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Channelknight Fadran

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3 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“Partially true.” Kealie scanned the forest. Wind is mild, blowing somewhere between east and southeast. Foliage barely rustling. Some small animal just ran out of the bushes to my left. She started creeping forward, listening for anything abnormal.

There wasn't anything in the immediate vicinity of particular note. Probably. He wasn't exactly sure.

"So you got... trebuched into this?"

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9 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"So if I'm right, these runes should be for the skylight." Antin placed his hand on the circle, and the circle in the roof that kept daylight apparently streaming into the room all through the night blacked out. "Yes!" In the darkness, the faintest of glows was visible coming off of his skin, which was newly refreshed from testing. He laughed happily, taking his hand off of the rune. For just a moment after he did so, a massive burst of green flame erupted from his hand.

"Woah!" A wave of intense heat rolled across the room. Antin was unscathed, but immediately seemed different. While still unusually light, his skin had taken on the tone of normal skin. His hair was very dark, but no longer had the void-like quality to it. As he turned, eyes wide from shock, Quest could see that his eyes had whites in them, with near-black irises. He looked remarkably normal, like an average young human adult replacing the strange being that previously had occupied his space.


Sorry that that took so long. Writing descriptions is hard.


Your totally good, I was asleep so I didn't even notice.

Quest was trying to write with magic in midair. It was harder then he thought it would be. He could easily do one rune phrases, such as "fire" and "light" but when he tried to add extra commands they usually fell apart. He stood in the middle of the room, holding his finger out to write with fire. His magic stood still, blazing in script, trying to form a sentence. Going slowly Quest completed his first rune and moved onto the connecting text. Commanding his magic to stay still in midair took extreme concentration from Quest, and he still had to get the rune's written perfectly. Suffice it to say, it was hard. 

Quest stood taunt, a bead of sweat rolling down his face, as he slowly completed the rune. He moved onto the third one, the second command that modifies the first rune. He heard Antin call out behind him, but Quest couldn't spare any attention. He continued with the writing of the last rune, fiery text commanding the unive-

A wave of intense heat spread through the room, and Quest lost control. The runes burned away, dissipating from the air. At least they hadn't gone off as half text, as the last one had been disastrous. Quest sighed, and marked a paper at his feet. The paper was filled with numbers, filled with trials. 

Quest turned to Antin and was shocked, "Antin, you-you look normal!" Quest was very confused by this development, had Antin released the flare of heat? "What happened?"

8 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Your crew? You mean- ah." The corners of Geff's mouth turned up in a smirk. "I see. Well, when you come to your senses, we'll still have a spot open."

With that, he turned and walked away, shouting at one of the crewmembers who was teetering on the edge of the boat with a casket of water in his hands.

"Thanks," said Yerik quietly from behind Miyako, shuffling his feet awkwardly in the sand.

Miyako glared at Geff as he walked away. "Get what you need, and then we leave. Someone or something has to have a better way off this island. We just have to find it." Miyako shrugs, "Clean cut as that."

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Quest was trying to write with magic in midair. It was harder then he thought it would be. He could easily do one rune phrases, such as "fire" and "light" but when he tried to add extra commands they usually fell apart. He stood in the middle of the room, holding his finger out to write with fire. His magic stood still, blazing in script, trying to form a sentence. Going slowly Quest completed his first rune and moved onto the connecting text. Commanding his magic to stay still in midair took extreme concentration from Quest, and he still had to get the rune's written perfectly. Suffice it to say, it was hard. 

Quest stood taunt, a bead of sweat rolling down his face, as he slowly completed the rune. He moved onto the third one, the second command that modifies the first rune. He heard Antin call out behind him, but Quest couldn't spare any attention. He continued with the writing of the last rune, fiery text commanding the unive-

A wave of intense heat spread through the room, and Quest lost control. The runes burned away, dissipating from the air. At least they hadn't gone off as half text, as the last one had been disastrous. Quest sighed, and marked a paper at his feet. The paper was filled with numbers, filled with trials. 

Quest turned to Antin and was shocked, "Antin, you-you look normal!" Quest was very confused by this development, had Antin released the flare of heat? "What happened?"

