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Channelknight Fadran

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4 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Kealie nodded. “Do you have any idea what those disturbances might be?”

"No. I've see a lot of broken branches and disturbed foliage. It looked like it was done by something very large, and... clumsy."

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@xinoehp512 The net was of a dark forest green, tightly woven. The fibers were about an inch in diameter, and the diamond space between them was about 2 inches at their widest. 

Hyron watched from a point nearby as the stranger reached forward, hovering in the air like the blasphemer that he was, and prodded the net. That net was made of the thickest vines, woven together to create a powerful net, a protection of the Center Domain. It was also enchanted, making things beyond the net invisible to those in front of it. So, if all was well, the stranger would see nothing more than a net and the forest. They held their breath, fidgeting with their hair. The stranger didn't seem antagonistic, but he didn't listen to Hyron's warnings to stay away.

Stalks... this was bad. Suddenly a flurry of motion at the base of the net caught their eye.

Hyron squinted, and saw a human, a human with a sword.

A human! Armed, near the Center Domain!

What was going on today? Hyron turned to a nearby soldier and barked at him to keep an eye on the soldier.

Then they turned, fired a vine, and used it to lower themselves to the ground, to confront the armed human. They passed under the net, then began creeping towards the human.

This would not stand.

@Mr. Misting

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31 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

@xinoehp512 The net was of a dark forest green, tightly woven. The fibers were about an inch in diameter, and the diamond space between them was about 2 inches at their widest. 

Hyron watched from a point nearby as the stranger reached forward, hovering in the air like the blasphemer that he was, and prodded the net. That net was made of the thickest vines, woven together to create a powerful net, a protection of the Center Domain. It was also enchanted, making things beyond the net invisible to those in front of it. So, if all was well, the stranger would see nothing more than a net and the forest. They held their breath, fidgeting with their hair. The stranger didn't seem antagonistic, but he didn't listen to Hyron's warnings to stay away.

Stalks... this was bad. Suddenly a flurry of motion at the base of the net caught their eye.

Hyron squinted, and saw a human, a human with a sword.

A human! Armed, near the Center Domain!

What was going on today? Hyron turned to a nearby soldier and barked at him to keep an eye on the soldier.

Then they turned, fired a vine, and used it to lower themselves to the ground, to confront the armed human. They passed under the net, then began creeping towards the human.

This would not stand.

@Mr. Misting

Miyako turned at a small sound in the canopy, and saw a Hwindi leaping towards her. She opened a waterskin at her side and a stream of water pooled out, hovered in an blob by her sword. She readied herself and got into a offensive stance, katana held high towards the Hwindi. If they wanted a fight, they would get one.


Question, does the net reach towards the ground or is it only in the trees?


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6 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako turned at a small sound in the canopy, and saw a Hwindi leaping towards her. She opened a waterskin at her side and a stream of water pooled out, hovered in an blob by her sword. She readied herself and got into a offensive stance, katana held high towards the Hwindi. If they wanted a fight, they would get one.


It reaches towards the ground, where a small trough holds it magically in place.

Hyron created a small club, making it grow from the dirt and break off in their hand. It was thick and durable, and should work well against this human. Despite the sword. Made of metal.

"Who are you?" Hyron said quietly yet firmly, "We've had enough interference from humans today. Leave."

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2 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron created a small club, making it grow from the dirt and break off in their hand. It was thick and durable, and should work well against this human. Despite the sword. Made of metal.

"Who are you?" Hyron said quietly yet firmly, "We've had enough interference from humans today. Leave."

Miayko glanced up at the floating man before turning back to the Hwindi. 
"I am in your lands searching for a wanted criminal, allow me to hunt him down or hand him over. I will leave then and only then."

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23 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miayko glanced up at the floating man before turning back to the Hwindi. 
"I am in your lands searching for a wanted criminal, allow me to hunt him down or hand him over. I will leave then and only then."

"Irrelevant! You have trespassed on our lands without the proper permissions! Leave. Now." Hyron said, brandishing his club.

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1 minute ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"Irrelevant! You have trespassed on our lands without the proper permissions! Leave. Now." Hyron said, brandishing his club.

Miakyo paused, considering her options. Leaving now would guarantee safety but she would lose the target. The floating man seemed at odds also with the Hwindi and could be on her side. He seemed trapped here and looked wealthy, could he be a potential patron?

