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Channelknight Fadran

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5 hours ago, Ookla the magician said:

"Oh dear!" Whist said rushing over, she pulled a small leaf out of her bag. She was going to have to find a place to buy more supplies, she was running out quickly.

"Your probably right, it should pass with a little time," Whist approached Fiadh and gently handed her the leaf. "For now, see if you can suck on this a little, it should help with the nausea." 

Whist gently holds her by the shoulders, making sure she doesn't fall. From the other side of the deck, a call rings out; The crew of the ship had sight of Caerlon.

"Just a bit longer," Whist said gently to Fiadh. She couldn't help feeling a bit guilty, but she had expected a child who grew up in a port city to have more experience on the ocean.

5 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh nods slightly as she sucks on the leaf.


Nayka took quick, nonchalant glances, building a complete picture of the passengers. A duchess lady—string of Black Glit pearls—lankyscholarly man—he’s definitely got riches on him somewhere—some sort of young heiress—about ten golden pins, a huge silver butterfly clip, rich dress embroidered with Silkbunny thread, heavy looking collar necklace with the ten thousand assorted gems.

It took all of her self control not to bump into somebody and come away richer. But Whist! She couldn’t let Whist down. Whist thought she could be good. Nayka didn’t want to betray that. 

She flinched away from a passing child. Get close, and I’ll lose my resolve. 

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23 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

A shifting black mass of faces comes screaming though the mists. Each face that appears is unique and screaming in agony. The blade it wields is formed from pure blackness, the hilt made of a dried up head and bones. The blade seems to call for blood, a unearthly chanting sounding form the blade as it screams towards Quendi's head.

@Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten

@Ookla the [Redacted]


The shade is attacking you. Unless you want her absorbed by the shade to be released as a semi-spirit, possibly vengeful after being killed.


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23 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

A shifting black mass of faces comes screaming though the mists. Each face that appears is unique and screaming in agony. The blade it wields is formed from pure blackness, the hilt made of a dried up head and bones. The blade seems to call for blood, a unearthly chanting sounding form the blade as it screams towards Quendi's head.

Quendi didn't flinch. She'd felt it coming.

A blade of pure energy. Her eyes were dead-set on those of the creatures' faces. You'll have to be a bit more creative than that.

The sword slammed against a barrier of invisible force just inches from her head, the shadow breaking and dispersing around it. The darkness wisped away into a harmless vapor, swishing about before finally blinking out of existence without so much as a puff of smoke or mist.

The look on the monster's face would've been priceless, if any of them had been paying attention.

"Hit it with something!" Quendi announced, taking the moment of confused hesitation to strike back. She lowered into a hard dashing stance, circling about the creature and testing its reflexes. "It'll take it a moment to grow that sword back, so strike now!"

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This is stupid, this is stupid.

Well why don't you go get yourself killed then? It would at least be mildly entertaining

Shut up will yah. Just...just be quiet until I can deal with you, later.

Snarling Annimus dashes at the shade, slashing at it's chest.

A low moaning eminates from the shade, almost like a chuckle. It's clawed hand flashes out and rips into Annimus's skin. The blood from the tear tumbling towards the shade. Warrily Annimus circles the shade, right arm limp, all feeling begining to dull.

19 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"Hit it with something!" Quendi announced, taking the moment of confused hesitation to strike back. She lowered into a hard dashing stance, circling about the creature and testing its reflexes. "It'll take it a moment to grow that sword back, so strike now!"

Turning the shade focuses more on the less wounded prey, the one that was the dangerous one. The one who could wield magic. 

A hissing breath of a whisper eminates from it's shifting mouths. "Dangerousss this one isss. Yet you can not stop it as it drains your life. I can feel it flowing into me even now. With your weakness, my strength only grows."

Hissing laughing the shade blurs towards Quendi, claws extended, ready to rake the life from her body.

@Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten

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Just now, Ookla the Myopic said:

This is stupid, this is stupid.

