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Collab RP Thing - Part One

Channelknight Fadran

World Shape???  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. World Shape???

    • Tetrahedron???
    • Octahedron???
    • Dodecahedron???
    • Isodecahedron???
    • C u b e ? ? ?
    • I hate all of these options.

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8 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

What I’m trying to say is that you guys should at least wait until later so I can actually make the thread


Are you not currently in a position to make a thread?



Side Note: a couple of ground rules I think should be implemented.

1. No characters from outside the archipelago world. Particularly not from other dimensions, but also probably not from other planets. (Too much scope.)

2. Character power level limits. One character should absolutely not be able to destroy an army - at least, not at the start of the adventure.


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And magical creatures, 

1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

2. Character power level limits. One character should absolutely not be able to destroy an army - at least, not at the start of the adventure.


My character, which I am planing on being on of the tribal race, will know how to make armor and it will provide protection and enhancement, because they don't really have any magical parts that can be used for powerful armor. I think that will help with limiting it in the begining. Armor has to be changed every, so often or they have to wait a long period of time, about a month-ish, before the armor's power begins to wayne, but leaving it on the certain amount of time will increase the effect and the user will gain more animalistic traits and features while wearing it that long. 

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I’m on my phone rn - and posting between workloads at my job. I can’t create a decent thread without my laptop at the very least

until I get to that, folks: please provide some more magic system and race options. Like xino said, don’t go overboard, but it’d be nice to start with some basic customization.


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Name: Verdur

Name Of People Who Use It: Chlor (Singular) or Chlors (Plural). Based off the word Chlorophyll, the part of a plant cell used to create oxygen, and what makes plants green.

Non-Chlors are known as Wilts, or Wilt, as they are called singularly.

The 5 Branches: Herbs, Shrubs, Trees, Creepers, and Climbers.

What The 5 Branches Can Accomplish:

Herbs: Members of the Herb Branch are typically healers, and use their power to grow herbs, which they can mix into a poultice to heal wounds and the like

Shrubs: Members of the Shrub Branch are typically farmers, and can grow shrubs and bushes that harbor fruit. They can also grow gourd type plants (i.e. watermelons, cucumbers, and the like)

Trees: Members of the Tree Branch are typically in the defensive part of the military, as their ability to grow trees and large bushes is useful in creating living buildings, and walls.

Creepers: Members of the Creeper Branch are typically in the offensive part of the military, as their ability to grow vines and other similar plants with rapid speed is useful in fighting enemies.

Climbers: Members of the Climber Branch are typically multi-profession people. That is to say, there is not a majority of them in one certain profession. Their ability to grow plants similar to those of the Creeper Branch, but at a much slower speed, and far more sturdy and durable, makes them useful in getting to high places, and creating temporary structures.

The 6th Branch: The 6th Branch occupies the gray area in what is classified as 'plant.' (i.e. algae, mushrooms, etc.). The rarest Branch, very few people are part of this Branch, and can grow algae, mushrooms, and other similar organisms. Not much is known about where this puts them in society.

Cost: Since plants need water to live, Chlors will lose moisture content, and must drink water to replenish it. Because of this, and the rarity level of the powers (falls between uncommon and rare), demand is high, and sometimes, water can be difficult to come by, and is reserved for military and important organizations.

That's the entire magic system in it's simplest form. You may all have access to it, regardless of how lore in-world of where this system originates says it appears in people. This is a special case.

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2 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Magic system?

*cracks knuckles*

Can I include the semi-complicated magic system of my high fantasy trilogy?


My opinion is that all magic systems on this world should have an elemental basis of some sort. The rules of this meta-system are simple:

Users draw power from their element. So starmages derive power from the Light of the stars, Wizard's mages draw power from the Life of nature, and The Unknown Novel's mages get their energy from whatever their element is.

Users abilities are based on their element. So Light based elemental systems can manipulate light, Life elemental systems manipulate life, etc.

Hopefully this is broad enough to allow for many different magical systems while still allowing for a common thread between magic systems that will define their interactions.



