detriment on missions as he's easily distracted or bribed by unique items, although he'll usually travel a short distance to deposit them before returning to his previous location to continue what he was doing. Also as a Deepest One Fused, Tauvin has several limitations - he cannot see or carry anything with him while he uses passive Cohesion, so bringing along anything requires either burning Voidlight for Cohesion or incorporating it into his form (either swallowing it or placing it into a wound - either of which require some Voidlight to repair and fool the body), and while his Shardblade can be dismissed and used as normal, Tauvin hears the dead spren's screams whenever he uses it.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): At the moment, very little, though Tauvin would recognize any other Fused he found in the Alleyverse.

Home Planet: Technically Roshar, but Braize.

Current Residence: Finds homes in the Alleys on occasion or when actively working for the DA. Also has numerous hidey-holes in the foundations of buildings to store objects and Voidlight, and an underground apartment-turned-overpriced thrift shop in the Sphere.

Backstory: Tauvin was a Fused who fought throughout the Desolations, and has forgotten much of his time before becoming such. However, during the True Desolation and the chaos brought upon by the killing of Fused with anti-Light, Tauvin and several other Fused were captured by DA agents and brought to the Alleyverse. Over time, they were reestablished as Fused with the capability of resurrecting to specific singer bodies in the Alleys, as long as the DA kept creating them and kept allowing them to inhabit them (ie, so long as they were still useful). While he cannot betray the DA due to loyalty spikes, Tauvin operates somewhat independently - he lives in the Sphere and runs a sort of thrift shop in an attempt to expand his collections, and also takes contracts (for money or new objects to collect) to fight or acquire or otherwise do dangerous things, but contracts task the DA asks of him he usually is forced to do.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Heavily reliant on the DA for resurrections and would like a more independent method of operating. Also wants some legitimacy, if not full independence. Would like to return to Braize one day and retrieve his rock collection.

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): NA for now.


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8 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Got bored, wanted to make a somewhat more available DA member or DA-adjacent-character. Kalten's probably going to be stuck in more DA-centric plots.


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Name: Tauvin

Appearance: A Fused in the form of a malen singer, about 5' 10" with white backlit-red eyes and white and red skin. Tauvin wears no clothes, but has white red-veined carapace armor covering most of his body. His head is bare, except for long red hair tied into a braid.

Guild (or intended guild): Affiliated with Dark Alley, Department of Acquisitions, but also largely works in Alleycity

Personality: Likes to talk, and likes to negotiate even more. Tends to be cold but with emotional reactions if prodded. Thinks highly of himself. Will relish attacking Radiants above other targets when given options, but also doesn't attack others when not attacked or when without a specific target given to him. 

Concept: A Fused and scatterbrained retriever / ambusher for the DA.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): In the short term, wants to prove his use and effectiveness to the DA and potentially gain more power. In the long term, Tauvin would rather retire with some method of ensuring his continued existence, and just be a collector.

Merits: Major: Fused of the makay-im, or Deepest Ones. Tauvin can use the Surge of Cohesion to phase through objects nearly at will, and can use Voidlight or Alleylight to use Cohesion on other objects or to heal. Tauvin can also resurrect if killed, although doing so has repercussions (damages Tauvin's sanity, loses any objects on his person including his Shardblade, and requires the DA to think it's worthwhile to bring him back). Normal: Deadeye Shardblade and trained fighter. Minor: Skilled at appraisal, good memory, extra carapace armor.

Flaws: Tauvin is old and largely disConnected from Odium, and as such is losing his sanity. For the large part this manifests as a strong desire to hoard things, especially small things that are valuable, but could survive a short trip in his body until he can transport them somewhere else. This tends to be a detriment on missions as he's easily distracted or bribed by unique items, although he'll usually travel a short distance to deposit them before returning to his previous location to continue what he was doing. Also as a Deepest One Fused, Tauvin has several limitations - he cannot see or carry anything with him while he uses passive Cohesion, so bringing along anything requires either burning Voidlight for Cohesion or incorporating it into his form (either swallowing it or placing it into a wound - either of which require some Voidlight to repair and fool the body), and while his Shardblade can be dismissed and used as normal, Tauvin hears the dead spren's screams whenever he uses it.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): At the moment, very little, though Tauvin would recognize any other Fused he found in the Alleyverse.

Home Planet: Technically Roshar, but Braize.

Current Residence: Finds homes in the Alleys on occasion or when actively working for the DA. Also has numerous hidey-holes in the foundations of buildings to store objects and Voidlight, and an underground apartment-turned-overpriced thrift shop in the Sphere.

Backstory: Tauvin was a Fused who fought throughout the Desolations, and has forgotten much of his time before becoming such. However, during the True Desolation and the chaos brought upon by the killing of Fused with anti-Light, Tauvin and several other Fused were captured by DA agents and brought to the Alleyverse. Over time, they were reestablished as Fused with the capability of resurrecting to specific singer bodies in the Alleys, as long as the DA kept creating them and kept allowing them to inhabit them (ie, so long as they were still useful). While he cannot betray the DA due to loyalty spikes, Tauvin operates somewhat independently - he lives in the Sphere and runs a sort of thrift shop in an attempt to expand his collections, and also takes contracts (for money or new objects to collect) to fight or acquire or otherwise do dangerous things, but contracts task the DA asks of him he usually is forced to do.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Heavily reliant on the DA for resurrections and would like a more independent method of operating. Also wants some legitimacy, if not full independence. Would like to return to Braize one day and retrieve his rock collection.

Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): NA for now.


Looks good to me, might have been a little hesitant about whether all the abilities of a Fused could be a single merit but I do like the restrictions imposed so seems quite reasonable. 


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  • 6 months later...

I had an idea for a character, and @Ashbringer said to put it here, so in the hopes that I’m doing the right thing: (warning: very minor Yumi spoilers ahead)


Name: Kimura Itsuki (note: Itsuki is the given name and Kimura is the surname. I’m not sure what’s been said about name order on Kilahito, but the planet is based on Japan and Korea, both of which usually put the family name before the given name)

Appearance: has pale skin, dark hair close to black but not quite there, his hair just barely touches his shoulders and is greasy, appearing like he rarely washes it.

Guild: nothing intended currently 

Personality: frequently sad and mildly depressed. Not very social and keeps to himself for the most part, though when he bonds with someone he is extremely loyal to them.

Concept: romantic man searching for lost Worldhopper lover.

Motivations: first and foremost, finding his lost love. He also enjoys cooking and wants to open a Kilahitoan restaurant that isn’t a noodle bar, as he never liked ramen.


  • Major: his determination and loyalty are some of the strongest in the Cosmere. Some even have thought that he is an electrum compounder (they were wrong)!
  • Normal: Reasonably good at cooking. Not good enough to open his own restaurant or even be hired as a cook at a nice, tasty one, but still pretty good. He is also very talented at painting, often painting abstract works with bright colors and thick paint.
  • Minor: can play the guitar (the Scadrian equivalent, anyway); not bad with a dagger; speaks Kilahitoan, whatever the lingua Franca is in Alleycity, and a little Scadrian.

Flaws: bad at making new friends, and his worldhopping girlfriend who he has not seen for many years has a pretty big influence on him, and can be used to manipulate him.

Relationships: Vinette, his lover that I keep mentioning that I might end up using as a character, or and NPC, or just not involved in the plot. Stilewn, a Terris restaurant owner that Itsuki works as a waiter at.

Home Planet: Kilahito

Current Residence: a small flat in New Hallandren

Backstory: In his youth, Itsuki was working as a struggling artist in Kilahito when he met a woman named Vinette who was interested in buying some of his art. They could not agree to a price, though, and had frequent meetings to negotiate a price. During this time, they became friends, and later lovers. After two years of being romantically together, and 2 1/2 years since they first met, Vinette confessed to Itsuki that she wasn’t from the area. Or the planet. She told Vinette that she was part of a group called the Phantomgores, and that she bought the paintings for something about a Court of Gods and that she wanted to stay with him, but she was being ordered to leave by her leader. Itsuki regretfully watched her go into a Perpendicularly, and went back to his house. The next day, Itsuki realized he had made a mistake and went into Shadesmar to try to go with her, but couldn’t find her. This search eventually led him to Alleycity, where he is staying for the time being.

Loose ends: Vinette, not much else.

Links: N/A


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This is my character idea to help in upcoming plot stuff:


Name: Keshi
Appearance: a 4 inch tall Kitsen that wears tight silk clothing. He rides upon an  armored (the armor doesn’t really do anything it just is for aesthetics) hyperslug named Goto.
Guild (or intended guild): none
Personality: Keshi is an honorable warrior, or, at least, that’s how he sees himself. He’s extremely stubborn and will never go back on his word. Even though he is a spy, he doesn’t lie to get into places. In fact, he distains lying.
Concept: Keshi is a cytonic kitsen spy who was once the prince who was not prince before he self banished himself after getting his entire team killed. He rides on the hyperslug goto. He can create illusions to make himself undetectable and copy voices or sounds.
Motivation (Short & long term goal): Keshi is motivated by his shame at getting his team killed. Which is the reason he has not left Alleycity since arriving. He believes he deserves to work in this uncomfortable large city for what he has done.
Merits: major merit: cytonic ability to create illusions. Medium merits: Goto the hyper slug (allowing teleportation), espionage expertise. Minor merits: multiple small spear-like tools (actually screwdrivers), electrical equipment and hijacking devices, and can fit into small spaces.
Flaws: will not directly lie (is OK with telling half-truths), prideful, finds it hard to break promises even if he needs to.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): son of the current king who is not king. Because of self banishment he has no one from his past except for Goto.
Home Planet: Evershore
Current Residence: nomadically traveling through Alleycity 
Backstory: Keshi was born the prince who is not prince on Evershore after superiority occupation. He was one of the first cytonic kitsen born in the centuries. After finding he lacked skill in fighting, he was made a spy for the kitsen, using his hyperslug steed to sneak aboard ships and his illusions to stay hidden. On one reconnaissance mission (probably against the superiority or something IDK) he snuck onto the main ship of a small scouting group. He saw a chance to take down all the ships and, disobeying his orders, he hijacked the ship. This was a fatal mistake as this so-called “scouting group” what is an ambush. All of the other ships put up anti-cytonic bubbles. To trap and slaughter the rest of his group. before he could get caught he flew the ship out of range and teleported randomly arriving in the Alleycity. Believing he deserved this fate, he vowed to not return until he had redeemed himself.
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): he must redeem himself before he can return home to his people.


