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Channelknight Fadran

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4 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Quendi checked the Wanderer’s pulse, sitting him up to help him breathe. “I suppose we ought to take him with us. He appears to be the sort who attracts beasts.”

@xinoehp512 @The Wandering Wizard

Still somewhat drowsily he replies, "good thing I can suck them dry. At least once their mostly dead."

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11 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Nayka turned to her. It felt weird not to try and mask her emotion. Her shock must have been written all over her face. “Why did you do that?”

Kealie grabbed the blade between her thumb and index finger, the end of the slim chain between her palm and the rest of her fingers. Then she flicked it, letting go of the blade, calculating carefully.

The chain uncoiled from her belt as the knife buried itself just behind the buck’s shoulder blade. It made some kind of painful noise and attempted to run away, but it couldn’t break away when it reached the end of the chain, for Kealie’s blade had buried deep. She sprinted after it, shortening the chain as she went.

Once she got near, she chucked a second  knife at it, but the knife tilted and bounced off of its pelt. She’d compensated for a chain when this knife had no tether. She crouched, hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath and hoping Vance would provide some backup.

"Well you have far to much living to do to be wasting away in a jail cell, plus, you're a really nice person" Whist said, her breath now under control. However the excess use of magic and the sleepless night left her feeling completely drained.

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6 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

"Well you have far to much living to do to be wasting away in a jail cell, plus, you're a really nice person" Whist said, her breath now under control. However the excess use of magic and the sleepless night left her feeling completely drained.

“But…” Nayka blinked, still confised. “You know it was me.”

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“But…” Nayka blinked, still confised. “You know it was me.”

"Well yeah . . . that was obvious, but what's a little burglary? I know I certainly tried my hand at it when I was your age," she said.

I'm a little young to be remembering the "good old days," she thought to herself with a chuckle.

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4 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Quendi checked the Wanderer’s pulse, sitting him up to help him breathe. “I suppose we ought to take him with us. He appears to be the sort who attracts beasts.”

@xinoehp512 @The Wandering Wizard

"That's your reason to take him with us?" asked Anikel incredulously.

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10 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

"Well yeah . . . that was obvious, but what's a little burglary? I know I certainly tried my hand at it when I was your age," she said.

I'm a little young to be remembering the "good old days," she thought to herself with a chuckle.

A laugh of disbelief escaped Nayka’s lips. “Didn’t you hear that woman? I’ve stolen my way across this island. I’m practically rich. I stole the Aiesketor! You say I’m a nice person. I say ninety percent of that was acting.”

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36 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Nayka turned to her. It felt weird not to try and mask her emotion. Her shock must have been written all over her face. “Why did you do that?”

Kealie grabbed the blade between her thumb and index finger, the end of the slim chain between her palm and the rest of her fingers. Then she flicked it, letting go of the blade, calculating carefully.

The chain uncoiled from her belt as the knife buried itself just behind the buck’s shoulder blade. It made some kind of painful noise and attempted to run away, but it couldn’t break away when it reached the end of the chain, for Kealie’s blade had buried deep. She sprinted after it, shortening the chain as she went.

Once she got near, she chucked a second  knife at it, but the knife tilted and bounced off of its pelt. She’d compensated for a chain when this knife had no tether. She crouched, hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath and hoping Vance would provide some backup.

So apparently she didn’t have the whole situation under control. Vance would’ve preferred just to peg the thing in the head with the bow and arrow he’d found, but the two angry organisms couldn’t seem to sit still enough for that.

With a small sigh, Vance lunged forwards and plunged a blade into the deer’s throat, slashing as quick and clean across its jugular as he could.

34 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Still somewhat drowsily he replies, "good thing I can suck them dry. At least once their mostly dead."


12 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

"That's your reason to take him with us?" asked Anikel incredulously.

“The gods do not treat lightly those who spurn others in need.”

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

So apparently she didn’t have the whole situation under control. Vance would’ve preferred just to peg the thing in the head with the bow and arrow he’d found, but the two angry organisms couldn’t seem to sit still enough for that.

With a small sigh, Vance lunged forwards and plunged a blade into the deer’s throat, slashing as quick and clean across its jugular as he could.


“The gods do not treat lightly those who spurn others in need.”

Kealie waited until it finished dying, then walked forward and retrieved her morningknife blade. “Thanks,” she puffed. 

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

A laugh of disbelief escaped Nayka’s lips. “Didn’t you hear that woman? I’ve stolen my way across this island. I’m practically rich. I stole the Aiesketor! You say I’m a nice person. I say ninety percent of that was acting.”

Whist chuckled, "Of course your a good person! its the default! its the truth!"

"In my opinion, bad people don't exist. Good people who are stupid? Sure! Good people who do bad things? Of course! Good people who are corrupted by the world around them? Definitely."