I've made a doc for worldbuilding : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VHsQ-f-ypn_8t6Vug8LhpPFziCLI6qKEapW6N44yhiQ/edit?usp=sharing

Everyone who has ideas, please put them on the doc!


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4 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Magic system?

*cracks knuckles*

Can I include the semi-complicated magic system of my high fantasy trilogy?

1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:



I have a cool idea...

Orbiting our nice little D4 planet are three moons. One increases the power of Starmagic, one empowers Elemental magic stuff, and one empowers Verdur.

One shows up each night, in a complicated cycle. Every three years, however, at one of the peaks of our tetrahedron, all three moons converge. This is an event called Triluminescence that empowers all magic nearby, and is essentially a pilgrimage festival. Citizens of the world come together to celebrate under the light of all three moons. Names for the moons TBD.

Let me know if you think that this wouldn't work.

Also in terms of ecology, here's my contribution: large floating jellyfish roam the skies and eat birds.

You're welcome for your latest recurring nightmare!


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12 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

I have a cool idea...

Orbiting our nice little D4 planet are three moons. One increases the power of Starmagic, one empowers Elemental magic stuff, and one empowers Verdur.

One shows up each night, in a complicated cycle. Every three years, however, at one of the peaks of our tetrahedron, all three moons converge. This is an event called Triluminescence that empowers all magic nearby, and is essentially a pilgrimage festival. Citizens of the world come together to celebrate under the light of all three moons. Names for the moons TBD.

Let me know if you think that this wouldn't work.


While the idea is interesting, I think that we should put it on the backburner for now. In general, I think that we should refrain from large-scale magical interactions for now. Ideally, magic would be very localized.

In general, I think we should refrain from large-scale worldbuilding for now except as a way to establish a baseline.



To clarify, the "elemental system" I've been proposing is not a seperate system from any of the others that have been proposed! It is a meta-system, i.e. a way to define every single magic system on Archipelago World, including starmages, Verdur, and whatever else people come up with.


12 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Also in terms of ecology, here's my contribution: large floating jellyfish roam the skies and eat birds.


Cool! But dangerous. :ph34r:


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4 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

To clarify, the "elemental system" I've been proposing is not a seperate system from any of the others that have been proposed! It is a meta-system, i.e. a way to define every single magic system on Archipelago World, including starmages, Verdur, and whatever else people come up with.

The Elemental system actually started with:

5 hours ago, The Unknown Novel said:

The; essences; luax; that; of; light; fire; and; spirit; kinatar; that; of; movement; time; and; strength; arid; that; of; rock; steel; and; all; physical; things; and; savvour; that; of; life; from; the; smallest; worm; to; the; greatest; mage;.

That's what I was referring to.

The moons offer a good way to tie these seemingly unrelated systems together, and they offer a good plot point.

2 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

How high up in the sky are they? Cruising altitude?

Probably! Not too close to the ground, but certainly dangerous.

Edited by NerdyAarakocra
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11 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

The Elemental system actually started with:

That's what I was referring to.

The moons offer a good way to tie these seemingly unrelated systems together, and they offer a good plot point.


they don’t necessarily work with the other magic systems.

So the celestial body magic, I think, should be as self-contained as all the rest.

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41 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

My opinion is that all magic systems on this world should have an elemental basis of some sort. The rules of this meta-system are simple:

Users draw power from their element. So starmages derive power from the Light of the stars, Wizard's mages draw power from the Life of nature, and The Unknown Novel's mages get their energy from whatever their element is.

Users abilities are based on their element. So Light based elemental systems can manipulate light, Life elemental systems manipulate life, etc.

Hopefully this is broad enough to allow for many different magical systems while still allowing for a common thread between magic systems that will define their interactions.

have you read The Never Tilting World by Rin Chupeco?

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4 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

have you read The Never Tilting World by Rin Chupeco?


I have not. I would not be surprised if there was a magic system within it that shared similarities. It's intended to be extremely general.



Also: I am creating a character bio.


Kella lives on the island of Orteos, a bustling center of trade. She was orphaned at a young age and has -essentially- grown up on the streets. She can occassionally get a bit hotheaded, a character trait that has led to her recent falling-out with the group with whom she previously lodged.


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