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Perses’ Villain Arc



Name: Perses (based on titan of destruction and peace)

Young looking, but grizzled. Has slight scarring around his body, but mostly around his eyes, where two metal spikes are pounded through them. If he wants to be stealthy, he would wear blind glasses to hide them. However, he is not afraid to show his Hemalurgy off. He wears a dark mistcoat that he keeps perfectly clean. For those that recognize an inquisitor, he would look oddly lanky for an inquisitor.  

Guild (or intended guild): was granted Hemalurgy through the Dark Alleys, but is working to get a foothold in Alleycity’s underground without being part of any guild.
Personality: Is willing to work with others, but refuses to serve under someone. Has been traumatized by being abandoned and subjected to the Alleys within Wickwillow manor, leaving him mildly insane. He was rescued from his torment by a member of the Dark Alleys and given ambition and trust issues. Is a quick learner, and is used to violence. He hears voices guiding him on what to do and to trust no one, but doesnt know what they are or question them.

Concept: Perses has gone to the dark side, and in addition to his other skills and abilities, now with even more Breaths and both an A-Iron and A-Steel spike.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): seeks to gain a foothold in Alleycity without guild affiliation. Where he previously wanted to feel valuable, he now wants to be respected and feared.
Merits: Twinborn of A-bronze and F-tin. This allows them to reverse compound bronze and sense many magic users with relative ease. Obviously still needs bronze to store the bronze sight, but can get away with not having any with a full A-bronze tinmind. He can sense feruchemy and awakening being used, but is not experienced with other magic systems being used. 

has a healthy amount of breaths, putting him comfortably above fifth heightening. Is not very experienced with awakening, but knows how to do it. He is able to awaken and give basic commands, but has not been trained past the basics. Expect him to be able to do straightforward, but not particularly creative commands. Can store the lifesense granted by these to detect when there are others around, and can do so with extra prescision if need be.

He has recently (like around 6 months or so ago) been granted an A-Iron and A-Steel spike. He is not particularly skilled with either, and so mostly just uses them in a brutish way. However, being able to store steelsight has allowed him to sort of see for the first time in his life, and so his ability to detect where exactly anyone and anything is around him is unmatched.

He’s a fast learner, and can adapt to a fight fairly quickly. He is still not physically capable, though. When people get in close, his main inclination is to dodge, and boy can he dodge.

due to his abilities, he can decently deduce people’s affiliations and motives through interacting with them, so he has some detective’s info skills. He has however become quite biased, so he generally assumes the worst in people.

He’s learned to navigate Alleycity, but has certainly not seen everything there is. He does not know the customs or mannerisms of the vast cultures in Alleycity, and still acts somewhat like an outsider. However, as a quick learner, he can pick things up.

Flaws: Is blind, fully blind. No abound of sight storing and tapping can change it. Perses is 100% blind. This can be slightly mitigated with lifesense and bronzesense allowing for some amount of person recongnition, but doesn’t really make up for it. However, with steelsight, this weakness is mostly mitigated. However, he still can’t recognize faces, color, or any sort of detail past visible protrusions. He can now fight easier, but he’s still blind.


He knows street skills, but nothing else. He can’t read or write, and really only knows what the street has taught him. He’s good at reading people, but is no scholar by any stretch of the imagination.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): none anymore. Had a mother, but vanished for unknown reasons when he was a teen. Has okay relations with the Dark Alleys, but no contacts or friends in it.
Home Planet: scadrial (era 2, likely outer cities)

Current Residence: somewhere in the Alleyverse, mostly wandering around. Has a residence in a secure location, but past that, doesn’t own much past what he can get from his work.

Backstory: Perses is a Scadrian from some of the outer cities about 50 or so years after era 2 of Mistborn. He’s mostly lived off of what he could get and survived alone. His dad was never around, and his mother disappeared when he was young. Very little relationships were formed, but he made do. Perses was taken advantage of quite a bit, and got into some minor crime. 

Eventually Perses got tied into a gig that was much larger than he thought it was, taking him off-world. He learned some about the Cosmere and got himself into a very peculiar situation, which ended him with about 500 breaths and basic training. 

During his time with this Cosmere-wide crime syndicate, he discovered the existence of Alleycity. A few members were thinking of going and hoped it would be a way out, and a place of new beginnings. Perses decided to join up with them, but soon after their arrival, the forgery erased them from existence.


After the events of Wickwillow Manor, he became lost within the manor, abandoned by those that accompanied him. He was subjected to the Alleys, and, with no metal reserves and no one to save him, was driven mad by the experience. He wasn’t completely mad, and has mostly recovered, with trauma and voices in his head as scars to his experience.

He was rescued by a member of the Dark Alleys, who gave him a new goal: power. He has done away with his need to fit in and belong—all that he wants now is to make the world respect him, and for it to adapt to his will.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): deep down, he wants peace. He wants to live a normal life, and to live a happy existence where he is loved and appreciated, not for what he can do, but for who he is. However, through the various cruelties and misguided teachings of his world, he feels that only way to achieve happiness in this world is to be on top of it all. 



