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Channelknight Fadran

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Just now, Mr. Misting said:

"Excuse me, but where exactly did you get those vines?" Quest asked while straightening his glasses.

“They grow on my home island, Osakhazikika. They’re inert until you bond them, but so temperamental that nobody ever bothers. Only now do I understand why.” She glared at Eej, who sunk in protest, still moving.

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

“They grow on my home island, Osakhazikika. They’re inert until you bond them, but so temperamental that nobody ever bothers. Only now do I understand why.” She glared at Eej, who sunk in protest, still moving.

"What can they do? How does one bond them? They have emotions, does that mean they are sentient? Umm sorry, should I stop asking questions?"

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Just now, Mr. Misting said:

"What can they do? How does one bond them? They have emotions, does that mean they are sentient? Umm sorry, should I stop asking questions?"

“Not at all. Any of the Kukonandi can bond them—or just about anything else. When you turn thirteen, a Channeler helps you create a channel between you and an object. You share some of yourself with it—your vitality, your senses, some capacity for thought and emotion… stuff like that. You can close the channel temporarily, but cutting off your Bonditem altogether is quite a bit harder.”

2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“If they don’t do anything until someone bonds them, then how did you guys figure out how to bond them in the first place?”

”There was one of us skilled in Ocumeritation, a long time ago, who basically saw a stick move. From then on it was sentinent. Of course, she had to justify how in her mind, so she thought of something that made sense. And thus Bonditems have been in practice ever since.”


I best go to bed. See y’all tomorrow!


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7 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"Hey!" Juuno began sprinting after him.

Stalks, if only Juuno had Verdur abilities. Sadly, he had not been selected to receive them when he was younger.

So, he sprinted. And called for the police.

And police appeared in front of the humans path.

Yerik slowed to a leisurely walk, trying to appear as if he had just been running because he felt like it.

"Hello!" he said as cheerfully as he could to the approaching authority figures.

2 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:



I have an idea for a storyline/plot hook with Lyras, if you're interested. :ph34r: 

@The Bookwyrm

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8 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“The tiger, you mean? They don’t care for the forest any more than you care for me; if even it did, I would wish it to rest assured that it isn’t the forest that I seek to destroy. We have dug up one tree and will leave having done just that.”

"This voice has always been in my head, the armor makes me want to act. If you leave without digging up anymore trees I can pardon you this once. If you ever return and harm the forest I will be driven to kill you."

Extremely painful as this is, then I won't have to kill anyone, hopefully.

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8 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Yerik slowed to a leisurely walk, trying to appear as if he had just been running because he felt like it.

"Hello!" he said as cheerfully as he could to the approaching authority figures.

11 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

The police did not respond, instead, they formed a wall in front of the stranger.

"You must leave," They said, "We cannot allow you to go any further."

When the stranger didn't move, two officers moved forward to grab his arms.

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3 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"This voice has always been in my head, the armor makes me want to act. If you leave without digging up anymore trees I can pardon you this once. If you ever return and harm the forest I will be driven to kill you."

Extremely painful as this is, then I won't have to kill anyone, hopefully.

"I cannot speak to the others' future intent, but I don't plan to harm these woods any further."

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On 10/26/2022 at 4:06 PM, Tani said:

"You didn't know that harming a police officer would get her in trouble?" she asks, incredulous. "Everyone knows that! And even if you didn't, if you had thought about it for even two seconds you might have realized that there is no way they wouldn't be guarded with a threat of legal retribution! Otherwise, there would be no police officers. Nobody would want to be a police officer, because it would be a death sentence to be one!" She sighs, exasperated.

Ashe moved around to the other side of the police officer and started dragging her farther from the group. "One: There's always someone at the police department. Always. Two: No, you would not need to file a lawsuit, you would need to file a complaint to the police department. Three: It's not your job to protect citizens from the police, it's the police's job to protect the citizens. Four: In danger of what? Being interrogated there in the street? Being subjected to a pat-down search? Certainly in less danger than this police officer who you whacked upside the head with something. Five: Police officers are, in general, far more trustworthy than street rats, especially ones who tend to lie when they feel threatened. And six: If you don't want trouble, why would you assault a police officer?" Ashe stopped, now a few yards away from them. "Additionally, the fact that she lied the first time I asked what you folk did makes me think that she did steal something and you, an accomplice, assaulted the officer so you could get away with it."