Well why don't you go get yourself killed then? It would at least be mildly entertaining

Shut up will yah. Just...just be quiet until I can deal with you, later.

Snarling Annimus dashes at the shade, slashing at it's chest.

A low moaning eminates from the shade, almost like a chuckle. It's clawed hand flashes out and rips into Annimus's skin. The blood from the tear tumbling towards the shade. Warrily Annimus circles the shade, right arm limp, all feeling begining to dull.

Turning the shade focuses more on the less wounded prey, the one that was the dangerous one. The one who could wield magic. 

A hissing breath of a whisper eminates from it's shifting mouths. "Dangerousss this one isss. Yet you can not stop it as it drains your life. I can feel it flowing into me even now. With your weakness, my strength only grows."

Hissing laughing the shade blurs towards Quendi, claws extended, ready to rake the life from her body.

@Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten

An intelligent wraith? Well that was certainly something. And it was right to boot. How queer.

And then its speed... blinding, almost, in that instant. It hadn't been nearly that fast before. A magical burst, perhaps, of sorts? Were such monsters even capable of something akin to spellcasting?

But now wasn't any time for thinking. This creature stood between her and... well, she was going to say "knowledge," but currently "survival" was probably more accurate. As matters went, her life force took top priority most of the time.

That meant, of course, fighting.

Drat... this is really more of his thing...

Quendi clutched her staff with both hands, then as the claws slashed out towards her she sent a flash of magical energy straight from the core of her soul to her eyes and arms, flaring them with a burning power. The monster's movements appeared to slow down, the motion and trajectory projected clear as day. That one was moving there... the other one there...

Right. Perfect.

Time shot back to its regular pace as she twirled her staff in a rough figure-eight, deflecting aside both the strikes to open up the rest of the wraith's body, then striking upwards with the tip of her staff to slam it underneath its chin. The weave of motion would've been difficult - impossible, perhaps - to see for any normal person, though a skliled spellcaster would've been able to keep up with the attack with a bit of concentration.

She leaped backwards, her staff back into a defensive position as she scraped across the gravel.

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8 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Time shot back to its regular pace as she twirled her staff in a rough figure-eight, deflecting aside both the strikes to open up the rest of the wraith's body, then striking upwards with the tip of her staff to slam it underneath its chin. The weave of motion would've been difficult - impossible, perhaps - to see for any normal person, though a skliled spellcaster would've been able to keep up with the attack with a bit of concentration.


The shade twists it's face, barely dodging the full force of the blow. A irritated hissing clicking noise eminates from the shade and it forms two daggers instead of the sword. It bursts into motion, it's speed matching Quendi's speed. The daggers catching the quarterstaff and distrupting it's figure-eight movement. The being begins to frenzy, lusting after Quendi's lifeforce. The life energy of a mage would sustain it well until it's next major meal.

From behind Annimus begins to creep forward, using his armor to remain as silent as possible. Wanting to leap after the shade, his senses tune into the deep energy contained within the shade and he wants it. Wants to be whole again, fully protected by the power of his ancestors. Edging closer, Annimus nears striking range.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Quendi didn't flinch. She'd felt it coming.

A blade of pure energy. Her eyes were dead-set on those of the creatures' faces. You'll have to be a bit more creative than that.

The sword slammed against a barrier of invisible force just inches from her head, the shadow breaking and dispersing around it. The darkness wisped away into a harmless vapor, swishing about before finally blinking out of existence without so much as a puff of smoke or mist.

The look on the monster's face would've been priceless, if any of them had been paying attention.

"Hit it with something!" Quendi announced, taking the moment of confused hesitation to strike back. She lowered into a hard dashing stance, circling about the creature and testing its reflexes. "It'll take it a moment to grow that sword back, so strike now!"

Anikel, approaching from behind, swung his sword at the wraith.

