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4 minutes ago, Longshot97 said:

Sorry for the late reply, I got ridiculously busy for a time.

Ah, that makes sense.

That sounds nice! So long as you're definitely open to it, I would love to.

Part of Eighth's character is that he (tries to) eschew modernity in every sense. This extends to a distrust of technology, hence why he utilizes deceptively simple tools, or else items that seem outright magical. So it could be interesting to have him deal with someone very much "modern." That could translate to a varvax in an exosuit, a Scadrian in a fine suit, or anyone overtly advanced/tech-ey.

For such a diverse list as Eighth needs, someone with a fabricator mechanism would be best. So, this NPC should probably be a very technologically advanced character. In my head, he acts condescending towards Eighth's "primitive" appearance and requests, but that's just me. You're kind of the NPC expert

Okay! I’ll mock something up. Do you want the scene to start with me setting the scene of the shop and the NPC?

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On 6/13/2024 at 9:44 AM, Koloss17 said:

Okay! I’ll mock something up. Do you want the scene to start with me setting the scene of the shop and the NPC?

Yes, please. That would be helpful.

EDIT 06/14/2024:

As you can see, I wrote an essay's worth of background description, but had no idea how to engage in dialogue. Please help.

Edited by Longshot97
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Hey all. I am new to the Alleyverse and am trying to find some folks to meet up with and perhaps work with. My character is Tomvi or Tom for short:


Tomvi Amidate character sheet: 


Tomvi Amidate (Tom for short) 

Tomvi is 24 years old and is a working man from Scadrial. Slightly gray skin tone indicating that his height and size are from kolossblood. Just over 6 and a half foot tall by Scadrial standards and about 300lbs. Dresses like a working man from the early 1900s. Slacks with suspenders and a shirt that buttons up with sleeves rolled up to just beneath the elbows. He dresses better when employed and will occasionally put on a vest when he feels it is appropriate. He doesn't like shoes and has big feet. He has a closely trimmed beard and likes to wear a newsboy cap. His eyes are a bright gray color. He wears bendalloy armbands and rings when he can which would nod to himself being a ferring.   

Currently looking for work. Accepts all payments but will work for less if it is in the form of bendalloy. 

Tom is casually reckless and gullible. He has a bit of a dry personality and has ever since learning he is doomed and there is nothing he can do about it. Where his sense of humor can vary from that is as he sees the reaction on peoples faces when he should be dead. After being shot 8 times and suffering no lasting damage or pain, he has embraced his future in a casual and nonchalantly optimistic way. He likes laughing at himself more than anything and is happy to talk to anyone about almost anything. 

Concept: A bendalloy addict who doesn't want to die, but cant die, but is devastated because he knows he is going to die. He knows how he is going to die and would like to pull as much joy out of life before that happens as possible while extending that life as long as possible. 

Motivation (Short & long term goal): 
While he would love to get answers from the little old mad scientist dude and perhaps enact some form of revenge, Tom really just wants to live. Sadly this turns him into an addict. He does what he has to do to get the bendalloy to maintain his way of life. He seems desperate to feel as much as he can with the time he has left. Short term is always get the bendalloy and not die. Long term would be to find the guy who did this to him! 

Minor merits: 
Bendalloy Feruchemy
Mostly dry, sometimes morbid, sense of humor 
Normal merits:
Was a contender for amateur kickboxing championship (non powered  division) 
Bendalloy Allomancy
Major merit:
Roseite Aether Spore Eater. 

Major flaw stems from the Major Merit. Spore Eater. Drives him into an addiction and requires an absurd amount of bendalloy. He is also a glutton and loves food. Keeping in shape leads to some wasted bendalloy which exacerbates his addiction. 
Tom is rash and gullible if if there is a chance he can get  bendalloy. He is a bit of a daredevil and will take on physical challenges and bets all the time for some bendalloy. (If prompted he would gladly jump off a two or three story building, trusting in his aether spore and kolossblood to spare his life for a nugget of bendalloy.) 
He wants to live and views the alley verse as the best way to do that, but at what cost?

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): 
Tom is very new to this world. His family is all back on Scadrial and he sees no way back at this point. Being an addict his first priority is find a source of bendalloy. The “friends” will appear as they do naturally in his search for a steady stream of his bendalloy. 
If asked about his family he would probably note that they are good people and were very supportive of his dreams. His last conversation with them was about the arts of compounding. He has found himself in a bit of a hole and is still coming to terms with the fact that his lifespan was cut short. 

Home Planet: 
Scadrial. His mother was a Kolossblooded Ferring. His father was a Misting. He was born and raised on stories of the great Lawkeepers and Allomancer Jak. His was the time when Kolossblood was still shunned. 

Current Residence: 
Currently homeless and looking for a place or group to latch onto in trade of bendalloy.

 I will include a scene for this. Long story short… He was down on his luck and volunteered for an experimental drug trial specifically for bendalloy ferrings. Turns out the doctor running the trial gave him a roseite aether spore (and others who were unsuccessfully infected). He was blessed to survive long enough to find out he was for sure going to die from this. The doctor wants to see how long Tom will last. The doctor did not know about Tom’s bendalloy allomancy. Compounding should buy Tom years. 

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): 
Who was the doctor. What is aether? How aggressive will the aether get? Could Tomvi hit a plateau and live a normal life minus the need for wealth and constant need for bendalloy? 

Here is a fun couple of scenes to act as a flashback of his backstory and entrance into the Alleyverse! 


  “Well I think you have had enough for the night don’t you?” Tom put his hand on the shoulder of the inebriated thug.
      “Why don’t you shut your mouth before I shut it for you?” The man stood up and glared back at Tomvi. Tomvi wasn’t a small man. In fact, he was a big man. He stood a full head taller than the drunk man and must have easily doubled him in weight. The only people who would stand so boldly against a kolossblooded bouncer were metalborn. Tom saw the mans eyes change and figured the man must have started burning his metal, a pewterarm no doubt. 
      “No. Please. Don’t do it.” Tom let the words fall out of his mouth in a flat and monotonous way. “Look, we really don't have to do this. You know you’ve had a few too many as well as I do. Just go and sleep it off and come back to-” The words were muted as the man swung a pewter enhanced fist at Tom. It connected squarely at his jaw. Tom’s pain set in just before the thugs fist landed. He could always feel the infection grow to save him. The pain was that of thousands of tiny cuts as the roseite grew and formed it’s protective shield. This time it was at his jawline. This pewterarm knew how to throw hands. Too bad for him the Aether spore that was trying desperately to kill Tomvi also worked desperately to keep him safe. 
     “What the… what are you?” The thug pulled his fist back looking between it and the jagged bed of roseite crystals that had grown as a carapace over Tomvi’s jaw. The thug’s fist was slightly deformed and dripping blood. His words were shaky and slurred. The fire that had been in his eyes faded as he stopped burning his pewter and realized there was no further scene to be made. The people outside of the time bubble were nearly frozen still. Tom just nodded his head in agreement and understanding to the man’s unspoken surrender. The drunk pewterarm hugged his mangled hand to his chest as Tom dropped the bendalloy bubble and escorted him off the premises.           “Sorry Tom. I guess I probably am due to be done and take a nap.” 
     “Go home and sleep Bill. There will be plenty of time for drinking tomorrow.” Tom sat down at his seat near the door and grabbed his glass of water to try to quench his thirst. He grabbed hold of his sandwich and cursed the memory of the man who doomed him. 