"We're all good people, deep down. Some people bury their goodness, they try to hide it. You say you were acting--But what part of yourself was fake? The part that stopped to help a hurt girl, despite being chased? The part that helped a hurt woman walk across town in the middle of the night?"

"I'd say its not likely."

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3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“Would’ve been easier, quicker, and kinder just to shoot it with an arrow.”

Kealie shrugged. “Maybe. But it feels good to be able to do something. Besides turn runes into cats.”


Nayka’s breathing slowed. “I… I don’t understand,” she said in a small voice, sounding for all the world like the child she was.

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9 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Kealie shrugged. “Maybe. But it feels good to be able to do something. Besides turn runes into cats.”


Nayka’s breathing slowed. “I… I don’t understand,” she said in a small voice, sounding for all the world like the child she was.

"That's okay, the world is old and complicated, and you are very young. Just try to remember there's goodness inside of you," Whist said, smiling at the young girl. "I've been in your place, I know what its like to cover up your goodness, to be ashamed of it, but I also know that people can change-- or rather change back, if you get my drift."

"The goodness inside wants to get out! no matter how hard you try to stop it. take my advice and let it!"

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2 hours ago, justice_magician said:

Whist noticed Fiadh looked a bit uneasy . . . and then her stomach growled. She handed her wallet to Fiadh.

"Will you go buy us all some breakfast?" she said, pointing at the counter at the back of the room. "I'm all out of apples."

"I'm a Star Mage," Whist said turning to the older girl. "I can magical take in energy from the sun, and then use it to do stuff. For healing, you take this energy and push it into the body of the person you want to heal. The energy, blessed with the suns connection to life, speeds up the persons natural healing process. It usually takes a lot of energy, but Fiadh had a small wound, and healing myself is much easier than other people. I should be able to heal her without a rest," Whist said. 

She walked over to the officer, who was absentmindedly sitting on the other side of their table. Her guilt had grown considerably now that her head was clear. All of last night had been a strange and hazy, even before her vision went blurry. That's what you get for walking straight into a pole, Whist thought to herself. She gently placed her hand on the woman's forehead, like she was checking a fever, and then Pushed energy through her hand.

"Wha . . . what . . . HEY!"  the officer jumped off of the bench, backing away to examine the group.


Fiadh nodded and grabbed the wallet. She wasn't quite sure how to order food but it looked fairly simple. She walked over to where Whist had pointed her and a couple of bowls of an oatmeal like meal. And then the lady asked her for payment. Fiadh froze. She hadn't ever had money to use before.

She peered in the wallet and was confused. Fiadh had absolutely no idea how to pay. She glanced around frantically. When she looked over at where Whist was she looked pretty occupied with the officer lady.

Fiadh looked back down and the money. She took a deep breath and trapped some of the money and handed to the lady. She grabbed a little to much but the lady was nice and gave her some back. Fiadh grabbed the food and rushes back to Whist. That was absolutely terrifying.

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4 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

"That's okay, the world is old and complicated, and you are very young. Just try to remember there's goodness inside of you," Whist said, smiling at the young girl. "I've been in your place, I know what its like to cover up your goodness, to be ashamed of it, but I also know that people can change-- or rather change back, if you get my drift."

"The goodness inside wants to get out! no matter how hard you try to stop it. take my advice and let it!"

“Who am I if I don’t steal?” Nayka whispered, wrapping her arms around herself. “And why are you so nice?”


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17 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh nodded and grabbed the wallet. She wasn't quite sure how to order food but it looked fairly simple. She walked over to where Whist had pointed her and a couple of bowls of an oatmeal like meal. And then the lady asked her for payment. Fiadh froze. She hadn't ever had money to use before.

She peered in the wallet and was confused. Fiadh had absolutely no idea how to pay. She glanced around frantically. When she looked over at where Whist was she looked pretty occupied with the officer lady.

Fiadh looked back down and the money. She took a deep breath and trapped some of the money and handed to the lady. She grabbed a little to much but the lady was nice and gave her some back. Fiadh grabbed the food and rushes back to Whist. That was absolutely terrifying.

Fiadh came back with the food, much to Whist's relief. She took one gratefully and began spooning it into her mouth.

12 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“Who am I if I don’t steal?” Nayka whispered, wrapping her arms around herself. “And why are you so nice?”


"Well that's easy," Whist said between mouthfuls, "Your the girl who helped out Fiadh, and the girl who helped out Whist! Its not a whole lot yet, but you don't need to have your whole identity plotted out from day one." 

"Keep letting your goodness out, and with patience, who you really are will come with it." 

She handed Nayka a bowl of oatmeal. "Oh, and I guess I'm nice because . . . it feels right. I've had a lot of practice, and once I started being nice, I realized it really wasn't as hard as people make it out to be."

"Anyway, I think that's enough philosophy for one all-nighter."


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1 minute ago, justice_magician said:

Fiadh came back with the food, much to Whist's relief. She took one gratefully and began spooning it into her mouth.

