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Ask The Aspiring Archivist Anything!

The Aspiring Archivist

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What is your favourite magic system (so creative I know)

would you eat chouta?

Do you have a favourite colour? If so what is it?

Favorite cosmere series?

favorite genre of music?

do you call these

Sandals, flip flops, thongs or other?

do you have all ten toes?

does your username have any special significance?

what is your favourite way to eat pasta?

how much of the cosmere have you read? 

who is your favourite cosmere character?

who is your favourite character from any book ever?

do you have any book recommendations?

what are your hobbies other than reading?

do you have any siblings? 

what hemisphere do you live in?

opinions on socks and sandals?

fun fact about you that you want to tell us.

will you be my shardbuddy?



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52 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:


What is your favourite magic system (so creative I know)

would you eat chouta?

Do you have a favourite colour? If so what is it?

Favorite cosmere series?

favorite genre of music?

do you call these

Sandals, flip flops, thongs or other?

do you have all ten toes?

does your username have any special significance?

what is your favourite way to eat pasta?

how much of the cosmere have you read? 

who is your favourite cosmere character?

who is your favourite character from any book ever?

do you have any book recommendations?

what are your hobbies other than reading?

do you have any siblings? 

what hemisphere do you live in?

opinions on socks and sandals?

fun fact about you that you want to tell us.

will you be my shardbuddy?


Don't know too many yet, but I'll go with Feruchemy.

Had to look that one up. Yeah, I'd try it.

Blue? I think?

Not really fair, because I've only really read Mistborm so far. I'll say Era 1.

Hardly listen to it on my own. I don't think I have a favorite genre, there are just some songs that I enjoy.

Sandals or flip flops.


No, it's pretty much what you see on the cover. I think Feruchemical Copper is cool, and I have a pretty good memory in real life, so I think it fits.

Depends what type. With a fork in most cases, but with spaghetti specifically it's roll, then eat. Everything else you just stab, except for macaroni which is scooped, usually with a spoon rather than fork.

Every Mistborn related book and story, most of Warbreaker, a little bit of WoK.

I got some of these questions on my Hello There thread. Same answer here: I'm chronically indecisive, and I'm terrible with favorites. I like them all, pretty much.

Ok, this is getting out of hand. I have no idea.

I wish I could say I have a lot, but I've actually really fallen off reading in recent years. I'm trying to get back into it, starting with the Cosmere, but there aren't many recent enough for me to pull off of the top of my head. You'd probably have to give me a list of every book I've read for me to go through. I did really enjoy All Your Twisted Secrets, but it has a weird pacing and is definitely not for everyone. The Anthropocene Reviewed is also a nice read. I'll try one more, but a little disclaimer: I haven't finished this one. If you're in to science and such, The Code Breaker by Walter Issacson is great. I'm hoping to read some more of his work in the future, he's done a lot of highly acclaimed books on important historical and current figures of science and tech.

Check my interests list. It has some, plus a bunch of dumb jokes. A couple that aren't on there are acting and a little bit of poetry.

One older brother. Currently trying to read Mistborn to him, he is resisting!

Western. I live in California.

Usually very bad. I could tell a whole story about that actually, but it's probably not worth typing out.

Pretty bad at this too. Uh, trikadekaphobia is the fear of the number thirteen!


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20 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Depends what type. With a fork in most cases, but with spaghetti specifically it's roll, then eat. Everything else you just stab, except for macaroni which is scooped, usually with a spoon rather than fork.

LOL:lol:. I meant like what type of pasta do you like, like do you eat spaghetti with meatballs, macaroni and cheese, bow ties, the type of sauce etc.

 I am laughing so much rn I am sorry. When I read “with a fork” I died. Then you described the technique! You made my day!! I am really sorry if you are offended by this but … :blink:

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6 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

LOL:lol:. I meant like what type of pasta do you like, like do you eat spaghetti with meatballs, macaroni and cheese, bow ties, the type of sauce etc.

 I am laughing so much rn I am sorry. When I read “with a fork” I died. Then you described the technique! You made my day!! I am really sorry if you are offended by this but … :blink:

That's hilarious! I guess I took the question a little to literally.

Well, I eat various types of pasta. Call me weird, but I usually have it mostly plain. I'm fine with meat or alfredo sauce, though.

