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Channelknight Fadran

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Almost definitely not, in this case.

Vance tentatively stuck an arm into the room. Nothing. Both: nothing.

Did he step beyond? Tell the others or make sure Antin was alright? He had a sneaking suspicion as to where he might have gone, though whether his or Quest's help would be most useful was the real question.

What the hell. We agreed to pair off: let's keep that working at the very least.

With that he took in a breath and stepped through the doorway, immediately being pulled into a plane of infinite darkness.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Vance tentatively stuck an arm into the room. Nothing. Both: nothing.

Did he step beyond? Tell the others or make sure Antin was alright? He had a sneaking suspicion as to where he might have gone, though whether his or Quest's help would be most useful was the real question.

What the hell. We agreed to pair off: let's keep that working at the very least.

With that he took in a breath and stepped through the doorway, immediately being pulled into a plane of infinite darkness.


What is the nature of this magic? Also, can Antin see him now?


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He started feeling around with his hands, stumbling about like a blind man. "We're in a layer dimension. It's kinda like a pocket dimension, 'cept instead of being completely detached to our universe it's laid directly over the top like a blanket. Takes quite a bit of magic to make one like this; all thorough and such."

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1 minute ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

He started feeling around with his hands, stumbling about like a blind man. "We're in a layer dimension. It's kinda like a pocket dimension, 'cept instead of being completely detached to our universe it's laid directly over the top like a blanket. Takes quite a bit of magic to make one like this; all thorough and such."

"Interesting. Do you know how to get out?"

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Just now, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"Yes and no." Vance didn't stop feeling around. "Yes in that I know how to in principle. No in the sense that the principle is that we have to find the lynchpin for this reality and break it, and frankly it could be just about anywhere."

"It's kind of hard to tell where anywhere is."


I'm gonna have to go, unfortunately. I'm facing less than 6 hours of sleep now and I have things to do tomorrow.


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5 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Yerik swallowed and nodded.



Miyako looked over at the tunnel, that presumably lead to the castle. "Let's get going. Stop standing around, we've got stuff to do." With a smirk Miyako fell down into the tree, and onto the tunnel.

@Ookla the Crow

8 hours ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Dansl nodded. “Thank you.” She drifted aside. “You are here? For what?”

”Just looking around,” Kealie mumbled, spraying crumbs everywhere. 


"We're, ah, just looking around this old house." Quest said, ripping off a piece of his toast. He waved it at Dansl, "Really, these are excellent."

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5 hours ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"Hrmm, well..." Vance stopped, looking... quisitive. "Come to think of it, you're probably not likely to get a better control environment to learn that... so what'd'you say? Wanna learn how to detect magical energy? It takes years of practice but it's all uphill once you get the trick."

Antin looked apprehensive. "Years? That seems like a while to have to stay here."

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Hyron jumped down right after Miyako. Talking was... problematic right now, so they decided to mostly keep their mouth shut, lest their feelings let slip something they'd rather not say.

Hyron's mind was bogged down with... a lot. They had never been outside of the Forests of Juun before, and now they were on an uncharted island, fighting a queen who, if she knows your name, can and will control you.

And they'd... they'd kissed Miyako, which sent Miyako into a spiral of rage and absolute murder, causing the deaths of ten probably innocent- just brainwashed- soldiers. And then, when Miyako woke up, they didn't remember the kiss. Hyron couldn't tell if that was a blessing or a curse.

Hyron shoved all that back, knowing it would come back to bite soon, but deciding to ignore that.

Instead following Miyako down, into the tunnel.

@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Forgotten

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14 hours ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Kealie tilted her head, somehow managing to convey a quizzical expression past the blindfold. “There’s nothing wrong with these.” She picked one up and took a bite. 

Dansl (I’ve abbreviated) watched in almost passive eagerness.

Nayka liked how… quiet it all was. Simple. Nothing like cities full of open windowsills and flags and ascending buildings and so many places to hide…


I don't want to move on without our friends so I guess we'll wait a bit

Unrelated but I was bored in class so I drew Miyako, (how I imagine her at least) I hope thats okay

I don't know how to spoiler images so hopefully it's not too big?? (I'm sorry if it is ;-;)

@Ookla the Kobold


Edited by Ookla the magician
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59 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron jumped down right after Miyako. Talking was... problematic right now, so they decided to mostly keep their mouth shut, lest their feelings let slip something they'd rather not say.

Hyron's mind was bogged down with... a lot. They had never been outside of the Forests of Juun before, and now they were on an uncharted island, fighting a queen who, if she knows your name, can and will control you.

And they'd... they'd kissed Miyako, which sent Miyako into a spiral of rage and absolute murder, causing the deaths of ten probably innocent- just brainwashed- soldiers. And then, when Miyako woke up, they didn't remember the kiss. Hyron couldn't tell if that was a blessing or a curse.

Hyron shoved all that back, knowing it would come back to bite soon, but deciding to ignore that.

Instead following Miyako down, into the tunnel.

@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Forgotten

*Long walking montage* (Unless someone wants to do something)

Miyako poked her head out of the end of the tunnel, looking around at her surroundings.

6 minutes ago, Ookla the magician said:

That looks so good! Thank you for drawing Miyako unprompted, that is the actual nicest thing :D 

And her expression is perfect, I love it.


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

Antin looked apprehensive. "Years? That seems like a while to have to stay here."

"Gotta start somewhere."

54 minutes ago, Ookla the magician said:

That looks so gooooood!!!! Such anime vibes

51 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

I'm down.


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5 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako looked over at the tunnel, that presumably lead to the castle. "Let's get going. Stop standing around, we've got stuff to do." With a smirk Miyako fell down into the tree, and onto the tunnel.

@Ookla the Crow

"We're, ah, just looking around this old house." Quest said, ripping off a piece of his toast. He waved it at Dansl, "Really, these are excellent."

3 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron jumped down right after Miyako. Talking was... problematic right now, so they decided to mostly keep their mouth shut, lest their feelings let slip something they'd rather not say.

Hyron's mind was bogged down with... a lot. They had never been outside of the Forests of Juun before, and now they were on an uncharted island, fighting a queen who, if she knows your name, can and will control you.

And they'd... they'd kissed Miyako, which sent Miyako into a spiral of rage and absolute murder, causing the deaths of ten probably innocent- just brainwashed- soldiers. And then, when Miyako woke up, they didn't remember the kiss. Hyron couldn't tell if that was a blessing or a curse.

Hyron shoved all that back, knowing it would come back to bite soon, but deciding to ignore that.

Instead following Miyako down, into the tunnel.

@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Forgotten

The group made their way down the musty tunnel as it sloped downhill and then gradually began to flatten out. At last, the rough walls of the tunnel gave way to smooth white stone, though its color was hard to discern in the dark. A small bit of light shone through a crack in the wall, the other side of which showed the kitchen. Up ahead, the group could hear voices.

2 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

So do we just want to skip the traveling to the town, since I think they're almost there?

Unless you have something you want to do, I just want to progress the storyline more.


Sounds good to me.


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Just now, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"I meant that I'd teach you the basics right now, and if you get it then you can help me find the way out of here."

"How could I help you? Wouldn't it be more efficient for you to continue using your superior knowledge then to spend however long helping me?"

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