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Channelknight Fadran

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ok so has anything happened in the Nayka/Whist/Fiadh/Ashe storyline since Fiadh went to get food, Nayka gave back the eye scooter thingy, and someone went to rent rooms?


nope, I assume we're all resting right now, we were waiting for you. Also I have no idea where we're going from this point since our conflict is kinda resolved. My character is supposed to be searching for a lost item, so I could have her ask you to accompany her on that as like a quest thing. Or if you don't like that/have another idea my character could just find it on the way. Either way we need to get to the festival,


@Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff @InfiniteInsanity @Tani @Ookla the Pencil Taxi

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9 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Annimus holds Anikel's gaze his eyes carrying the penetrating gaze of a predator watching it's shifting prey.

"I will adhere to it. I gave my word. Though many on your caravan may hate me since my race is not viewed kindly by others."

3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I'm sure we can manage."

"It's certainly something you can learn to control."

"Alright," said Anikel. "Let's get back to town. Maybe on the way you can tell us what these gods are that have it out for us."

@The Wandering Wizard @Channelknight Fadran

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32 minutes ago, justice_magician said:

I think that yes, Whist should ask them to accompany her and they go to the festival place. Maybe what she’s looking for is at the festival, if you don’t have an idea. Idk.


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1 hour ago, justice_magician said:

Fiadh will probably go with... If y'all can convince her. Otherwise she'll just go back to jumping around from town to town stealing and y'all can leave her. 


Edited by InfiniteInsanity
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6 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I'm sure we can manage."

2 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"Alright," said Anikel. "Let's get back to town. Maybe on the way you can tell us what these gods are that have it out for us."


"Perhaps, though even I do not know much other than you cut down a ancient tree. One that had been with the forest for many years."

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I don't know... I'm bad at paying attention to things. I never really knew what was going on.


sorry about that ^^; hopefully things will be more straight forward from now on. My characters gonna invite everyone on a quest that will get us to the festival, maybe your character can join us to seek adventure or something

Okay, sounds like we've got a solid plan, I'm gonna go ahead and time skip a few hours (to around 1 p.m.) to when people start waking up

Whist was the first to get up, despite her exhaustion she hadn't slept much. It was hard for her to sleep during the day, she couldn't stand missing out on sunlight. It was a Star Mage thing.

She quickly climbed down the stairs to the inns common room. After nodding to the Innkeeper who was still at the counter, she located an empty table. The inn was much busier now that it was the afternoon, and bubble of conversation hung over the room. After digging around in her bag, she pulled out some maps as well as a couple other documents and spread them out across the table.

She sighed, it was time to get back to work.

Edited by Ookla the magician
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Fiadh crawled out of bed. It was still day. Most of the others probably weren't awake. They had seemed very exhausted. Hopefully that meant she could sneak away quickly. 

Fiadh walked out of her room and down the stairs as quietly as she could. When she got to the common room she stopped and scanned the room looking for people she might need to aviod. There were a couple of people she had stolen from before, no obvious authorities, and Whist. Why was she awake? Whist had seemed to most exhausted out of all. And she was sitting right in between Fiadh and the door. 

Fiadh sighed and set off doing her best not to be seen by Whist.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh crawled out of bed. It was still day. Most of the others probably weren't awake. They had seemed very exhausted. Hopefully that meant she could sneak away quickly. 

Fiadh walked out of her room and down the stairs as quietly as she could. When she got to the common room she stopped and scanned the room looking for people she might need to aviod. There were a couple of people she had stolen from before, no obvious authorities, and Whist. Why was she awake? Whist had seemed to most exhausted out of all. And she was sitting right in between Fiadh and the door. 

Fiadh sighed and set off doing her best not to be seen by Whist.

Nayka had been drawing on some paper she randomly found in her drawer. She’d never needed a lot of sleep. Looking up, she saw Fiadh across the room and waved cheerfully for her to come over.

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4 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Perhaps, though even I do not know much other than you cut down a ancient tree. One that had been with the forest for many years."

"They're mad about one tree?" asked Anikel incredulously,

22 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:


"We've given you much of the information we have," replied the First Elder. "If you have further questions, we will do our best to answer them."

@Ookla the Kobold

"Actually," replied Yerik haltingly. "I... have a question." He took a deep breath. "About outsiders. Visitors. Two of them, about thirty." His words sped up, spilling out of him like a flood. "A married couple, looking for their daughter- it would have been about eight years ago- the man, he escaped. Alone. But-" His voice caught. "His wife. She would still be here?" He looked up at the First Elder, eyes pleading.

The First Elder pondered the question. "I... yes, I do remember them."

Yerik's heart leapt into his throat.

"The woman did not survive, unfortunately," the Elder continued. "She perished in the escape attempt." He inclined his head in sympathy. "I am sorry."

All the energy went out of Yerik's posture. His eyes fixated on the ground. "It's... fine."

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Hyron looked at Yerik.

