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Channelknight Fadran

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9 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron took another deep breath. "Sadly," They said, face serious and deadpan, obviously hiding physical discomfort.

Geff laughed uproariously. "You'll get used to it," he declared, slapping Hyron on the back. "Why, by the time we land you may never want to leave!"


Anyone standing near-ish Yerik won't feel the rocking of the boat.


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52 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Geff laughed uproariously. "You'll get used to it," he declared, slapping Hyron on the back. "Why, by the time we land you may never want to leave!"

1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron took another deep breath. "Sadly," They said, face serious and deadpan, obviously hiding physical discomfort.

If felt good back to be on the ocean, it remined Miyako of the her younger days.

"It gets better. Probably", Miyako said, poorly holding back a smirk, obviously hiding amusement.

She wandered away to go explore the rest of the ship.

2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Hm? Oh, no. I'm just letting this wurm eat me." He turned to the sketchy witch lady. "I take it that's what you mean, right?"

4 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Mm, just follow me", the witch replied. "I have a more sanitary location for sacrifices. We don't want to the blood to leak all over the grass. Nasty business that is."

Quest paled. Was Vance actually going to give himself up to the witch lady? 

"Umm, excuse me witch lady?"

"Yes?" she replied, looking over at Quest.

"Are you sure you need a sacrifice? What exactly are doing?" 

"Oh yes, just a new summoning. It requires a fresh corpse and you happen to be the closest source of bodies", she shrugged. "It's nothing personal."

Edited by Mr. Misting
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23 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

If felt good back to be on the ocean, it remined Miyako of the her younger days.

"It gets better. Probably", Miyako said, poorly holding back a smirk, obviously hiding amusement.

She wandered away to go explore the rest of the ship.

The cabins were near the back of the ship, each with a hammock and a small box. The mess hall was near the front. A bell hung on the door to the kitchen with a sign reading "No Trespressing."

There were a few crew members doing various tasks, but none seemed interested in chatting.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

If felt good back to be on the ocean, it remined Miyako of the her younger days.

"It gets better. Probably", Miyako said, poorly holding back a smirk, obviously hiding amusement.

She wandered away to go explore the rest of the ship.

"Mm, just follow me", the witch replied. "I have a more sanitary location for sacrifices. We don't want to the blood to leak all over the grass. Nasty business that is."

Quest paled. Was Vance actually going to give himself up to the witch lady? 

"Umm, excuse me witch lady?"

"Yes?" she replied, looking over at Quest.

"Are you sure you need a sacrifice? What exactly are doing?" 

"Oh yes, just a new summoning. It requires a fresh corpse and you happen to be the closest source of bodies", she shrugged. "It's nothing personal."

“I get it, I get it. Honestly, the sacrifice business is so stingy nowadays.”

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3 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

If felt good back to be on the ocean, it remined Miyako of the her younger days.

"It gets better. Probably", Miyako said, poorly holding back a smirk, obviously hiding amusement.

She wandered away to go explore the rest of the ship.

Hyron muttered curses after Miyako, and then sat down to try and settle their breathing.

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8 hours ago, justice_magician said:

Whist pulled herself up into a standing position with the help of a very kind wall. They were going somewhere right? Standing was hard, and the dizziness increased. She leaned her back against the wall before she could topple over. It took her a couple minutes to figure out Nayka was talking to her, but luckily the dizzy spell subsided and she heard most of it.

"soup . . . sounds nice."

Her head a bit clearer, she tried standing without the wall.

“This way. I know an inn with nice root soup.” Nayka walked over to support her while the officer looked on.

1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“I get it, I get it. Honestly, the sacrifice business is so stingy nowadays.”

“Um, has it ever come to you that there’s a REASON FOR THAT?” Kealie slipped off Eej. “Lady, if you don’t want a whupping, I recommend you leave.”

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1 hour ago, The Halcyon Girl said:
3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“I get it, I get it. Honestly, the sacrifice business is so stingy nowadays.”

“Um, has it ever come to you that there’s a REASON FOR THAT?” Kealie slipped off Eej. “Lady, if you don’t want a whupping, I recommend you leave.”

"This man seems happy to be sacrificed", the lady replied. "If you want me to use force I can, but it shouldn't have to come to that. We can all be civilized." 

Quest was quiet worried about where this conversation was going. "Umm, Vance are you ok? Do you need help?" Quest tentatively asked.

5 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

The cabins were near the back of the ship, each with a hammock and a small box. The mess hall was near the front. A bell hung on the door to the kitchen with a sign reading "No Trespressing."

There were a few crew members doing various tasks, but none seemed interested in chatting.

2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron muttered curses after Miyako, and then sat down to try and settle their breathing.

Miyako was quite pleased with the ship. It was simple and worn, but it felt sturdy. Like an old shoe, the wear and tear made it comfortable. 

