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2 hours ago, Ookla the Quark said:

Is your character interested in gaining sight?

If you’re talking in the literal sense, not really. He’s lived his life blind, and he’s made do. While I’m sure it would make things easier for him, it’s not what he came here for. 

metaphorically speaking, he’s open to it. While he is by no means a scholar, he’s well aware that knowledge is valuable, and that those with the most of it end up on top.

Edited by Ookla the Headmuncher
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On 11/28/2022 at 3:06 AM, Ookla the Headmuncher said:

Hey folks! I just got started here, and my character is looking for work. The forgery kind of wrote out all of the people that he came here with, and he’s in need of work. My character is a A-bronze F-steel twinborn that has a few breaths on them. He’s not a fantastic fighter, but is a decent shot. All he’s known is a fighting and thieving life, but is interested in being a part of something greater. He’s slightly familiar with Alleycity, but not severely. What’s a place where he would go to get something going? A guild perhaps? A crew of some sort?

Well if he's not quite ready to give up that thief life @ZincAboutIt is going to be starting up a heist in a haunted house soon I believe. There were a few characters who have expressed interest already so may be a good jumping in point.

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1 hour ago, Voidus said:

Well if he's not quite ready to give up that thief life @ZincAboutIt is going to be starting up a heist in a haunted house soon I believe. There were a few characters who have expressed interest already so may be a good jumping in point.

If the crew could use the utility that he could provide, Perses would be open to the prospect. He is not thrilled about crime without a more pure goal in mind, but is used to that lifestyle. If there is potential allies to gain and reputation to earn, Perses could be interested.

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5 hours ago, Ookla the Headmuncher said:

If the crew could use the utility that he could provide, Perses would be open to the prospect. He is not thrilled about crime without a more pure goal in mind, but is used to that lifestyle. If there is potential allies to gain and reputation to earn, Perses could be interested.

It’s an interesting “heist” plot in that it’s not technically a crime job, but it’s a job that will require heist skills. Basically someone will be paying people to crack her own house maze to find an important object at the center. So not crime but feels like crime. Win-win.

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9 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

It’s an interesting “heist” plot in that it’s not technically a crime job, but it’s a job that will require heist skills. Basically someone will be paying people to crack her own house maze to find an important object at the center. So not crime but feels like crime. Win-win.

Well, I think he’s totally be up to it. How much do we want to RP? (And also since I’m new here, where?)

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Headmuncher said:

Well, I think he’s totally be up to it. How much do we want to RP? (And also since I’m new here, where?)

Hi there! I shall tag you in the OP of my little plot. I just started it last night at an inadvisably late hour. As far as how much I want to RP, well, the answer is always all the time. So :P Don’t worry about me. How much do you want to? 

Also, welcome!

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On 19.12.2022 at 9:02 PM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Does anyone want to steal the motivator from Technotic's shop? I'm kinda at a loss of what to do next.

Sorry, for the late reply, only saw that now. Holidays and a closed child care kept me pretty busy. If you still need someone, I could do it. If not, that's perfectly fine. Just figured I can offer some help in case you're still stuck. ^_^

Edited by Sorana
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3 hours ago, Sorana said:

Sorry, for the late reply, only saw that now. Holidays and a closed child care kept me pretty busy. If you still need someone, I could do it. If not, that's perfectly fine. Just figured I can offer some help in case you're still stuck. ^_^

It would be great, the point where it has to happen by is at least 10 posts in the future. It is hidden in a safe in Demaren's backroom workshop, where a machine is currently weaving something.

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15 hours ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

It would be great, the point where it has to happen by is at least 10 posts in the future. It is hidden in a safe in Demaren's backroom workshop, where a machine is currently weaving something.

Will those posts happen in the Technotic Shop, or can you maybe tag me when you'd like for the motivator to be stolen?

And you have a preferece regarding PC or NPC? I can write both depending on what works best for you.

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8 hours ago, Sorana said:

Will those posts happen in the Technotic Shop, or can you maybe tag me when you'd like for the motivator to be stolen?

And you have a preferece regarding PC or NPC? I can write both depending on what works best for you.