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19 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Flaws: Is blind, fully blind. No abound of sight storing and tapping can change it. Perses is 100% blind. This can be slightly mitigated with lifesense and bronzesense allowing for some amount of person recongnition, but doesn’t really make up for it. However, with steelsight, this weakness is mostly mitigated. However, he still can’t recognize faces, color, or any sort of detail past visible protrusions. He can now fight easier, but he’s still blind.

Inquisitors could see more details than that and they could see the tiniest details of Everything  they would be able to see your expressions and with convenient to stores still site in mind and then tap it back he could see even better than inquisitors so I don't think that's Very accurate Would probably be better that way that's not how steelsight works. however your character is really cool

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Guess I should put this here:


Name: Shan Lei (I based it off Chinese, 山雷, which means something akin to Thunder Mountain. In Chinese, surnames come before your name itself, so his name is Lei, with surname Shan.)
Appearance: Around 5' 11", brown eyes. He's tan, he's normally wearing blue shorts, and a black robe. Shirts vary, but he always has some kind of funny socks.
Guild (or intended guild): Unknown (I don't know any guilds_
Personality: Don't really trust people, acts humorous and sarcastic. Sometimes very pedantic.
Concept: Funny Forger and wannabe Elantrian
Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term: Become an Elantrian. Long term: Find somewhere he feels safe. among people he trusts.
Merits: Major: Forger. Normal: Ability to remember everything he sees (Photographic memory). Minor Merit: Amateur con artist. 
Flaws: Inability to trust others. 
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): No one. All the people he loved died when he was young, the one person he met later on betrayed him. 
Home Planet: Sel.
Current Residence: Anywhere and everywhere he finds.
Backstory: Betrayed by a lover. Orphaned as a child. He grew up on the streets, but studied in a library. Studied mainly forgery and memorized Aons, now wants to become an Elantrian. 
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): Doesn't know where the person who betrayed him went...


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Name: Soynir Soxless (dont question it)

Things: he's good at finding people to do jobs, and he's honest and true with everything he does. he can fix basically anything, and gains a lot of knowledge from reading, so you can likely find him at a library, legal or illegal, he doesnt discriminate. he has a network of people if you want to find him, but you gotta pay them a decent sum before getting to him. hes an twinborn compounder, im gonna figure out what that would be at some point. not gold. and he likes to play pranks, but only when he can. 

He's a bronze compounder.

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Okay, I have no clue what I’m doing but, uh, here’s a character :)


Name: Ela
Appearance: She’s short, but stands tall. She has brown hair cut to her chin, pale blue eyes, and is usually holding some small animal she picked up somewhere. 
Guild (or intended guild): I…don’t know what this is.
Personality: She usually jokes and makes fun of people, but the second someone seems to be hurting even a tiny bit she’ll get serious and make sure they know she cares.
Concept: A forgotten edgedancer.
Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term is to find people she can care about who will also care about her, long term is to find out more about herself. 
Merits: Major: 2nd ideal edgedancer. Normal: can help other characters with trauma? Normal: good at sneaking around. Minor: sarcasm :).
Flaws: She has forgotten almost everything about herself.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): She used to have a big family, but doesn’t anymore and doesn’t remember why. 
Home Planet: Roshar, nowhere specific but probably Alethi.
Current Residence: She’s currently in an inn (is that allowed), paying for it with money she brought with her from Roshar, she hasn’t been there long. 
Backstory: She’s from Roshar, and is an edgedancer, and doesn’t remember anything else. Am I allowed to leave it there until I make something up, or do I need to come up with something now?
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): …everything?

…I don’t know if that works, I’m happy to change anything I need to.

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Name: Arranis Reelwiron

Appearance: Youngish looking man, and short cropped hair, and Azish like, in appearance

Guild: Unknown ( I dont really know guilds)

 Personality: He is an easy going guy, that has a more relaxed view on his ideals

Motivation: Learning more about cultures, and people from around the universes 

Merits: Always wants to help people, but is more focused on the overall need of the universes, and keeping places and people safe. 

Flaws: Can seem cold to some people, as he always wants to learn, and is more focused on protecting. 

Relationships: He has had many friends, and has lost a few , and his parents are long gone.

Home Planet: Roshar

Current Residence: A tavern, that is of standard quality

Abilities: Arranis is proficient with many weapons, as well as other combat, and has amassed plenty of experience of his years. 

History: Arranis grew up on his home planet, but early on found at that the planet seemed dull to him, and he wanted to explore the wider universe in time found his way to places people could only dream of going to. When he earnt his spren, and said the ideals, he decided he was going to break the mould in which his specific order of knights were associated with, and has almost successfully broken the mould, changing his and his spren's view on the ideals, and serving a higher purpose, with more freedom. He has taken to the alleyverse, to learn more, and expand his knowledge on the places he had visited, by experiencing things first hand with people from those planets. 

Loose Ends: Can be angered quickly at points, and still has many things to learn. 

Is this good?