There was something... different about him right now. He obviously knew this couple. Was his obsession with his blasphemous cult a result of trying to bottle the apparent grief?

Was he just looking for answers? Closure?

Had he been hoping to find someone he had lost?

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On 11/23/2022 at 10:28 PM, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"They're mad about one tree?" asked Anikel incredulously,

"Actually," replied Yerik haltingly. "I... have a question." He took a deep breath. "About outsiders. Visitors. Two of them, about thirty." His words sped up, spilling out of him like a flood. "A married couple, looking for their daughter- it would have been about eight years ago- the man, he escaped. Alone. But-" His voice caught. "His wife. She would still be here?" He looked up at the First Elder, eyes pleading.

The First Elder pondered the question. "I... yes, I do remember them."

Yerik's heart leapt into his throat.

"The woman did not survive, unfortunately," the Elder continued. "She perished in the escape attempt." He inclined his head in sympathy. "I am sorry."

All the energy went out of Yerik's posture. His eyes fixated on the ground. "It's... fine."

22 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron looked at Yerik.

There was something... different about him right now. He obviously knew this couple. Was his obsession with his blasphemous cult a result of trying to bottle the apparent grief?

Was he just looking for answers? Closure?

Had he been hoping to find someone he had lost?

Miyako knew Yerik's face. It was hard to lose someone you had been fighting for.

Miyako walked up to Yerik and placed her hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "Yerik? Ya want to talk outside? These Elders seem done talking to us."

On 11/22/2022 at 11:06 PM, Ookla the Inverted said:

As Quest worked, Antin slowly came to. "What are you doing?" he asked tiredly. "What did I do?"


Yeah, I thought I had explained the system vaguely enough but I can easily see how that makes no sense whatsoever. If you want me to try and explain it, I can but Quest can make temporary rune circles on paper now.

Quest ran up to Antin, trying to hold onto a jumbled stack of papers. He dropped them on the floor and spread them out, displaying the rune circles to Antin.

"I got rune circles working, we can use the witch's magic!"

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On 11/23/2022 at 11:28 PM, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"They're mad about one tree?" asked Anikel incredulously,

On 11/23/2022 at 0:24 AM, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"Those trees were the ancients of the forest. Long and tall had they grown and you just ripped one up. An ancient friend you've had for millennia. How would you feel if you lost a friend you'd had for that long?"

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Quest ran up to Antin, trying to hold onto a jumbled stack of papers. He dropped them on the floor and spread them out, displaying the rune circles to Antin.

"I got rune circles working, we can use the witch's magic!"

"Oh! Good! So now we just need to figure out what they all mean to know how to use them, right?"

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7 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako knew Yerik's face. It was hard to lose someone you had been fighting for.

Miyako walked up to Yerik and placed her hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "Yerik? Ya want to talk outside? These Elders seem done talking to us."

Quest ran up to Antin, trying to hold onto a jumbled stack of papers. He dropped them on the floor and spread them out, displaying the rune circles to Antin.

"I got rune circles working, we can use the witch's magic!"

"Yeah... I guess." Yerik turned and pushed out the door, eyes still downcast.

@Ookla the Kobold

7 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Those trees were the ancients of the forest. Long and tall had they grown and you just ripped one up. An ancient friend you've had for millennia. How would you feel if you lost a friend you'd had for that long?"

"So you're saying," said Anikel slowly, "that the trees themselves are angry at us?"

@The Wandering Wizard

Edited by Ookla the Forgotten
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On 11/23/2022 at 10:00 PM, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Nayka had been drawing on some paper she randomly found in her drawer. She’d never needed a lot of sleep. Looking up, she saw Fiadh across the room and waved cheerfully for her to come over.

Fiadh saw Nayka wave and frowned a little. She would have to try and sneak away later. 

Fiadh replaced her frown with a smile and walked over to Nayka. "Whatcha doing?" 

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Sahala yawns and opens her eyes, expecting to see the boring white ceiling of her room. Instead she sees a blue ceiling. She frowns in confusion. The events of the past day come flooding back, and she smiles. Finally something interesting. She climbs out of bed and buckles her useless sword on, then heads to where the rest of her group is.

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2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh saw Nayka wave and frowned a little. She would have to try and sneak away later. 

Fiadh replaced her frown with a smile and walked over to Nayka. "Whatcha doing?" 

Nayka grinned. “Drawing. Or at least trying. My chandelier looks like a dead balloon. How did you sleep?”

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31 minutes ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Nayka grinned. “Drawing. Or at least trying. My chandelier looks like a dead balloon. How did you sleep?”

Fiadh leans over to see the drawing. "I didn't. And that doesn't look like a dead balloon. Dead balloons are much scarier than that. I think it looks like a chandelier." 

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:

Fiadh leans over to see the drawing. "I didn't. And that doesn't look like a dead balloon. Dead balloons are much scarier than that. I think it looks like a chandelier." 

“Oh. Thanks.” She examines the drawing again. “You didn’t sleep? I’m sorry.”

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