48 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako shrugged. "I dunno know. Just kinda stabbed them." Miyako made jabbing motions with her hands. "It's not that hard."

"Not that hard? To slay ten slaves with magical armor and Named weapons?"

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

Vance helped Kealie figure out her Bunny magic, we timeskipped a couple days, and now Quest and Vance are working together to figure out some... stuff

1 hour ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

The shade twists it's face, barely dodging the full force of the blow. A irritated hissing clicking noise eminates from the shade and it forms two daggers instead of the sword. It bursts into motion, it's speed matching Quendi's speed. The daggers catching the quarterstaff and distrupting it's figure-eight movement. The being begins to frenzy, lusting after Quendi's lifeforce. The life energy of a mage would sustain it well until it's next major meal.

This thing was a lot more intelligent than any other wraith she'd fought before. These things were supposed to be mindless husks, not adaptible monsters. How was it maintaining such intense control of its amalgate form? That many souls inside of it shouldn't be able to work together in any meaningful way beyond base instinct.

And there it went sending her attack off to the side, taking a full strike and translating it into barely a scrape. Damaging for sure, still, with all the magical force she'd put behind it - but certainly less of the checkmate attack she'd intended it to be.

It shot towards her, giving off an inhuman roar. She could practically smell its bloodlust now.

But Annimus was getting back up... she just had to keep it occupied for now...

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"Not that hard? To slay ten slaves with magical armor and Named weapons?"

Miyako shrugged again. "I'm really good at stabbing."

8 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Vance helped Kealie figure out her Bunny magic, we timeskipped a couple days, and now Quest and Vance are working together to figure out some... stuff

1 hour ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Speaking of which, I responded: 

On 12/11/2022 at 3:45 PM, Ookla the Kobold said:

"Um, yeah." Quest said. He stared intently at his hand and a moment later a green spark appeared, floating about his hand. The spark of light quickly ballooned in size, growing to the size of his palm. "The energy is pretty is easy to manipulate, it just, um, needs something to direct it. Like, um, a shape or a rune. Balls are easy, so I usually just do that." Quest shrugged.


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3 hours ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Nayka took quick, nonchalant glances, building a complete picture of the passengers. A duchess lady—string of Black Glit pearls—lankyscholarly man—he’s definitely got riches on him somewhere—some sort of young heiress—about ten golden pins, a huge silver butterfly clip, rich dress embroidered with Silkbunny thread, heavy looking collar necklace with the ten thousand assorted gems.

It took all of her self control not to bump into somebody and come away richer. But Whist! She couldn’t let Whist down. Whist thought she could be good. Nayka didn’t want to betray that. 

She flinched away from a passing child. Get close, and I’ll lose my resolve. 

Fiadh looks up and see Nayka and knows exactly what she is thinking. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the bracelet she had stolen before she had met Nayka. 

Fiadh slips it into Nayka's pocket and then turns and dry heaves over the edge of the boat.

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh looks up and see Nayka and knows exactly what she is thinking. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the bracelet she had stolen before she had met Nayka. 

Fiadh slips it into Nayka's pocket and then turns and dry heaves over the edge of the boat.

Nayka turned, concerned. “I’m so sorry, Fiadh.” Did friends always feel this helpless? Like they wanted to do something, but that was impossible?

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Just now, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Nayka turned, concerned. “I’m so sorry, Fiadh.” Did friends always feel this helpless? Like they wanted to do something, but that was impossible?

Fiadh waves a hand and mumbles as she pulls herself together "At least I'm not actually throwing anything up anymore." 

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh waves a hand and mumbles as she pulls herself together "At least I'm not actually throwing anything up anymore." 

“That’s a plus, I guess.” Nayka scuffed the wooden deck with her shoe. “We’re almost there,” she offered hopefully.

