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4 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Quest shot a glance at Kealie. He turned to Vance, holding up papers. "If you want to help us translate these, it's fascinating stuff." He sat up and walked over to Kealie. "Umm, Kealie? What do you want to do?"

@Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff

“Whatever.” She shrugged. “I could go for an explosion. Or a smoothie. I’m down for anything.”

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16 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Quest paused. "Wait, umm, what's a smoothie?"

“Ground up fruit drink. Any monsters around here I can fight?”


Kealie’s not opposed to the idea of training her Ocumeritation. I guess it came off that way.


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@Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff @InfiniteInsanity @There'sOneOtherPersonInThisPlotlineButIDon'tRememberWho

MeSaan sat on the ferry, sharpening their glaives. One made from Echo, the other from Vincas. MeSaan wasn't expecting any fights, but would certainly be prepared if they faced one.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Nerdy said:

@Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff @InfiniteInsanity @There'sOneOtherPersonInThisPlotlineButIDon'tRememberWho

MeSaan sat on the ferry, sharpening their glaives. One made from Echo, the other from Vincas. MeSaan wasn't expecting any fights, but would certainly be prepared if they faced one.

Nayka watched MeSaan curiously. She’d never had much interaction with people that didn’t include daggers and shouted threats, so she was looking forward to getting to know them. 

Do you go talk to somebody, or do you wait for them to talk to you?

She found it a little sad that she didn’t know.

11 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:



Ohhh fair enough XD


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5 hours ago, Ookla the Nerdy said:

@Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff @InfiniteInsanity @There'sOneOtherPersonInThisPlotlineButIDon'tRememberWho

MeSaan sat on the ferry, sharpening their glaives. One made from Echo, the other from Vincas. MeSaan wasn't expecting any fights, but would certainly be prepared if they faced one.


3 hours ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Nayka watched MeSaan curiously. She’d never had much interaction with people that didn’t include daggers and shouted threats, so she was looking forward to getting to know them. 

Do you go talk to somebody, or do you wait for them to talk to you?

She found it a little sad that she didn’t know.


Fiadh sat somewhere by the sides of the ferry. She was feeling a bit more than a bit sick. Why did I agree to go on a boatA boat!  The mocking voice started up again.

 Don't you remember the curiosity rule?? If you had just followed the rules you would be safe in an alley. 

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:


Fiadh sat somewhere by the sides of the ferry. She was feeling a bit more than a bit sick. Why did I agree to go on a boatA boat!  The mocking voice started up again.

 Don't you remember the curiosity rule?? If you had just followed the rules you would be safe in an alley. 

Nayka looked around and noticed Fiadh looking absolutely miserable. 

She walked over. “You don’t look good. Is there anything I can do?”

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7 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"Why would pillows need to avoid this place?"

“I mean are there any around here? I wanna make a fort.”

6 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

 "I don't feel very good."

Nayka sat down next to her. “I stole a diamond brooch on a boat once.”

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"...Buuuuut, on the bright side..."

Vance reached into his pocket and brought out a long strip of cloth.

"I think I figured out a good way to kick your magic into high gear."


3 minutes ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Kealie brightened. “Cool! What do we do!”

Antin looked up from his papers. "What's this?"

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15 minutes ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Kealie brightened. “Cool! What do we do!”


Cool, I'll gun through this then.

"Come on with me." Vance took her outside: hopefully far enough away for them to not mess with the incredibly magic-impregnated mansion.

The forest was dewdropped from a morning rain, glistening in the morning sun. Trees spread out for miles in every direction, surrounding them and their hilltop death mansion. They were set up in a clearing of sorts, a tarp staked above a fire pit for cooking and the places where they used to keep the bedrolls. Ever since Quest had cleared the lobby they'd moved to the indoors, but the temporary shelter remained for now.

He took Kealie beyond it and down the hill a ways, finding a spot about as clear of roots and rocks as was possible in these woods. "Alrighty. Take this whole place in: everything around you. Make sure you get a clear layout of it in your mind."

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On 12/2/2022 at 5:38 PM, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"My name is Anikel," replied the same. He gestured to the young man riding beside him. "This is Terakor." He let Quendi introduce herself. "As for where we're headed, that would be the town of Pietmed."

On 12/2/2022 at 3:26 PM, Ookla the Crow said:

"Alright then." Responds Annimus, hiding the turmoil in his mind.

It's a city by the sea. Whispers the voice.

It's NOT a village, and definitely not THAT village.

No, not the place that you killed. But you killed by the sea, and the sea will always haunt you.

Annimus winces as his side begins to freeze. Reaching his hand down, he feels the telltale sign of the regrowth begining and not having enough energy to completely fuel the transformation.

I'm going to have to drain again, and soon.

"How long is it going to take to reach the town?"

@Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten

Edited by Ookla the Myopic
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Hyron stands, still holding Miyako, and starts to walk away, towards where the shipwreck is.

They pause, then turn around, looking at the First Elder.

"If you can find it in your heart," They started, but their voice broke, the emotions surfacing as Hyron's adrenaline faded away. They took a deep breath and continued, "If you can find it in your heart , please try and forgive her. What happened wasn't her. Not all of her."

@Ookla the Forgotten @Ookla the Kobold

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18 hours ago, Ookla the Nerdy said:

@Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff @InfiniteInsanity @There'sOneOtherPersonInThisPlotlineButIDon'tRememberWho

MeSaan sat on the ferry, sharpening their glaives. One made from Echo, the other from Vincas. MeSaan wasn't expecting any fights, but would certainly be prepared if they faced one.


okay my character's name is exactly the same as Sarene's seon Ashe's name and it's bugging me so I'm changing my name here's your heads up I'm Lenn O'Ree now

sorry if this causes problems for yous

Lenn strode over to MeSaan. "Who are you?" she asked, curious.

Edited by Ookla the Implosion
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