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2 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

It's your fault.. Hyron's brain said in a sing song voice. It's all your fault! You caused this, you turned her into this.

Hyron half heartedly resisted Yerik dragging them. "No, no, no," They muttered.

Hyron resisted more, until finally, they shouted, "No!" and yanked their hand out of Yerik's.

They stood there, looking at Miyako, waiting as she walked closer to them.

"No," They whispered, "I'm not running from you. I'm not running from whatever is in control of you."

@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Forgotten

6 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

let's keep it going pls?



Yes, sorry. 

Miyako paused in front of Hyron. The small part of her screamed to let go of the Shadow, to come back. The Shadow resisted, "just kill him", it said. "Let go."

Miyako stood still, conflict raging inside as the Shadow stormed around her. 

1 hour ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Got it." Individually, Antin copied out the runes. He handed the papers to Quest.

Quest nodded, writing the rune into a simple circle that just activated the primary rune, the rune they didn't know. Quest rested a hand on the paper, letting his magic flow into the runes. They began glowed a burning red light.

Quest talked as he worked, "The rune won't have much off an effect on it's own, most runes just modify a primary rune and give it shape and direction. Most of these circles won't do anything, but the ones that do will be very telling." Quest took his finger off the paper and it burst from a subdued glow to a shining light. Quest stood, looking down at the paper. "I don't this one has an eff-". A sudden invisible push sent Quest flying back across the room.

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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako paused in front of Hyron. The small part of her screamed to let go of the Shadow, to come back. The Shadow resisted, "just kill him", it said. "Let go."

Miyako stood still, conflict raging inside as the Shadow stormed around her. 

Hyron stared defiantly into Miyako's eyes, seeing the Shadow rage inside her.

"You're in there. This thing is at the forefront of your mind," Hyron said, and reached out a hand to touch Miyako's cheek, "But you're there. Hidden, scared. But you, Miyako, are an absolute badass. You're powerful, strong. Stalks, I just saw you take out ten men and women like it was nothing. Surely whatever is in control of you should be easy to fight off. I'm not backing down, not until you defeat it, or you kill me."

Hyron folded their arms and stared at Miyako.

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3 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

It's your fault.. Hyron's brain said in a sing song voice. It's all your fault! You caused this, you turned her into this.

Hyron half heartedly resisted Yerik dragging them. "No, no, no," They muttered.

Hyron resisted more, until finally, they shouted, "No!" and yanked their hand out of Yerik's.

They stood there, looking at Miyako, waiting as she walked closer to them.

"No," They whispered, "I'm not running from you. I'm not running from whatever is in control of you."

@Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Forgotten

Yerik continued running for a couple of steps before he realized Hyron had turned around. He tried to stop, but something in him resisted, so he gritted his teeth and forced his legs to stop moving. He turned, standing behind Yerik, ready to get them out of danger if they needed it.


Careful not to use all of your character conflict in one place. :ph34r: This story's not even half over yet.


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako paused in front of Hyron. The small part of her screamed to let go of the Shadow, to come back. The Shadow resisted, "just kill him", it said. "Let go."

Miyako stood still, conflict raging inside as the Shadow stormed around her. 

Quest nodded, writing the rune into a simple circle that just activated the primary rune, the rune they didn't know. Quest rested a hand on the paper, letting his magic flow into the runes. They began glowed a burning red light.

Quest talked as he worked, "The rune won't have much off an effect on it's own, most runes just modify a primary rune and give it shape and direction. Most of these circles won't do anything, but the ones that do will be very telling." Quest took his finger off the paper and it burst from a subdued glow to a shining light. Quest stood, looking down at the paper. "I don't this one has an eff-". A sudden invisible push sent Quest flying back across the room.

"Quest!" Antin ran over to him. "Are you okay?"

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Quest!" Antin ran over to him. "Are you okay?"

Quest sat up groaning. He smiled at Antin through the pain. He let out a short laugh. "I guess that's the rune for force." Quest shakily got to his feet. 