— — — — — Nearly 6 months previous — — — — — 

      “Are you sure this is safe?” Tom looked up from the strange capsule that the doctor had handed him. 
      “Of course I am not sure it is safe. Was there any part of the word experimental that didnt make sense to you?” 
     The ad the doctor was speaking of had caught Tomvi by surprise. Growing up he had always been ashamed of his powers. Not the bendalloy allomancy, but the bendalloy feruchemy. His mother was a rare breed of a kolossblooded ferring and his father was an allomancer. While Tom credited his father for his allomantic powers and his parents liked to tell him how rare compounders were, he never saw his ferring powers as anything other than an embarrassment. But then it happened. One day in the paper was an add asking for the help of any and all bendalloy ferrings out there. Part of Tom thought this doctor must be crazy to think that his feruchemical power could set him apart from anyone else, but here he was and this crazy old fool was offering a years salary just to get a useless bendalloy ferring to take a pill? 
Tomvi thought about how dumb he was to have bet on himself in his last fight. He had been climbing the ranks in the kickboxing world fast. His blood was just diluted enough to be allowed to fight in human rings but he knew for a fact that guy cheated. Noone could move that fast without help. Tom suspected a hidden steelmind but it was futile to argue it now. He needed to pay back Jimmy before he would ever see the inside of another ring. And this was a quick and easy way to do it. So Tom tossed back the pill despite the weird pink powder and took a big swig of water. 
      The doctor did something that almost certainly should have been a red flag then. The little old man wheeled out a large glass frame and stood behind it before picking up his clipboard and pen. Tom could see old drops of blood on the glass and started to have some second thoughts. Just then he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He winced and the old doctor flinched as if he expected something horrible to happen. Then Tom felt fine… in a really weird way. The pain seemed to become much more mild and almost a tingling sensation started to spread throughout his body. 
      “Fascinating!” said the doctor. The small man then pulled out a pistol and shot Tom. 
      “Wait!” Tom shouted over the sound of the gunshot. The pain came back and he was certain he had been shot. 
       “Oh relax,” said the doctor. “It was just an arm. It’s not like I would shoot you in the face for our first experiment. Now on a scale of one to ten how thirsty are you?” 
      Tomvi reached up to touch his arm. There was no bullet hole. There was hardly any blood at all and as he looked down he noticed a crumpled up shard of metal on the ground beneath him. “What did you do to me?” 
The old doctor chuckled and shot him again. Again the feeling of thousands of needles stabbing him welled up in his chest and he saw a cluster of pink crystals turn to dust as another crumpled up bullet landed on the ground in front of him. Strangely, he did feel thirsty. The old man shot at him again, this time aiming for his head. The pain welled up and he felt the pressure of a push against his head where the bullet struck the next chunk of crystal. As pieces of crystal were blown off they would turn to dust and as soon as the bullet was done being a threat the crystal shield that was growing would turn to dust. 
      Tom did feel thirsty. He reached out with his mind to the bendalloy band he wore around his upper arm. He tapped it and allowed his stored hydration to satiate his thirst. The add had specified that any ferring who wanted to take part in the drug trial should come with a filled metalmind. 
A series of bangs rang out again and Tomvi had had enough. He lunged at the old man and seized the gun out of his hands. The doctor laughed, “Well fat lot of good that will do you. Its empty now. Not good for anything other than to weigh down some papers. Marvelous isn’t it?” 
     It took everything Tom had in him to not punch the little man in his little face. “What kind of bad alloy are you anyway? What in Harmony’s name have you done to me?” 
    The little doctor choked out a response. “You are the first spore eater of your planet. When I heard there were people who could store nutrition and hydration I just had to test it out. Here read the pamphlet.” The man pulled a paper out of his coat pocket and held it out to Tom. 
    Tom took the pamphlet and read all about how he was now infected with a piece of “Aether Spore” that would do everything in its power to stop him from dying so long as he feeds it water. Tomvi’s mind was flooded with the possibilities and then he saw the fine print at the bottom. He had to read it out loud to ensure his eyes weren't lying. “Being a spore eater is, as of yet, 100% fatal after some time but until that dreadful day enjoy your life!” 
    Tom dropped the paper and looked around ready to strangle the little old mad scientist who had doomed him. The man was nowhere to be seen. Only a sack full of money and note were left on the table that read: 
    This will undoubtedly go down as one of the greatest scientific leaps of its time and you have been a great part of it. As I am sure you have read the average lifespan for spore eaters is barely a year. But I expect that your ability to drink and store said hydration should buy you nearly double that time! I would very much appreciate you coming back here for a follow up appointment in 6 months. Thank you again for your time and service in the name of science! (Attached to the note was a business card with a written time and date of his next appointment) 

    — — — — — Present — — — — — 

    Tom’s mind returned to the bar as he raised his empty glass up to his mouth. He looked at the clock and realized it was nearly closing time. In just 12 short hours he would have that little mad man to answer for his crime. Becoming a spore eater had taken everything from him. Not only was he doomed to dying young but he had been banned from fighting ever again. His dreams of being a champion were dashed the first time a sparring companion broke their hand on his face and his countering leg kick proved too devastating. The spore even saw his kicks and punches as threats and would grow the crystalline structures around his strikes making each hit like a stone. 
    While he couldnt fight in the ring for money anymore he did make for an excellent bouncer. Over the last months Tomvi learned that he couldn’t grow any of this aether of his own free will but he had learned to direct the way it grew. Most of the time he would prefer it to grow as a flat piece of armor but against a drunk pewter arm he knew he needed to inflict some pain to entice them to stop trying early on. 
    Of course the amount of water he needed to feed the infection was going up all the time, and Tom could feel himself nearly always a little bit thirsty, he did admit to himself that the little doctor must have been right. His bendalloy metalminds seemed to hold plenty of water. And he as luck would have it he had spoken with his mother about what exactly it meant to be a compounder. While the little guy may have hoped and calculated a couple extra years, so long as Tom had bendalloy he would be able to compound out ten times that much. 
    As his mind started to drift again into thoughts of revenge he saw something strange across the street from the bar. It didnt look exactly like a time bubble but it didnt look right either. Tom shouted out to the owner of the bar that he would be right back. The Kolossblooed, bendalloy compounder bounded across the rainy street in the dark and approached the anomaly in the alleyway. As he reached out to try and touch the curtain of distortion he was drawn into it…. And spit out into the other side. He hit the ground and it was light out. No longer the early am hours but it appeared to be early afternoon. He spun around and found himself facing only a brick wall. Where exactly was he? He stepped out of the alley and felt oh so out of place. 
      Here he was, a 6 foot 8 inch tall, 300lb man with gray eyes and ever so slightly blue-gray skin, stepping out into a bustling clean city street from what must be the future. Nevermind that he was staring at things that he could never have dreamed up. Nevermind people were actively walking across the street to avoid being near him. Here he was, surely appearing homeless with no shoes, wearing old dirty pants, a worn out shirt with even older suspenders, a newsboys cap… of all of that. The worst part of it was that he only had a single metalmind with him and he was already starting to feel thirsty again. 

