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Channelknight Fadran

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23 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Vance darted in towards the... ah, 'death bunny'. He came in from around, passing across a stump and over a small bush, giving Quest a full lineup for his fireballs. The death bunny didn't seem particularly fazed by them - which, in his understandable opinion, did not bode well - but divided its attention enough for him to get in close.

"RABBIT STEWWWW!" Was his battlecry. He slashed in a crisscross with both his blades, leaving a bloody X in the bunny's left flank.

Kealie looked around for a sharp rock. In my experience, she thought, trying to believe it, there are always sharp rocks shaped like spears in forests. Though, hinestly, maybe arrows were more realistic, if people hunted here or something. 

No, no, no, no! I want a spear!

Glancing around, her eyes caught on an arrow lodged into a tree. She sighed. Oh well, better than nothing. 
Then she, too, charged the bunny. 

17 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh paused. Maybe her rules were wrong,maybe she could trust some people. This woman seemed nice. But so had her grandparents.

Fiadh decides to give this woman a chance, "Fiadh." She took the second apple and started eating it.

Nayka glanced furtively back at the street. The woman was still there, making her way closer and closer and closer, asking people things—about her, no doubt. It was always like this. If they didn’t find her the first time, they swept every area again. Very annoying, but understandable. 

She glanced at the bundle in her hands. If only she could hide it! Somewhere, anywhere, to come find again later.

Nayka paused and examined her two companions with fresh eyes.

Maybe she wasn’t dead just yet.

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35 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

The stranger blinked, his magic suddenly fading as he crashed to the ground. He winced. "Ouch." Carefully, he made his way back onto his feet, a resigned expression on his face. "Do you know where I can find other people? Perhaps ones that might be more interested?"

"We do not venture far outside the domain of Juun. Juun protects us from the dangers of the outside world. I do not know of any people who would be expressly willing. You may try Orteo. That might be your best chance. Farewell."

Without waiting for a response, Hyron drops the clubs in their hands, then shoots vines at the ground, propelling themselves upwards. They begin to fall right as they pass the top of the tree Juuno is on, before grabbing the tree and barely feeling any difference as gravity takes control again.

Such a skill took them way too long to master, and is quite an achievement for them at 16 Lights Lived.

"So, what'd they want?" Juuno asks in a sing song tone.

Hyron did not respond, instead watching the traveler with a grim expression. "I am still not sure. They asked if any of our people wished to join him and his people to try and reach the moons. Great respect to Those Ones Up High," They noted, putting their ring finger on the top of their head as a sign of respect again, "But it is impossible to reach as high as Them."

Juuno nods. "That's quite strange."

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46 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Kealie looked around for a sharp rock. In my experience, she thought, trying to believe it, there are always sharp rocks shaped like spears in forests. Though, hinestly, maybe arrows were more realistic, if people hunted here or something. 

No, no, no, no! I want a spear!

Glancing around, her eyes caught on an arrow lodged into a tree. She sighed. Oh well, better than nothing. 
Then she, too, charged the bunny. 


Who is going to be in charge of the bunny? I’m fine with either of us doing it.

Also thank you for the clarification Fadran.


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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Annamus frowning examines the ground where the human had been.

What in the world could he have been looking for with that metal rod? He was so preoccupied he didn't even see me until I spoke.

It was a good scare.

It frightened him which was what I wanted, but he looked terrified, like I was going to kill him.

You should have. I should at the very least make sure they leave the forest.

Annamus starts following the path that the human made through the underbrush. His armor scraping against twigs and branches in his path.

2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

At that moment, Terakor burst through a gap in the trees, nearly bouncing off a trunk in his hurry.

"Run!" he screamed. "Monster!"

Anikel grabbed Terakor's arm. "Hold up, felo. What is-"

"A monster!" panted Terakor again, pulling towards the horses. "We've got to get out of here."

"Calm down," said Anikel. "I'm sure it's-"

He paused, brow furrowing as he heard the sounds of twigs snapping getting closer. At that moment, Annamus came into view. Anikel released Terakor's arm. "Run!" he exclaimed, dashing over to his horse.

@Channelknight Fadran


1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Lyras raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He admitted it sounded somewhat interesting, but...it was most likely a sham. Or someone having a higher opinion of themselves than was reasonable.

"You're here for the Triluminescence, correct? Well... how would you like to see it up close?"

@The Bookwyrm

50 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"We do not venture far outside the domain of Juun. Juun protects us from the dangers of the outside world. I do not know of any people who would be expressly willing. You may try Orteo. That might be your best chance. Farewell."

Without waiting for a response, Hyron drops the clubs in their hands, then shoots vines at the ground, propelling themselves upwards. They begin to fall right as they pass the top of the tree Juuno is on, before grabbing the tree and barely feeling any difference as gravity takes control again.

Such a skill took them way too long to master, and is quite an achievement for them at 16 Lights Lived.

"So, what'd they want?" Juuno asks in a sing song tone.

Hyron did not respond, instead watching the traveler with a grim expression. "I am still not sure. They asked if any of our people wished to join him and his people to try and reach the moons. Great respect to Those Ones Up High," They noted, putting their ring finger on the top of their head as a sign of respect again, "But it is impossible to reach as high as Them."

Juuno nods. "That's quite strange."

The stranger sighed and continued trekking forwards.

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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

Anikel grabbed Terakor's arm. "Hold up, felo. What is-"

"A monster!" panted Terakor again, pulling towards the horses. "We've got to get out of here."

"Calm down," said Anikel. "I'm sure it's-"

He paused, brow furrowing as he heard the sounds of twigs snapping getting closer. At that moment, Annamus came into view. Anikel released Terakor's arm. "Run!" he exclaimed, dashing over to his horse.