After touring herself around the ship she meandered back to Hyron on the deck. She nodded to him and began to do her stretching for the day. Miyako went through the trained motions, flowing from each move with glacial speed. Miyako went through the moves with her eyes closed, letting her mind drift. It helped her refocus, to stay sharp. 

With the wind drifting through her hair, carrying the salty spray of the sea, Miyako finally relaxed for the first time in what felt like months.


If anyone has read The Name of the Wind, Miyako is basically doing the Ketan. But like water-y and such.


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10 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

After touring herself around the ship she meandered back to Hyron on the deck. She nodded to him and began to do her stretching for the day. Miyako went through the trained motions, flowing from each move with glacial speed. Miyako went through the moves with her eyes closed, letting her mind drift. It helped her refocus, to stay sharp. 

Hyron, attempting to retain their grumpy attitude of being away from nature, tried to not pay attention to Miyako. But it was difficult. Miyako flowed through the moves like water through thirsty soil.

Fluidly, hungrily. Hyron found themselves transfixed, their mood melting away. Even the nausea seemed to dissipate a bit.

When Miyako stopped, Hyron blinked, shaking out of their stupor. They hoped Miyako hadn't noticed.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron, attempting to retain their grumpy attitude of being away from nature, tried to not pay attention to Miyako. But it was difficult. Miyako flowed through the moves like water through thirsty soil.

Fluidly, hungrily. Hyron found themselves transfixed, their mood melting away. Even the nausea seemed to dissipate a bit.

When Miyako stopped, Hyron blinked, shaking out of their stupor. They hoped Miyako hadn't noticed.

Miyako stopped after 20 minutes, having finishing the cycle. She walked over to Hyron and plopped down, breathing hard.

After catching her breath she turned to them, "You feeling any better yet?"

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7 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako stopped after 20 minutes, having finishing the cycle. She walked over to Hyron and plopped down, breathing hard.

After catching her breath she turned to them, "You feeling any better yet?"

Hyron pointedly did not look at Miyako, instead grunting affirmatively. Their nausea had mostly dissipated, and they were getting used to the sensation of the ship.

Hyron then realized they were extremely aware of how close to them Miyako was.

...Why had they realized that? They stood up, and walked stiffly to the other side of the ship, plopping down.

What the hell was that?? They thought to themselves. They... they couldn't come up with a response. Hyron didn't know what that was.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron pointedly did not look at Miyako, instead grunting affirmatively. Their nausea had mostly dissipated, and they were getting used to the sensation of the ship.

Hyron then realized they were extremely aware of how close to them Miyako was.

...Why had they realized that? They stood up, and walked stiffly to the other side of the ship, plopping down.

What the hell was that?? They thought to themselves. They... they couldn't come up with a response. Hyron didn't know what that was.

Miyako paused, confused as Hyron stiffly walked away from her. She sat there for a moment trying to figure out what had just happened.

Whatever, if he was being weird, she wasn't going to stop what she was doing. 

Miyako stood up, stretching. She started the movements again, going through the familiar motions. She intended to complete two or three more cycles and get a real exercise.

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Hyron cursed to themselves as Miyako started doing the movements again. Why. Did. She. Insist. On doing this. To them.

Hyron did not watch. Or, they tried not to watch. But pretty soon, they found themselves watching.


Stalks, Hyron thought, What in the name of the three Moons is going on right now??

Hyron coughed, cursed, then turned, laying down on the deck and staring at the sky. Not like they had anything better to do, and they would not be watching Miyako. Nope. Not today.

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7 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Hyron then realized they were extremely aware of how close to them Miyako was.

...Why had they realized that? They stood up, and walked stiffly to the other side of the ship, plopping down.

What the hell was that?? They thought to themselves. They... they couldn't come up with a response. Hyron didn't know what that was.


now im saddish

i kinda want someone's character to flirt at.be attracted to my character in an rp

it seems fun/cool/interesting

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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

i didn't even plan this, i guess i got really into character, and then realized that my character is in the early stages of falling for someone soooo



Yeah, by the argument scene I realized that Miyako was going to fall for Hyron. I thought to myself, this probably won't go anywhere. Next thing I know Calano has the exact idea and was implementing it. I am very interested to see where this goes.

She hasn't realized it yet, but I'm so ready for the awkwardness she will have when she falls hard for him.


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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Vance just continued chatting with the witch as they followed her to the… wherever it was they were going.

The witch turned away from the group beckoning for Vance to follow her. Her wurm began to dug back under ground and quickly vanished.

The witch lady walked briskly leading Vance to a large mansion. It was a looming building built out of logs and stone. The walls were burned with arcane circles and symbols that flared red as the lantern grew closer. She walked up to the front doors as they opened on their own. She looked over her shoulders at Vance, gesturing for him to follow her in.

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