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Channelknight Fadran

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Misting covered that, with Miyako withholding the more... destructive bits of it with a 'spark of purpose'

Hyron narrowed their eyes at the princess, searching within her eyes for something.

Hyron turned, looking everywhere.


Where was the queen?

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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Sorry, my internet was crashing and being foolish. But yes, what Calano said and also internal magic like Miyako's stream function within the Shadow so I was thinking that the breath could also work? I was mostly going rule of cool but Calano's explanation works nicely. 

23 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron narrowed their eyes at the princess, searching within her eyes for something.

Hyron turned, looking everywhere.


Where was the queen?

Miyako whispered to Hyron. "Do you hear that voice also?"

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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron nodded, not keeping their eyes from around the room.

"Do you see the queen?" They whispered.

"She ran out the door earlier. I think's she still close 'cause someone's been messing with my magic." 

Miyako raised her fists and eyed the guards surrounding them.

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27 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron narrowed their eyes at the princess, searching within her eyes for something.

Hyron turned, looking everywhere.


Where was the queen?

The floor of the throne room began to rumble.

From the door, soldiers began to pour in, armored in gold and red and silver. They spread out in a wave, surrounding the princess in a defensive phalanx.

Innocent men and women, the voice reminded Hyron and Miyako. Mentally and physically enslaved.

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7 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

The floor of the throne room began to rumble.

From the door, soldiers began to pour in, armored in gold and red and silver. They spread out in a wave, surrounding the princess in a defensive phalanx.

Innocent men and women, the voice reminded Hyron and Miyako. Mentally and physically enslaved.

6 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron cursed. "She got out and got reinforcements. Dammit."

Miyako whispered to the voice. "Good punching bags." Miyako began bouncing on the balls of her feet, gauging the number of soldiers in the room.

"What's the plan Viney?"

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1 minute ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako whispered to the voice. "Good punching bags." Miyako began bouncing on the balls of her feet, gauging the number of soldiers in the room.

"What's the plan Viney?"

Don't forget Yerik, prompted the voice.

Yerik was currently tied up and kneeling on the ground in front of one of the soldiers, who was gripping his hair in one hand.

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3 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron thought about asking who the voice was, but eventually decided later.

"Don't hit them too hard, Stuck Up. And we've got to get Acolyte over there," They said, nodding to Yerik.

"You go get Yerik and I'll take care of everyone else?" Miyako grinned at Hyron. "Oh, and do you have any water?"

Edited by Mr. Misting
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6 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron thought about asking who the voice was, but eventually decided later.

"Don't hit them too hard, Stuck Up. And we've got to get Acolyte over there," They said, nodding to Yerik.

Must you fight? the voice whispered, abandoning all pretense of being an internal monologue.

Edited by xinoehp512
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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron punched Miyako in the shoulder. "Watch the names," They hissed. Then they handed over a spare canteen.

Then, without warning, they shot into the air on a vine, going after Yerik.

The soldier jerked Yerik's head up and held his blade to the acolyte's throat.

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On 1/1/2023 at 7:37 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

“Might want to get that chain knife out too.”

@Mr. Misting 

17 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“It’s ready.” She patted it. “But what’s going on?”

A circle of runes formed in front of Kealie and Vance. The center turned to a vortex of glowing sand and somebody began to step out. She held a iron lantern and thick tome, and see looked thoroughly displeased. 

The witch nodded towards Vance. "I see you found your way around my house. That will be addressed shortly. For now, give me the aether stone."

2 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron punched Miyako in the shoulder. "Watch the names," They hissed. Then they handed over a spare canteen.

Then, without warning, they shot into the air on a vine, going after Yerik.

Just now, xinoehp512 said:

The soldier jerked Yerik's head up and held his blade to the acolyte's throat.

Miyako flipped open the canteen and began to let the Shadow envelop her. Just before she went into a killing spree she caught the blade being raised to Yerik's throat. Barely restraining herself from murdering someone she watched to see how Hyron would handle it.


Is there any puddle of discarded water or blood or vines that are behind the solider? 


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3 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

A circle of runes formed in front of Kealie and Vance. The center turned to a vortex of glowing sand and somebody began to step out. She held a iron lantern and thick tome, and see looked thoroughly displeased. 

The witch nodded towards Vance. "I see you found your way around my house. That will be addressed shortly. For now, give me the aether stone."

"Nah. It isn't even yours, is it?"

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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:



In that case I'm out of ideas

Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Nah. It isn't even yours, is it?"

The witch frowned. "Well it's yours even less. If you won't give me my rightly owned stone then I be forced to use more violent methods. And don't try games like last time."

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8 hours ago, Justice_Magician said:




"Nice, I guess we set off then!" Whist said, eager to start the day. Hopefully, with an early start they could reach Caerlon a bit faster. Whist found when it came to lost things, time was of the essence

As they set off down the path, the town fell away from them on both sides to reveal miles of farmland. The scenery was pretty, in a quaint way; the rising sun made the hills glow gold. The road was smooth and easy to traverse. They passed many other travelers on their way, most moving the same direction as them, to Caerlon proper.



“This feels so wrong,” Nayka mumbled. “Do you have any idea how much money I could have right now?”

3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"No games. Violence is fine."

Vance stepped away, letting his companion take the front lines. "Alright, Kealie. Let's see how that bunny magic of yours works in a fight."

@The Halcyon Girl

“Uh… I don’t know about this, Vance.” Her voice quivered. 

Watch to your left, that ground is really brittle and will break easily. So don’t step there if you don’t like lava. Off to the right, behind that witch, is a fire geyser. It’s dormant right now. And… Eej continued to explain the landscape around them and Kealie relaxed. “So, witch, what was your name again?”

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3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"No games. Violence is fine."

Vance stepped away, letting his companion take the front lines. "Alright, Kealie. Let's see how that bunny magic of yours works in a fight."

@The Halcyon Girl

The witch quirked an eyebrow. "Aren't you her mentor? Shouldn't you protect her?"

8 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“Uh… I don’t know about this, Vance.” Her voice quivered. 

Watch to your left, that ground is really brittle and will break easily. So don’t step there if you don’t like lava. Off to the right, behind that witch, is a fire geyser. It’s dormant right now. And… Eej continued to explain the landscape around them and Kealie relaxed. “So, witch, what was your name again?”

Arcaene looked around worriedly at the ever increasing dangers of the battlefield. This was getting so weird. And just because Arcaene had wanted to do a routine sacrifice. 

The girl called out to her. "So, witch, what was your name again?" 

Arcaene called back, as she flipped through pages in her book. "Yeah, we were past that point at the lava." Muttering a quick incantation a portal appeared behind Kealie's neck. A scaled hand shot out towards her throat.

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