In the end though Miakyo made her decision for one simple reason: no one would tell her what to do, she wanted to fight. She dashed forward slashing with her sword. Her stream of water streaking towards the Hwindi's chest, ready to kill.

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miakyo paused, considering her options. Leaving now would guarantee safety but she would lose the target. The floating man seemed at odds also with the Hwindi and could be on her side. He seemed trapped here and looked wealthy, could he be a potential patron?

In the end though Miakyo made her decision for one simple reason: no one would tell her what to do, she wanted to fight. She dashed forward slashing with her sword. Her stream of water streaking towards the Hwindi's chest, ready to kill.

Hyron responded immediately, crouching and bringing up a wall of vines. While behind the wall, they took a quick swig of water before creating a sharpened vine and slashing through and over the wall, directly at her opponent.

So much for peaceful partings... stalks, today was weird.

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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron responded immediately, crouching and bringing up a wall of vines. While behind the wall, they took a quick swig of water before creating a sharpened vine and slashing through and over the wall, directly at her opponent.

So much for peaceful partings... stalks, today was weird.

Miayko caught the vines on her blade and sidestepped it, pushing it out of her way. In the same breath her stream of water leaked through the wall and reformed, slashing at the Hwindi.

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32 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Vance glanced at both Quest and Kealie. “You guys?”

In Quest's mind nothing was more dangerous than a fire-breathing death bunny. He had faced the worst life had to offer, and lived! So even though he was tired and it was out of character, Quest was kept the party together.

"I have enough magic for a fireball or too, I see no scenario where I would ever need more than that. This sounds like a great plan!"

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1 hour ago, Mr. Misting said:

In Quest's mind nothing was more dangerous than a fire-breathing death bunny. He had faced the worst life had to offer, and lived! So even though he was tired and it was out of character, Quest was kept the party together.

"I have enough magic for a fireball or too, I see no scenario where I would ever need more than that. This sounds like a great plan!"

1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“Great! We’ll set out in the morning.” Vance lay down, sneezing again.

Kealie reclined back on Eej, watching the stars and constellations. She didn’t know them, but she liked to make her own. A snake… a river… a jar, catching the river’s flow and overflowing with stars… a perfect square… 

Eej conveyed something to the tune of an insane notebook…

Kealie grinned. I’m over my irrational fears. Most of them.

She caught something similar to a laugh and grinned again. I’m glad I picked you. Even if you did slingshot me here.

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Vance slowly drifted off into sleep without asking anyone about second watch. There weren’t really any bandits around these parts to worry about, and frankly if any monster could get close enough to them for someone to spot they wouldn’t stand much of a chance anyways. They could probably afford to sleep easy tonight.

”Don’t let the vampires bite…” He muttered before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

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19 hours ago, Tani said:
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The shadow stirred. "Why are you in my alley?" a woman asks curiously.


10 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Nayka sat back to see how Whist would handle this.

Kealie shook her head with a grin. “You got a bowl? I don’t think we have bowls.”


8 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Lyras nodded his thanks again and left.

He turned out of the alley and back onto one of the city's busy streets. Travelers, merchants, and children clogged the road, but not to the point that Lyras couldn't find his way through. He retained his anti-pickpocket spell, realizing that he still looked like a wealthy target compared to many of these people, who wore simple shirts, trousers, or tunics.

Maybe I should find a new outfit...he thought briefly. Despite the fact that the Stellasti robes and cloak were incredibly durable and comfortable, if they marked his as a target for thieves....

He ended that thought. He could defend himself, couldn't he?

Lyras looked around. Despite the fact that it was almost midday, he considered finding an inn and getting a few hours of sleep, before heading out at nightfall. Night was often considered a dangerous time to travel amongst the other races, but some Stellasti, Lyras included, actually preferred it.

Lyras turned onto another street and continued looking.

@InfiniteInsanity @justice_magician @The Halcyon Girl @Tani



Ah! sorry I've been away for a while. @The Bookwyrm I have absolutely no idea where this is going currently, so fill free to slot yourself in wherever you like, if you like.

"UH" was the first thing that came out of Whist's mouth when she heard someone from the corner of the alley speak. Extremely shaken, it took Whist a minute to remember the woman had asked her a question.

"Why are you in my alley?"

"U- uuum," Whist glanced at her companions for help, but it didn't seem like they had an answer either.