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11 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

trikadekaphobia is the fear of the number thirteen!

THOSE POOR PEOPLE! Afraid of thirteen… how EMPTY life must be without thirteen…

Have you written poetry?

Have you painted a moon?

Have you ambushed people with snow?

Do you like mud?

Which shape do you like the most?

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

THOSE POOR PEOPLE! Afraid of thirteen… how EMPTY life must be without thirteen…

Have you written poetry?

Have you painted a moon?

Have you ambushed people with snow?

Do you like mud?

Which shape do you like the most?

Yes, I have. Not a lot, nor anything published. Just the occasional thing for fun. I actually wrote an insomniac poem on a status update the other day. It should be on page two of my content list thingy if you want to read it.

No, I'm pretty terrible at drawing and painting.

Absolutely! That's the best part!

Kind of depends on the situation. In controlled environments, sure, but I'd rather not have it all over me.

I'm sorry, I'm very bad at favorite-type questions. I believe they are called superlatives, i.e. asking for something on the extreme end of a spectrum. Being the indecisive man I am, I cannot answer that in good faith. Triangles are pretty cool though.

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Haha. I was kind of hoping I would get more questions on [my AMA]. - The aspiring archivist

Your wish is my command! Assemble people of the forums and give the archivist what they wish! 

@Robin Sedai@The Wandering Wizard@The Halcyon Girl@Rabbit Unmade@That1Cellist@Thaidakar the Ghostblood@Shining Silhouette


How many donuts have you eaten in one sitting?

Do you have an opinion on odd socks?

What are some tv shows you like?

do you draw?

have you ever cosplayed?

what is the coolest looking book that you own? (I totally didn't copy you Thaidakar:ph34r:)

if you were given 24 hours, unlimited cash and told "go have fun" what would you do?


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1 hour ago, Cinnamon said:

Your wish is my command! Assemble people of the forums and give the archivist what they wish! 

@Robin Sedai@The Wandering Wizard@The Halcyon Girl@Rabbit Unmade@That1Cellist@Thaidakar the Ghostblood@Shining Silhouette


How many donuts have you eaten in one sitting?

Do you have an opinion on odd socks?

What are some tv shows you like?

do you draw?

have you ever cosplayed?

what is the coolest looking book that you own? (I totally didn't copy you Thaidakar:ph34r:)

if you were given 24 hours, unlimited cash and told "go have fun" what would you do?


You have summoned me... give me your brains...



What is your favorite dessert?

what is your favorite band?

What was your longest crush?

what is the most awkward question anyone has asked you?

What is your least favorite nickname?

What is your favorite kind of Pizza?

What is your favorite character in the cosmere?

What has been your least favorite of these questions?

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2 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Your wish is my command! Assemble people of the forums and give the archivist what they wish! 

@Robin Sedai@The Wandering Wizard@The Halcyon Girl@Rabbit Unmade@That1Cellist@Thaidakar the Ghostblood@Shining Silhouette


How many donuts have you eaten in one sitting?

Do you have an opinion on odd socks?

What are some tv shows you like?

do you draw?

have you ever cosplayed?

what is the coolest looking book that you own? (I totally didn't copy you Thaidakar:ph34r:)

if you were given 24 hours, unlimited cash and told "go have fun" what would you do?



They can be fun. I don't have any, though.

Ted Lasso, Firefly (RIP), Burn Notice, and All Creatures Great and Small are all ones that I've enjoyed. There are probably more that I can't remember. I don't actually watch a ton of TV, though.

No. I'm terrible at it.

No, unless you count wearing a Harry Potter robe for Halloween.

Probably my hardcover of Heroes by Stephen Fry. It's nice and shiny. There might be one I'm forgetting. I don't actually own too many physical books, unfortunately.

Okay, I'm going to answer this the nerdy way. If I spent too much money, It'd cause inflation to spike. But I'd probably donate a good deal to charity and then go to an amusement park with a fast pass. Maybe go on one of those zero-gravity plane flights.

1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

What do you like to think about?

Do you like jazz?

What's a funny story that tells something about you?

Many, many things. I have this one odd thing where my brain tries to reconcile everything with the law of conservation of energy.

Don't really listen to music a lot.