A picture of Tomvi provided by me feeding a great description into a totally average AI haha. 20240615_174134.thumb.jpg.1e1700e2211ac082489ee0be9a1bea75.jpg


Anyway. I am a bit torn as to where I want him to appear in the Alleyverse. After looking over my brief description of his entrance I think he is coming out into a district that is modernized with some form of modern transportation beyond his era back on Scadrial (He probably went through the portal shortly before the first airships appeared in the basin (Bands of Mourning timeframe). His primary goal is to earn the money to buy some bendalloy... and of course find someone who could supply that. He is currently not in a great mood as his clock is ticking and as much as he needs bendalloy he is a nervous eater, a happy eater, and just in general a total gluten. The man desperately needs a sandwich and some metal to burn. Likely in a vulnerable mood to any who may find use for a desperate 6'8' 300+lb bruiser.  

Any other useful tips to find some RP partners would be great. Or even any good NPCs you can suggest for me to dive into some solo story telling. 


Side note about Tom:

I couldn't think of a single theme song for him. Because he is such a big dude and I want him to be a joy to RP with and not just a brooding loner, but I need to empathize with his plot in life. So there are 2 sides of this man based on how he is doing on the day. When he has what he needs (bendalloy) he is calm and laid back and his sense of humor is a lot more fun to be around. (Song: Amos Moses by Jerry Reed. Amos Moses - Jerry Reed (youtube.com )

However a happy and satiated addict is still an addict. Just like the aether spore inside of him... the thirst will always return. When the memories of his shortened lifespan hit and or he is low on that metal that allows him to compound his hydration, he becomes a different guy. Reckless and moody. (Song: Reckless by Seth Anthony (98) Seth Anthony - Reckless - (Official Music Video) - YouTube )

Edited by Tamriel Wolfsbaine
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6 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Hey all. I am new to the Alleyverse and am trying to find some folks to meet up with and perhaps work with. My character is Tomvi or Tom for short:

  Hide contents

Tomvi Amidate character sheet: 

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  Hide contents

Tomvi Amidate (Tom for short) 

Tomvi is 24 years old and is a working man from Scadrial. Slightly gray skin tone indicating that his height and size are from kolossblood. Just over 6 and a half foot tall by Scadrial standards and about 300lbs. Dresses like a working man from the early 1900s. Slacks with suspenders and a shirt that buttons up with sleeves rolled up to just beneath the elbows. He dresses better when employed and will occasionally put on a vest when he feels it is appropriate. He doesn't like shoes and has big feet. He has a closely trimmed beard and likes to wear a newsboy cap. His eyes are a bright gray color. He wears bendalloy armbands and rings when he can which would nod to himself being a ferring.   

Currently looking for work. Accepts all payments but will work for less if it is in the form of bendalloy. 

Tom is casually reckless and gullible. He has a bit of a dry personality and has ever since learning he is doomed and there is nothing he can do about it. Where his sense of humor can vary from that is as he sees the reaction on peoples faces when he should be dead. After being shot 8 times and suffering no lasting damage or pain, he has embraced his future in a casual and nonchalantly optimistic way. He likes laughing at himself more than anything and is happy to talk to anyone about almost anything. 

Concept: A bendalloy addict who doesn't want to die, but cant die, but is devastated because he knows he is going to die. He knows how he is going to die and would like to pull as much joy out of life before that happens as possible while extending that life as long as possible. 

Motivation (Short & long term goal): 
While he would love to get answers from the little old mad scientist dude and perhaps enact some form of revenge, Tom really just wants to live. Sadly this turns him into an addict. He does what he has to do to get the bendalloy to maintain his way of life. He seems desperate to feel as much as he can with the time he has left. Short term is always get the bendalloy and not die. Long term would be to find the guy who did this to him! 

Minor merits: 
Bendalloy Feruchemy
Mostly dry, sometimes morbid, sense of humor 
Normal merits:
Was a contender for amateur kickboxing championship (non powered  division) 
Bendalloy Allomancy
Major merit:
Roseite Aether Spore Eater. 

Major flaw stems from the Major Merit. Spore Eater. Drives him into an addiction and requires an absurd amount of bendalloy. He is also a glutton and loves food. Keeping in shape leads to some wasted bendalloy which exacerbates his addiction. 
Tom is rash and gullible if if there is a chance he can get  bendalloy. He is a bit of a daredevil and will take on physical challenges and bets all the time for some bendalloy. (If prompted he would gladly jump off a two or three story building, trusting in his aether spore and kolossblood to spare his life for a nugget of bendalloy.) 
He wants to live and views the alley verse as the best way to do that, but at what cost?

Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): 
Tom is very new to this world. His family is all back on Scadrial and he sees no way back at this point. Being an addict his first priority is find a source of bendalloy. The “friends” will appear as they do naturally in his search for a steady stream of his bendalloy. 
If asked about his family he would probably note that they are good people and were very supportive of his dreams. His last conversation with them was about the arts of compounding. He has found himself in a bit of a hole and is still coming to terms with the fact that his lifespan was cut short. 

Home Planet: 
Scadrial. His mother was a Kolossblooded Ferring. His father was a Misting. He was born and raised on stories of the great Lawkeepers and Allomancer Jak. His was the time when Kolossblood was still shunned. 

Current Residence: 
Currently homeless and looking for a place or group to latch onto in trade of bendalloy.

 I will include a scene for this. Long story short… He was down on his luck and volunteered for an experimental drug trial specifically for bendalloy ferrings. Turns out the doctor running the trial gave him a roseite aether spore (and others who were unsuccessfully infected). He was blessed to survive long enough to find out he was for sure going to die from this. The doctor wants to see how long Tom will last. The doctor did not know about Tom’s bendalloy allomancy. Compounding should buy Tom years. 

Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): 
Who was the doctor. What is aether? How aggressive will the aether get? Could Tomvi hit a plateau and live a normal life minus the need for wealth and constant need for bendalloy? 

Here is a fun couple of scenes to act as a flashback of his backstory and entrance into the Alleyverse! 