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On 11/1/2023 at 12:47 PM, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

I had an idea for a character, and @Ashbringer said to put it here, so in the hopes that I’m doing the right thing: (warning: very minor Yumi spoilers ahead)

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Name: Kimura Itsuki (note: Itsuki is the given name and Kimura is the surname. I’m not sure what’s been said about name order on Kilahito, but the planet is based on Japan and Korea, both of which usually put the family name before the given name)

Appearance: has pale skin, dark hair close to black but not quite there, his hair just barely touches his shoulders and is greasy, appearing like he rarely washes it.

Guild: nothing intended currently 

Personality: frequently sad and mildly depressed. Not very social and keeps to himself for the most part, though when he bonds with someone he is extremely loyal to them.

Concept: romantic man searching for lost Worldhopper lover.

Motivations: first and foremost, finding his lost love. He also enjoys cooking and wants to open a Kilahitoan restaurant that isn’t a noodle bar, as he never liked ramen.


  • Major: his determination and loyalty are some of the strongest in the Cosmere. Some even have thought that he is an electrum compounder (they were wrong)!
  • Normal: Reasonably good at cooking. Not good enough to open his own restaurant or even be hired as a cook at a nice, tasty one, but still pretty good. He is also very talented at painting, often painting abstract works with bright colors and thick paint.
  • Minor: can play the guitar (the Scadrian equivalent, anyway); not bad with a dagger; speaks Kilahitoan, whatever the lingua Franca is in Alleycity, and a little Scadrian.

Flaws: bad at making new friends, and his worldhopping girlfriend who he has not seen for many years has a pretty big influence on him, and can be used to manipulate him.

Relationships: Vinette, his lover that I keep mentioning that I might end up using as a character, or and NPC, or just not involved in the plot. Stilewn, a Terris restaurant owner that Itsuki works as a waiter at.

Home Planet: Kilahito

Current Residence: a small flat in New Hallandren

Backstory: In his youth, Itsuki was working as a struggling artist in Kilahito when he met a woman named Vinette who was interested in buying some of his art. They could not agree to a price, though, and had frequent meetings to negotiate a price. During this time, they became friends, and later lovers. After two years of being romantically together, and 2 1/2 years since they first met, Vinette confessed to Itsuki that she wasn’t from the area. Or the planet. She told Vinette that she was part of a group called the Phantomgores, and that she bought the paintings for something about a Court of Gods and that she wanted to stay with him, but she was being ordered to leave by her leader. Itsuki regretfully watched her go into a Perpendicularly, and went back to his house. The next day, Itsuki realized he had made a mistake and went into Shadesmar to try to go with her, but couldn’t find her. This search eventually led him to Alleycity, where he is staying for the time being.

Loose ends: Vinette, not much else.

Links: N/A


So a little tricky but I can approve given that it isn't super core to the character and wouldn't expect any spoilers to arrive but will need any spoilers about books still in spoiler policy periods to be marked clearly, etc.
Other than that, approved!


On 11/4/2023 at 7:42 AM, Stormlightsong said:

This is my character idea to help in upcoming plot stuff:

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Name: Keshi
Appearance: a 4 inch tall Kitsen that wears tight silk clothing. He rides upon an  armored (the armor doesn’t really do anything it just is for aesthetics) hyperslug named Goto.
Guild (or intended guild): none
Personality: Keshi is an honorable warrior, or, at least, that’s how he sees himself. He’s extremely stubborn and will never go back on his word. Even though he is a spy, he doesn’t lie to get into places. In fact, he distains lying.
Concept: Keshi is a cytonic kitsen spy who was once the prince who was not prince before he self banished himself after getting his entire team killed. He rides on the hyperslug goto. He can create illusions to make himself undetectable and copy voices or sounds.
Motivation (Short & long term goal): Keshi is motivated by his shame at getting his team killed. Which is the reason he has not left Alleycity since arriving. He believes he deserves to work in this uncomfortable large city for what he has done.
Merits: major merit: cytonic ability to create illusions. Medium merits: Goto the hyper slug (allowing teleportation), espionage expertise. Minor merits: multiple small spear-like tools (actually screwdrivers), electrical equipment and hijacking devices, and can fit into small spaces.
Flaws: will not directly lie (is OK with telling half-truths), prideful, finds it hard to break promises even if he needs to.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): son of the current king who is not king. Because of self banishment he has no one from his past except for Goto.
Home Planet: Evershore
Current Residence: nomadically traveling through Alleycity 
Backstory: Keshi was born the prince who is not prince on Evershore after superiority occupation. He was one of the first cytonic kitsen born in the centuries. After finding he lacked skill in fighting, he was made a spy for the kitsen, using his hyperslug steed to sneak aboard ships and his illusions to stay hidden. On one reconnaissance mission (probably against the superiority or something IDK) he snuck onto the main ship of a small scouting group. He saw a chance to take down all the ships and, disobeying his orders, he hijacked the ship. This was a fatal mistake as this so-called “scouting group” what is an ambush. All of the other ships put up anti-cytonic bubbles. To trap and slaughter the rest of his group. before he could get caught he flew the ship out of range and teleported randomly arriving in the Alleycity. Believing he deserved this fate, he vowed to not return until he had redeemed himself.
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): he must redeem himself before he can return home to his people.