Glancing at Fiadh, she commented "Glaring is rude, and so is going for a knife when you're not being threatened with physical harm."

She then blew in the officer's face.


On 10/26/2022 at 4:43 PM, InfiniteInsanity said:

This woman was not helping Fiadh keep control of her emotions. Fiadh gave up. So what if she was being rude. The lady clearly already thought she was being rude.  "Well I think that when you've been living on the streets for four years and before that you pretty much lived on the streets avoiding people you thought were nice but instead decided to hit you and threaten you every chance they got, then a random lady approaching you in an alleyway in the middle of the night is a good reason to be on defense. And I also think that you should be nicer to these ladies because they were just trying to do what they thought was right when they were placed in a crisis and whatever that rush is called kicks in it-" Fiadh's voice went a little quieter, "That rush doesn't end well. You don't always think clearly. Give them a bit of a break. If anyone is to blame for this it's me. I'm the reason they were there when the police looking lady came over. And I don't think that a proper police lady would treat a young lady like her," Fiadh gestured to Nayka, "in as rough a manner as she did."


On 10/26/2022 at 7:59 PM, The Halcyon Girl said:

I like these people. Very, very much. “I… I didn’t think…” Nayka whimpered. “They’re so scary…”

The officer stirred and Nayka yelped, but it wasn’t all acting this time. She scooted back, but there was nowhere to go but the wall. So she cowered there as the officer sat up and rubbed her head. 

(Realistic for half-strength Hwindi breath?)

The alley lady did have a point. But what was done was done, no changing it now. Ironic how she couldn't think things through, yet over worried about everything else.

 Whists head stated to hurt even more, she felt dizzy. Things started to go blurry . . .

I think I have a concussion, she thought.

They really needed to move, run or something. Find a place to wait out this whole thing.

But Whist was having a hard time thinking clearly.


So...I haven't posted in a while.

I know that Lyras is in the same town as Insanity, Justice, Tani, and Haly's characters, but they seem to be doing their own thing, and I don't want to interfere too much. Besides, my character is pretty set on traveling, and I don't know if that's the case with theirs.

If someone who wants to control multiple characters wants to make a new one to travel with Lyras, or if the people in the alley storyline would rather rope me in again, just let me know.


I think if you rejoined our story line it would be totally fine, though I have no idea where we're going with this.  @The Bookwyrm


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On 10/26/2022 at 6:43 PM, InfiniteInsanity said:

This woman was not helping Fiadh keep control of her emotions. Fiadh gave up. So what if she was being rude. The lady clearly already thought she was being rude.  "Well I think that when you've been living on the streets for four years and before that you pretty much lived on the streets avoiding people you thought were nice but instead decided to hit you and threaten you every chance they got, then a random lady approaching you in an alleyway in the middle of the night is a good reason to be on defense. And I also think that you should be nicer to these ladies because they were just trying to do what they thought was right when they were placed in a crisis and whatever that rush is called kicks in it-" Fiadh's voice went a little quieter, "That rush doesn't end well. You don't always think clearly. Give them a bit of a break. If anyone is to blame for this it's me. I'm the reason they were there when the police looking lady came over. And I don't think that a proper police lady would treat a young lady like her," Fiadh gestured to Nayka, "in as rough a manner as she did."

On 10/26/2022 at 9:59 PM, The Halcyon Girl said:

I like these people. Very, very much. “I… I didn’t think…” Nayka whimpered. “They’re so scary…”

The officer stirred and Nayka yelped, but it wasn’t all acting this time. She scooted back, but there was nowhere to go but the wall. So she cowered there as the officer sat up and rubbed her head. 

(Realistic for half-strength Hwindi breath?)

(Yep, probably. Idk for sure tho)

"Objection: Police officers aren't random people, they have uniforms and go through background checks and such. If she was treating the young lady roughly, as you say, clearly the girl broke the law, was seen by the officer, and was resisting arrest. If she had been trying to treat the young lady roughly, she would have used her club at least, maybe even a knife or sword. Also, why should I give you a break when you weren't giving the officer a break for literally just doing her job? Police officers are all that stands between the monsters and the weak. Hurting them just gives the monsters a chance to prey on others."