  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

  “Well I think you have had enough for the night don’t you?” Tom put his hand on the shoulder of the inebriated thug.
      “Why don’t you shut your mouth before I shut it for you?” The man stood up and glared back at Tomvi. Tomvi wasn’t a small man. In fact, he was a big man. He stood a full head taller than the drunk man and must have easily doubled him in weight. The only people who would stand so boldly against a kolossblooded bouncer were metalborn. Tom saw the mans eyes change and figured the man must have started burning his metal, a pewterarm no doubt. 
      “No. Please. Don’t do it.” Tom let the words fall out of his mouth in a flat and monotonous way. “Look, we really don't have to do this. You know you’ve had a few too many as well as I do. Just go and sleep it off and come back to-” The words were muted as the man swung a pewter enhanced fist at Tom. It connected squarely at his jaw. Tom’s pain set in just before the thugs fist landed. He could always feel the infection grow to save him. The pain was that of thousands of tiny cuts as the roseite grew and formed it’s protective shield. This time it was at his jawline. This pewterarm knew how to throw hands. Too bad for him the Aether spore that was trying desperately to kill Tomvi also worked desperately to keep him safe. 
     “What the… what are you?” The thug pulled his fist back looking between it and the jagged bed of roseite crystals that had grown as a carapace over Tomvi’s jaw. The thug’s fist was slightly deformed and dripping blood. His words were shaky and slurred. The fire that had been in his eyes faded as he stopped burning his pewter and realized there was no further scene to be made. The people outside of the time bubble were nearly frozen still. Tom just nodded his head in agreement and understanding to the man’s unspoken surrender. The drunk pewterarm hugged his mangled hand to his chest as Tom dropped the bendalloy bubble and escorted him off the premises.           “Sorry Tom. I guess I probably am due to be done and take a nap.” 
     “Go home and sleep Bill. There will be plenty of time for drinking tomorrow.” Tom sat down at his seat near the door and grabbed his glass of water to try to quench his thirst. He grabbed hold of his sandwich and cursed the memory of the man who doomed him. 

— — — — — Nearly 6 months previous — — — — — 

      “Are you sure this is safe?” Tom looked up from the strange capsule that the doctor had handed him. 
      “Of course I am not sure it is safe. Was there any part of the word experimental that didnt make sense to you?” 
     The ad the doctor was speaking of had caught Tomvi by surprise. Growing up he had always been ashamed of his powers. Not the bendalloy allomancy, but the bendalloy feruchemy. His mother was a rare breed of a kolossblooded ferring and his father was an allomancer. While Tom credited his father for his allomantic powers and his parents liked to tell him how rare compounders were, he never saw his ferring powers as anything other than an embarrassment. But then it happened. One day in the paper was an add asking for the help of any and all bendalloy ferrings out there. Part of Tom thought this doctor must be crazy to think that his feruchemical power could set him apart from anyone else, but here he was and this crazy old fool was offering a years salary just to get a useless bendalloy ferring to take a pill? 
Tomvi thought about how dumb he was to have bet on himself in his last fight. He had been climbing the ranks in the kickboxing world fast. His blood was just diluted enough to be allowed to fight in human rings but he knew for a fact that guy cheated. Noone could move that fast without help. Tom suspected a hidden steelmind but it was futile to argue it now. He needed to pay back Jimmy before he would ever see the inside of another ring. And this was a quick and easy way to do it. So Tom tossed back the pill despite the weird pink powder and took a big swig of water. 
      The doctor did something that almost certainly should have been a red flag then. The little old man wheeled out a large glass frame and stood behind it before picking up his clipboard and pen. Tom could see old drops of blood on the glass and started to have some second thoughts. Just then he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He winced and the old doctor flinched as if he expected something horrible to happen. Then Tom felt fine… in a really weird way. The pain seemed to become much more mild and almost a tingling sensation started to spread throughout his body. 
      “Fascinating!” said the doctor. The small man then pulled out a pistol and shot Tom. 
      “Wait!” Tom shouted over the sound of the gunshot. The pain came back and he was certain he had been shot. 
       “Oh relax,” said the doctor. “It was just an arm. It’s not like I would shoot you in the face for our first experiment. Now on a scale of one to ten how thirsty are you?” 
      Tomvi reached up to touch his arm. There was no bullet hole. There was hardly any blood at all and as he looked down he noticed a crumpled up shard of metal on the ground beneath him. “What did you do to me?” 
The old doctor chuckled and shot him again. Again the feeling of thousands of needles stabbing him welled up in his chest and he saw a cluster of pink crystals turn to dust as another crumpled up bullet landed on the ground in front of him. Strangely, he did feel thirsty. The old man shot at him again, this time aiming for his head. The pain welled up and he felt the pressure of a push against his head where the bullet struck the next chunk of crystal. As pieces of crystal were blown off they would turn to dust and as soon as the bullet was done being a threat the crystal shield that was growing would turn to dust. 
      Tom did feel thirsty. He reached out with his mind to the bendalloy band he wore around his upper arm. He tapped it and allowed his stored hydration to satiate his thirst. The add had specified that any ferring who wanted to take part in the drug trial should come with a filled metalmind. 
A series of bangs rang out again and Tomvi had had enough. He lunged at the old man and seized the gun out of his hands. The doctor laughed, “Well fat lot of good that will do you. Its empty now. Not good for anything other than to weigh down some papers. Marvelous isn’t it?” 
     It took everything Tom had in him to not punch the little man in his little face. “What kind of bad alloy are you anyway? What in Harmony’s name have you done to me?” 
    The little doctor choked out a response. “You are the first spore eater of your planet. When I heard there were people who could store nutrition and hydration I just had to test it out. Here read the pamphlet.” The man pulled a paper out of his coat pocket and held it out to Tom. 
    Tom took the pamphlet and read all about how he was now infected with a piece of “Aether Spore” that would do everything in its power to stop him from dying so long as he feeds it water. Tomvi’s mind was flooded with the possibilities and then he saw the fine print at the bottom. He had to read it out loud to ensure his eyes weren't lying. “Being a spore eater is, as of yet, 100% fatal after some time but until that dreadful day enjoy your life!” 
    Tom dropped the paper and looked around ready to strangle the little old mad scientist who had doomed him. The man was nowhere to be seen. Only a sack full of money and note were left on the table that read: 
    This will undoubtedly go down as one of the greatest scientific leaps of its time and you have been a great part of it. As I am sure you have read the average lifespan for spore eaters is barely a year. But I expect that your ability to drink and store said hydration should buy you nearly double that time! I would very much appreciate you coming back here for a follow up appointment in 6 months. Thank you again for your time and service in the name of science! (Attached to the note was a business card with a written time and date of his next appointment) 