Antin looked down at his hands, and started. "What the... That usually takes months! There was just a huge burst of green fire. Did I do that? I don't think I can do that."

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Antin looked down at his hands, and started. "What the... That usually takes months! There was just a huge burst of green fire. Did I do that? I don't think I can do that."

"I think you did do that, I don't see anything else that could have made it happen. Is it, hmm, like a side effect of magic? You said this has happened before?"

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Just now, Mr. Misting said:

"I think you did do that, I don't see anything else that could have made it happen. Is it, hmm, like a side effect of magic? You said this has happened before?"

"No... I mean, the white skin and black eyes and such go away naturally if I go without interacting with magic. But I've never produced magic that didn't just counter other magic. Then again, I've never tried dampening so many objects in quick succession." Gingerly, Antin tried touching another rune. Just as normal, it deactivated upon contact. He removed his hand, and nothing happened, expect for a nearly imperceptible shift in his skin and hair color.

"Well, it didn't break anything. I guess we can get back to work."

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2 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

Miyako glared at Geff as he walked away. "Get what you need, and then we leave. Someone or something has to have a better way off this island. We just have to find it." Miyako shrugs, "Clean cut as that."

Yerik blinked. "Oh! Uh, alright. I have everything."

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11 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

There wasn't anything in the immediate vicinity of particular note. Probably. He wasn't exactly sure.

"So you got... trebuched into this?"

“Into this forest? Yes.” She headed in some direction, listening for animals. “And I wanna go back.”

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1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

Yerik blinked. "Oh! Uh, alright. I have everything."

Miyako nodded and turned to Hyron, "You need anything?"


3 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"No... I mean, the white skin and black eyes and such go away naturally if I go without interacting with magic. But I've never produced magic that didn't just counter other magic. Then again, I've never tried dampening so many objects in quick succession." Gingerly, Antin tried touching another rune. Just as normal, it deactivated upon contact. He removed his hand, and nothing happened, expect for a nearly imperceptible shift in his skin and hair color.

"Well, it didn't break anything. I guess we can get back to work."

"Oh, that's a relief. But, that is very interesting. Could you learn to channel the energy somehow...? Would you like to go test this? If you could control the energy you syphon off of other magic sources that...that would be an incredible ability." 

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Just now, Mr. Misting said:

"Oh, that's a relief. But, that is very interesting. Could you learn to channel the energy somehow...? Would you like to go test this? If you could control the energy you syphon off of other magic sources that...that would be an incredible ability." 

"I don't know. I have pretty much no control over my ability, even normally. It just happens. It's reactive. I didn't at all mean to release anything just then. I think it just makes me a hazard."

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1 hour ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“I know. But… I also kind of like fighting stuff and watching other people fight stuff and all that.” Shrugs “I don’t know. It’s weird.”

“Then you can feel free to stick around as well.” Vance shrugged. “I’m not your dad. You do what you want.”

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34 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"I don't know. I have pretty much no control over my ability, even normally. It just happens. It's reactive. I didn't at all mean to release anything just then. I think it just makes me a hazard."

"But have you ever tried to control it or have you just accepted it as truth?"

Edited by Mr. Misting
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1 minute ago, Mr. Misting said:

"But have you ever tried to control it or have you just accepted it as truth?"

"What do you mean? What could I do to 'try' to control it?" Antin put his hand to a rune again, turning it off. For a few moments, he stood, concentrating. Then he pulled his hand away. Nothing happened.

"How do you 'try' to do your magic, Quest?"

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2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

“Then you can feel free to stick around as well.” Vance shrugged. “I’m not your dad. You do what you want.”

“Good to know.” Kealie grinned. “I’ll stay for now, at least, if you all don’t mind.” She squinted up ahead. There. A beautiful four-point deer. She snuck forward, carefully and intentionally not making noise, until she arrived within range. Then she slipped the morningknife—at least the blade part—out of its sheath.

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On 11/17/2022 at 4:50 PM, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh looked down at her legs in shock. How had Whist done that? For the first time in a while Fiadh wanted to know more. She was curios and not because she wanted to steal something. She wanted to learn. She wanted to ask a whole bunch of questions.