So we haven't dealt too much with cytonics still so this one may be a mod discussion. The scale tends to be a little different than what we typically permit is the main issue.



On 11/5/2023 at 5:53 AM, Koloss17 said:

Perses’ Villain Arc

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Name: Perses (based on titan of destruction and peace)

Young looking, but grizzled. Has slight scarring around his body, but mostly around his eyes, where two metal spikes are pounded through them. If he wants to be stealthy, he would wear blind glasses to hide them. However, he is not afraid to show his Hemalurgy off. He wears a dark mistcoat that he keeps perfectly clean. For those that recognize an inquisitor, he would look oddly lanky for an inquisitor.  

Guild (or intended guild): was granted Hemalurgy through the Dark Alleys, but is working to get a foothold in Alleycity’s underground without being part of any guild.
Personality: Is willing to work with others, but refuses to serve under someone. Has been traumatized by being abandoned and subjected to the Alleys within Wickwillow manor, leaving him mildly insane. He was rescued from his torment by a member of the Dark Alleys and given ambition and trust issues. Is a quick learner, and is used to violence. He hears voices guiding him on what to do and to trust no one, but doesnt know what they are or question them.

Concept: Perses has gone to the dark side, and in addition to his other skills and abilities, now with even more Breaths and both an A-Iron and A-Steel spike.

Motivation (Short & long term goal): seeks to gain a foothold in Alleycity without guild affiliation. Where he previously wanted to feel valuable, he now wants to be respected and feared.
Merits: Twinborn of A-bronze and F-tin. This allows them to reverse compound bronze and sense many magic users with relative ease. Obviously still needs bronze to store the bronze sight, but can get away with not having any with a full A-bronze tinmind. He can sense feruchemy and awakening being used, but is not experienced with other magic systems being used. 

has a healthy amount of breaths, putting him comfortably above fifth heightening. Is not very experienced with awakening, but knows how to do it. He is able to awaken and give basic commands, but has not been trained past the basics. Expect him to be able to do straightforward, but not particularly creative commands. Can store the lifesense granted by these to detect when there are others around, and can do so with extra prescision if need be.

He has recently (like around 6 months or so ago) been granted an A-Iron and A-Steel spike. He is not particularly skilled with either, and so mostly just uses them in a brutish way. However, being able to store steelsight has allowed him to sort of see for the first time in his life, and so his ability to detect where exactly anyone and anything is around him is unmatched.

He’s a fast learner, and can adapt to a fight fairly quickly. He is still not physically capable, though. When people get in close, his main inclination is to dodge, and boy can he dodge.

due to his abilities, he can decently deduce people’s affiliations and motives through interacting with them, so he has some detective’s info skills. He has however become quite biased, so he generally assumes the worst in people.

He’s learned to navigate Alleycity, but has certainly not seen everything there is. He does not know the customs or mannerisms of the vast cultures in Alleycity, and still acts somewhat like an outsider. However, as a quick learner, he can pick things up.

Flaws: Is blind, fully blind. No abound of sight storing and tapping can change it. Perses is 100% blind. This can be slightly mitigated with lifesense and bronzesense allowing for some amount of person recongnition, but doesn’t really make up for it. However, with steelsight, this weakness is mostly mitigated. However, he still can’t recognize faces, color, or any sort of detail past visible protrusions. He can now fight easier, but he’s still blind.


He knows street skills, but nothing else. He can’t read or write, and really only knows what the street has taught him. He’s good at reading people, but is no scholar by any stretch of the imagination.

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): none anymore. Had a mother, but vanished for unknown reasons when he was a teen. Has okay relations with the Dark Alleys, but no contacts or friends in it.
Home Planet: scadrial (era 2, likely outer cities)

Current Residence: somewhere in the Alleyverse, mostly wandering around. Has a residence in a secure location, but past that, doesn’t own much past what he can get from his work.

Backstory: Perses is a Scadrian from some of the outer cities about 50 or so years after era 2 of Mistborn. He’s mostly lived off of what he could get and survived alone. His dad was never around, and his mother disappeared when he was young. Very little relationships were formed, but he made do. Perses was taken advantage of quite a bit, and got into some minor crime. 

Eventually Perses got tied into a gig that was much larger than he thought it was, taking him off-world. He learned some about the Cosmere and got himself into a very peculiar situation, which ended him with about 500 breaths and basic training. 

During his time with this Cosmere-wide crime syndicate, he discovered the existence of Alleycity. A few members were thinking of going and hoped it would be a way out, and a place of new beginnings. Perses decided to join up with them, but soon after their arrival, the forgery erased them from existence.


After the events of Wickwillow Manor, he became lost within the manor, abandoned by those that accompanied him. He was subjected to the Alleys, and, with no metal reserves and no one to save him, was driven mad by the experience. He wasn’t completely mad, and has mostly recovered, with trauma and voices in his head as scars to his experience.

He was rescued by a member of the Dark Alleys, who gave him a new goal: power. He has done away with his need to fit in and belong—all that he wants now is to make the world respect him, and for it to adapt to his will.