I'm really bad at thinking of stories about myself, but I'll do my best. I guess one time I was at a restaurant for a birthday breakfast and I started talking about random science facts and everyone thought it was really funny for some reason. I guess that's not typical?

1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

You have summoned me... give me your brains...



What is your favorite dessert?

what is your favorite band?

What was your longest crush?

what is the most awkward question anyone has asked you?

What is your least favorite nickname?

What is your favorite kind of Pizza?

What is your favorite character in the cosmere?

What has been your least favorite of these questions?

I had a very good one at an Italian restaurant one time. Ice cream encased in chocolate with brownie-type stuff under it.

Don't really listen to music, so I can't give a decent answer on this one.

Never had one, as far as I can tell.

Unsure... This question feels like a trap. I guess any time someone asks if I have something that I should have but I don't it's pretty awkward.

"Christopher." Not my real name, people just started calling me that for some reason.

I don't care much, but I usually have pepperoni.

Favorites again. Copy+paste answer from earlier in this thread: I'm chronically indecisive, and I'm terrible with favorites. I like them all, pretty much.

Probably that last one.

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What did you do today?

Do you have any pets?

What is something useless you are good at?

What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?

What is your favorite board/card game?

Favorite video game?

Favorite rabbit breed?

Favorite forum game?

Favorite snack food?

Favorite music piece?

Favorite instrument?

What is love?

What does it mean to be alive?

What does it mean to be human?

What is a goal you have for yourself?

What is a mood that you like being in?

Favorite holiday?

What makes someone a good friend?

What makes someone a good person?


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32 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

What did you do today?

Do you have any pets?

What is something useless you are good at?

What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?

What is your favorite board/card game?

Favorite video game?

Favorite rabbit breed?

Favorite forum game?

Favorite snack food?

Favorite music piece?

Favorite instrument?

What is love?

What does it mean to be alive?

What does it mean to be human?

What is a goal you have for yourself?

What is a mood that you like being in?

Favorite holiday?

What makes someone a good friend?

What makes someone a good person?

Went to school, then cross country practice.

3 cats, 2 geckos, 1 bearded dragon, 1 snake. Not all of them are technically mine, though.

Math (Just kidding, math is useful... sometimes.) I'll say retaining pointless information.

Right now? Probably roleplay right here on the Shard. I also do enjoy playing videgames, reading, listening to audiobooks. If you want to see a full interests list, plus a bunch of stupid jokes, check my Interests section on my profile.

Tough one, especially with my aversion to favorites. The Magic Maze is a really fun and hilarious game for sure.

Minecraft. Portal 2 is a close runner-up.

I don't know any.

Does roleplaying count? If not, than I don't know. The sandwich game that's going on right now is quite fun.

Pretzels, probably.

These dang music questions. I really don't know. Not only do I not listen to a lot of music, but I'm terrible with favorites.

Uh... piano?

Oh baby, don't hurt me, Don't hurt me, No more. Did I get it? Did I get the meme? Because if it's not the meme, then I have no idea.

Literally? That's debated, but it usually means a bunch of systems trying to maintain a chemical imbalance. Figuratively, that's something I'm still trying to find out for myself.

Not just considering the species itself, probably stuff like metacognition. People will say empathy but that's not exclusive to humans as far as I know.

To be able to find something to pursue that is fulling to me, I guess. Pretty vague, I know.


Halloween, I think. Day before my birthday and all that.

This is tough. Probably being able to listen is a big one.

People far more intelligent than I have tried to answer this question and we have yet to reach a conclusion. I think it is very subjective based on a number of factors, so it's probably not worth answering.

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40 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Do you like wind chimes?

Yes! I have a really nice set, but it's missing the middle bit that it needs to actually work in the wind.

39 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Favorite breed of dragon?

Any one that won't bite off my toes.

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

Some cat questions.

What breeds are your three cats?

Favorite breed of cat?

Have any of your cats really taken to you?

Do you like to walk over your computer?

No idea. One of them is grey, one is black, and one is black with white patches.

I don't know any, really.

Yes, one especially. The black one with white patches. She is very shy around new people, but is very affectionate.

I assume you mean do they like to... Yes. Yes they do.

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Yes, one especially. The black one with white patches. She is very shy around new people, but is very affectionate.


My families cats are the same way, one, she will run away from anyone she doesn't know, but she will beg for attention whenever I try to go asleep.

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