Of course, she immediately pushed down her curiosity. Curiosity rarely ended well. And she needed to focus on getting this all sorted out and the booking it. Fiadh would need more stolen things to trade for food if she wanted to eat. Lots more than the bracelet that was in her pocket. That would only get her a little food. And there were a lot of people here who might recognize her later. Fiadh looked around frowning, she was checking one more time for any really familiar faces.

Whist noticed Fiadh looked a bit uneasy . . . and then her stomach growled. She handed her wallet to Fiadh.

"Will you go buy us all some breakfast?" she said, pointing at the counter at the back of the room. "I'm all out of apples."

On 11/17/2022 at 9:03 PM, The Halcyon Girl said:

“I don’t need arrows. I have my morningknife.” She patted it. “Also, why do I want to come with you again? Also where are we going and what are we fighting?“

Nayka wandered over. “Cool, how’d you do that?”

"I'm a Star Mage," Whist said turning to the older girl. "I can magical take in energy from the sun, and then use it to do stuff. For healing, you take this energy and push it into the body of the person you want to heal. The energy, blessed with the suns connection to life, speeds up the persons natural healing process. It usually takes a lot of energy, but Fiadh had a small wound, and healing myself is much easier than other people. I should be able to heal her without a rest," Whist said. 


I think healing the memory would add some more intrigue, but whether it will happen depends on Whist’s magic.

She walked over to the officer, who was absentmindedly sitting on the other side of their table. Her guilt had grown considerably now that her head was clear. All of last night had been a strange and hazy, even before her vision went blurry. That's what you get for walking straight into a pole, Whist thought to herself. She gently placed her hand on the woman's forehead, like she was checking a fever, and then Pushed energy through her hand.

"Wha . . . what . . . HEY!"  the officer jumped off of the bench, backing away to examine the group.


I guess I'm going with the memory returning since its more interesting, but I'll leave the rest of her reaction to you, Halcy, since she's a part of your characters story.

Also- sorry this took me so long, I saw the replies at school and then completely forgot about them ^^;


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15 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

Whist noticed Fiadh looked a bit uneasy . . . and then her stomach growled. She handed her wallet to Fiadh.

"Will you go buy us all some breakfast?" she said, pointing at the counter at the back of the room. "I'm all out of apples."

"I'm a Star Mage," Whist said turning to the older girl. "I can magical take in energy from the sun, and then use it to do stuff. For healing, you take this energy and push it into the body of the person you want to heal. The energy, blessed with the suns connection to life, speeds up the persons natural healing process. It usually takes a lot of energy, but Fiadh had a small wound, and healing myself is much easier than other people. I should be able to heal her without a rest," Whist said. 

She walked over to the officer, who was absentmindedly sitting on the other side of their table. Her guilt had grown considerably now that her head was clear. All of last night had been a strange and hazy, even before her vision went blurry. That's what you get for walking straight into a pole, Whist thought to herself. She gently placed her hand on the woman's forehead, like she was checking a fever, and then Pushed energy through her hand.

"Wha . . . what . . . HEY!"  the officer jumped off of the bench, backing away to examine the group.



No prob this is perfect :D 

Officer Haen backed away. What just happened again? Time for that later, she told herself. “You,” she growled at Nayka. “What did you do with it? Where’s the Aiesketor?”(Im still figuring out what it it XD) 

Nayka paled. She had not been counting on this. How could Whist do this to her? 

You know the drill. It’s time to cut your losses and blow this joint.

Doesnt matter how much you sort of don’t want to. 

Nayka ducked behind Whist, whimpering. 

“Excuse me, Ma’am,” Haen addressed Whist through clenched teeth. “I don’t believe I’ve properly introduced myself. My name is Officer Haen, and this is little Nayka. She’s stolen valuable goods from Eunat to Wechen (made ‘em up, pretend they’re cities on opposite sides of the island). She’s wanted in fifteen different cities. Now. Would you mind?”

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2 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Officer Haen backed away. What just happened again? Time for that later, she told herself. “You,” she growled at Nayka. “What did you do with it? Where’s the Aiesketor?”(Im still figuring out what it it XD) 

Nayka paled. She had not been counting on this. How could Whist do this to her? 