Any theft posts would be in Technotic's shop, and now would be great, I can work in a specific timeline once Balance is out of the Metallurgic Emporium. I would prefer that at the very least the thief is hired by a PC, for whatever reason, but the thief can be an NPC. I want to have Balance hunt it down as well, so maybe a set up for a trap? I functionally need someone to be the antagonist equivalent to Balance.

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28 minutes ago, Stormlightsong said:

how far away is the alleys from mistkeep?

So, this has a weird answer, but technically plenty of Alleys empty out into Mistkeep. But finding someone who can recruit you by simply wandering into an Alley is very difficult and dangerous. It’s much more likely to come across someone who would snatch you up for experimenting or something even less savory. So your character is welcome to do this, but they will be wandering through a series of random, largely empty but potentially hostile alleyways and *maybe* finding someone to talk to. 

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10 hours ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Any theft posts would be in Technotic's shop, and now would be great, I can work in a specific timeline once Balance is out of the Metallurgic Emporium. I would prefer that at the very least the thief is hired by a PC, for whatever reason, but the thief can be an NPC. I want to have Balance hunt it down as well, so maybe a set up for a trap? I functionally need someone to be the antagonist equivalent to Balance.

Alright. In that case I'll use a PC. I'll convert the character sheet to E6 and will post as soon as a mod looked him over.

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11 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

So, this has a weird answer, but technically plenty of Alleys empty out into Mistkeep. But finding someone who can recruit you by simply wandering into an Alley is very difficult and dangerous. It’s much more likely to come across someone who would snatch you up for experimenting or something even less savory. So your character is welcome to do this, but they will be wandering through a series of random, largely empty but potentially hostile alleyways and *maybe* finding someone to talk to. 

my character is reckless enough to do this and trust me they can take care of themself


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On 18.1.2023 at 8:30 PM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

It is in a wall safe in the backroom, where Demaren's lab is. A machine is in the middle of weaving something in that same room, if that helps

It does. If my descriptions of some details aren't what you had in mind, let me know and then I'll edit.

And if you need some ideas/ input about how to find Mike then we can chat about that, of course. He's still close as I wasn't sure how you'd like to go on.

Edited by Sorana
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12 hours ago, Sorana said:

Mike wrapped his thin coat tight around his body, his hands covered in thin gloves and bit on his lower lip in thought. He was cold, but he kept his hands near his body to make sure his fingers would stay quick and flexibel. Ever since the world had changed he had been hanging in the air, without a real place to go. His gang had disbanded, or never existed, he wasn't quite sure which of it, and in the end he found that he didn't really care. He wasn't homeless and he still had his contacts throughout the city. Some were different people than before, but they still worked the same way and he knew their quirks. Who cared about faces anyway.

And so here he was. Standing outside a shop selling weird stuff, watching as someone switched the lights off and closed the door. That was good. Nobody expected a thief during the day. Because the sun was shining and light made it hard to hide. But what most people didn't know, was that you could hide as easily during daylight than you could in the dark With the right clothing, you were able to vanish admist a crowd of people in a second. With the right posture you belonged to those around you, you vanished because they saw you and didn't see you at the same time. Because you were exactly as they expected you to be. Nothing more, but another nameless face in a nameless crowd. Nothing more but a part of the setting of their life.

He walked towards the door, knocked and then lowered his hands towards the knob. He tried to turn it around, but it didn't move and he nodded a little to himself. He had to be careful. Maybe there were some other security meassures in place. Maybe there weren't. He lifted his right hand to knock again, while his left hand reached into his pocket and took out his tools. He took a small step back and looked at the lock, then shifted his body a little to cover what he was doing. Quickly he inserted his picklocks and moved them around until he could feel the first bolt. It took him a little while, the lock was of good quality and he had to start again at one point. But then he heared a soft click and was able to push the door open.

"Thank you." he said loudly and pulled up his scarf to cover most of his face before he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He was greeted by a clean room, with a few chairs and a large semicircular desk. On the desk were some tools he couldn't quite place, but he only gave them a short glance. He wasn't here for the tools, or the schematics, or the fabrials this shop seemed to sell. With some luck the owner would notice that he had been here for a while. He paused for a moment, looked through the room to ensure that he knew the location of the windows and doors.

