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The 17th Shard Symphony Orchestra (and other musicians)

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2 minutes ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

What is everyone's favorite piece of orchestra music?

I really love Finlandia by Sibelius - but I might be biased in that it’s the only piece I’ve been able to play in an actual full orchestra with actual high-quality musicians. (I’m in a lot of youth ensembles that have musicians of all abilities, so you always get that one trumpet player who’s just started learning, is super enthusiastic and is always a mile in front of/behind everyone else. But hey, we were all there once :PIt’s also one of the only one’s I’ve heard live in a full orchestra (I’ve seen a lot of chamber music).

5 hours ago, SpinningSky said:

I must say I really don't see the parallel:lol: the piece is quite cool, but to me it sounds more like... Wit screwing around with people, or maybe a scene panning over several bridge four members spending time during an evening, with the Lopen screwing around, then Teft having sad flashbacks and such

Fair enough, the beauty of music is that it’s always open to different interpretations :D I can totally see where you’re coming from with yours and I really like it.

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15 hours ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

What is everyone's favorite piece of orchestra music?

How can I pick just one?

Ima list some score pieces that I absolutely adore.. actually, ima link y’all to my instrumental playlist on Spotify it ain’t all score, sue me:


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On 18/10/2022 at 0:35 PM, That1Cellist said:

I just want to talk about music. Music, music, music, music.

What was the coolest live performance people have been to?

So many… but if I told you, it would date me.   Badly.  I mean badly.  Message me if you want my embarrassing reveal.  

(Has anyone heard of The Hassles?) 

I was in a band as the bassist.  I can't play bass.  Bought one anyway.  Had lessons on violin, piano, viola, helpless with any of them now except I can make a sound on the viola.  I also bought (thanks to some random video that made it look EZ) a lap steel guitar I haven't mastered.

I can sing, though.

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12 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I play the flute!! And my plunking on the piano has turned into somewhat being able to play some very simple things. But mostly I flute.

Welcome! It's odd how many people who are on the shard also play instruments.

6 minutes ago, Ookla the Sibling said:

Hi! I play the guitar and alto saxophone mostly. I k now a bit of piano and i can play one song on the penny whistle (concerning hobbits).

Yay! More people! I also used to do a little bit of piano, but it's been a couple years now.

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I play the flute, piano (and sometimes piccolo)

I would like to join this esteemed orchestra! I completed my grade four ANZCA flute exam last week, and am up to grade 4 piano AMEB.

I hope this qualifies! Hhahaha

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13 hours ago, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

I'm a violinist!

Does anyone else have a massive, stressful Christmas concert coming up?

I do! Except it's not massive, it's not very stressful because the music is easy, except it actually is because it's my school orchestra and most of the people can't play the super easy music for some reason. It's more just an annoyance. I did, however, play a concert with my local symphony orchestra, and that was kind of stressful.

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I had a very busy week for music…

Monday - rest day, practicing for the rest of the week

Tuesday - school windband concert, my brother’s concert (he sang a solo and it was basically the first time I heard him sing, it was really good!)

Wednesday - my flute exammmmm which I was really nervous for (I got merit, 3 marks off a distinction, but I made stupid mistakes and I’m so annoyed at myself :angry:) I also had a concert for orchestra, but it was easy pieces so I wasn’t that nervous.

Thursday - rehearsal for orchestra

Friday - nothing, relax day haha

Saturday - concert in the same orchestra as Wednesday, but we did it with a male voice choir which was interesting and fun :D 

So yeah I was very tired :ph34r:

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4 hours ago, Ookla the Unknowing said:

Cool! Most of the percussion players I've heard of have been very strange people. (Looking at you, squishy Jack)

There are plenty of normal, non-squishy percussion players. Wait. Never mind, I was thinking of something else. Percussionists are insane.

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