You know the drill. It’s time to cut your losses and blow this joint.

Doesnt matter how much you sort of don’t want to. 

Nayka ducked behind Whist, whimpering. 

“Excuse me, Ma’am,” Haen addressed Whist through clenched teeth. “I don’t believe I’ve properly introduced myself. My name is Officer Haen, and this is little Nayka. She’s stolen valuable goods from Eunat to Wechen (made ‘em up, pretend they’re cities on opposite sides of the island). She’s wanted in fifteen different cities. Now. Would you mind?”

"I see . . do you have any proof?" Whist asked calmly. She put her hand on Nayka's shoulder. She hadn't intended for the officers memory to come back. Hopefully they could clear this up quickly.

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7 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

"I see . . do you have any proof?" Whist asked calmly. She put her hand on Nayka's shoulder. She hadn't intended for the officers memory to come back. Hopefully they could clear this up quickly.

Nayka felt a strange sense of disappointment. 

What did you think, she scolded herself harshly, That they’d let you become one of them? That you could actually fit in? 

Her stomach twinged. Remember what happened to Buka? 

Theives don’t belong anywhere.

Now focus. Nayka twisted away from Whist, holding a bundle close—the bundle she’d stashed with Whist for safekeeping and only just retrieved. Dashing across the floor, however, she skidded to a halt.

Another one. Just outside. He locked eyes with her and nodded. She backed away, rising panic awakening in her. She glanced around wildly for a window—a door—a rope from a balcony, anything.

But nothing came of it. So she let the officer take her back to Whist.

Haen steered Nayka back into the common room and pointed at the bundle. “Proof enough?”


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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Nayka felt a strange sense of disappointment. 

What did you think, she scolded herself harshly, That they’d let you become one of them? That you could actually fit in? 

Her stomach twinged. Remember what happened to Buka? 

Theives don’t belong anywhere.

Now focus. Nayka twisted away from Whist, holding a bundle close—the bundle she’d stashed with Whist for safekeeping and only just retrieved. Dashing across the floor, however, she skidded to a halt.

Another one. Just outside. He locked eyes with her and nodded. She backed away, rising panic awakening in her. She glanced around wildly for a window—a door—a rope from a balcony, anything.

But nothing came of it. So she let the officer take her back to Whist.

Haen steered Nayka back into the common room and pointed at the bundle. “Proof enough?”


Okaaaaay, so not a quick solution, Whist thought to herself. 

"Well I suppose that did seem a bit incriminating, but you have to understand, my niece is a very flighty girl, and people with weapons scare her easily." 

Summoning the Sun's energy, Whist gently but firmly grabbed Nayka by the shoulders, pulling her away from Haen. Mentally she pushed the energy toward Nayka, painting over her face with its light. She added highlights to some of her features, making them appear bigger. Whist pulled on some of the light that was already on Nayka's face, creating larger shadows.

The affect made Nayka look . . . off. Her cheeks appeared more shallow, her eyes deeper set, her nose bigger. She was slightly different version of herself. Different enough that she could be another person.

Whist began sweating, she had already used A LOT of magic healing them. Even this simple illusion was straining her abilities to the max.

"I think I've heard of this Nayka thief before . . . its such a shame to see youth making bad decisions. I saw the wanted posters when we were traveling through Eunat, I can see how you would think my Leyla would look like her, especially in the dark last night." 

Whist started breathing heavier. She prayed Haen wouldn't notice.

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13 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

Okaaaaay, so not a quick solution, Whist thought to herself. 

"Well I suppose that did seem a bit incriminating, but you have to understand, my niece is a very flighty girl, and people with weapons scare her easily." 

Summoning the Sun's energy, Whist gently but firmly grabbed Nayka by the shoulders, pulling her away from Haen. Mentally she pushed the energy toward Nayka, painting over her face with its light. She added highlights to some of her features, making them appear bigger. Whist pulled on some of the light that was already on Nayka's face, creating larger shadows.

The affect made Nayka look . . . off. Her cheeks appeared more shallow, her eyes deeper set, her nose bigger. She was slightly different version of herself. Different enough that she could be another person.

