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Channelknight Fadran

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6 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako looked over at the tunnel, that presumably lead to the castle. "Let's get going. Stop standing around, we've got stuff to do." With a smirk Miyako fell down into the tree, and onto the tunnel.

@Ookla the Crow

"We're, ah, just looking around this old house." Quest said, ripping off a piece of his toast. He waved it at Dansl, "Really, these are excellent."

She narrowed her eyes. "Watch your step," her voice whispered, with the hint of a hiss. "This place is dangerous." With a wave of her hand, a bridge appeared above the floor before their feet. "The ground has blood. Don't let it taste yours." 

Then she drifted away through the wall.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

The group made their way down the musty tunnel as it sloped downhill and then gradually began to flatten out. At last, the rough walls of the tunnel gave way to smooth white stone, though its color was hard to discern in the dark. A small bit of light shone through a crack in the wall, the other side of which showed the kitchen. Up ahead, the group could hear voices.

Miyako glanced back at the others before sliding up to the side of the crack. She held still just before the crack, and strained to hear what the voices were saying.

40 minutes ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

She narrowed her eyes. "Watch your step," her voice whispered, with the hint of a hiss. "This place is dangerous." With a wave of her hand, a bridge appeared above the floor before their feet. "The ground has blood. Don't let it taste yours." 

Then she drifted away through the wall.

Quest's eyes trailed Dansl to make sure she was gone. "Was that an obtuse metaphor or strained personification?" Quest mumbled to himself.

Quest finished off the toast and whipped the crumbs off his face. He looked towards Kealie with goofy grin on his face. "That toast was definitely poisoned or, ummm, tampered with. And we both ate it. Ha!" 

Whistling, Quest began to stroll down the hallway. 

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32 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako glanced back at the others before sliding up to the side of the crack. She held still just before the crack, and strained to hear what the voices were saying.

Quest's eyes trailed Dansl to make sure she was gone. "Was that an obtuse metaphor or strained personification?" Quest mumbled to himself.

Quest finished off the toast and whipped the crumbs off his face. He looked towards Kealie with goofy grin on his face. "That toast was definitely poisoned or, ummm, tampered with. And we both ate it. Ha!" 

Whistling, Quest began to stroll down the hallway. 

Kealie followed. "Really? I thought she was nice. I'm going to take off my blindfold for a while." She did so, then slipped it into her bag. "It was really yummy toast," she muttered.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako glanced back at the others before sliding up to the side of the crack. She held still just before the crack, and strained to hear what the voices were saying.


That one was the kitchen crack, I'll assume they went ahead to the throne room crack :P

The throne room was made of the same white and gold as the rest of the castle. The walls were covered in tapestries depicting stunning scenes of natural beauty. Likewise was the ceiling decorated, except that in the center was a crowned figure made of pure white. Directly below the woven figure was the throne. It was golden, like the rest of the room, and inlaid with rare and valuable crystals.

Upon the throne sat the Queen. She appeared to be middle-aged- though for someone who had apparently been ruling for fifty years, she looked suspiciously young. Perhaps surprisingly, her dress was not made of gold, instead being made of a reddish material that looked almost like copper. Her crown (more of a circlet- or perhaps a halo) was made of braided silver and offset her dark black hair. But even given all of that, she still seemed... normal. Her eyes were slitted and catlike - clearly inhuman - but that was it. No ominous cloud of darkness, no spirits whispering horrible things, nothing. For a ruler capable of invading people's minds and stealing their wills, she didn't seem that out of the ordinary.

Besides her, on a smaller seat inlaid into the throne, sat a young woman. She wore a circlet similar to the Queen, albeit slightly smaller and plainer, and was perhaps a few years older than the group watching for the shadows. She held a silver scepter in her hands, and her gaze wandered aimlessly around the room. She seemed to be paying only token attention to the Queen's current visitor.

That visitor, as it happened, was Geff the ship captain, along with a few of his crew members. "-don't rightly know, Your Majesty," Miyako caught him say. "They wandered off, talking about making their own boat or somethin. I haven't seen them since yesterday. Why d'you ask? They haven't been causing you trouble, have they?"

Edited by Ookla the Forgotten
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40 minutes ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

Kealie followed. "Really? I thought she was nice. I'm going to take off my blindfold for a while." She did so, then slipped it into her bag. "It was really yummy toast," she muttered.

"It really was good toast", Quest agreed. Quest glanced around, looking at the doors that lined the halls. "So, umm, we should probably go into a room eventually. Unless of course, if you want to find what's at the end?" 

27 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

The throne room was made of the same white and gold as the rest of the castle. The walls were covered in tapestries depicting stunning scenes of natural beauty. Likewise was the ceiling decorated, except that in the center was a crowned figure made of pure white. Directly below the woven figure was the throne. It was golden, like the rest of the room, and inlaid with rare and valuable crystals.