    — — — — — Present — — — — — 

    Tom’s mind returned to the bar as he raised his empty glass up to his mouth. He looked at the clock and realized it was nearly closing time. In just 12 short hours he would have that little mad man to answer for his crime. Becoming a spore eater had taken everything from him. Not only was he doomed to dying young but he had been banned from fighting ever again. His dreams of being a champion were dashed the first time a sparring companion broke their hand on his face and his countering leg kick proved too devastating. The spore even saw his kicks and punches as threats and would grow the crystalline structures around his strikes making each hit like a stone. 
    While he couldnt fight in the ring for money anymore he did make for an excellent bouncer. Over the last months Tomvi learned that he couldn’t grow any of this aether of his own free will but he had learned to direct the way it grew. Most of the time he would prefer it to grow as a flat piece of armor but against a drunk pewter arm he knew he needed to inflict some pain to entice them to stop trying early on. 
    Of course the amount of water he needed to feed the infection was going up all the time, and Tom could feel himself nearly always a little bit thirsty, he did admit to himself that the little doctor must have been right. His bendalloy metalminds seemed to hold plenty of water. And he as luck would have it he had spoken with his mother about what exactly it meant to be a compounder. While the little guy may have hoped and calculated a couple extra years, so long as Tom had bendalloy he would be able to compound out ten times that much. 
    As his mind started to drift again into thoughts of revenge he saw something strange across the street from the bar. It didnt look exactly like a time bubble but it didnt look right either. Tom shouted out to the owner of the bar that he would be right back. The Kolossblooed, bendalloy compounder bounded across the rainy street in the dark and approached the anomaly in the alleyway. As he reached out to try and touch the curtain of distortion he was drawn into it…. And spit out into the other side. He hit the ground and it was light out. No longer the early am hours but it appeared to be early afternoon. He spun around and found himself facing only a brick wall. Where exactly was he? He stepped out of the alley and felt oh so out of place. 
      Here he was, a 6 foot 8 inch tall, 300lb man with gray eyes and ever so slightly blue-gray skin, stepping out into a bustling clean city street from what must be the future. Nevermind that he was staring at things that he could never have dreamed up. Nevermind people were actively walking across the street to avoid being near him. Here he was, surely appearing homeless with no shoes, wearing old dirty pants, a worn out shirt with even older suspenders, a newsboys cap… of all of that. The worst part of it was that he only had a single metalmind with him and he was already starting to feel thirsty again. 

A picture of Tomvi provided by me feeding a great description into a totally average AI haha. 20240615_174134.thumb.jpg.1e1700e2211ac082489ee0be9a1bea75.jpg


Anyway. I am a bit torn as to where I want him to appear in the Alleyverse. After looking over my brief description of his entrance I think he is coming out into a district that is modernized with some form of modern transportation beyond his era back on Scadrial (He probably went through the portal shortly before the first airships appeared in the basin (Bands of Mourning timeframe). His primary goal is to earn the money to buy some bendalloy... and of course find someone who could supply that. He is currently not in a great mood as his clock is ticking and as much as he needs bendalloy he is a nervous eater, a happy eater, and just in general a total gluten. The man desperately needs a sandwich and some metal to burn. Likely in a vulnerable mood to any who may find use for a desperate 6'8' 300+lb bruiser.  

Any other useful tips to find some RP partners would be great. Or even any good NPCs you can suggest for me to dive into some solo story telling. 


Side note about Tom:

I couldn't think of a single theme song for him. Because he is such a big dude and I want him to be a joy to RP with and not just a brooding loner, but I need to empathize with his plot in life. So there are 2 sides of this man based on how he is doing on the day. When he has what he needs (bendalloy) he is calm and laid back and his sense of humor is a lot more fun to be around. (Song: Amos Moses by Jerry Reed. Amos Moses - Jerry Reed (youtube.com )

However a happy and satiated addict is still an addict. Just like the aether spore inside of him... the thirst will always return. When the memories of his shortened lifespan hit and or he is low on that metal that allows him to compound his hydration, he becomes a different guy. Reckless and moody. (Song: Reckless by Seth Anthony (98) Seth Anthony - Reckless - (Official Music Video) - YouTube )

so i currently am looking for someone to rp with over at the edgedancer camp. my character is a stoneward who's personality makes him more aligned with the edgedancer philosophy while still valuing the soneward one. 

he works in the edgedancer camp which is designed to help heal many people who are too poor to go to a proper hospital. it might even be the allyverse equilivelnt of a hospital.. I'm not sure. 

since your character has a addiction many heading over to us could be a great idea for your character to try(and fail) to heal from his addiction.

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3 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

so i currently am looking for someone to rp with over at the edgedancer camp. my character is a stoneward who's personality makes him more aligned with the edgedancer philosophy while still valuing the soneward one. 

he works in the edgedancer camp which is designed to help heal many people who are too poor to go to a proper hospital. it might even be the allyverse equilivelnt of a hospital.. I'm not sure. 

since your character has a addiction many heading over to us could be a great idea for your character to try(and fail) to heal from his addiction.

Awesome! I was just working on some solo scenes for him entering into the world. I think if I can find my way to the edgedancer camp that would be awesome. Given he is so cosmere unaware I think I have a decent idea of how to get him over there.  

This may be besides the point but I tried locating some maps of Alleycity and it seems the ones I can find have not been updated to the districts of era 7... If he started in New Hallandren and made his way to the edgedancer camp would he pass through some of the more familure looking Scadrial districts?  I know freeform says I decide but that is a challenge for my brain as I am going to have to draw a map for myself if there isn't more of one to go off of than the fandom sight. 

Also, are there any established biases that he may encounter? Alleyverse question in general, which cultures and districts are snobby and will not like a big slightly gray dude walking around?  Also do I just start a thread for his story and we RP through there or what? 

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5 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Awesome! I was just working on some solo scenes for him entering into the world. I think if I can find my way to the edgedancer camp that would be awesome. Given he is so cosmere unaware I think I have a decent idea of how to get him over there.  

This may be besides the point but I tried locating some maps of Alleycity and it seems the ones I can find have not been updated to the districts of era 7... If he started in New Hallandren and made his way to the edgedancer camp would he pass through some of the more familure looking Scadrial districts?  I know freeform says I decide but that is a challenge for my brain as I am going to have to draw a map for myself if there isn't more of one to go off of than the fandom sight. 

Also, are there any established biases that he may encounter? Alleyverse question in general, which cultures and districts are snobby and will not like a big slightly gray dude walking around?  Also do I just start a thread for his story and we RP through there or what? 

So there isn’t a proper map, and it’s fair to RP as if any district you want shares an edge with any other district. Notably, Mistkeep is separated by The Corridor from Smokestack, and the Mistwarrens snake the edge of the three as a more impoverished area that don’t particularly belong to any of the three. 

Otherwise, it’s intentionally nebulous.


If you want to have an intro to things, you are free to do it solo, or I can RP an NPC for you! I’m doing something similar with @Longshot97’s character.

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8 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

So there isn’t a proper map, and it’s fair to RP as if any district you want shares an edge with any other district. Notably, Mistkeep is separated by The Corridor from Smokestack, and the Mistwarrens snake the edge of the three as a more impoverished area that don’t particularly belong to any of the three. 

Otherwise, it’s intentionally nebulous.


If you want to have an intro to things, you are free to do it solo, or I can RP an NPC for you! I’m doing something similar with @Longshot97’s character.