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): deep down, he wants peace. He wants to live a normal life, and to live a happy existence where he is loved and appreciated, not for what he can do, but for who he is. However, through the various cruelties and misguided teachings of his world, he feels that only way to achieve happiness in this world is to be on top of it all. 



Presuming this is a villain other people are happy to deal with it works fine for me. Approved. 


On 11/6/2023 at 9:46 AM, Ancient Elantrian said:

Guess I should put this here:


This one fits into a trope we usually try to discourage. Lone wolf characters, especially those with the 'Oh I don't trust anyone' vibe, can be a really difficult fit in a collaborative RP like this. Can potentially allow something like this but then there needs to be a reason they would work together with other people. What ties them to others still? What keeps them grounded?


2 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Okay, I have no clue what I’m doing but, uh, here’s a character :)

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Name: Ela
Appearance: She’s short, but stands tall. She has brown hair cut to her chin, pale blue eyes, and is usually holding some small animal she picked up somewhere. 
Guild (or intended guild): I…don’t know what this is.
Personality: She usually jokes and makes fun of people, but the second someone seems to be hurting even a tiny bit she’ll get serious and make sure they know she cares.
Concept: A forgotten edgedancer.
Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term is to find people she can care about who will also care about her, long term is to find out more about herself. 
Merits: Major: 3rd ideal edgedancer. Normal: can help other characters with trauma? Normal: good at sneaking around. Minor: sarcasm :).
Flaws: She has forgotten almost everything about herself.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): She used to have a big family, but doesn’t anymore and doesn’t remember why. 
Home Planet: Roshar, nowhere specific but probably Alethi.
Current Residence: She’s currently in an inn (is that allowed), paying for it with money she brought with her from Roshar, she hasn’t been there long. 
Backstory: She’s from Roshar, and is an edgedancer, and doesn’t remember anything else. Am I allowed to leave it there until I make something up, or do I need to come up with something now?
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): …everything?

…I don’t know if that works, but I’m happy to change anything I need to.

Works wonderfully. I might suggest dialing back to a second ideal edgedancer just to give some room to grow, maybe an opportunity to swear her third oath somewhere could be found? But that's just a suggestion not a requisite.
Approved! (And yes you can be in an inn and leave backstory currently unknown, the latter is something we can be a little nervous about, but since Ela seems the very helpful sort it should still be easy for her to be involved in things.

2 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:
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Name: Arranis Reelwiron

Appearance: Youngish looking man, and short cropped hair, and Azish like, in appearance

Guild: Unknown ( I dont really know guilds)

 Personality: He is an easy going guy, that has a more relaxed view on his ideals

Motivation: Learning more about cultures, and people from around the universes 

Merits: Always wants to help people, but is more focused on the overall need of the universes, and keeping places and people safe. 

Flaws: Can seem cold to some people, as he always wants to learn, and is more focused on protecting. 

Relationships: He has had many friends, and has lost a few , and his parents are long gone.

Home Planet: Roshar

Current Residence: A tavern, that is of standard quality

Abilities: Arranis is proficient with many weapons, as well as other combat, and has amassed plenty of experience of his years. 

History: Arranis grew up on his home planet, but early on found at that the planet seemed dull to him, and he wanted to explore the wider universe in time found his way to places people could only dream of going to. When he earnt his spren, and said the ideals, he decided he was going to break the mould in which his specific order of knights were associated with, and has almost successfully broken the mould, changing his and his spren's view on the ideals, and serving a higher purpose, with more freedom. He has taken to the alleyverse, to learn more, and expand his knowledge on the places he had visited, by experiencing things first hand with people from those planets. 

Loose Ends: Can be angered quickly at points, and still has many things to learn. 

Is this good?

So the 'merits' field should include things like skills, magical abilities, etc. Noticed a spren bond (Presumably KR) was mentioned but not specified which. Would need those details added please.


Merits: Characters should have three minor merits, two normal merits and one major merit. A major merit is the defining ability of your character, what sets them apart from others. This could be being a Knight Radiant, or an expert swordsman, or a genius inventor. A normal merit is a secondary but still key skill or talent. The bread and butter skills that the character uses the most frequently after their major merit. Minor merits represent rp skills (Such as being a talented singer or musician), a lesser talent (An amateur swordfighter), or a very minor magical ability. 


7 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Name: Soynir Soxless (dont question it)

Things: he's good at finding people to do jobs, and he's honest and true with everything he does. he can fix basically anything, and gains a lot of knowledge from reading, so you can likely find him at a library, legal or illegal, he doesnt discriminate. he has a network of people if you want to find him, but you gotta pay them a decent sum before getting to him. hes an twinborn compounder, im gonna figure out what that would be at some point. not gold. and he likes to play pranks, but only when he can. 

He's a bronze compounder.

Assuming this is intended as a character submission could I get you to do the full template? It's available on the first page for future reference but I'll put a copy here.


