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Channelknight Fadran

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

The carriage landed.

"There are cracks," Vicius spoke. "Places where you can sneak through and watch, hidden." He gestured at the mountain, where a cave hole could barely be seen underneath the roots of a tree. "Enter there and follow the path to the castle."

Miyako jumped off the carriage and walked over to the castle walls. Over her shoulder she called back to Vicius, "Come back here, one hour. Or I'll come meet you with my sword."

8 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:
25 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:



I give control over the house to whoever wants it. If you want convoluted rune mechanics I will gladly ramble, but as for the actual rune function and house someone else can control it, at least for your party.


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42 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako jumped off the carriage and walked over to the castle walls. Over her shoulder she called back to Vicius, "Come back here, one hour. Or I'll come meet you with my sword."

"I will be watching," Vicius replied. "When you are ready to leave, I will be there."

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11 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

"Who said you were making this choice?" Miyako glared at him and turned to Yerik, casually flipping open her waterskin. "Acolyte, would the Queen have taken your sister here?" 

Quest's eyes bugged out when he saw Kealie go for the toast. Shooting frantic glances at her, he tried to think off an excuse. 

"I'm, um, am actually allergic to toast. And you know what those silver platters, ummm, can do to someone's stomach. Right?"

Kealie tilted her head, somehow managing to convey a quizzical expression past the blindfold. “There’s nothing wrong with these.” She picked one up and took a bite. 

Dansl (I’ve abbreviated) watched in almost passive eagerness.

9 hours ago, Ookla the magician said:

Whist glanced around, waiting on the dock for the rest of their company to catch up. The town wasn't necessarily run-down, but it certainly wasn't grand either. The dock led directly to a central street lined with shops. Lanterns had been lit in preparation of the on-coming night, and they illuminated fading shop signs and banners. A lazy crowd of people moved through the street, on their way home from the fields. It looked like a fairly normal place to her. 

"I suppose it's alright," Whist said. She preferred the safe anonymity of big cities. Everyone in small towns wanted to know who you were and why you were bothering them.

@Ookla the Nerdy @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Implosion @InfiniteInsanity

Nayka liked how… quiet it all was. Simple. Nothing like cities full of open windowsills and flags and ascending buildings and so many places to hide…

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3 hours ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:



Convoluted rune mechanics

L a t e r

I'm too tired tonight to be properly long winded. But tomorrow when I have the time, just you wait! I will have the most complicated, obtuse mechanics.

2 hours ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Kealie tilted her head, somehow managing to convey a quizzical expression past the blindfold. “There’s nothing wrong with these.” She picked one up and took a bite. 

Dansl (I’ve abbreviated) watched in almost passive eagerness.

Nayka liked how… quiet it all was. Simple. Nothing like cities full of open windowsills and flags and ascending buildings and so many places to hide…


If Kealie believes nothing is wrong with the toast, wouldn't the toast become normal, harmless toast? Also, solid abbreviation.

3 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"I will be watching," Vicius replied. "When you are ready to leave, I will be there."

Miyako looked out across the stunning landscape, fuming at the her current circumstances. Miyako was perfectly fine doing dangerous stuff, but when it was on her terms. You can't just drop someone off at a maniacs stronghold! Even if Miyako had wanted to attack it earlier!

No, focus. Ya got goals here. Go find Acolytes sister, deal with Geff and possibly kill people. Without turning into your Shadow. Miyako could work with a goal. Now determined, she spun around and addressed Yerik and Hyron. Her eyes drifted, noticing the large wrapped up bundle in Hyron hand, and her mouth curved into a grin. But, no. Time to focus. Even if the joke was hilarious.

"Ya ready to go attack the Queen's castle?" Miyako said, cocky swagger back.

@Ookla the Crow


Xino, could I get some descriptions of our surroundings?


Edited by Ookla the Kobold
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Just now, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako looked out across the stunning landscape, fuming at the her current circumstances. Miyako was perfectly fine doing dangerous stuff, but when it was on her terms. You can't just drop someone off at a maniacs stronghold! Even if Miyako had wanted to attack it earlier!

No, focus. Ya got goals here. Go find Acolytes sister, deal with Geff and possibly kill people. Without turning into your Shadow. Miyako could work with a goal. Now determined, she spun around and addressed Yerik and Hyron. Her eyes drifted, noticing the large wrapped up bundle in Hyron hand, and her mouth curved into a grin. But, no. Time to focus. Even if the joke was hilarious.

"Ya ready to go attack the Queen's castle?" Miyako said, cocky swagger back.



Exactly! Dansl just doesn’t know that.


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Just now, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Kealie licked her fingers. “Thanks. Hey Quest, do you want some or are you actually allergic to toast?”

Quest laughed awkwardly. "I think I may try some toast after all." Tentatively, he reached for the platter and took a slice. 

"You got it toasted just right." Quest said in between eating, a big smile on his face. "I always get it burnt." 

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Quest laughed awkwardly. "I think I may try some toast after all." Tentatively, he reached for the platter and took a slice. 

"You got it toasted just right." Quest said in between eating, a big smile on his face. "I always get it burnt." 

Dansl nodded. “Thank you.” She drifted aside. “You are here? For what?”

”Just looking around,” Kealie mumbled, spraying crumbs everywhere. 


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4 hours ago, Ookla the Inverted said:
2 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Convoluted rune mechanics

L a t e r

I'm too tired tonight to be properly long winded. But tomorrow when I have the time, just you wait! I will have the most complicated, obtuse mechanics.


In that case I'll make something up.

Vance's door didn't do anything.

It swung open like any door should, leading into a perfectly normal-looking - albeit a little opulent - bedroom. A king-sized mahogany bedframe with a fluffy-looking mattress sat against the back wall, complete with deep blue sheets and a massive quilt. There was a rug in the middle of the floor and some bookshelves here and there, but other than that it was seemingly empty.

"Huh." He looked around, not entering quite yet. "I guess she didn't trap her bedroom?"

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Vance's door didn't do anything.

It swung open like any door should, leading into a perfectly normal-looking - albeit a little opulent - bedroom. A king-sized mahogany bedframe with a fluffy-looking mattress sat against the back wall, complete with deep blue sheets and a massive quilt. There was a rug in the middle of the floor and some bookshelves here and there, but other than that it was seemingly empty.

"Huh." He looked around, not entering quite yet. "I guess she didn't trap her bedroom?"

"That rug is making me suspicious."

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3 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako looked out across the stunning landscape, fuming at the her current circumstances. Miyako was perfectly fine doing dangerous stuff, but when it was on her terms. You can't just drop someone off at a maniacs stronghold! Even if Miyako had wanted to attack it earlier!

No, focus. Ya got goals here. Go find Acolytes sister, deal with Geff and possibly kill people. Without turning into your Shadow. Miyako could work with a goal. Now determined, she spun around and addressed Yerik and Hyron. Her eyes drifted, noticing the large wrapped up bundle in Hyron hand, and her mouth curved into a grin. But, no. Time to focus. Even if the joke was hilarious.

"Ya ready to go attack the Queen's castle?" Miyako said, cocky swagger back.

@Ookla the Crow


Yerik swallowed and nodded.


The ship came down on one of the sides of the valley that border the castle. Under the tree is a tunnel that slopes down until it enters into the castle. (The castle is built into the side of the mountain.) The tunnel is pretty dark; it's not in general use. It comes out into a set of secret passageways that can be used to traverse the castle undetected. Parts of it are mazelike, but the path to the throne room should be fairly obvious- it's quite close to where the tunnel lets out.

Any other questions?


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