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Channelknight Fadran

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ohhhh you just openly referred to Hyron as a 'he.' you're doomed. in case anyone forgot, hyron was born female as Hyrona with she/her pronouns, but is now Hyron, non-binary, and uses they/them pronouns. They present mostly feminine. So how Miyako thought 'he' is beyond me.

Hyron opened their mouth, realized what Miyako had said, then closed it again.

They looked at Miyako. Then punched them in the face, slamming them to the floor.

"How in the name of the Moons," They shouted, "Did you think I was a he?!"

@Ookla the Kobold (gods it;s ookla season that threw me off for a sec geez.)

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16 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron opened their mouth, realized what Miyako had said, then closed it again.

They looked at Miyako. Then punched them in the face, slamming them to the floor.

"How in the name of the Moons," They shouted, "Did you think I was a he?!"

@Ookla the Kobold (gods it;s ookla season that threw me off for a sec geez.)


Oh yeah I totally forgot about that. I've just been thinking of Hyron as dude.

Also sorry that Miyako is being a jerk, I have character reasons and Miyako has a "plan". Also Miyako is ignorant and will blindly stumble through this conversation.

"Wait!? You're a girl?" Miyako was to shocked to block the punch and was thrown to the floor. She stared up at Hyron, mouth hanging open.

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Hyron gapes at Miyako. "It's reasonable for you to think that," They say, but then they raise their voice, "But no! I was! But now I'm not! I go by they/them, and would like to be respected as such!"

They turn away, pressing their hands to their faces. "Ugh!" They shout, "Humans! Stalking idiots sometimes!"

@Ookla the Kobold

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron gapes at Miyako. "It's reasonable for you to think that," They say, but then they raise their voice, "But no! I was! But now I'm not! I go by they/them, and would like to be respected as such!"

They turn away, pressing their hands to their faces. "Ugh!" They shout, "Humans! Stalking idiots sometimes!"

@Ookla the Kobold

Miyako paused before saying the first thing to come to mind. Hyron would probably punch her again. And so for the first time in a while, Miyako was diplomatic.

"So, umm, ok. How does that work? Like biologically?"

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron gapes at Miyako. "It's reasonable for you to think that," They say, but then they raise their voice, "But no! I was! But now I'm not! I go by they/them, and would like to be respected as such!"

They turn away, pressing their hands to their faces. "Ugh!" They shout, "Humans! Stalking idiots sometimes!"

@Ookla the Kobold

"Are you quite finished?" said the woman sitting at the far end of the right side, her tone as sharp as a sword. "This hall is not a place for petty squabbles."

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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Are you quite finished?" said the woman sitting at the far end of the right side, her tone as sharp as a sword. "This hall is not a place for petty squabbles."

Miyako waved her hand at the Elders distractedly. "Yeah in a sec. This is important." She was still sprawled across the floor staring in pure shock up at Hyron.

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Hyron whirled on the woman, raising a fist. "This is not some petty squabble, lady," They said, abandoning all diplomatic intent, "I have just been highly disrespected by someone I hold in very high regar-"

They stopped talking, realizing what they'd said, why they'd said it, and then they wondered how they knew the meaning of what they'd said.

Without missing a beat, they took a deep breath, Hyron turned back to Miyako and said, "There's nothing biological to it! I simply didn't feel like being female, or male, so I'm just neither. It works for me, I feel good, end of story."

Hyron could already feel a blush creeping onto their face.

@Ookla the Kobold @xinoehp512


this was fun to type out


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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron whirled on the woman, raising a fist. "This is not some petty squabble, lady," They said, abandoning all diplomatic intent, "I have just been highly disrespected by someone I hold in very high regar-"

They stopped talking, realizing what they'd said, why they'd said it, and then they wondered how they knew the meaning of what they'd said.

Without missing a beat, they took a deep breath, Hyron turned back to Miyako and said, "There's nothing biological to it! I simply didn't feel like being female, or male, so I'm just neither. It works for me, I feel good, end of story."

Hyron could already feel a blush creeping onto their face.

@Ookla the Kobold @xinoehp512


Miyako opened her mouth. She quickly closed it. She nodded curtly to Hyron, turned away to hide a blush, and then leapt up to her feet. 

Miyako cleared her throat and addressed the Elders. "You were saying?"

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"If you have no further requests of this body, please excuse yourself," said the woman in an icy tone.

Yerik looked like he wanted to say something, but kept quiet.

2 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako opened her mouth. She quickly closed it. She nodded curtly to Hyron, turned away to hide a blush, and then leapt up to her feet. 

Miyako cleared her throat and addressed the Elders. "You were saying?"

"Hold on," said the man. "I believe she was suggesting something about... an assault on the Queen?"

@Ookla the Kobold

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6 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

"The name junk? The oh so mysterious curse? The chained down islands? This Queen lady?" Miyako said, waving her sword to accent each question.

"Ah," replied the Elder, leaning back in the chair. "Yes... as newcomers I suppose you deserve an explanation." He took a long breath. "Where to begin...?" He steepled his fingers, a tired expression on his face. "I must warn you, there is only so much that we know. It is... difficult for us to obtain information. But. Over the years we have managed to piece a few things together." He paused for a moment, considering. "I suppose the best place to start would be the... Queen." He spat the word out like a curse. "She appeared... fifty or so years ago, I believe?"