If you could RP me in somehow that would be great. I just wrote up an entry scene where Tomvi's eyes have been assaulted by tragic crayon explosions and his nose is drawing him into a cafe of sorts. 

My plans if done solo were to ultimately have someone with life sense pick up on something being off with him and suggest a hospital pointing him towards the edgedancer camp? But it would be great to get a bit more information about alley city. 


Edited by Tamriel Wolfsbaine
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51 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

If you could RP me in somehow that would be great. I just wrote up an entry scene where Tomvi's eyes have been assaulted by tragic crayon explosions and his nose is drawing him into a cafe of sorts. 

My plans if done solo were to ultimately have someone with life sense pick up on something being off with him and suggest a hospital pointing him towards the edgedancer camp? But it would be great to get a bit more information about alley city. 


So have you read the plot summary thread? It gives a nice run down of what’s going on at the moment. Past that, This is a run down of what’s going on in the current episode. If any of that intrigues you, feel free to reach out to that person!

Otherwise, I have a spore-eater that would interact…interestingly with your character.

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22 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

So have you read the plot summary thread? It gives a nice run down of what’s going on at the moment. Past that, This is a run down of what’s going on in the current episode. If any of that intrigues you, feel free to reach out to that person!

Otherwise, I have a spore-eater that would interact…interestingly with your character.

I think it would be interesting for him to meet another spore-eater. Especially if they have more information than he does. I will read the plot summery and I will just write up a bit of a story for my entry into the Alleyverse. Any prospect of trying to get healed of the spore would be a good start for me and I will probably take up @RoyalBeeMage's offer of doing some RP there too.  Not sure if your spore eater would simply hear talk of someone who couldn't get healed by the edgedancers or what but it could lead to some fun and then I will probably try to see if he can work into anything bigger from there. My night is pretty much up but I will post more in the morning. Probably be able to do quite a bit over the next 2 days and then I will be on sporadically at best for a week. 


@RoyalBeeMage @Koloss17

I realized my first post on the episode I tagged both of you. Might be a bit confusing for scenes. I also know that Koloss17 has a scene set up at the tin street address so I am patient and happy to work with Koloss17s other character if the both of you need to address that scene first.  Tom will likely be around the camp for a while. 

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Sorry @Longshot97, we might have to postpone Eza and Eighth’s interaction until her rescue attempt is finished. I failed to consider her doing this as a possibility, this specific situation aligned with her backstory I’d already written in a way that led her to this decision.

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11 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Sorry @Longshot97, we might have to postpone Eza and Eighth’s interaction until her rescue attempt is finished. I failed to consider her doing this as a possibility, this specific situation aligned with her backstory I’d already written in a way that led her to this decision.

No worries whatsoever. I am excited to see this play out. It's kind of awesome how well this situation (potential godmodding aside) aligns with Eza's backstory.

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@Koloss17 @RoyalBeeMage

Hey yo.  I briefly mentioned this to Koloss17 but life has struck and I actually won't be able to RP the way I had initially hoped. 

That said I did enjoy the process of making Tomvi. I wouldn't mind it if anyone wanted to adopt him and or make him an NPC.  I hope he can become a decent henchman or ally to someone, anyone, who needs a good crash dummy.  If you supply him with enough bendalloy I anticipate he would be able to last a good few years as a spore eater. 

GL to everyone. 

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7 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Hey yo.  I briefly mentioned this to Koloss17 but life has struck and I actually won't be able to RP the way I had initially hoped. 

That said I did enjoy the process of making Tomvi. I wouldn't mind it if anyone wanted to adopt him and or make him an NPC.  I hope he can become a decent henchman or ally to someone, anyone, who needs a good crash dummy.  If you supply him with enough bendalloy I anticipate he would be able to last a good few years as a spore eater. 

GL to everyone. 

See you, friend. Hope to still occasionally interact with you around the Shard. Thanks for being a part of this.

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Asylum, Smokestack, Smokestack Constabulary.

Asylum sat in their cell. It was an okay cell, they’d been in worse. It was quiet, and Asylum started thinking, that was never good. What brought me to this point, Asylum thought, reflecting on their past. Did I cause my misfortune, or was it someone else? As Asylum sat in their cell, they remembered that night, the night that changed everything.


The next few posts for Asylum are going to be mainly flashbacks to before Asylum came to the Alleyverse. During this time they will be staying in prison planning for their great revenge. But for all other purposes they are out of the current plot.


The above is a quote from Stormlightsong. It occurs to me that this could go on for a while, barring any changes of plans. Out of fear of the AV plot stagnating, I would like offer a proposition.

Eza is already in position at the prison. I currently have my character in a state of flux, but while I was brainstorming by freewriting, I somehow ended up getting Eighth thrown into jail. You know, as one does.

So, if anyone thinks it necessary, I can have Eighth thrown into jail, wherein he meets Eza (somehow). This is kind of a slapdash plan, so I'm hesitant to even post this up. However, I do love the current story, and wish to avoid a long period of inactivity. So, barring IRL commitments (obviously) any response is appreciated. This would allow Eza to remain active whilst Asylum is otherwise indisposed, lasting only as long as is necessary.

Below is the sample playing it out. Tl;dr, Eighth sees Eza running off after Asylum's capture, assumes it's someone he knows (i.e, Fourth of the Fall), nearly catches up to her, watches her rocket away on Ironpulls, and gets captured by local officers for making a ruckus.


Eighth made his way through the crowds. It was slower going, without Seiju. Still, he was able to outpace most of them, and made his way through the area he now knew as Smokestack. Through that, he would find his home.

The area was overflowing with people. Strange stalls hawked food, wares, and contests. When had this come in? No wonder the Cauldron had been so empty. Half the city must have been here.

Eighth whistled, high and sharp. He was relieved to see Seiju's familiar form winging its way towards him. The Aviar flew straight towards him, landing on his shoulder and huddling down. Seiju usually liked people, but no one could enjoy a crowd this large. Eighth held up his arm, and she stepped down gratefully, tucking herself up against his chest as he brought her down.

Eighth scratched her head soothingly, doing his best to navigate without disturbing the bird. He soon found himself moving easily through the gathered mass of people. He felt Seiju relaxing against him, and smiled. They were both most at ease like this. Navigating terrain, Aviar and trapper. This was their domain.

As always, Eighth scanned his surroundings, on alert. Or, at least close to it. It had been so long since a flash of red hair or strangely colored glasses had led where he wanted them to. Still, he had to keep looking. She was here. He was sure of th-

A small form came pelting out from ahead of him. Almost directly towards him. The crowd was shifting away from it, faster than he would have thought possible. He felt himself jostled around, barely able to control their movement. Seiju shrilled frantically.

At the last second, Eighth gained room to step aside, barely avoiding a head-on collision. As it was, the figure glanced off his side, and Eighth went spinning. He flung his arm up and outwards, and Seiju took to the air safely. He himself rebounded off a hefty man with gray skin. He shook the stars from his vision just in time to see his assailant darting past.