Go to the shop, there is a lab in one of the rooms in the back. There is a safe hidden somewhere. Steal the motivator you'll find inside.

His client's instructions were short, but they would be enough. And maybe - Mike moved his eyes over some of the fabrials and he considered to take one of them, too. He could sell them in a few days. But no, the more he took, the easier it would be to detect that he had been here. He walked over to a door on the other side of the room and opened it. Behind it was a laboratory, full of complicated looking tools and half finished projects. In the middle of the room was a machine weaving something, the room filled with it's quiet regular noise. In awe he looked at a hand made of metal and wires. If it worked it would be like one of the robots in the movies Alask had loved so much. Feeling a little sorry for robbing someone who was able to create such wonderful things he reached into his small backpack and took out a litte device with a wire attached on one end. It gave a slight buzz when he moved it along the floors, looking for a larger source of metal that might indicate a safe. He found one in a wall close to a corner and packed his device away again. He moved his hands over the surface in front of him and felt a little gap, carefully hidden admist the structure of the wall. There. He pushed and a part the wall moved aside, letting him see a safe. With a satisfied smile he reached into his pocket again and took out an ear trumpet. He wasn't the most skilled when it came to safes, but he hoped that he had enough time to open it quietly. He closed his eyes and pressed his ear with the trumpet against the safe, silently cursing the machine for its annoying backnoise. Slowly he turned the first wheel, waited for the soft noise that would announce the right number. Nothing. Gritting his teeth in frustration he took a deep breath and then tried again. This time he heard a very soft noise, just as the machine made a short break and was quiet for a moment. He continued and then, finally was able to pull the door of the safe open and look inside. The motivator was easy to spot and he smiled in satisfaction as he looked for some kind of alarm system before he took it out.

Quickly he stowed it in his backpack and then closed the door of the safe again, moved the little wheels to the same numbers they had displayed before. Then he pushed the button again and the wall closed, hid the safe from view, before he headed towards the door, pausing only a short moment next to the hand. It looked really, really cool. If he could steer it from a distance he could steal things without stepping into the house. Podering about that possibility, he left the lab, without noticing, that when he walked past a table, a few sheets of paper gently flew down towards the floor. He closed the door of the lab and then left the shop again, quickly looking up and down the street. The man, two houses down the road was the same one than before and so he didn't take the time to lock the front door again, as it would be suspicious if he stayed too long this time. He couldn't pretend to wait for someone to answer his knocks of a shop he'd just visited. That didn't make any sense. Instead he turned to the right and kept his pace even, normal, as he walked back towards the Univeristy District. There he would place a little note with the barkeep of the Failed Exam. And then he would hand this thing over and receive his money and focus on his next job. Mike moved towards one of the larger streets, careful to appear at ease and relaxed.


Most of the details are fine, except what the machine is weaving. It is weaving a bodysuit out of a black cloth and wires. That's on me, I should have stated that before. I like the idea of a machine in the middle making a robotic limb, but it would be a leg and foot. The weaving machine would be off to the side, with the assembler in the middle.

As for finding Mike, the motivator has a tracking device, and Balance will be able to locate it once he recovers. With the way things are going currently, Mike will have about a twelve hour head start. Balance will sense the motivator, try to go after it, then collapse, his body shutting him down for recovery for a few hours.

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On 23.1.2023 at 0:17 AM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Most of the details are fine, except what the machine is weaving. It is weaving a bodysuit out of a black cloth and wires. That's on me, I should have stated that before. I like the idea of a machine in the middle making a robotic limb, but it would be a leg and foot. The weaving machine would be off to the side, with the assembler in the middle.

As for finding Mike, the motivator has a tracking device, and Balance will be able to locate it once he recovers. With the way things are going currently, Mike will have about a twelve hour head start. Balance will sense the motivator, try to go after it, then collapse, his body shutting him down for recovery for a few hours.


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