Upon the throne sat the Queen. She appeared to be middle-aged- though for someone who had apparently been ruling for fifty years, she looked suspiciously young. Perhaps surprisingly, her dress was not made of gold, instead being made of a reddish material that looked almost like copper. Her crown (more of a circlet- or perhaps a halo) was made of braided silver and offset her dark black hair. But even given all of that, she still seemed... normal. Her eyes were slitted and catlike - clearly inhuman - but that was it. No ominous cloud of darkness, no spirits whispering horrible things, nothing. For a ruler capable of invading people's minds and stealing their wills, she didn't seem that out of the ordinary.

Besides her, on a smaller seat inlaid into the throne, sat a young woman. She wore a circlet similar to the Queen, albeit slightly smaller and plainer, and was perhaps a few years older than the group watching for the shadows. She held a silver scepter in her hands, and her gaze wandered aimlessly around the room. She seemed to be paying only token attention to the Queen's current visitor.

That visitor, as it happened, was Geff the ship captain, along with a few of his crew members. "-don't rightly know," Miyako caught him say. "They wandered off, talking about making their own boat or somethin. I haven't seen them since yesterday. Why d'you ask? They haven't been causing you trouble, have they?"

Miyako cursed quietly, pulling back from the crack. "Who should we take out first?" Miyako hissed to the others. "I'm thinking we can get Geff and the young one before anyone notices. Acyolte, ya got those knives, right?" 

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako cursed quietly, pulling back from the crack. "Who should we take out first?" Miyako hissed to the others. "I'm thinking we can get Geff and the young one before anyone notices. Acyolte, ya got those knives, right?" 

"Uh, yeah," said Yerik, fumbling the knife out of its sheath.

The Queen laughed. "Well, maybe a little. No need to worry about it, my dear Geff. I was simply curious." She leaned forwards ever so slightly. "Where did you find them?"

"Hum," said Geff, taken aback slightly. "Well, the boy's with some cloaks. They paid enough for me to not ask too many questions. As for the other two, he picked 'em up on Juun. That's about all I know, really."

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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"Uh, yeah," said Yerik, fumbling the knife out of its sheath.

The Queen laughed. "Well, maybe a little. No need to worry about it, my dear Geff. I was simply curious." She leaned forwards ever so slightly. "Where did you find them?"

"Hum," said Geff, taken aback slightly. "Well, the boy's with some cloaks. They paid enough for me to not ask too many questions. As for the other two, he picked 'em up on Juun. That's about all I know, really."

"I go for princess over there and then you throw your knife at Geff. Can ya get a good throw on his head or throat?" Miyako asked, voice cold.

@Ookla the Crow


Mwhahah, now that Hyron is gone, Miyako has no one to stop her murderous intentions!!


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

"I go for princess over there and then you throw your knife at Geff. Can ya get a good throw on his head or throat?" Miyako asked, voice cold.

@Ookla the Crow

"Uh, maybe," replied Yerik, his hands trembling.

The Queen leaned forwards even further. "Really? You know nothing? Not even their names?"

Geff paused for a moment. "Huh. You really have a thing for names, don't you?"

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Just now, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"Uh, maybe," replied Yerik, his hands trembling.

The Queen leaned forwards even further. "Really? You know nothing? Not even their names?"

Geff paused for a moment. "Huh. You really have a thing for names, don't you?"

"Tides, tides, tides. Acolyte don't get soft now. Take 'em out and escape down the hall. Clean cut?"

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36 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

"Tides, tides, tides. Acolyte don't get soft now. Take 'em out and escape down the hall. Clean cut?"

"Yes. Yes. I'm fine." Yerik took a deep breath, trying to get the shaking of his hands under control.

"Perhaps," the Queen replied, her smile fading slightly. "What do you know of their names?"

Geff humphed. "Beg pardon, Your Majesty. Thanks very much for offering to help fix Cassandra, but I think I'd like to go back now."

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"Yes. Yes. I'm fine." Yerik took a deep breath, trying to get the shaking of his hands under control.

"Perhaps," the Queen replied, her smile fading slightly. "What do you know of their names?"

Geff humphed. "Beg pardon, Your Majesty. Thanks very much for offering to help fix Cassandra, but I think I'd like to go back now."

Miyako flicked upon her waterskin and moved towards the crack in the wall. She nearly shot out her stream of water, but last moment, Miyako hesitated.

"Geff the only sailor that would know your name?"

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako flicked upon her waterskin and moved towards the crack in the wall. She nearly shot out her stream of water, but last moment, Miyako hesitated.

"Geff the only sailor that would know your name?"

"Yeah," said Yerik, taking a deep breath. "When-whenever you're ready. Just... count from three or something."

The Queen's smile faded further. "Hm. I think you don't."