Name: Character Name
Appearance: A brief description of your characters. Could include height, hair and eye colour, complexion, what clothes they typically wear, how they carry themselves, etc. (Eg. A haughty man in his late thirties, lazy blue eyes, black hair with a characteristic streak of grey on the left side. He dresses in old fashioned Scadrian formal-wear and has a dueling cane perpetually in hand)
Guild (or intended guild): Please include if you have any intentions of starting in a guild or joining one shortly (Can also leave as unaffiliated, or ask in the Character discussion thread if you'd like some suggestions for a guild your character may join)
Personality: Briefly describe the characters personality. How do they react to people below them? Above them? Their equals? Is there a discrepancy between their appearance and their true feelings? Or do they wear their emotions on their sleeve? What are they passionate about and what do they hate?
Concept: A short summary of what you feel the key components of the character are, ideally should be a single sentence or even only a few words. A sociopathic doctor, a bleeding-heart assassin, a dishonorable Radiant, etc.
Motivation (Short & long term goal): What is the character aiming for? What are they trying to get done this week and what are their longer term plans? Short term motivations could be as simple as finding somewhere to live or someone to talk to, long term motivations should ideally pull from the backstory and personality, and preferably tie in to their flaw.
Merits: Characters should have three minor merits, two normal merits and one major merit. A major merit is the defining ability of your character, what sets them apart from others. This could be being a Knight Radiant, or an expert swordsman, or a genius inventor. A normal merit is a secondary but still key skill or talent. The bread and butter skills that the character uses the most frequently after their major merit. Minor merits represent rp skills (Such as being a talented singer or musician), a lesser talent (An amateur swordfighter), or a very minor magical ability. 
Flaws: What problems does your character face? Do they have a physical impediment to achieving their goals? A problematic personality? Or a disadvantageous social situation? Ideally a flaw feeds into a characters long term goal, this is the thing that must be overcome in order to achieve what they are looking for.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Can be as minimal or as detailed as you wish, does your family have any family? Friends? Enemies? (These will usually be represented as flaws as well) These relationships could be NPCs or they could be other player characters, though please ensure you consult with the players in question first. Please think carefully about this section, as who the character surrounds themselves with will often influence who they are.
Home Planet: Where is your character from? Can also list a specific heritage here (Eg. Veden, Elendelian, Arelish)
Current Residence: Where does your character sleep at night? Do they rent a room somewhere (And if so how do they pay for it?), do they have a cottage, a manse, an apartment? And which district of the city have they chosen to reside in? (See our Guide to Alleycity for information about districts and existing locations)
Backstory: What has led your character to where they are? This should tie many other of these fields together, explaining their motivations and how they achieved their merits.
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): What lingering threads from their backstory still hang over the character?
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): Links to any resources you may have created for this character. Not mandatory but they are very fun to make


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5 minutes ago, Voidus said:

So a little tricky but I can approve given that it isn't super core to the character and wouldn't expect any spoilers to arrive but will need any spoilers about books still in spoiler policy periods to be marked clearly, etc.
Other than that, approved!

All spoilers, if they happen, will be clearly marked, of course. Thank you!

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Name: Arranis Reelwiron

Appearance: Youngish looking man, and short cropped hair, and Azish like, in appearance

Guild: Unknown ( I dont really know guilds)

 Personality: He is an easy going guy, that has a more relaxed view on his ideals

Motivation: Learning more about cultures, and people from around the universes 

Merits: Major: Knights Radiant (Windrunner) Normal: Scholar/Learner, Scout Minor: Some Fighting Prowess, Metallurgist, Hemalurgic Knowledge

Flaws: Can seem cold to some people, as he always wants to learn, and is more focused on protecting. 

Relationships: He has had many friends, and has lost a few , and his parents are long gone.

Home Planet: Roshar

Current Residence: A tavern, that is of standard quality

Abilities: Arranis is proficient with many weapons, as well as other combat, and has amassed plenty of experience of his years. 

History: Arranis grew up on his home planet, but early on found at that the planet seemed dull to him, and he wanted to explore the wider universe in time found his way to places people could only dream of going to. When he earnt his spren, and said the ideals, he decided he was going to break the mould in which his specific order of knights were associated with, and has almost successfully broken the mould, changing his and his spren's view on the ideals, and serving a higher purpose, with more freedom. He has taken to the alleyverse, to learn more, and expand his knowledge on the places he had visited, by experiencing things first hand with people from those planets. 

Loose Ends: Can be angered quickly at points, and still has many things to learn. 

I updated the Merits section, is it good now @Voidus

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1 hour ago, Voidus said:

This one fits into a trope we usually try to discourage. Lone wolf characters, especially those with the 'Oh I don't trust anyone' vibe, can be a really difficult fit in a collaborative RP like this. Can potentially allow something like this but then there needs to be a reason they would work together with other people. What ties them to others still? What keeps them grounded?


He still works with people, he’s smart enough to know that he has to. He also really doesn’t want to disappoint people. He isn’t a lone wolf, but he is more introverted. He doesn’t trust people that easily, it’s really hard for him, but he still works with them.

Does that make any sense? And does that work?


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2 hours ago, Voidus said:

Works wonderfully. I might suggest dialing back to a second ideal edgedancer just to give some room to grow, maybe an opportunity to swear her third oath somewhere could be found? But that's just a suggestion not a requisite.
Approved! (And yes you can be in an inn and leave backstory currently unknown, the latter is something we can be a little nervous about, but since Ela seems the very helpful sort it should still be easy for her to be involved in things.

Okay, I think I probably will change it to 2nd ideal then. Thanks!

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