"Fifty-seven," interjected Yerik, eliciting several surprised glances from the other Elders.

The Elder paused. "Why... yes, I do believe that is correct."

"She's the one who caused everything, isn't she," said Yerik softly. "The reason this island is nameless."

The Elder drummed his fingers on the table. "As far as we can tell, yes. The Queen possesses... a certain power over names. I'm sure the Weaver told you never to reveal your name to anyone?"

@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Crow

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17 hours ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"I guess so." He paused, looking thoughtful. "Do you think I could somehow use channeled magic to somehow get past the traps?"


Sorry, my bad.

Quest shrugged, "I don't know Antin. I....I have no idea. This is all new to me."

10 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"Ah," replied the Elder, leaning back in the chair. "Yes... as newcomers I suppose you deserve an explanation." He took a long breath. "Where to begin...?" He steepled his fingers, a tired expression on his face. "I must warn you, there is only so much that we know. It is... difficult for us to obtain information. But. Over the years we have managed to piece a few things together." He paused for a moment, considering. "I suppose the best place to start would be the... Queen." He spat the word out like a curse. "She appeared... fifty or so years ago, I believe?"

"Fifty-seven," interjected Yerik, eliciting several surprised glances from the other Elders.

The Elder paused. "Why... yes, I do believe that is correct."

"She's the one who caused everything, isn't she," said Yerik softly. "The reason this island is nameless."

The Elder drummed his fingers on the table. "As far as we can tell, yes. The Queen possesses... a certain power over names. I'm sure the Weaver told you never to reveal your name to anyone?"

@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Crow


Ooooooo, mysterious backstory!

Miyako didn't speak, for fear of ruining the information dump. But how did Yerik know this, unless of course, he was from here?

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19 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Anikel frowned. "What?"


16 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"In that case," Quendi replied, scooping him off the ground, "we could certainly use the help of a certain Wanderer today."

"I-I don't know if I can help with that. A voice in my h-head wants you d-dead. It's gone quiet for now, since we're out of the forest."

Annimus quickly defends himself, bitterly responding "look, it's not like I want this voice in my head. Nor do I want to kill anyone, but life has a way of making me do it."

@Channelknight Fadran @Ookla the Forgotten

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3 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"I-I don't know if I can help with that. A voice in my h-head wants you d-dead. It's gone quiet for now, since we're out of the forest."

Annimus quickly defends himself, bitterly responding "look, it's not like I want this voice in my head. Nor do I want to kill anyone, but life has a way of making me do it."

@Channelknight Fadran @Ookla the Forgotten

"I suppose we can abandon you here if you prefer."

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Psmithania was conquered, but decided to have fun anyways. Under the demon king, they have a jazz revolution. Psmithania's musical revolution begins a counter-cultural revolution as social norms are uprooted and the youth begin to step into their destinies.

The demon king is overthrown by his half-brother, whose name we do not know.

There is some sort of civil war after the fall of the demon king, but it is unclear whether the kingdom or the demons won.

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26 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"No, don't leave me here. I'm just trying to trying to warn you about it."

19 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Very well, then."

Anikel growled. "Do you swear not to attack us?"

4 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Quest shrugged, "I don't know Antin. I....I have no idea. This is all new to me."

Miyako didn't speak, for fear of ruining the information dump. But how did Yerik know this, unless of course, he was from here?

3 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron glanced at Yerik, who's dead gaze suggested he was... reliving something he didn't want to be reliving.

What the hell.

@Ookla the Forgotten @Ookla the Kobold

15 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"Ah," replied the Elder, leaning back in the chair. "Yes... as newcomers I suppose you deserve an explanation." He took a long breath. "Where to begin...?" He steepled his fingers, a tired expression on his face. "I must warn you, there is only so much that we know. It is... difficult for us to obtain information. But. Over the years we have managed to piece a few things together." He paused for a moment, considering. "I suppose the best place to start would be the... Queen." He spat the word out like a curse. "She appeared... fifty or so years ago, I believe?"

"Fifty-seven," interjected Yerik, eliciting several surprised glances from the other Elders.

The Elder paused. "Why... yes, I do believe that is correct."

"She's the one who caused everything, isn't she," said Yerik softly. "The reason this island is nameless."

The Elder drummed his fingers on the table. "As far as we can tell, yes. The Queen possesses... a certain power over names. I'm sure the Weaver told you never to reveal your name to anyone?"

@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Crow

The Elder took their slight nods as affirmative. "There are many details about the Queen's abilities that we do not know, but we do know this; if she knows your name, she can control you. From what we understand, that is how she took over the island so quickly. All she would have needed was one name. From there, she would have learned the names of a few more, each of which would know a few more, until..." He spread his hands. "Every living person on the island was under her control." 

"Except for you?" asked Yerik.

"No. This village came several years later. She released a few people from her control, no explanation given, and allowed them to settle here. To be honest..." The Elder shrugged. "We still have no idea why she did it. Or whether or not she will ever change her mind."

"Which is why you hide your names?"

The Elder laughed bleakly. "Yes, for all the good it's done us so far."


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