2 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Yerik continued running for a couple of steps before he realized Hyron had turned around. He tried to stop, but something in him resisted, so he gritted his teeth and forced his legs to stop moving. He turned, standing behind Yerik, ready to get them out of danger if they needed it.

3 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron stared defiantly into Miyako's eyes, seeing the Shadow rage inside her.

"You're in there. This thing is at the forefront of your mind," Hyron said, and reached out a hand to touch Miyako's cheek, "But you're there. Hidden, scared. But you, Miyako, are an absolute badass. You're powerful, strong. Stalks, I just saw you take out ten men and women like it was nothing. Surely whatever is in control of you should be easy to fight off. I'm not backing down, not until you defeat it, or you kill me."

Hyron folded their arms and stared at Miyako.


I considered simply stabbing Hyron. Miyako was real close to just killing everyone. 

Miyako looked at Hyron and Yerik. Her Shadow wanted her move, to kill. To run away from all that could bring her back. But Miyako didn't. She looked in Hyron's eyes, seeing the determination in there eyes, the determination for her.

Suddenly it didn't feel so easy. It was Miyako against her Shadow. When did Miyako start fighting back against her Shadow? Why was she fighting back against an escape?

An old memory bloomed in Miyako's mind, a memory of a dark day. She saw three figures on a dusty street. A monster come to her village to ruin her life. Miyako crying in the streets, a sword lying forgotten at her feet. And a Shadow who was little more then a husk, where a great man had once stood. Her father. Miyako had always hated his Shadow. She did hate the Shadow.

Slowly it started to come back. The voice in her head no longer seemed so quiet. Her Shadow fought, a roiling darkness, fought for an easy path: release from her pain. But that wasn't who Miyako was. Miyako was the one who would take any challenge and love the thrill of the fight. Miyako might kill but she would do it feeling something, not because it was easier, but because she feared who she would otherwise become.

Miyako wasn't who she had been, what her father had wanted. She was no longer the girl that danced with the waves. She was a broken woman, reforged in blood and vengeance, one who hid her pain behind bravado.

But Miyako was not her Shadow, or her father's Shadow. 

Her Shadow screamed in her mind, grasping for dominance as her shroud of darkness receded into the morning. Miyako stumbled, suddenly weary beyond belief. She was back to normal, just a tired, bloody woman standing in the sun. She looked into Hyron's eyes, once again noticing the light and life that made them alive. She smiled.

Miyako then proceeded to pass out.

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Quest sat up groaning. He smiled at Antin through the pain. He let out a short laugh. "I guess that's the rune for force." Quest shakily got to his feet. 

"I... I..." Antin looked very worried. "Can you heal yourself, or should I try?"

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stabbing would have been funny but this i can work with. i like this.

Hyron stepped forward and caught Miyako, gently lowering her to the ground, holding her in their lap. They smiled, not caring that their arms would be covered in blood, and brushed Miyako's hair out of her face.

"Well," They whispered, "I'm glad it went that way." Hyron took a deep breath, and just held Miyako.

Edited by Ookla the Crow
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1 hour ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"I... I..." Antin looked very worried. "Can you heal yourself, or should I try?"

"No, no. It's fine. I don't need healing." Quest stood up, brushing off his pants. "Just a little fall there."

1 hour ago, Ookla the Crow said:

stabbing would have been funny but this i can work with. i like this.

Hyron stepped forward and caught Miyako, gently lowering her to the ground, holding her in their lap. They smiled, not caring that their arms would be covered in blood, and brushed Miyako's hair out of her face.

"Well," They whispered, "I'm glad it went that way." Hyron took a deep breath, and just held Miyako.

Edited 1 hour ago by Ookla the Crow


Quality. And also, Miyako would want to stab you even more right now.