I'm not sure how she's going to end up joining your group, but it might be to keep an eye on you and stop you from breaking the law and hurting/killing other officers

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Just now, Tani said:

(Yep, probably. Idk for sure tho)

"Objection: Police officers aren't random people, they have uniforms and go through background checks and such. If she was "treating ~, clearly the girl broke the law, was seen by the officer, and was resisting arrest. If she had been trying to treat the young lady roughly, she would have used her club at least, maybe even a knife or sword. Also, why should I give you a break when you weren't giving the officer a break for literally just doing her job? Police officers are all that stands between the monsters and the weak. Hurting them just gives the monsters a chance to prey on others."

Fiadh rolled her eyes. "You are the random lady. You came up and started getting mad at us for something you don't know all the details about. And here let me give you a senerio. There's this girl about twelve like me. She has lived on the streets for as long as she can remember. All she knows is that if she doesn't steal, she doesn't eat. So that's what she does. And you can tell from looking at her that she has lived on her own on the streets for a long time. She gets caught. How should she be treated by the authorities?"

1 hour ago, justice_magician said:



The alley lady did have a point. But what was done was done, no changing it now. Ironic how she couldn't think things through, yet over worried about everything else.

 Whists head stated to hurt even more, she felt dizzy. Things started to go blurry . . .

I think I have a concussion, she thought.

They really needed to move, run or something. Find a place to wait out this whole thing.

But Whist was having a hard time thinking clearly.


Fiadh glanced at Whist. She didn't look too good.

Fiadh turned back to the lady and before the lady said anything started talking again. "Hey, alley lady, while you think that over do think we could move somewhere else?" She gestured to Whist. "She looks like she might have some sort of head injury and it doesn't look like she's doing too good." She gestured to her legs, "And the whole thing about my legs being injured wasn't an entire lie. It was pretty bad. Plus the police looking lady has a head injury too. Maybe we should move inside." Fiadh glanced nervously around. "Its getting dark and cold. The worst "street rats" like to come out at night."

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37 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh rolled her eyes. "You are the random lady. You came up and started getting mad at us for something you don't know all the details about. And here let me give you a senerio. There's this girl about twelve like me. She has lived on the streets for as long as she can remember. All she knows is that if she doesn't steal, she doesn't eat. So that's what she does. And you can tell from looking at her that she has lived on her own on the streets for a long time. She gets caught. How should she be treated by the authorities?"

Ashe deflates.

37 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh glanced at Whist. She didn't look too good.

Fiadh turned back to the lady and before the lady said anything started talking again. "Hey, alley lady, while you think that over do think we could move somewhere else?" She gestured to Whist. "She looks like she might have some sort of head injury and it doesn't look like she's doing too good." She gestured to her legs, "And the whole thing about my legs being injured wasn't an entire lie. It was pretty bad. Plus the police looking lady has a head injury too. Maybe we should move inside." Fiadh glanced nervously around. "Its getting dark and cold. The worst "street rats" like to come out at night."

She nods, slightly curtly. "Do you have an 'inside' in mind?"


what's awake police lady doing?

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3 hours ago, Tani said:

Ashe deflates.

She nods, slightly curtly. "Do you have an 'inside' in mind?"

"Um.. I don't normally do inside too much." Fiadh thinks for a couple of moments. "I think the best options might be a little inn down the street going to the right or..."  She takes a deep breath. "I know of an abandoned house we could stay at."

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7 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

The police did not respond, instead, they formed a wall in front of the stranger.

"You must leave," They said, "We cannot allow you to go any further."

When the stranger didn't move, two officers moved forward to grab his arms.

Yerik kept his arms raised and did not resist. "Can't I stay for a visit?"

16 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“Yet you still seem far from content.”

Anikel frowned. "Quendi?" he spoke under his breath. "What are you doing?"

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On 10/28/2022 at 4:36 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

Quendi ignored her companion, continuing to address the Wanderer. “You don’t strike me as the sort to respect something as simple as an understanding.  What proof do I have that you’ll keep your word?”