Eighth froze.

Short stature. Oddly pale skin. A flash of green eyes, a lock of dark hair.

It can't be.

Ignoring the curses of the grayskin, Eighth pushed off and tore down the street. Above him, Seiju called anxiously. The people had already begun filling in, but Eighth wove his way through the crowd at a dead run. He barely felt the brush of clothing from his passage, let alone the contact of skin.

Ahead, the figure rounded a corner. Eighth swore, slapping his wrist against a passing lamppost. Sprinting towards the intersection at full speed, he commanded the lightline to cease extending. Eighth of the Eve whipped around in a tight arc, dismissing the line at the apex. He heard a few cries of dismay behind him, and the sound of more than a few bodies hitting the ground. He didn't care. She was getting away.

Eighth shoved his way past two men, vaulted a seated festivalgoer, and dashed between a strolling couple. His steps were sure and safe. Nothing got in his way. He would make it. She wasn't running to swiftly. He would-

The figure shot away, moving at impossible speeds. Eighth's eyes widened as they ran five times the pace he was setting.

No. No!

"Fall!" He screamed. The sound was swallowed by the crowd. "Fourth of the Fall! Is that you?"

The figure rounded a corner and vanished.

Eighth of the Eve slowed to a halt, staring helplessly. Then the world became a blur as an impact drove him to the ground. Arms tightened around him, and the thud of approaching boots filled his ears. Blue-coated figures, seemingly sideways from his angle, slowed to a jog as they approached. He felt bonds cinched around his hands, and struggled helplessly. A brightly colored speck approached from above, but a frantic whistle sent Seiju winging away.

Hands hoisted him upright, and one man pulled his head up by the hair. Sight blurred by tears, Eighth only just made out something swinging towards him, straight between his eyes.

Everything went black.


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Also I’m still sorting some things out with @RoyalBeeMage, but I can always slip Perses in somewhere once he’s done with his scene, and I also have Chloris on the back burner.


also @Longshot97 do you want to skip to the next morning for Plutus’ stuff, or do you want to do something in the meantime?

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4 hours ago, Longshot97 said:

The above is a quote from Stormlightsong. It occurs to me that this could go on for a while, barring any changes of plans. Out of fear of the AV plot stagnating, I would like offer a proposition.

Eza is already in position at the prison. I currently have my character in a state of flux, but while I was brainstorming by freewriting, I somehow ended up getting Eighth thrown into jail. You know, as one does.

So, if anyone thinks it necessary, I can have Eighth thrown into jail, wherein he meets Eza (somehow). This is kind of a slapdash plan, so I'm hesitant to even post this up. However, I do love the current story, and wish to avoid a long period of inactivity. So, barring IRL commitments (obviously) any response is appreciated. This would allow Eza to remain active whilst Asylum is otherwise indisposed, lasting only as long as is necessary.

Below is the sample playing it out. Tl;dr, Eighth sees Eza running off after Asylum's capture, assumes it's someone he knows (i.e, Fourth of the Fall), nearly catches up to her, watches her rocket away on Ironpulls, and gets captured by local officers for making a ruckus.

  Reveal hidden contents

Eighth made his way through the crowds. It was slower going, without Seiju. Still, he was able to outpace most of them, and made his way through the area he now knew as Smokestack. Through that, he would find his home.

The area was overflowing with people. Strange stalls hawked food, wares, and contests. When had this come in? No wonder the Cauldron had been so empty. Half the city must have been here.

Eighth whistled, high and sharp. He was relieved to see Seiju's familiar form winging its way towards him. The Aviar flew straight towards him, landing on his shoulder and huddling down. Seiju usually liked people, but no one could enjoy a crowd this large. Eighth held up his arm, and she stepped down gratefully, tucking herself up against his chest as he brought her down.

Eighth scratched her head soothingly, doing his best to navigate without disturbing the bird. He soon found himself moving easily through the gathered mass of people. He felt Seiju relaxing against him, and smiled. They were both most at ease like this. Navigating terrain, Aviar and trapper. This was their domain.

As always, Eighth scanned his surroundings, on alert. Or, at least close to it. It had been so long since a flash of red hair or strangely colored glasses had led where he wanted them to. Still, he had to keep looking. She was here. He was sure of th-

A small form came pelting out from ahead of him. Almost directly towards him. The crowd was shifting away from it, faster than he would have thought possible. He felt himself jostled around, barely able to control their movement. Seiju shrilled frantically.

At the last second, Eighth gained room to step aside, barely avoiding a head-on collision. As it was, the figure glanced off his side, and Eighth went spinning. He flung his arm up and outwards, and Seiju took to the air safely. He himself rebounded off a hefty man with gray skin. He shook the stars from his vision just in time to see his assailant darting past.

Eighth froze.

Short stature. Oddly pale skin. A flash of green eyes, a lock of dark hair.

It can't be.

Ignoring the curses of the grayskin, Eighth pushed off and tore down the street. Above him, Seiju called anxiously. The people had already begun filling in, but Eighth wove his way through the crowd at a dead run. He barely felt the brush of clothing from his passage, let alone the contact of skin.

Ahead, the figure rounded a corner. Eighth swore, slapping his wrist against a passing lamppost. Sprinting towards the intersection at full speed, he commanded the lightline to cease extending. Eighth of the Eve whipped around in a tight arc, dismissing the line at the apex. He heard a few cries of dismay behind him, and the sound of more than a few bodies hitting the ground. He didn't care. She was getting away.

Eighth shoved his way past two men, vaulted a seated festivalgoer, and dashed between a strolling couple. His steps were sure and safe. Nothing got in his way. He would make it. She wasn't running to swiftly. He would-

The figure shot away, moving at impossible speeds. Eighth's eyes widened as they ran five times the pace he was setting.

No. No!

"Fall!" He screamed. The sound was swallowed by the crowd. "Fourth of the Fall! Is that you?"

The figure rounded a corner and vanished.

Eighth of the Eve slowed to a halt, staring helplessly. Then the world became a blur as an impact drove him to the ground. Arms tightened around him, and the thud of approaching boots filled his ears. Blue-coated figures, seemingly sideways from his angle, slowed to a jog as they approached. He felt bonds cinched around his hands, and struggled helplessly. A brightly colored speck approached from above, but a frantic whistle sent Seiju winging away.

Hands hoisted him upright, and one man pulled his head up by the hair. Sight blurred by tears, Eighth only just made out something swinging towards him, straight between his eyes.

Everything went black.


