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Channelknight Fadran

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

Vance nodded, sneezing again. He set his bowl down and leaned back against a tree. “That’s quite the volatile power you have.”

Kealie went red, remembering several especially volatile times. “I’m lucky any of it actually worked. Sorry about the fire breath.”

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10 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“Yeah, yeah. All that was fine. I mean, what exactly… is it? I’ve never heard of anyone who could magically summon rope.”

“Well… I thought maybe you’d forgotten you’d had rope the whole time. So it turns out that you did.”

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5 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Can we get a list of all the storylines rn?



The corvus storyline (with some xino)

The bookwyrm storyline (with some xino)

The haly, mr. misting, and fadran storyline

The wizard storyline

The fadran, and xino storyline

The haly, justice, and insanity storyline

I think that's all.


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2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Vance blinked a couple of times. Honestly, this was really more of his sister’s thing…

”What about the magic vines?”

“I’m connected to those. I call him Eej. He runs on my life force, which gives me a degree of control over him… but only threats. He’s still annoying.”

Eej waved in protest.

”Okay, yes, he’s nice.” Kealie smiled. “It’s nice to have him.”

Eej settled down.

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Quest, Kealie and Vance killing rabbits.

Lyras talking to Order of the Fallen Star guy in the same location as Whist, Fidadh and Nayka as they avoid the law.

Annamus is hunting a tiger in the same location as Quendi, Terakor and Anikel hunting for metal.

Hyron is trying to capture the blashpemous Order of the Fallen Stars member.

And two hypothetical other storylines.

I think that's all of them.


1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

And we’re trying to add two more



Too be fair though, some of those storylines are in the same place. But yeah this is getting messy, the problem is adding more characters into this will be messy any way we do it.


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9 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“I’m connected to those. I call him Eej. He runs on my life force, which gives me a degree of control over him… but only threats. He’s still annoying.”

Eej waved in protest.

”Okay, yes, he’s nice.” Kealie smiled. “It’s nice to have him.”

Eej settled down.

Vance waved at the vines. “Hi, Eej. Nice to meet you.”

8 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:




It’d actually be a lot less messy to introduce new characters into current storylines (says I from experience)


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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

So who are the new characters we need to add?



They're all the people that have expressed interest, but don't know where to join in yet/haven't joined yet.

Note: If one of you wants to be like a villager from Glien you can, or not. Don't have to be human either, could just be passing through and hear about the tiger plaguing the village.


@The Aspiring Archivist



@Shallan Stormblessed


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6 hours ago, justice_magician said:

"Thats good, I'm glad!" Whist said, settling down on the ground next to her.


Name: Ashe

Race: Half Stellari, half Hwindi.

Gender: Female

Description: Short hair. Skin is marbled with dull, grayish shades of blue and green, with specks of white like stars. Eyes glow pale blue. Tall and wiry, with only slightly abnormal feet.

Magic: Transportalis (i kinda just made it up cuz i wanted portals...)

Personality: Likes to have fun. Curious. Territorial.

Backstory: She spawned in an alley I don't know. One of her close relatives is a policeman and thus she respects and trusts the police more than normal. She's an adult and is out of the house.


The shadow stirred. "Why are you in my alley?" a woman asks curiously.

Edited by Tani
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4 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:
15 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Soon, Yerik encountered a high net of tightly woven fibers. It stretched high up above the canopy.

And through the net... nothing. He couldn't see anything.

Hyron, after recieving orders from Trad Rina, stood on a platform behind the net, watching outside for signs of the stranger.

They saw the stranger. And held their breath. This was... bad. This stranger was breaking so many laws.

Yerik prodded the net curiously.

Miyako was walking through the woods, glancing at every shadow to make sure it wasn't the Hwindi waiting to attack. She had come to these forests as only a last resort, but if her bounty could hide in these woods from those haughty tree huggers she could too. If he was already captured by the Hwindi then she would cross that bridge when she came to it. 

She was on the trail of someone who had been through these woods recently. He had seemed to walk through without a care in the world, trampling through the underbrush and making it painfully obvious to follow. It was unlikely that this was her target, but a lead was a lead. 

She brushed past leaves, darting from shadow to shadow, advancing with her sword by her side. She was inspecting a set of footprints when she heard rustling in the leaves above. Miyako turned and saw a man sailing through the air, bounding through the trees as if untethered to this world. She spared one more glance at the trail before rushing after the man. Something big was happening and she wasn't going to miss it.

Miyako had to abandon all subtlety as she sprinted through the forest after the floating man. Another man, a Hwindi by the looks of it, leaped through the forest in the direction of the man moments later. He swung through the trees in pursuit. Luckily though, he seemed much too preoccupied to notice her running on the ground.

Her breath was drawing ragged when she halted suddenly, seeing the man hanging in midair. She pulled herself together and creeped forward. She surveyed her surroundings, the Hwindi seemed to be in the trees and a large net was hanging over the canopy. She drew her sword while moving forward, preparing for a fight; there seemed to a confrontation brewing and Miyako seemed to be in the middle of it.

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