"I won't kill you because you have my word, and I hate killing anyone. The voice in my head would love to murder you and if I break my word it will weaken things inside of me, letting the other side of me reign." Annamus shudders, "trust me, it's not something you want to happen."

@Channelknight Fadran

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22 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Yerik kept his arms raised and did not resist. "Can't I stay for a visit?"

22 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

One of the officers shook his head. "No. You are lucky to still be alive, as it is. Remain outside the net."

They dragged him to the border of the net, where they lifted it and shoved him under. The magic of the net prevented Yerik from seeing in, but the officers remained there to watch him.

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On 10/27/2022 at 9:51 PM, The Halcyon Girl said:
On 10/27/2022 at 9:46 PM, Mr. Misting said:

"What can they do? How does one bond them? They have emotions, does that mean they are sentient? Umm sorry, should I stop asking questions?"

“Not at all. Any of the Kukonandi can bond them—or just about anything else. When you turn thirteen, a Channeler helps you create a channel between you and an object. You share some of yourself with it—your vitality, your senses, some capacity for thought and emotion… stuff like that. You can close the channel temporarily, but cutting off your Bonditem altogether is quite a bit harder.”

On 10/27/2022 at 9:47 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

“If they don’t do anything until someone bonds them, then how did you guys figure out how to bond them in the first place?”

”There was one of us skilled in Ocumeritation, a long time ago, who basically saw a stick move. From then on it was sentinent. Of course, she had to justify how in her mind, so she thought of something that made sense. And thus Bonditems have been in practice ever since.”

Quest deflated, putting his pencil down. 

"Oh, so it's your magic not the vine itself. That's cool, I guess." Quest put away his notebook. He sighed and in doing so, saw something in the distance. Was that smoke? 

"Guys, I think I see something."

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On 10/28/2022 at 11:26 AM, Tani said:

Ashe deflates.She nods, slightly curtly. "Do you have an 'inside' in mind?"


She’s just getting her bearings

The officer sat up and glanced around dreamily. “Hello.” Her eyes passed over Nayka without recognition.

What the… why doesn’t she recognize me? Doesn’t she remember what I…

What if… what if she doesn’t remember? Is that possible? Thoughts going a mile a minute, she tried to both look casual to the officer, but also infer to the others that her fear was not gone. Now she understood why Buka had said not to travel with merging groups.

With two stories, he’d told her often, his eager brown eyes gleaming intensely but excitedly, and trying to play both stories up at the same time to different people, it gets complicated. If you can, just avoid people altogether. Even just one complicated enough. Except family. He’d grinned and gently slugged her. 

But then he hadn’t followed his own advice.

 That was why her brother was gone.

Oh, Buka, why did you have to meet her?

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Sahala wandered out of the front door of her house, bored. She looked around, hoping something exciting would happen. Then she could try to use her sword.

Like I'd be able to do anything with it, she thought. At her request, Sahala's parents had bought her a sword, but had never bothered to train her, and she was always thinking she should learn one of these days. But she never had. 


I decided I'd just post something as Sahala, otherwise I'd never do anything. What storyline would be best for me to join? I can retro-fit as needed.


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On 10/29/2022 at 3:58 PM, The Halcyon Girl said:

The officer sat up and glanced around dreamily. “Hello.” Her eyes passed over Nayka without recognition.

What the… why doesn’t she recognize me? Doesn’t she remember what I…

What if… what if she doesn’t remember? Is that possible? Thoughts going a mile a minute, she tried to both look casual to the officer, but also infer to the others that her fear was not gone. Now she understood why Buka had said not to travel with merging groups.

With two stories, he’d told her often, his eager brown eyes gleaming intensely but excitedly, and trying to play both stories up at the same time to different people, it gets complicated. If you can, just avoid people altogether. Even just one complicated enough. Except family. He’d grinned and gently slugged her. 

But then he hadn’t followed his own advice.

 That was why her brother was gone.

Oh, Buka, why did you have to meet her?

The officer was awake.

oh well . . . Whist thought groggily, if we go to jail, Larsik can probably bust us out . . .

The others seemed to be talking but she had a hard time understanding the words. Her vision was so blurry . . . Whist searched in her pocket for her glasses, she seemed to have forgotten they were on her face. 


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