I think this is a great idea, I wasn’t looking forward to Eza being stuck on a roof for days to weeks :P I’m not 100% sure on how to execute it. What you’ve written makes sense as an intro. Maybe she could see from her rooftop spot that the constables are being unnecessarily brutal towards Eighth when they bring him in? They’d have to be rather brutal to make her do something about it, though, and I’m not certain if that would fit the the current characterization of the police (maybe just some really bad apples?). She’s been getting bolder, so she might impulsively pretend to be his daughter who got separated from him and loudly make a big show people nearby would hear about how the nice policemen had helped her “dad” find her and say that he had amnesia problems and kept getting lost since she would expect him to react with confusion. She would’ve seen Frisian fly away, so she might risk being out in the open and cover her scar with her hair since that’s what people are looking for. She’s a very good liar, so might be able to sell it, but I’m not sure if that’s even realistic or not. She’d then try to enlist Eighth’s help in getting Asylum free somehow by blackmailing him about her not being his daughter. They don’t really look alike, though. This is all a stretch, so if you have any other ideas that’d be great.

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14 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

also @Longshot97 do you want to skip to the next morning for Plutus’ stuff, or do you want to do something in the meantime?

I should apologize: I don't think I explain things very clearly. The way I ended Eighth's interaction with Plutus was meant to be a conclusive end to their story. At least, that's how I envisioned it. For the sake of clarity, I should have ended with something along the lines of "They would never meet again."

I could go back on that, but I think I stand by it as a characterization choice.

15 hours ago, Lunamor said:

I think this is a great idea, I wasn’t looking forward to Eza being stuck on a roof for days to weeks :P

Oh, thank God. I was very worried about causing offense

15 hours ago, Lunamor said:

I’m not 100% sure on how to execute it. What you’ve written makes sense as an intro. Maybe she could see from her rooftop spot that the constables are being unnecessarily brutal towards Eighth when they bring him in? They’d have to be rather brutal to make her do something about it, though, and I’m not certain if that would fit the the current characterization of the police (maybe just some really bad apples?)

That works a lot better than my plan. I had initially thought his Aviar would investigate the outside of the prison, trying to get through. From there, anyone already monitoring the prison would notice a bird displaying uncommon intellect and, through some creative pantomime, eventually help break Eighth out. If that someone is Eza, however...

15 hours ago, Lunamor said:

She’s been getting bolder, so she might impulsively pretend to be his daughter who got separated from him and loudly make a big show people nearby would hear about how the nice policemen had helped her “dad” find her and say that he had amnesia problems and kept getting lost since she would expect him to react with confusion.

That is really creative. I applaud you, good sir.

15 hours ago, Lunamor said:

She’s a very good liar, so might be able to sell it, but I’m not sure if that’s even realistic or not [...] They don’t really look alike, though. This is all a stretch, so if you have any other ideas that’d be great.

There are ways around this. Off the top of my head, you've conveniently placed a blacksmith near the constabulary, meaning there will be an abundance of soot and ash available. I've read multiple books where thieves mix that with grease to smear over their skin and mask their complexion.

I agree that what you've laid out is a bit of a stretch, but not with a little tweaking. For example, the constables don't necessarily need to be unnecessarily brutal. Instead, Eighth could be struggling against them very capably, catching Eza's eye as someone who could help her. Then she runs up to help her "father." The constables could buy it, especially since Eighth didn't exactly hurt anyone, didn't draw any weapons, and wasn't precisely resisting arrest, just generally struggling. Eighth might even unwittingly support the deception since Eza - having darkened her skin - could more closely resemble his niece.

All in all, I really like this. So long as you're good with it, I am all for playing this out.

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22 minutes ago, Longshot97 said:

I should apologize: I don't think I explain things very clearly. The way I ended Eighth's interaction with Plutus was meant to be a conclusive end to their story. At least, that's how I envisioned it. For the sake of clarity, I should have ended with something along the lines of "They would never meet again."

I could go back on that, but I think I stand by it as a characterization choice.





That’s all good for me! Plutus is an npc after all. We can just assume you got the Reckoner device the next morning, and it was given more power cells.

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1 hour ago, Longshot97 said:

I should apologize: I don't think I explain things very clearly. The way I ended Eighth's interaction with Plutus was meant to be a conclusive end to their story. At least, that's how I envisioned it. For the sake of clarity, I should have ended with something along the lines of "They would never meet again."

I could go back on that, but I think I stand by it as a characterization choice.

Oh, thank God. I was very worried about causing offense

That works a lot better than my plan. I had initially thought his Aviar would investigate the outside of the prison, trying to get through. From there, anyone already monitoring the prison would notice a bird displaying uncommon intellect and, through some creative pantomime, eventually help break Eighth out. If that someone is Eza, however...

That is really creative. I applaud you, good sir.

There are ways around this. Off the top of my head, you've conveniently placed a blacksmith near the constabulary, meaning there will be an abundance of soot and ash available. I've read multiple books where thieves mix that with grease to smear over their skin and mask their complexion.

I agree that what you've laid out is a bit of a stretch, but not with a little tweaking. For example, the constables don't necessarily need to be unnecessarily brutal. Instead, Eighth could be struggling against them very capably, catching Eza's eye as someone who could help her. Then she runs up to help her "father." The constables could buy it, especially since Eighth didn't exactly hurt anyone, didn't draw any weapons, and wasn't precisely resisting arrest, just generally struggling. Eighth might even unwittingly support the deception since Eza - having darkened her skin - could more closely resemble his niece.

All in all, I really like this. So long as you're good with it, I am all for playing this out.

That’s a clever idea with the soot, I wouldn’t’ve thought of it. And your idea for Eza’s motivation in helping him makes a lot of sense for her. I’m happy to go with this interaction, although I might be a bit slow to respond today and tomorrow.

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8 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

That’s a clever idea with the soot, I wouldn’t’ve thought of it. And your idea for Eza’s motivation in helping him makes a lot of sense for her. I’m happy to go with this interaction, although I might be a bit slow to respond today and tomorrow.

All good. I myself am in a summer course, and so will probably experience a few delays on my own end.

I was going to go ahead and post the excerpt above in response to this post, where events would take place from that point on. Do you think that works, and is there anything off the top of your head to change in my excerpt?

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6 minutes ago, Longshot97 said:

All good. I myself am in a summer course, and so will probably experience a few delays on my own end.

I was going to go ahead and post the excerpt above in response to this post, where events would take place from that point on. Do you think that works, and is there anything off the top of your head to change in my excerpt?

Maybe adding a part at the end noting how Eighth tried to struggle against the police when they were trying to bring him inside the station would be helpful, if that’s alright. Otherwise Eza’s first reaction would be to hide and she’d lose line of sight on him. Also, does he look visibly beat up from being tackled and knocked out?

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43 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Maybe adding a part at the end noting how Eighth tried to struggle against the police when they were trying to bring him inside the station would be helpful, if that’s alright. Otherwise Eza’s first reaction would be to hide and she’d lose line of sight on him. Also, does he look visibly beat up from being tackled and knocked out?

Oh yeah, most assuredly. As is, he got rugby-tackled to a paved street, then took a truncheon to the face. Even if I change things, he'll look messed up right now. And yeah, it'll be easy to cut to him approaching the constabulary. Now, away I go.

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