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18 hours ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Nayka grinned. “Very appealing indeed.”


sorry I've been inactive recently, life's been happening

"The ferry only takes a few hours, so it won't be an extended time on the water," Whist said, trying to comfort Fiadh. "I think the next one leaves in an hour, we could try and catch that one or wait for tomorrow. It depends on how ready you all are to leave, I'm ready to go now, but I can wait if we need."


Unless anyone has an objection I'm going to kind of try and 'DM' a bit, since we're sort of following my characters quest, I hope that's alright, I just want to try and keep the story running smoothly.


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9 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Annimus's deep voice rumbles in the riding silence. "So where are we going again and what are your names? I am Annimus, the only survivor of my tribe."

@Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten

"My name is Anikel," replied the same. He gestured to the young man riding beside him. "This is Terakor." He let Quendi introduce herself. "As for where we're headed, that would be the town of Pietmed."

2 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Hyron stepped forward and caught Miyako, gently lowering her to the ground, holding her in their lap. They smiled, not caring that their arms would be covered in blood, and brushed Miyako's hair out of her face.

"Well," They whispered, "I'm glad it went that way." Hyron took a deep breath, and just held Miyako.

Yerik sank to the ground, suddenly exhausted. He looked around wearily at the carnage that Miyako had wrought.

In the village, faces began to poke out of doors, people making their way onto the streets to observe the aftermath of the battle. A low murmur began in the crowd, full of anxious whispers and furtive glances.

All of a sudden, a scream rang out. Yerik glanced over and saw the Second Elder being held back by a few of the villagers, her face a mask of horror. "LENNA!" she screamed, her eyes fixed on the woman that Miyako had beheaded. "LENNA!"

With one final scream, her voice gave out, as did her strength. She slumped to the ground, sobbing quietly as she was carried gently away. 

The First Elder broke free of the crowd, whose murmurings had begun to turn angry. His expression was grave as he approached Hyron and Yerik.

"You should leave," he said tersely. "Now."

@Ookla the Crow

Edited by Ookla the Forgotten
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2 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Vance picked right then to stride into the building, yawning and stretching. He was still in his 'pajamas.'

"Healing? What, you didn't get exploded, did you?"

"Oh, you're back. He copied down one of the runes, and it turns out it was the rune for force. He got thrown across the room."


Oh and Vance might realize that the contrast of Antin's skin is significantly less pronounced now than it was.


Edited by Ookla the Inverted
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21 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Oh, you're back.


Vance and Kealie have been back since your timeskip.


21 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Oh, you're back. He copied down one of the runes, and it turns out it was the rune for force. He got thrown across the room."

"Oh fun."


How far do you think they've all gotten into the mansion so far?


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"You are absolutely certain? Because if you're lying to me I'll break your arm myself."

Quest laughed at Antin. "No, healing myself is just taxing. I can deal with a few aches and bruises."

1 hour ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

How far do you think they've all gotten into the mansion so far?



Yeah, as Archivist said, we are just scraping the entrance of the mansion. However they are on the cusp of figuring out how to make there own rune circles and very soon they can either break down or cheat there way past most traps in the house.


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8 hours ago, Ookla the magician said:

"The ferry only takes a few hours, so it won't be an extended time on the water," Whist said, trying to comfort Fiadh. "I think the next one leaves in an hour, we could try and catch that one or wait for tomorrow. It depends on how ready you all are to leave, I'm ready to go now, but I can wait if we need."


“I’m ready,” Nayka volunteered.

4 hours ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"How far have you guys gotten ito deciphering them?" He asked.

Kealie got bored, so she fiddled with a vase.

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8 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

“Lemme know if you ever need a break.”

Glancing about, he crouched lower to mutter to Quest.

“Kealie’s not really hell-bent on learning any new skills right now. She keeps shutting down my requests to help her develop her weird bunny magic, so I’ve been really bored lately.”

Quest shot a glance at Kealie. He turned to Vance, holding up papers. "If you want to help us translate these, it's fascinating stuff." He sat up and walked over to Kealie. "Umm, Kealie? What do you want to do?"

@Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff

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