Whist began sweating, she had already used A LOT of magic healing them. Even this simple illusion was straining her abilities to the max.

"I think I've heard of this Nayka thief before . . . its such a shame to see youth making bad decisions. I saw the wanted posters when we were traveling through Eunat, I can see how you would think my Leyla would look like her, especially in the dark last night." 

Whist started breathing heavier. She prayed Haen wouldn't notice.

Nayka blinked. She had not expected this. Didn’t Whist see who she was? Of course she did. But then why… why, exactly? What was going on? She clutched the bundle tighter. 

Haen saw through everything. She had a special talent for that. But the expression on Nayka’s face was so priceless, and seeing somebody take responsibility for the little menace… this might actually help her. Nayka, that is.

”All right, then,” Haen agreed amiably. “If you’ll just give me the Aiesketor, I’ll call off my fellow officers and be on my way.” She stepped forward to take the package.


Nayka couldn’t figure this out. What was Whist thinking? Didn’t she know what Nayka was? Yes, of course she did. Then what was going on?

She didn’t want to relinquish the Aiesketor, but she didn’t see another choice, really. Not if she wanted to find out what Whist was doing. So she handed Haen the bundle. Haen peeked through it, smiled, and within five minutes, every officer who had been in the vicinity was at least a mile away.

And Nayka waited for whatever was coming next.

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2 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Nayka blinked. She had not expected this. Didn’t Whist see who she was? Of course she did. But then why… why, exactly? What was going on? She clutched the bundle tighter. 

Haen saw through everything. She had a special talent for that. But the expression on Nayka’s face was so priceless, and seeing somebody take responsibility for the little menace… this might actually help her. Nayka, that is.

”All right, then,” Haen agreed amiably. “If you’ll just give me the Aiesketor, I’ll call off my fellow officers and be on my way.” She stepped forward to take the package.


Nayka couldn’t figure this out. What was Whist thinking? Didn’t she know what Nayka was? Yes, of course she did. Then what was going on?

She didn’t want to relinquish the Aiesketor, but she didn’t see another choice, really. Not if she wanted to find out what Whist was doing. So she handed Haen the bundle. Haen peeked through it, smiled, and within five minutes, every officer who had been in the vicinity was at least a mile away.

And Nayka waited for whatever was coming next.

The second the officers left, Whist sat down at the table, breathing hard. Her illusion didn't seem to have worked very well, she hadn't had enough magic to make it potent. Yet the officers had left, and Nayka had handed over the eye skooter thing. 

"Well," Whist said, still huffing, "that's that bridge crossed."

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1 hour ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“Good to know.” Kealie grinned. “I’ll stay for now, at least, if you all don’t mind.” She squinted up ahead. There. A beautiful four-point deer. She snuck forward, carefully and intentionally not making noise, until she arrived within range. Then she slipped the morningknife—at least the blade part—out of its sheath.

Huh. Who knew such a loud person could be so stealthy when she wanted to?

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1 minute ago, justice_magician said:

The second the officers left, Whist sat down at the table, breathing hard. Her illusion didn't seem to have worked very well, she hadn't had enough magic to make it potent. Yet the officers had left, and Nayka had handed over the eye skooter thing. 

"Well," Whist said, still huffing, "that's that bridge crossed."

Nayka turned to her. It felt weird not to try and mask her emotion. Her shock must have been written all over her face. “Why did you do that?”

1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Huh. Who knew such a loud person could be so stealthy when she wanted to?

Kealie grabbed the blade between her thumb and index finger, the end of the slim chain between her palm and the rest of her fingers. Then she flicked it, letting go of the blade, calculating carefully.

The chain uncoiled from her belt as the knife buried itself just behind the buck’s shoulder blade. It made some kind of painful noise and attempted to run away, but it couldn’t break away when it reached the end of the chain, for Kealie’s blade had buried deep. She sprinted after it, shortening the chain as she went.

Once she got near, she chucked a second  knife at it, but the knife tilted and bounced off of its pelt. She’d compensated for a chain when this knife had no tether. She crouched, hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath and hoping Vance would provide some backup.

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