"Well that's easy," Whist said between mouthfuls, "Your the girl who helped out Fiadh, and the girl who helped out Whist! Its not a whole lot yet, but you don't need to have your whole identity plotted out from day one." 

"Keeping letting your goodness out, and with patience, who you really are will come with it." 

She handed Nayka a bowl of oatmeal. "Oh, and I guess I'm nice because . . . it feels right. I've had a lot of practice, and once I started being nice, I realized it really wasn't as hard as people make it out to be."

"Anyway, I think that's enough philosophy for one all-nighter."


Nayka stared down at the oatmeal, pleasantly surprised. Whist really was a good person. And she believed Nayka could be too.


If she got really lucky.

Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

“Yeah, about that…” Vance shook his head. “You gotta tell me how that crap works. Seriously. It just… blows my mind.”

”Ummmm. It’s something like, ‘my mind has a connection to the universe, like everyone else’s, but due to the unstable genetics of us Kukonandai, when our perceptions change, the world can change. Something about how my people embrace change or something, and the universe likes that, and it tries to copy us. At least that’s one theory. I don’t know how it works. It just does.” She snapped for Eej.

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6 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

Fiadh came back with the food, much to Whist's relief. She took one gratefully and began spooning it into her mouth.

"Well that's easy," Whist said between mouthfuls, "Your the girl who helped out Fiadh, and the girl who helped out Whist! Its not a whole lot yet, but you don't need to have your whole identity plotted out from day one." 

"Keeping letting your goodness out, and with patience, who you really are will come with it." 

She handed Nayka a bowl of oatmeal. "Oh, and I guess I'm nice because . . . it feels right. I've had a lot of practice, and once I started being nice, I realized it really wasn't as hard as people make it out to be."

"Anyway, I think that's enough philosophy for one all-nighter."


 Fiadh hands Whist back her wallet. She starts to talk. "How-" A voice echoes through her head, Curiosity gets you killed. It sounded almost like the voice was mocking her with a song song tone and everything. Fiadh's face twists in frustration. She grabbed a bowl rather violently and starts eating.

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1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

 Fiadh hands Whist back her wallet. She starts to talk. "How-" A voice echoes through her head, Curiosity gets you killed. It sounded almost like the voice was mocking her with a song song tone and everything. Fiadh's face twists in frustration. She grabbed a bowl rather violently and starts eating.

"D'you say something?" Whist asked, her bowl already empty. Fiadh looked frustrated for some reason.

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12 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

 Fiadh hands Whist back her wallet. She starts to talk. "How-" A voice echoes through her head, Curiosity gets you killed. It sounded almost like the voice was mocking her with a song song tone and everything. Fiadh's face twists in frustration. She grabbed a bowl rather violently and starts eating.

Nayka tilted her head. “Don’t worry, Whist is nice. You probably know that already, but she is.”

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24 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Ummmm. It’s something like, ‘my mind has a connection to the universe, like everyone else’s, but due to the unstable genetics of us Kukonandai, when our perceptions change, the world can change. Something about how my people embrace change or something, and the universe likes that, and it tries to copy us. At least that’s one theory. I don’t know how it works. It just does.” She snapped for Eej.

“But it can transform dorgrins into giant bunnies.”

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16 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

"D'you say something?" Whist asked, her bowl already empty. Fiadh looked frustrated for some reason.

Fiadh's eyes widened a bit and then shook her head. Lino gave me three rules and when he broke the curiosity one he died. Fiadh had made a decision after watching him die. She was never going to express her curiosity again. Fiadh face was a mask of anger but not towards anyone else. Just at herself.

10 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Nayka tilted her head. “Don’t worry, Whist is nice. You probably know that already, but she is.”

Fiadh shot Nayka a glare.

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3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“But it can transform dorgrins into giant bunnies.”

“Only under very specific circumstances can living things change.”

”…problem being that I don’t know what those are.”

2 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh's eyes widened a bit and then shook her head. Lino gave me three rules and when he broke the curiosity one he died. Fiadh had made a decision after watching him die. She was never going to express her curiosity again. Fiadh face was a mask of anger but not towards anyone else. Just at herself.

Fiadh shot Nayka a glare.

Nayka raised her eyebrows as if to say, what? She is.

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7 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:


Nayka raised her eyebrows as if to say, what? She is.

Fiadh rolled her eyes and then muttered to herself "They're all nice. Until they're not." She went back to eating her food. Then she muttered , " Or until they disappear. " She made a mental list of all the people who were like this. Lino, her parents, her grandparents, the lady who gave her food for the stolen stuff, the people who were older than her. There were lots of them.

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5 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh rolled her eyes and then muttered to herself "They're all nice. Until they're not." She went back to eating her food. Then she muttered , " Or until they disappear. " She made a mental list of all the people who were like this. Lino, her parents, her grandparents, the lady who gave her food for the stolen stuff, the people who were older than her. There were lots of them.


Was that loud enough for Nayka to hear?


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