 Its not like I can tell her I just assaulted an officer and that we're hiding from the law, Whist thought to herself.

"We . . . are, uh, resting, uh, because . . . because our friend here hurt her leg!" she gestured at Fiadh. Hopefully that would be enough of an excuse for the shadowed figure. 

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3 minutes ago, justice_magician said:



"UH" was the first thing that came out of Whist's mouth when she heard someone from the corner of the alley speak. Extremely shaken, it took Whist a minute to remember the woman had asked her a question.

"Why are you in my alley?"

"U- uuum," Whist glanced at her companions for help, but it didn't seem like they had an answer either.

 Its not like I can tell her I just assaulted an officer and that we're hiding from the law, Whist thought to herself.

"We . . . are, uh, resting, uh, because . . . because our friend here hurt her leg!" she gestured at Fiadh. Hopefully that would be enough of an excuse for the shadowed figure. 

Nayka sniffed. “She’s hurt,” she wailed. “And she can’t walk and I don’t know what to do and I’m scared.” She broke down crying and grabbed Whist’s knees.

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Vance slowly drifted off into sleep without asking anyone about second watch. There weren’t really any bandits around these parts to worry about, and frankly if any monster could get close enough to them for someone to spot they wouldn’t stand much of a chance anyways. They could probably afford to sleep easy tonight.

”Don’t let the vampires bite…” He muttered before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Quest happily walked back to his satchel and staff, lying down to fall asleep. He laid back, satisfied. Quest had made some friends and wouldn't have to be alone for a while. Even though he wouldn't say it, these years of solitude had been hard on him. Maybe he could finally have someone to rely on.

With hopeful thoughts for the future and memories of the past drifting in his head, Quest succumbed to sleep underneath a sea of stars.

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Quest happily walked back to his satchel and staff, lying down to fall asleep. He laid back, satisfied. Quest had made some friends and wouldn't have to be alone for a while. Even though he wouldn't say it, these years of solitude had been hard on him. Maybe he could finally have someone to rely on.

With hopeful thoughts for the future and memories of the past drifting in his head, Quest succumbed to sleep underneath a sea of stars.

Antin remained seated by the fire. He hadn't slept for about a week now, and he didn't feel the need to. This magic is going to be the death of me.

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10 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako paused, the floating man seemed to be talking to her.

"Who the tides are you?"

"Yerik, acolyte of the Order of-"

5 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

@xinoehp512 The net was of a dark forest green, tightly woven. The fibers were about an inch in diameter, and the diamond space between them was about 2 inches at their widest. 

Hyron watched from a point nearby as the stranger reached forward, hovering in the air like the blasphemer that he was, and prodded the net. That net was made of the thickest vines, woven together to create a powerful net, a protection of the Center Domain. It was also enchanted, making things beyond the net invisible to those in front of it. So, if all was well, the stranger would see nothing more than a net and the forest. They held their breath, fidgeting with their hair. The stranger didn't seem antagonistic, but he didn't listen to Hyron's warnings to stay away.

Stalks... this was bad. Suddenly a flurry of motion at the base of the net caught their eye.

Hyron squinted, and saw a human, a human with a sword.

A human! Armed, near the Center Domain!

What was going on today? Hyron turned to a nearby soldier and barked at him to keep an eye on the soldier.

Then they turned, fired a vine, and used it to lower themselves to the ground, to confront the armed human. They passed under the net, then began creeping towards the human.

This would not stand.

@Mr. Misting

4 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako turned at a small sound in the canopy, and saw a Hwindi leaping towards her. She opened a waterskin at her side and a stream of water pooled out, hovered in an blob by her sword. She readied herself and got into a offensive stance, katana held high towards the Hwindi. If they wanted a fight, they would get one.


"Uh... hey!" interjected Yerik.


8 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Vance subtly shifted himself to put him between the man and the others. "Who are you again?"


Anikel considered Quendi dubiously for a moment. "Well... alright, then," he replied. "But if you get killed, don't blame me."

Personally, he was curious to see what she had in the way of magical ability- so far it hadn't come up.

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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Anikel considered Quendi dubiously for a moment. "Well... alright, then," he replied. "But if you get killed, don't blame me."

Personally, he was curious to see what she had in the way of magical ability- so far it hadn't come up.

"Well? Get to it."


Where's everyone at timeline-wise?


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