Quendi's hand reached over her shoulder to her quarterstaff. "What is it?"

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Character sheet:


Name: Enner. No last name.

Race: Half Human, half Kinatalin (type of Vexlin)

Gender/Pronons/Otherapplicablethingsthatgohere: He/him male 

Magic: Essences, Kinatar and Luax 

Personality: Grim and determined. He is a realist bordering on pessimistic. He's not really a good fighter, but he's incredibly good at sneaking around. He uses Savvour to avoid fights, and baring that, he can use Luax in a pinch.

Backstory: Grew up on Rictan, which sucks. Eventually he found the Savvour essence shrine underneath Rictan and used it to survive until he could escape. He then traveled to Orteo, where he stumbled on a Luax shrine. He bonded himself then made it his personal quest to become a true essence mage and wield all four essences.

Other: He didn't inherit the four eyes of the Vexlin, but he does have the whispy almost white eyes of his heritage. His hair seems to be balding like a Vexlin, but it is dirty blond. He has the Vexlin four fingers, and his skin is dark grey in color.

And since Fadran is doing it, I'll edit in a second character eventually that I want to try.

Enner watched the water rise and fall in waves. He was traveling to Orteo proper, eager to find the location of his next shrine. Orteo had a little bit of everyone, including people who would know the locations of the shrine. Or he could go to Deefor, home of essence. In the last island, an old Vexlin woman had told him not to trust the Vexers. He had found it strange when she looked at him, almost as if she could see through him. There had to be other shrines, other ways to get his power without having to deal with the Vexers. 

Edited by The Unknown Novel
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As Annamus trudges forward, club over one shoulder, he appears out of the dust. Fully covered armor, his head is square and flat, like a turtle, a wicked looking beak in place of the visor. Annamus slams the front end of the crude club into the ground, hitting with a muffled, "THUMP."

That was heavy, I really should have dragged it behind or left it. Too heavy.

But now I have a weapon if I need it.

Why would I need a weapon? I don't want to kill anyone here.

But you must! They are endangering the forest!

@xinoehp512 @Channelknight Fadran


I should explain, the other voice in his head seems like his own voice to him, but it's a vengeful forest spirit's voice inside his head. It tries to drive him to do thinks, like killing other people that enter the forest, among other things, it's easier for him to resist in this armor, as it's a animal that influences more towards herbivor and peacful, over a tiger that would make him a carnivor and more aggressive.


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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2 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:



Kealie looked around for a sharp rock. In my experience, she thought, trying to believe it, there are always sharp rocks shaped like spears in forests. Though, hinestly, maybe arrows were more realistic, if people hunted here or something. 

No, no, no, no! I want a spear!

Glancing around, her eyes caught on an arrow lodged into a tree. She sighed. Oh well, better than nothing. 
Then she, too, charged the bunny. 

Nayka glanced furtively back at the street. The woman was still there, making her way closer and closer and closer, asking people things—about her, no doubt. It was always like this. If they didn’t find her the first time, they swept every area again. Very annoying, but understandable. 

She glanced at the bundle in her hands. If only she could hide it! Somewhere, anywhere, to come find again later.

Nayka paused and examined her two companions with fresh eyes.

Maybe she wasn’t dead just yet.

"Fiadh, that's a very pretty name!" Whist said. The girl, Fiadh, had visibly relaxed a bit and was now making progress on the second apple. 

Whist glanced at the other girl, the one holding the bundle. She was nervously watching a woman who was slowly moving through the crowd of people.

"I'm afraid I just got here, so I don't have a ride out of town, is there any other way I can help?"

And after a second though Whist added, "Is that woman following you? Should we go find an officer to help?"

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18 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

That sounds cool! I'm okay with that as long as he was originally from the planet. I would also be interested in knowing what the artifacts were.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood


Aight, I'll start working on what the artifacts and powers are and how he happened to be falling from the sky-


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34 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Is it too late to join in here? If not, where should I look to get some context?


It's not too late at all!

Context: C H A O S.

The doc (see the first post) has info that you can use to build a character.

I've been looking for someone to RP with, if you're interested when you make a character.


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2 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:


Yeah that’s fine by me

2 hours ago, justice_magician said:

"Fiadh, that's a very pretty name!" Whist said. The girl, Fiadh, had visibly relaxed a bit and was now making progress on the second apple. 

Whist glanced at the other girl, the one holding the bundle. She was nervously watching a woman who was slowly moving through the crowd of people.

"I'm afraid I just got here, so I don't have a ride out of town, is there any other way I can help?"

And after a second though Whist added, "Is that woman following you? Should we go find an officer to help?"

“No!” Nayka realized that was a little louder than it should have been. “No, I’m fine, thanks.” She laughed nervously.”

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The Roaring Bunny continued roaring. Not out of pain by any means - just out of sheer, unbridled rage. It kicked at Vance with the leg he’d torn his blades into. He only barely leapt out of the way, avoiding having his entire body crumpled into pancake.

Around the Bunny, the air began to still. The trees shifted from wafting into the breeze to complete silence. Floating bits of dust and leaves froze in midair.

”DUCK!” Vance yelled.

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4 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"You're here for the Triluminescence, correct? Well... how would you like to see it up close?"

Lyras blinked. While the original purpose of his journey was to find his sister, the Triluminescence had been a factor in his reasoning. All of the Stellari race had a fascination with celestial objects, some (like Lyras) more than others, and their culture back on Asteri was based on that. The Triluminescence was something of great fascination to the Stellari, and so these docks would probably see a lot more Stellari travelers in the coming weeks.

But the Triluminescence wasn't for almost two more months.


I'm setting a date for the Triluminescence, if that's okay. Let me know if you want to change it.

"...I suppose you could say that," Lyras finally said. "What do you mean by 'see it up close'?"

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