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Channelknight Fadran

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

This is Kealie, I ruined the space between quotes…

Wow, I’m tired. That’s one of the dangerous things about Ocumeritation—even if you don’t realize you’re using it, it takes a toll.  “Yeah, let’s go.” She leaned against a tree for support.


”Oh…” Nayka settled the woman on the ground and turned back to Whist. “I’m Nayka.”

@Channelknight Fadran@Mr. Misting@justice_magician

"I see, its nice to meet you Nayka," Whist said, "Now if you don't mind, could you please explain this situation? The more I know, the more I can help."

Whist eyed the unconscious officer. She really hoped she hadn't just made a big mistake.

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3 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

"I see, its nice to meet you Nayka," Whist said, "Now if you don't mind, could you please explain this situation? The more I know, the more I can help."

Whist eyed the unconscious officer. She really hoped she hadn't just made a big mistake.

How do I play this?

Just tell the truth. Nobody will know if it’s not.

”I… I don’t know what happened. There were these three people down town, and they yelled after me. I was scared, so I ran and… yeah.” She glanced at her hands, then back up, portraying uncertainty in her decision.

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

How do I play this?

Just tell the truth. Nobody will know if it’s not.

”I… I don’t know what happened. There were these three people down town, and they yelled after me. I was scared, so I ran and… yeah.” She glanced at her hands, then back up, portraying uncertainty in her decision.

Whist studied Nayka's face. Was she lying??

Whist happened to be terrible at reading faces, so that didn't help.

"Okay . . . don't worry, we'll figure this out, but I have one more question for you: what was that bundle you had a minute ago?"

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3 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

Whist studied Nayka's face. Was she lying??

Whist happened to be terrible at reading faces, so that didn't help.

"Okay . . . don't worry, we'll figure this out, but I have one more question for you: what was that bundle you had a minute ago?"

Nayka looked up at Whist blankly. “What bundle? Oh, the cheese?” She pulled a bundle out of a pocket and unfolded it. Cheese.

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Nayka looked up at Whist blankly. “What bundle? Oh, the cheese?” She pulled a bundle out of a pocket and unfolded it. Cheese.

Fiadh listened for about the first couple of sentences of this conversation and then she just kind of zones off. She played with her skirt just sort of fiddling with it. And that's when she realized that it was covered in blood from her scrapes. It was all dried now.

Fiadh shuddered. She didn't like blood. Reminded her too much of her past. 

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Nayka looked up at Whist blankly. “What bundle? Oh, the cheese?” She pulled a bundle out of a pocket and unfolded it. Cheese.

Was that the same bundle from before? Whist couldn't remember. 

"Okay, cool, cheese, that's nice," it came out more suspicious than she meant it, hopefully Nayka wouldn't notice- or care.

It wasn't very much information, but at least it was something.

Then Whist turned to the younger girl, and handed her a cloak from her bag. The girl was only wearing a simple ragged dress, and the night air was chilly.

"Fiadh, are you feeling better?"

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Just now, justice_magician said:

Was that the same bundle from before? Whist couldn't remember. 

"Okay, cool, cheese, that's nice," it came out more suspicious than she meant it, hopefully Nayka wouldn't notice- or care.

It wasn't very much information, but at least it was something.

Then Whist turned to the younger girl, and handed her a cloak from her bag. The girl was only wearing a simple ragged dress, and the night air was chilly.

"Fiadh, are you feeling better?"

Nibbling on the cheese helped Nayka clear her mind. Hopefully it would last.

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23 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

This is Kealie, I ruined the space between quotes…

Wow, I’m tired. That’s one of the dangerous things about Ocumeritation—even if you don’t realize you’re using it, it takes a toll.  “Yeah, let’s go.” She leaned against a tree for support.

@Channelknight Fadran@Mr. Misting@justice_magician

“Kay, but first…”

Vance brought out an old sack, setting it down by the Bunny. He spent a solid five minutes trying to cut through its leg, then eventually settled on carving out a chunk of its flank instead. He filled up the sack and sinched it closed and tight, slinging it over his shoulder.

“Nothing ever works better for a cold than fresh stew,” he explained.

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1 minute ago, justice_magician said:

Was that the same bundle from before? Whist couldn't remember. 

"Okay, cool, cheese, that's nice," it came out more suspicious than she meant it, hopefully Nayka wouldn't notice- or care.

It wasn't very much information, but at least it was something.

Then Whist turned to the younger girl, and handed her a cloak from her bag. The girl was only wearing a simple ragged dress, and the night air was chilly.

"Fiadh, are you feeling better?"

