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58 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Gatherer shook his head and began to walk off. He paused a few steps away, then turned back. "By the way," he commented. "The Queen will likely send for you at some point, once she realizes you're here. Just thought you should know."

Just now, Ookla the Crow said:

"We really need to get off here. Fast," Hyron said from their vine hammock. "And stop calling me Viney," They said to Miyako.

@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Forgotten

"Ok Viney."

"We can't leave on the ship, cause it's broken. These villagers aren't of much use. And this Queen lady is in our way." Miyako said, counting off the points on her fingers. "Fastest way off is to go kill the Queen. Quick, clean cut."

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26 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Annimus's rebuttal dies in his mouth. 

I have no defense for this, she is right.

"So," said Anikel, deep in thought, "if we get far enough away from the forest we're out of reach of these 'gods', correct?"

11 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

"We really need to get off here. Fast," Hyron said from their vine hammock. "And stop calling me Viney," They said to Miyako.

@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Forgotten

7 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

"Ok Viney."

"We can't leave on the ship, cause it's broken. These villagers aren't of much use. And this Queen lady is in our way." Miyako said, counting off the points on her fingers. "Fastest way off is to go kill the Queen. Quick, clean cut."

"Can we sleep first?" asked Yerik in a tired voice. "We can talk about stuff in the morning."


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8 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"For the most part, yes."

Anikel frowned. "What does that mean?"

11 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron agreed, laying back down in their hammock.

"Good night, losers." They said.

10 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako slumped against the wall and pulled her hat over her face.


The stars shone brightly overhead in the darkness of the moon as the last vestiges of the storm blew away. In the darkness, a figure moved. Swift, cloaked in black, they were all but invisible.

They paused at the entrance to the abandoned house, watching intently. Almost without thought, they extended their hand- then snatched it back, shaking their head.

"Good night," they whispered, so quiet it would have barely been audible even if there had been anyone awake to hear it. Then they turned and hurried back the way they had come.



Time skip to morning woot

Yerik yawned, blinking confusedly in the sudden sunlight.


Edited by Ookla the Forgotten
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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron opened their eyes, then sat up from their hammock.

"Where's the sun?" They muttered.

Yerik squinted. "Uh, right there, I think?"

2 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

“All beings are more powerful in their own domain. Gods specifically follow this rule. Effectively, they become just about harmless to you and I as soon as we’re gone.”

Anikel chewed on his lip. "Well, that's good news and bad news."

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Hyron squinted up at the sun, then made the sign of worship, putting their middle finger on the top of their head and bowing their head. They muttered a small prayer to the sun and moon for allowing them to make it through the past 24 hours.

They looked over their hammock, where Miyako was still asleep.

Then they blushed, and hurriedly looked away.

Barely awake, Hyron muttered something, then just sat there.

@Ookla the Forgotten

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron squinted up at the sun, then made the sign of worship, putting their middle finger on the top of their head and bowing their head. They muttered a small prayer to the sun and moon for allowing them to make it through the past 24 hours.

They looked over their hammock, where Miyako was still asleep.

Then they blushed, and hurriedly looked away.

Barely awake, Hyron muttered something, then just sat there.

@Ookla the Forgotten

Yerik rolled over on the pile of bedding he'd collected and stared at the wall for a few minutes. Finally he sighed and pulled himself to his feet.

One of the baskets the Nameless had brought lay at the doorstep. Yerik stumbled his way over and munched on one of the fruits. His eyes widened in surprise. "Hey, this is good!"

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5 hours ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"So, how can I help? I guess I can keep going through the runes. Come up with some new combinations and I'll write down the effects. Just be wary of combinations that contain fire."

"Umm, yes! I think we can figure out some way to get past the staircase eventually. We just need to find the right runes."

12 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron squinted up at the sun, then made the sign of worship, putting their middle finger on the top of their head and bowing their head. They muttered a small prayer to the sun and moon for allowing them to make it through the past 24 hours.

They looked over their hammock, where Miyako was still asleep.

Then they blushed, and hurriedly looked away.

Barely awake, Hyron muttered something, then just sat there.

@Ookla the Forgotten

3 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Yerik rolled over on the pile of bedding he'd collected and stared at the wall for a few minutes. Finally he sighed and pulled himself to his feet.

One of the baskets the Nameless had brought lay at the doorstep. Yerik stumbled his way over and munched on one of the fruits. His eyes widened in surprise. "Hey, this is good!"

Miyako continues to sleep. 


Edited by Ookla the Kobold
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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Yerik rolled over on the pile of bedding he'd collected and stared at the wall for a few minutes. Finally he sighed and pulled himself to his feet.

One of the baskets the Nameless had brought lay at the doorstep. Yerik stumbled his way over and munched on one of the fruits. His eyes widened in surprise. "Hey, this is good!"

Hyron grunted curiously, then gestured at Yerik to throw one of the fruits at them.

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17 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

“All beings are more powerful in their own domain. Gods specifically follow this rule. Effectively, they become just about harmless to you and I as soon as we’re gone.”

13 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Anikel chewed on his lip. "Well, that's good news and bad news."

"So are you going to move before they decide to try and kill you all? The longer you wait, the more time they have to muster their power."

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20 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

"So are you going to move before they decide to try and kill you all? The longer you wait, the more time they have to muster their power."

Anikel frowned. "What kind of timescales are we talking about here?"

@Ookla the Myopic

20 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron grunted curiously, then gestured at Yerik to throw one of the fruits at them.

Yerik tossed one of the pebblefruit in the general direction of Hyron, spitting out the pit of his own off to one side.


It tastes kind of like a chocolate cherry.

He sighed, sitting down on a collapsed wall. "Soooo... what now?"

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On 11/27/2022 at 2:04 PM, InfiniteInsanity said:

Being around Nayka would be great. "I-" Maybe it wouldn't be bad. And if it was Fiadh would just sneak away, it wouldn't be too hard. "Okay, I'll go."


On 11/27/2022 at 11:06 AM, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

Sahala stares. An adventure. 

"Can someone teach me how to use this?" she asks, touching her sword. "But yes, I'm in!"

"Nice! I'm afraid I don't have much knowledge of swords, but we might meet someone who does!"

22 hours ago, Ookla the Nerdy said:

@InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff

MeSaan looked over at the group. Well, there was no harm in trying. MeSaan walked up to Nayka and Fiadh. "Am I correct in assuming that you're going questing?"

"That is correct!" Whist said, turning to study the newcomer. She had never seen anything like them, the diversity of people in Orteo continued to amaze her. "My companions and I are looking for a lost item that belongs to an old friend of mine." 


I'm making an executive decision since I'm not sure were exactly we are (please correct me if I'm wrong)

Currently we are on Totehnhan, and the quest will probably take us to Caerlon (see the map on the fist page) then from there we will go to the main island for the festival.


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

"Umm, yes! I think we can figure out some way to get past the staircase eventually. We just need to find the right runes."

"Let's get to testing, then. Let me find my notes." Antin left for about a minute, then returned. "A little singed, but alright."

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43 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

“And we’re far from the first to chop down a tree in this forest. The gods shouldn’t have any real reason to smite us in particular.”

"Probably not, but you did cut down a very old tree. And with Gods it always is good to be cautious. I'd suggest leaving now."

@Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten

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2 hours ago, Ookla the magician said:

"That is correct!" Whist said, turning to study the newcomer. She had never seen anything like them, the diversity of people in Orteo continued to amaze her. "My companions and I are looking for a lost item that belongs to an old friend of mine." 


"What kind of item?"

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