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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"Yeah," said Yerik, taking a deep breath. "When-whenever you're ready. Just... count from three or something."

The Queen's smile faded further. "Hm. I think you don't."

Miyako breathed for a moment, calming herself. A bead of sweat rolled down her face. Voice firm but quiet, with no hint of emotion, Miyako counted off for Yerik's sake. "One. Two." Miyako closed her eyes, pulling herself together. Her breathing felt rushed, paniced. She felt like a boulder was rolling downhill and she had to stay sprinting to stay ahead. Pause, think and you'd already be crushed. To fast.

Focus. Her mind felt sharp, cold. They are in the way, remove them. Miyako opened her eyes. If you were looking carefully, you would have seen them flash black. "Three."

Miyako's hand whipped out as she propelled a stream of water towards the young women's chest. It moved with the speed of an arrow, liquid steel aimed to kill.

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18 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

The Queen's smile faded further. "Hm. I think you don't."

Geff's brow furrowed. "Afraid I don't-"

"Geff," said the Queen.

There was no warning, no flash of light. Geff simply stopped talking. His expression changed, falling into a neutral, empty gaze.

"Much better," continued the Queen, her smile returning. "Now-"

At that moment, Yerik and Miyako attacked.

10 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako breathed for a moment, calming herself. A bead of sweat rolled down her face. Voice firm but quiet, with no hint of emotion, Miyako counted off for Yerik's sake. "One. Two." Miyako closed her eyes, pulling herself together. Her breathing felt rushed, paniced. She felt like a boulder was rolling downhill and she had to stay sprinting to stay ahead. Pause, think and you'd already be crushed. To fast.

Focus. Her mind felt sharp, cold. They are in the way, remove them. Miyako opened her eyes. If you were looking carefully, you would have seen them flash black. "Three."

Miyako's hand whipped out as she propelled a stream of water towards the young women's chest. It moved with the speed of an arrow, liquid steel aimed to kill.

Yerik took a deep breath, focused as much as he could, and threw the knife.

The young woman glanced at the hole where Miyako was hiding just in time to see the stream of water come streaking towards her. Her eyes widened. Then her dress exploded into a flurry of threads that rearranged themselves to block the incoming strike. As she did, Yerik's knife thunked into the carpet near to where Geff stood. He'd missed.

"Attack!" she cried. "We're being attacked!"


I rolled 2d6 for Yerik's attack and got a 4 lol

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Geff's brow furrowed. "Afraid I don't-"

"Geff," said the Queen.

There was no warning, no flash of light. Geff simply stopped talking. His expression changed, falling into a neutral, empty gaze.

"Much better," continued the Queen, her smile returning. "Now-"

At that moment, Yerik and Miyako attacked.

Yerik took a deep breath, focused as much as he could, and threw the knife.

The young woman glanced at the hole where Miyako was hiding just in time to see the stream of water come streaking towards her. Her eyes widened. Then her dress exploded into a flurry of threads that rearranged themselves to block the incoming strike. As she did, Yerik's knife thunked into the carpet near to where Geff stood. He'd missed.

"Attack!" she cried. "We're being attacked!"

Miyako eyes widened and she muttered a curse under her breath. She sliced her arm to the side and the stream pulled away from the young woman and towards the queen, shooting forward with lethal speed.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

Miyako eyes widened and she muttered a curse under her breath. She sliced her arm to the side and the stream pulled away from the young woman and towards the queen, shooting forward with lethal speed.

The young woman's shield melted, turning into a number of golden ropes that she thrust forwards at the attack.

The Queen turned, raising a hand. Miyako felt another force seize control of the stream, attempting to rip it to shreds.

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50 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

The young woman's shield melted, turning into a number of golden ropes that she thrust forwards at the attack.

The Queen turned, raising a hand. Miyako felt another force seize control of the stream, attempting to rip it to shreds.

Miyako gave up control of the stream and left it to the Queen's will. Miyako dashed over to Hyron and grabbed his waterskin. Ripping it open, she sent out a second stream, towards Geff's head.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

"It really was good toast", Quest agreed. Quest glanced around, looking at the doors that lined the halls. "So, umm, we should probably go into a room eventually. Unless of course, if you want to find what's at the end?" 

Miyako cursed quietly, pulling back from the crack. "Who should we take out first?" Miyako hissed to the others. "I'm thinking we can get Geff and the young one before anyone notices. Acyolte, ya got those knives, right?" 

"A room is fine," Kealie agreed cheerily. "Let's do that one, right up there, on the left with the golden trim."

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56 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"Alright. Thus begins Lesson Number Seven: How To Sense Magic Like a Pro." Vance gestured to... well, technically absolutely nothing. The floor, mostly. "Have a seat."

Antin say down."What happened to lessons one through six?"

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