Fiadh's head snapped up at the sound of her name. She took a moment to process what Whist had said. Then she shrugged. "It still hurts a bit but not as much. I think it's better." She grabbed the cloak.

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“Kay, but first…”

Vance brought out an old sack, setting it down by the Bunny. He spent a solid five minutes trying to cut through its leg, then eventually settled on carving out a chunk of its flank instead. He filled up the sack and sinched it closed and tight, slinging it over his shoulder.

“Nothing ever works better for a cold than fresh stew,” he explained.

Kealie nodded absentlu. What had he said? Something about stew.

I guess I went past the last straw, she thought vaguely. Or maybe… the last rope. She smiled and promptly fainted.

Eej caught her and encased her in vines, ready to shuttle her anywhere while she rested.

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4 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“Nothing ever works better for a cold than fresh stew,” he explained.

For some odd reason, Quest wasn't feeling hungry.

2 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Kealie nodded absentlu. What had he said? Something about stew.

I guess I went past the last straw, she thought vaguely. Or maybe… the last rope. She smiled and promptly fainted.

Eej caught her and encased her in vines, ready to shuttle her anywhere while she rested.

That felt like cheating to Quest's aching body. Now Quest was curious and jealous of the magic vines. Sadly its carrying capacity seemed to max out at one passenger.

Sighing Quest got ready to leave, looking at Vance to lead the way.

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One mini timeskip later...

Darkness had completely fallen by the time they arrived at what Vance deemed an eligible clearing. It was atop a hill - meaning they couldn't get flooded even if it somehow rained tonight - and surrounded on practically all sides by thick foliage. The top was flat enough for his bedroll and Kealie's... ah, vine bed thing, plus some room for a fire pit and for someone to keep watch.

"Do you have any food on you?" Vance asked Quest, taking a space to the middle of the clearing to dig out a pit. "If not I can get you some animal-free things."

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2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Darkness had completely fallen by the time they arrived at what Vance deemed an eligible clearing. It was atop a hill - meaning they couldn't get flooded even if it somehow rained tonight - and surrounded on practically all sides by thick foliage. The top was flat enough for his bedroll and Kealie's... ah, vine bed thing, plus some room for a fire pit and for someone to keep watch.

"Do you have any food on you?" Vance asked Quest, taking a space to the middle of the clearing to dig out a pit. "If not I can get you some animal-free things."

Quest blinked. Vance was thinking about anything other than sleep? He found a patch of ground that was slightly more suitable for sleeping and sat down. 

"I have some rations but I will eat those later, nothing is more important to me right now than sleep."

Quest proceeded to roll up in his cloak lying his staff and satchel down next to him. It might have been cold but he was too numb to care. It probably was uncomfortable but laying down was pure bliss regardless of comfort.

"I am sleeping, sorry for the inconvenience but I have the current worth of a walking corpse." Quest mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

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8 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

The stranger seemed disappointed, but continued anyways. "We're the Order of the Fallen Star. I'm afraid I don't think I'm authorized to just give this away..." He paused. "Where were you headed, again?"

"North, to Alverton," Lyras said. "I'm taking a ship there to reach Orteo Island, and from there..." he trailed off. "Hopefully I'll have a more focused destination by that point."

He adjusted his pack. "Thank you for the information. Both about your Order, and about the meteorite. I'll be sure to learn more as I travel." He turned to leave.

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Annamus shifts inside his shell and gets stuck. By TreeBark's lost limb-

You shouldn't say that.

That's odd, why is that odd. Thinks Annamus groggily. I really need to remember to not start the process while sleeping inside a turtle shell. Now what did I do last time?

I just kicked out of the shell. 

I'm going to lose the centerpiece.

I did it before.

Alright, alright, I'll do it.

Kicking out his legs and thrusting his arms forward, Annamus manages to get his arms, legs, and head out. Looking down, by-

What was I going to say? 

Nevermind, I need to get going

Annamus beings walking towards the edge of the forest looking for any kind of cat to use.

@xinoehp512 @Channelknight Fadran


Do you want him to inadvertantly cross their path again or have him come back about a week later and see what they have done?


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12 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Yerik laughed gleefully as he jumped through the forest. Stars, this was fun.

Soon, Yerik encountered a high net of tightly woven fibers. It stretched high up above the canopy.

And through the net... nothing. He couldn't see anything.

Hyron, after recieving orders from Trad Rina, stood on a platform behind the net, watching outside for signs of the stranger.

They saw the stranger. And held their breath. This was... bad. This stranger was breaking so many laws.

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