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On 12/11/2022 at 3:45 PM, Ookla the Kobold said:

"Um, yeah." Quest said. He stared intently at his hand and a moment later a green spark appeared, floating about his hand. The spark of light quickly ballooned in size, growing to the size of his palm. "The energy is pretty is easy to manipulate, it just, um, needs something to direct it. Like, um, a shape or a rune. Balls are easy, so I usually just do that." Quest shrugged.

Vance watched the floating green light, stroking his chin. "Hmm. Looks quite capable of exploding your fingers off. What's the most harmless rune you've come across so far?"

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5 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Vance watched the floating green light, stroking his chin. "Hmm. Looks quite capable of exploding your fingers off. What's the most harmless rune you've come across so far?"

Quest shuffled through some of his papers, letting the ball of light fade away. "Umm, Light would be pretty easy?"

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17 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"What exactly would be the purpose of making a light rune out of light magic? And how would we even tell if it works?"

"Well my magic is life and fire, it just manifests as light. And, in theory, um, the rune will amplify the magic and focus it. Right now it might glow in its natural state but when used in the Light rune, the whole magic will be focused on the task." Quest squinted at one of his papers. "Umm, at least that is what I think. It might just blow up."

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8 hours ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"I say go for it."

"Um, ok." Quest pulled a paper out dropped the rest in a pile behind him. "Umm, yes. No, yes. Let's just go."

Quest glanced over at Vance and breathed out, focusing. Quest looked down at the paper, committing the rune to memory and began to look at the air in front of him. Quest intently stared at the air and after an awkward few seconds glowing red energy began to form in the air. Quest smiled before quickly smothering it with a focused expression. The red light began to draw across the air, forming the shape of a rune. Quest began to sweat. The rune closed off, completed the shape. The red light went from an ambient glow to a harsh bright red. Quest barked out a laugh. The light filled the room until the rune was lost in the middle of an angry sun. Quest raised his arm to cover his eyes, blinded from the sudden illumination. With the break in concentration the rune's light receded and the energy holding the rune together fell apart. Globs of fire were exploded out of where the rune had just been. 

3 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron gave Miyako a side eye. Was there a reason she wasn't talking about her Shadow? Certainly it would give this gruop the upper hand, and presumably they would trust them...


@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Forgotten


Hahaha! Miyako has such trauma over her Shadow. Talking to you guys about it was extremely hard and complete strangers would be bad as heck. Miyako is much to insecure :)


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10 hours ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

This thing was a lot more intelligent than any other wraith she'd fought before. These things were supposed to be mindless husks, not adaptible monsters. How was it maintaining such intense control of its amalgate form? That many souls inside of it shouldn't be able to work together in any meaningful way beyond base instinct.

And there it went sending her attack off to the side, taking a full strike and translating it into barely a scrape. Damaging for sure, still, with all the magical force she'd put behind it - but certainly less of the checkmate attack she'd intended it to be.

It shot towards her, giving off an inhuman roar. She could practically smell its bloodlust now.

But Annimus was getting back up... she just had to keep it occupied for now...

The shade advances it's daggers reaching even closer, eager to bite into her skin. The shade's daggers finally trap Quendi in a nearly inescapable situation. One clawed hand wrapped around the quarterstaff and the other dagger reaches over, seeking her heart.

11 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Anikel, approaching from behind, swung his sword at the wraith.

12 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Annims pounces, his left arm grasping at the shades arm. Claws raking down the shade's arm as Anikel strikes at the shade from behind.

The shade screeches and it begins to dissolve, seams of darkness vaporizing, foggy mist disappearing. 

"Fools," gasps the shade, "my master comes. The bringer of the deep. Lord of the mist. Hahaha, he comes and you can not see it. Even now."

Disgruntled, Annimus grasps at the chest of the shade and rips out it's core. A beating heart of pure darkness, pulsing with life energy. 

Annimus stares at the orb and begins to start draining it, replenishing his energy with pure lifeforce, unaligned with any animal. 

Slowly the metal begins to regrow out of his body, slowly expanding outwards.

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